How the VFX industry in the US is being destroyed

Since today is Oscar day, here is another post about films, albeit a downbeat one about the little noticed but important category of Visual Effects or VFX. I have written several times about the way that the special effects film industry in the US is being steadily destroyed. The reasons are fairly complicated but reader Gordon has sent me an excellent article by David Sirota that provides the clearest explanation for what’s going on.
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Newest member of The Liars Club

While there have been calls for James Clapper, president Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, to resign because of his admitted lies to Congress, Obama continues to defend him, only saying that Clapper should have been ‘more careful’ in his testimony to Congress, i.e., it’s ok if he lies but he should be more careful to not get caught. Of course, liars have to stand together since Obama has also been complicit in these lies.
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Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Orly Taitz is running for office again!

Long time readers of this blog know that Orly Taitz is my all time favorite person. Search her name on my blog and you will find so many entries that I fear that it is bordering on an obsession. But I cannot help it because she is so adorable. I feel I know her so well that although we have never met, I feel comfortable calling her by her first name, especially since she commented once on this blog. I feel that it makes us close even though, alas, it appears from her comment that she does not hold me in the same high esteem that I have for her.
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