Needless to say, dixie wingnuts love them some E. W. Jackson » « Humans “benefited” from climate change is a dicey way to say it An atheist tornado survivor! Share this:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterReddit Needless to say, dixie wingnuts love them some E. W. Jackson » « Humans “benefited” from climate change is a dicey way to say it
thebookofdave says May 22, 2013 at 11:35 am Even worse: an Oklahoman bold enough to challenge the almighty Lord right on camera. How much you wanna bet she’s personally responsible for provoking His judgment?
Thank the lord for the tornado?
Even worse: an Oklahoman bold enough to challenge the almighty Lord right on camera. How much you wanna bet she’s personally responsible for provoking His judgment?
He missed…