The People’s Insurance Company & the Great Bailout Caper

We the People have sold our last shares in the American Insurance Group or AIG. While there were many firms that contributed to the Great Recession, AIG was arguably the number one culprit in sinking the economy and throwing millions of hard-working middle class taxpayers into the misery and chaos of unemployment. Including by the way, your humble blogger.  [Read more…]

Jon Testor is a super cool guy

Guest speaker Tester visits students to talk about overcoming challenges

Sen. Jon Tester traveled to Hamilton Friday to let 7-year-old Ethan MacPherson know that missing a few fingers doesn’t create an insurmountable challenge in anyone’s life. Ethan’s mother, Amber Mattern, looks on as the senator provides the Washington Elementary student some encouragement Friday morning.

For yea, he has risen

He was once  a powerful king, but the powers that be judged him unfit, he was cast out to wander the desert, alone and unloved. Then, lo, by a miracle he was lifted up, cleansed of his sins and reborn a new and decent caring man who will carry the message of helping the poor and tending the sick in his heart and on his lips for all time. We’re talking of course about Charlie Crist, former governor of Florida and now a former Republican: [Read more…]

Remodel underway

As you can probably see, we’ve had an overnight make over at FTB. If you notice any problems, if you can’t sign in or the UI is out of frame, ads overlapping or covering up content, etc, let us know. Please include your operating system and broswer info, thanks!

Technophiles, check out this new toy!

The annual bleg

Check out this sweet little HANNSpad 7″ tablet, powered by Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich complete with wifi. The best part, I got two of ’em basically for the price of one! Which would never have happened if not for generous response to my annual bleg. All I need to know now is how in the hell to configure it …

This is the last day I’ll ask for handouts, at least until next year and hopefully forever. If you already gave a few bucks or are considering it, thank you, those contributions really touched me at a time when I was feeling sorry for myself and really needed it. And now? .:Happy Dance:.

Thanks again, have great Christmas and happy New Year!

DeMint to leave Senate for rightwing think tank

Jim DeMint (R-Secede) has announced he will leave the Senate to head the one of the most influential think tanks in the nation. The Heritage Foundation was created in part by uber wingnut trailblazers like Joseph Coors to offset what conservatives of the time saw as Nixon’s pursuit of liberal solutions (Yes, you read that right). The Foundation rose to prominence in the early 80s as one of the pioneering cheerleaders for ‘reducing government,’ by which they meant exactly what the teaparty means today, robbing from the poor and giving to the rich. They’ve done some other, more novel things too: [Read more…]