It’s been over a decade since I even thought about Thunderf00t AKA Phil Mason. He had a blog here on FtB for about 3 days before he flamed out spectacularly — he decided to use his opportunity here to screech about feminism, and rant about all us cucks and how contemptible the site was. He was an embarrassing disaster, and we kicked him out (although, unfortunately, he kept his password to the backchannel and copied all the private discussions we’d had about this mess, and dumped them to the denizens of the slymepit.) He was a truly awful, obsessive, immoral person, we discovered.
Now Rebecca Watson picks at the scab and tells us what Thunderf00t is obsessed with now. It’s Elon Musk. I can’t fault him for that, but I can fault him for being so bad in his arguments. He is objectively bad at making arguments about anything.
Would you believe Thunderf00t still has one million subscribers on YouTube? Getting booted off freethoughtblogs didn’t do him any harm at all.
Let me guess. Thruderf00l think the fascist ketamine junkie is a genius?
No! He actually hates Musk!
I remember.
@ 2
Odd, you’d think TF would worship that shit-stain.
Finally got a chance to watch the video over my break.
I haven’t watched anything done by Thunderf00t for about a decade and I do not intend to change that. I watched Rebecca’s video but I skipped the part where she shows a clip of him.
Oh yeah, he’s still around. I ran across a link to one of his videos (on how Starship is a failure because it hasn’t landed on the moon yet) in the comments for another blog I frequent and I had to go through and explain why his analysis was complete and utter trash. There are many reasons to dislike Elon Musk, but none of the things he mentioned were actually valid criticisms.
Kind of odd how he dislikes Elon. I would have thought he was at least tech-bro adjacent. Maybe he’s jealous?
^ Jealous of Elon Musk? Geezus H Christ on a popsicle stick.
charly – that’s exactly how I treat these fuckos. his voice is very nearly as nauseating as trxfkp’s. amusing to see shitlords getting cwanky at each other for a minute.
I sometimes wonder what was going through my mind when I was a fan of Thunderf00t. This whole atheism and skepticism thing was fairly new to me, so I assume I was still getting my bearings.
He was most certainly a YouTuber. Thought he was more.
When he attempted to become a blogger (brief as that attempt was) it turned out to be a total disaster.
(Different media)
Odd, you’d think TF would worship that shit-stain.
Well, aside from making pointless stupid comments about the color of a rocket’s exhaust plume (and how neat and symmetrical it was), and prematurely celebrating a failure that didn’t happen, we’re not shown any specific points of disagreement between Underf00t and #QElon. So maybe they don’t really disagree on much of substance, and Underf00t is just bashing #QElon to mooch some of the attention we’re paying to #QElon, and just being an attention-seeking ankle-biter with nothing to say…?
Some good discussion by Rebecca Watson about space explorationand the need to separate SpaceX from Musk and not rely on private space agencies for it there too. Good clip. thanks.
Thunderfootinmouth was most probably rejected for some award/job by a Mu5k entity. His large ego (obviously compensating for a small… intellect) couldn’t handle it.
Or maybe he got in a parking-space spat a couple decades ago and can’t let go.
No matter what, there’s something irrational here. But then, that’s not much of a surprise.
Wow. That is … a take.
In other news, the Eiffel Tower has ALSO not landed on the moon yet. Let’s tear it apart and recycle it, eh?
@10 – His early videos were “why do people laugh at creationists,” and they generally featured the mind-numbingly dumb arguments of the important creationist gurus. The videos were never as content-heavy as AaronRa’s or PZ’s, but usually were a good watch, and often would include points that were new to me. However, it was clear even in those videos that he was going for mockery more than structured arguments. His really problematic stuff became apparent when he started shifting to other topics.
I’m mildly positively surprised he isn’t a Muskrat (sorry to actual muskrats)
From Monthy Python: “How do you recognise a Mason?”
The sketch ended by demonstrating how to handle troublesome Masons.
blockquote>just being an attention-seeking ankle-biter with nothing to say…?
Didn’t he aspire to be a thigh-biter at some point? Or was that someone else?
It’s too late for blockquotes on my time zone.
I followed Thunderf00t for many years because his amusing take downs of creationists were fun and educational. I also liked his astronomy videos, science experiments and early work with drones.
Aside from that I have no opinion if he decides to jump into a volcano.
C2H5OH, most likely. Fortunately, its effects wore off after a while, as they usually do. :)
Not a very good video by RW. Her arguments are kind of weak and most of the video is irrelevant to musk and TF. TF’s main criticism against musk is that he is basically the bigger version of Elizabeth Holm scam where he promises but never delivers. That Tesla is massively overvalued because Elon has created this image of an “Ironman” genius who promises nonsensical stuff but never delivers. The moon landing in 10 years is probably a reference to Musk claiming he will be on Mars in 10 years.
I remember having Thunderfoot’s Musk criticism stuff in my Youtube feed a few years ago. Maybe Boring stuff like this:
I don’t recall if it got any better as far as content, but it wasn’t him live commenting on a rocket launch.
No it has not really. Thunderf00t is really stuck in the decades old style of video creation with the same old “insert random movie clips” way of editing that is way outdated. Nonetheless, his criticism of Musk is fine and he gets credit for going at the Musk when the left loved him, and he was a symbol of fighting against the global warming, pushing for electric vehicles against the right-wing opposition and Musk was grifting his way through the left by doing various rainbow tweets, and LGBT support.
So I think RW’s video is silly and unfair because even though TF is boneheaded, he can’t be called a grifter.
They were supposed to have already resched mars from my recollection. Just goal post moves always to soon or next year.
I think part of the background here is that Kyle Kulinski was referring people to Thunderfoot’s anti-Musk content and Rebecca Watson noticed that. Kulinski may be unaware of Thunderfoot’s behavior toward’s Watson, Sarkeesian and others. Watson recounted that horrible history for the record. I don’t know if Kulinski will ever take notice. Hopefully he does.
I had seen some of Tfoot’s Boring stuff a while back, but did recall some of the terrible local history with him. His Boring content didn’t seem all that bad. But he has some stuff to atone for and I would rather watch Watson’s stuff than anything he does.
Kulinski‘s Secular Talk channel is ok for leftish takes on current events but he can be a bit annoying sometimes.
TF’s past behavior has nothing to do with the validity of his Musk critism. This is really the kind of silly purity test that is I don’t like. As I wrote, I don’t think his videos on Musk are of super good quality but they are fine. Why can’t we recommend them if we like them?