How to survive a short fall off the fiscal cliff

The annual bleg

Statistics predict that of the several thousand people who visit this site every day, the vast majority live in households that make between $20,000 and $200,000 a year. That’s quite a range. But one thing we have in common is our paychecks will be lighter come New Year’s Day if no deal is reached, by about 50 to 500 dollars a check depending on where you fall into that spectrum. Being poor sucks, for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is begging readers for holiday handouts this week. But it has taught me to be extremely frugal. These are all obvious, I’m sure we all know about them, but being reminded doesn’t hurt, and knowing and practicing are two different things. [Read more…]

Golden Spike to announce flights to lunar surface (Updated)

A company called Golden Spike may confirm swirling rumors that it intends to land humans on the surface of the moon by the year 2020. It may sound like pie-in-the-sky, but this is no fly-by-night outfit. Reports are the company is staffed by some of the most accomplished engineers and mission planners to ever turn dreams into reality. Word is that includes Dr. Alan Stern of the New Horizon’s mission to Pluto and Beyond (Interviewed here), and former Apollo launch director Gerry Griffin.  [Read more…]

Rover hill, rover dale, as we hit the dusty trail

In the wake of the somewhat disappointing news about Mars Curiosity this week, there are reports of another rover in the works. That got me to think’n! We’re getting good at building these things and we might be on the cusp of a generalized rover design that would work in many places all over the solar system. A standardized, scalable and adaptable primary architecture and power train married to one of several reliable EDL packages that could turn this century into an age of discovery on par with the one kicked off by Columbus 500 years ago. Hey, a boy can dream. [Read more…]

Freedom Works goes Dickless

The annual bleg

The ground shakes, the sky darkens, an unholy union between a Master Orc and goblin minions forged deep in the darkest bowels of Mordor cleaves in twain: Dick Armey has left Freedom Works. This evil entity was arguably most responsible for funding and organizing and therefore elevating a nascent Teaparty. It was Armey’s Works who first saw crazy people in homemade colonial period costume ranting incoherently about the president’s birth certificate next to a van down by the river, and imagined the same crazy people in designer suits ranting about birth certificates on Fox News. No one is saying for sure why the Works are going Dickless, this is an organization that really values Dicks, the bigger the Dick the more they like it, so it’s quite the juicy little mystery: [Read more…]

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

The annual bleg

Remember when, things were different then? Lo, these many years ago, when there was a season I looked forward to all year. Alas, decades of deregulation and tax cuts threw our economy into the shitter and left the national savings account badly overdrawn. I was a victim, no recession has ever hit me like this. In no time I went from comfortable to trying to survive on a 12 dollar an hour job with no viable path to a living wage. It basically turned Christmas into another bill I couldn’t afford. Fortunately, I have some really kind readers who changed that when they pitched a few bucks into this week’s annual bleg. [Read more…]

Yes Virginia, there is a War on Christmas

Every December atheists are saddled with being Scrooges who hate Christmas. It’s a strawman of course, all the better to demonize us in the eyes of the public. I for one love Christmas. True, I don’t believe in supernatural beings, but in the same way I like Halloween even though I don’t believe in witches, I like Christmas even though I’m skeptical on Gods and flying reindeer. But it turns out there are indeed people who seek to demote Christmas. They’re called Christians: [Read more…]

Santorum finally gets a job he’s eminently qualified for

This is the kind of thing that makes me joke maybe there is a God and she loves me. Rick Santorum, wingnut extraordinaire, finally has a seat he’s completely qualified to sit in, right at the big table with the nuttiest crunchiest nutburgers in America. Man on Dog will now offer regular op-eds for the World Nut Daily and, true to form, you can almost hear the stealthy rotor-blades of black helicopters chopping the air in his first screed: [Read more…]