…but I’m afraid these lyrics make about as much sense to me as the original Queen song.
…but I’m afraid these lyrics make about as much sense to me as the original Queen song.
Aww, I don’t get as much furious Catholic email as I used to, so this is just a sentimental blast from the past.
www.vaticancatholic.com I hereby declare- you to be – – an unlawful obstructionist. I order all those assembled to immediately disperse. I repeat- to immediately disperse. I order all your activity to immediately cease. I repeat-to immediately cease. It is not in accord with the ordinances of Canon Law. Due to your catalytic tendency of disseminating objectives adverse to Christendom – you are therefore ordered to discontinue your illegal profession. Failure to do so will result in proactive, responsive, and co-active measures. I judge, adjudge, adjudicate, deem, determine and declare your thoughts, words, actions, public or secret, and omissions, biological and spiritual property, subject to the Jurisdiction of the Unfathomable, Infinite, and Ineffable Excellence of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Further, your humanist anachronism, obscurantism, absurdum, intent, mission, and schemes, are henceforth proscribed and condemned. You may be arrested and or subject to other police action. It has so been declared: It is declared that all non-Catholic government exists in a state of inauthenticity. It is thenceforth declared that all modern constitutional states lack canonical legitimacy. It has therefore been thenceforth declared that their existence is an offense to the Divine Majesty and a crime against humanity. The aforesaid Freemasonic corporations are hereby declared anachronical to true human progress. It is decided in order for modern constitutional states to gain authenticity they must recognize the Supreme Jurisdiction of the Papacy and all Papal Dogmas. As a failure to do so will only inflame the Catholic against such blasphemous tyrannical backwards regimes. Lord God is due to make Visitation to such blighted and noxious governments and tyrannies. He will Visit the iniquities upon the infidels and the Anti-Church bigots. Terror will overtake the faces of the unwashed masses. These exquisite bigots against the Papacy will know that the Lord God Himself has done it. The infidel are richly fattened for such Visitation. It is hereby determined. ‘Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra’. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Libertarianism (and the constitution) are simply tyrannical failures and instruments that lead to false flag attacks and government-run pedophilia through their Manual (and Visual) Body-Cavity Searches of Juvenile Hall youth. A Catholic Monarchy simply is the answer to today’s varied and many problems. There is Absolutely No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church see www.vaticancatholic.com
So when did the Catholics declare paragraph breaks to be heretical?
I always try to be friendly when I meet people at conferences and stuff — maybe I should stop, it’s probably contributing to this horrible “teddy bear” reputation I’ve been afflicted with — but every once in a while I hear some report, usually from someone with a demonstrated hatred of me already, that I was unkind to some stranger somewhere, and that I’m just generally an awful person to people. I’m always baffled by these complaints, because I honestly do not recall ever blowing someone off.
But Rebecca Watson seems to have the knack for exposing such nonsense. She was recently accused of cruelly rebuffing a couple of fans by going all Heather and Mean Girl on them, and by the claim that there was an email trail showing this behavior. And what does Watson do? She pulls out the email herself, and shows there was no such behavior. Entirely the opposite, actually.
Which means, I think, that by so devastatingly revealing the truth of the story, that she was even more mean.
Noooo…now I discover a book, The Phrenology of Barack Obama by Bensa Magos.
In his newest book, The Phrenology of Barack Obama, author Bensa Magos returns to reveal the secrets behind the occulted past of President Barack Obama using the pseudo-science of phrenology. Magos uncovers natural, unnatural, and preternatural features of “Manchurian Candidate” Obama’s cranium and brainpan, including the mysterious “head scar” which the mass media refuses to discuss. Causes for the head scar range from CIA brain-implants to a partial lobotomy by his puppet master handlers, as well as the most shocking revelation: that Obama once had a horn. Magos follows a trail of evidence that leads from Obama’s brain surgery and dehorning, to government Mind Control programs like MKULTRA and MONARCH with roots in the Na zi Occult, and ultimately to the satanic endgame revealed by the Demon Horn of Moloch.
The engines canna take it any more. I think I’ll go tend to my fish for a while. They are much more sensible than you humans.
Once they can hold a shotgun, we’re doomed. Or the octopuses are.
One annoying thing is that the news report keeps saying it has multiple claws. No, it does not. It has two big chelipeds, the correct number, and it has a number of walking claws or pereiopods that look about right. The left cheliped is weird: I can’t tell for sure, but it either has mirror-image duplication of the propodus and dactylus, or multiple duplications of the dactylus. The latter would be interesting; that would suggest a failure of the proximal-distal patterning information in the claw.
Someone more knowledgeable in the fine-grained morphology of lobster claws ought to do a labeling of the digit identities for us.
You must read this overheated paean to his semen by a pickup artist (or if you prefer, you can have Saruman read it aloud to you). This guy literally thinks his seed is so wonderful that women ought to be begging him for it.
But, excuse my bio-pedantry, there’s one part that I found factually annoying. It reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of basic reproductive biology and genetics.
My salty essence and genetic code is a gift from my father, and his father, and his father, and on it goes. Its the sticky genetic code of self-sufficient men who have protected and provided for family, women and children. Its the haplogroup of men who built civilization. I have the genetic lineage of warriors, business owners, firefighters, blacksmiths, farmers, herders, poets, politicians, soldiers, artists and even chefs. Hard jobs that help build the world, thinking jobs that help build a culture, they’ve all been done by men in my bloodline. My ceiling for accomplishment is limitless.
That leaves out a significant fact. Approximately half of the genetic sequence in Mr Raving PUA’s sperm comes from his mother, and from her mother and his father’s mother, etc. Half of it is from the women who built civilization. I think that’s a fine thing, but I wonder; does he believe it dilutes the quality of his semen that it isn’t exclusively passed on from father to son?
(Sorry, passing semen from father to son is a really icky image.)
Further, half of his glorious seed will generate mere daughters. Clearly, his proud man-juice is weak and tainted with the poison of femininity.
Also, for some reason, I couldn’t help thinking of the Kronar stories on Oglaf (NSFW!).
I creakily got out of bed this morning, threw some water on my bleary-eyed face, and started in on my usual pile o’ email, and what’s at the top? This.
Bah, humbug. My back hurts and my knees and ankles ache, and what stretches in front of me is a long day sitting in an office and meetings and lectures. No dancing. No dancing ever.
This is a 1995 documentary on the Mandelbrot set, which features Arthur C. Clarke narrating as we zoom in on the fractals, while David Gilmour of Pink Floyd plays the guitar. I think you’re supposed to take a hallucinogen before watching it.
Don’t let him in if he comes knocking!
Stupid cat. Can’t even decide if he’s a Jaeger or a Kaiju.
He hasn’t changed a bit. John Kwok is bleating at Greg Laden now.
Would you believe he thinks he finally has a shot at getting that Leica M7 rangefinder camera?