Romney’s back on the small government kick

Ah yes, the inevitable small government BS regularly regurgitated by conservatives whenever there’s a program helping regular folks they would rather redirect to the offshore accounts of uber-rich people, like Romney. Wherein people hear small government and think maybe there’ll be less in the way of speeding tickets or red tape at the DMV, and actually end up with dirtier water and air, and less protection for their hard-won rights and savings. And that’s assuming Mittens’ means it, which given the video below, is debatable.

The Great Debate

Promoted like a monster truck rally, the stakes in tonight’s debate are said to be ginormous. Certainly the media would like there to be a story, better yet a horse race. I personally find it drab and unexciting (If they were actual debates with points and fact checking, that would be different). Nevertheless, willpower and time permitting, I will be here liveblogging Mitt Romney’s Festival of Lies: [Read more…]

OK Ohio, time to show us how to rock and roll!

Ohio is key to Romney, if he loses that state his path to electoral bliss hits a brick wall. It’s mathematically possible for him to win, but much harder. Recent polls show Obama with solid lead in the state, but voters are fickle and events unpredictable. The good news is early voting begins in the Buckeye Stete this Tuesday, if you know anyone in Ohio, now would be a good time to call them. If you live and/or vote in Ohio, our fate is in your hands this week: now would be a good time to ask a friend or two if they want to head to the polls with you.

Ohio Voting Info ….. Ohio Voter Station Locator

Garbage in, garbage out

It was bound to happen sooner or later. The conservative fantasy world, so carefully crafted with Kochwhore pocket change, has built up an alternate reality so seductive that it’s now turning on its creators. One way it manifests is with GOP denial over polling data showing Romney ina  death spiral. Garbage in, garbage out, now the untreated run off is flowing like rapids, so why not make an honest buck off of it? [Read more…]

Romney has some splain’n to do

The tape that was heard around the world is still circling the global net today. In it Mitt Romney basically calls out half of us as being parasitic moochers who pay no tax and for whom he isn’t concerned with. I’d very much like Romney to walk in my shoes for one month to see just how lazy and entitled I am … Anywho, that’s music to the ears of the trust fund and vulture cap brigades. What might not go over so well is the man in whose home Romney made those remarks: [Read more…]