Dominionists allegedly beat gay couple in church parking lot

I suppose it should come as no surprise that a group of Jesus loving fundamentalists attacked fellow church members in broad daylight right in the parking lot for being gay. What makes this attack particularly sickening is it was instigated by one of the victim’s fathers, and local police may have acted as lookouts for the bullies:

The attackers also verbally assaulted the couple continually with anti-gay verbiage which continued even after a Sheriff’s Deputy arrived on the scene. Bystanders and other congregants made no effort to stop the assault. For that matter, neither did the Deputy Sheriff. Once the barrage of punches ended, the Deputy refused to let the two victims press charges

The Gibson County Sheriff contact info is here, hopefully someone will check into this.


  1. Francisco Bacopa says

    Of course these kids turned out gay. Did you see the name of their town? Fruitville.

    Seriously, this is appalling. Getting gay-bashed by your whole family in public? Jerry and Dustin need to move to a bigger city with a large gay community. Maybe they can become the gay team on The Amazing Race.

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