Backlash to the NYT op-ed

There has, not surprisingly, been a huge reaction to the anonymous New York Times op-ed penned by someone the paper describes as a ‘senior official in the Trump administration’. If the author expected to be treated as some kind of hero, then s/he must be disappointed. There has been condemnation from many sides, the only supporters being those who like to see Trump embarrassed and do not care that the author and associates in this scheme to undercut policies they dislike seem to be doing so because they think he is not conservative enough or not as hardline on foreign policy.
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Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind

It may seem like there is nothing that the fever swamps of the right wing can throw up that would be disavowed by the Republican party. But it seems that even they have limits. You may recall my post on QAnon, the bizarre conspiracy mystery phenomenon that has inexplicably captured the allegiance of so many people despite its manifest wackiness, such as that Donald Trump and the military are in a secret allegiance to combat the Deep State and are at this very moment poised to carry out sweeping indictments and arrests of vast numbers of well-known people before they can stage their coup.
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Yet another rabbit hole to avoid

There are so many weird news items these days that I simply ignore most of them as not worth following up, since their existence is so fleeting and they are soon replaced by the next absurdity. But if they occur frequently enough, then the names and words associated with them stick in my mind and once in a while I find an article that explains what is going on. That is the case with QAnon.
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