Cooper Union’s stand on bathrooms

The issue of who gets to use what public bathrooms is an increasingly contentious one with the state of North Carolina, for example, passing a law that would force transgender persons to use the facility according to the gender they were assigned at birth and forbidding local entities from doing otherwise. The new law also “prevents all cities and counties from extending protections covering sexual orientation and gender identity at restaurants, hotels and stores.”
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Big victory today for trade unions

On February 16, I wrote about a case Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association that had been heard before the US Supreme Court that threatened the existence of trade unions because it challenged a long-standing 1977 precedent. That earlier case named Abood v. Detroit Board of Education allowed unions to collect fees from non-union members to cover the costs incurred in contract negotiations and enforcement that also benefited non-union members.
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World T20 cricket update

The four semi-finalists have been decided in the World T20 tournament currently underway in India. England will play New Zealand on Wednesday and India takes on West Indies on Thursday, with the final being held on Sunday. I will be cheering for New Zealand and West Indies and if they both win I will be neutral in the final. The 20-over form seems to be the one area where West Indies is still playing well and they have a good shot at the title.
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Are the allegations against Cruz defamatory?

The story in the National Enquirer that Ted Cruz had affairs with five women has had at least one beneficial outcome and that is it sheds some light on how the political gossip machine operates. Michael Calderone decribes it as a massive game of telephone and takes us through the timeline of how the rumors went from person to person and quickly became a complicated web where it has become impossible to figure out who originated the story. It seems like the story has been circulating for months, and was at one time being pushed by the Marco Rubio camp at a time when he and Cruz were vying for the second place slot behind Trump.
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