Quiz on the US constitution

Given the umbrage that Donald Trump took when asked by Khizr Khan as to whether he had even read the US constitution, people have taken to turning up at his rallies with pocket copies of it, prompting the question as to how familiar people are with this much cited document. The Guardian has come up with a pop quiz on facts connected to it. I got 8/10 correct.

Cricket shocker

It has been a while since I wrote about cricket and the fans of the game among this blog’s readership (yes, both of them) may have felt that a post was long overdue. What prompts this one is a shocking result in which Sri Lanka has thoroughly defeated Australia in two consecutive Test matches played in Sri Lanka.
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Trump’s half-hearted pivot

One of the distinguishing features of the Donald Trump campaign has been his breezy assurance that he will defeat all his opponents and win. Almost all candidates try to portray confidence in their own eventual success. That is how they get people to join their campaigns and contribute money. But they also try to temper that with some caveats so that their supporters don’t get complacent.
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Birds and windmills

If you attend talks about alternative forms of energy, you can often find people in the audience challenging the use of wind power by saying that windmill blades kill a lot of birds. This gives many people pause because those who support alternative energy sources also tend to be those who support humane treatment of animals and the idea of birds being sliced by the blades is worrisome.
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The New York Times ignores rising Jewish anti-Zionist sentiment

It has long been well-established that the New York Times, castigated as liberal by American conservatives, is actually a solidly pro-establishment institution and even at times conservative, neoconservative, and war mongering in its reporting and editorial stances. In particular, it has long had an anti-Palestinian slant.
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