Do you believe in miracles? Well obviously not, but this is an unexpected triumph!
MS – INITIATIVE 26 asks voters: “Should the term ‘person’ be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the equivalent thereof?”
Update: Personhood, this race is called! With half the precincts in, good guys lead … No 58%, to Yes 42%, up by over 50,000 votes out of about 344,000.
Update: Personhood still down: 59% to 41%, good guys are up by about 48,000 votes out of about 258,000 cast so far. Almost half of all precincts reporting. Many of the remaining precincts appear to be fairly small. It’s unclear the number of votes remaining.
Update: Personhood now near defeat: 60% to 40% with one-third of precincts reporting. This race could be called for the good guys soon.
Update: Personhood still down 58% to 42% with about one-third one-quarter of precincts reporting . There is real hope here, remaining votes would have to go almost 3 to 1 in favor of MS 26 (in those conservative regions). But many large, conservative leaning districts have not reported results.
Update: Personhood still down 57% to 43% with about one-third of precincts reporting . There is real hope here, remaining votes would have to go almost 3 to 1 in favor of MS 26. But many large, conservative leaning districts have not reported results.
Update: Personhood down 57% to 43% now with 16% of precincts reporting. Looking better, but still a long way to go.
While there is good news and bad all over the midwest and east coast, alas, Mississippi’s effort to hammer a square peg into a round hole and redefine science to fit fundamentalist theology is is losing, but less than 10% have reported and we don’t know if they’re at all representative. Via the TPM scoreboard:
MS – INITIATIVE 26 asks voters: “Should the term ‘person’ be defined to include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning, or the equivalent thereof?”
Yes 44% 13,347 votes No 56% 16,796 votes
Stupid question: What percentage of response does it take to be declared final result one way or the other?
Each newsource has it’s own model for that with variables for district, AP is considered fairly solid in that respect.
crosspost from Pharyngula:
The fundie xian female slavery-forced birth attempt has so far failed.
Update: Personhood, this race is called! With half the precincts in, good guys lead … No 58%, to Yes 42%, up by over 50,000 votes out of about 344,000. Stolen from Zingularity, FTB.
This is about the best proof the gods exist, I’ve seen in a loonnngggg time.
They chose Mississippi because it is the most backward state. Who knows, maybe they are getting tired of being poor and ignorant.
Great to hear. It was especially ironic that one of the pushers of this bill said that it “would send shockwaves through the country” if it passed. IMO, it would have done that if it passed almost anywhere else; in Mississippi, not so much. OTOH, if it can’t pass even in a place like Mississippi – especially losing by such a big margin – there’s not really anywhere else they can try, except maybe Oklahoma.
Aren’t there already laws like this in PA and UT, not quite as sweeping as this one, but still very problematic.
Still, good for Mississippi. If it can be stopped there it can be stopped anywhere.
I’m pleasantly surprised. Well done, progressive voters in Mississippi!
That was really unexpected. I saw a lot of polling, private and public, that had that issue split at best and trended toward passage. A win like that in a state like this means indies swung, hard, against and that even some Republicans joined them.
This is a Victory .
It also shows that people do think and will vote their own minds when they see something that just doesn’t pass the smell test.
I hope that those on this side of these issues study this vote and learn from it.
I apologize to the voters in Mississippi I really thought this was a done deal.