The Higgs Story-Part 1: The three faces of Higgs

Around the time of reports last year about the discovery of the Higgs particle at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), reader Anthony in a private email to me asked a good question. The Higgs particle is repeatedly referred to as the means by which all other particles get their mass. If not for the Higgs, elementary particles like the electron, muon, and the like would be massless and like all massless particles would be zipping around at the speed of light. At present, there is no explanation for why these particles have mass at all let alone the actual values that they do have. According to current theory, it is the Higgs phenomenon that gives all the other particles their mass. So how does that happen? [Read more…]

How creative people get exploited

NPR had a good report this morning on an issue that was discussed earlier (see here and here) that looked the dire straits that the visual special effects (VFX) industry is in, even though the films that they make possible make a ton of money. For example, Life of Pi has made $600 million dollars worldwide while Rhythm & Hues, the company that made it possible by producing the stunning effects and for which it won an Academy Award, has filed for bankruptcy. [Read more…]

A depressing anniversary

I feel obliged to note that today marks the 10th anniversary of the beginning, in the teeth of widespread worldwide opposition, of the unprovoked war of aggression by the US on Iraq, a war based on lies and sold to us by a dishonest government, cheered on by a supine Congress, and media propaganda. All those who were involved in that fraud should not only be ashamed of themselves but should have been exposed as liars and incompetents. But many of the principals refuse to acknowledge that they participated in an awful crime and have been allowed to get away scot free. [Read more…]

How to deal with the ‘Craig Con’: Part 4

In the third post in this series (see Part 1 and Part 2), I said that despite the risks presented by being blindsided with the Craig Con, it would be a pity to avoid face-to-face debates with religionists altogether because such exchanges are often sponsored by religious groups and the audience often consists of religious people. These debates can serve as a means of reaching audiences who may not otherwise hear the scientific and atheist point of view. [Read more…]