Bryan Johnson, that weirdo millionaire who wants turn aging backwards, taking megadoses of supplements and transfusing himself with blood from his son, has another game he plays with his kids: plethysmography! Every night they strap a measuring device on to their penises, and then the next morning they compare the frequency and duration of their erections.
So far, the kid is winning.
How many of you would make this effort for your kids? And still aren’t in prison?
This seems like an appropriate place to cross-post something I put in the Infinite Thread just this morning.
Mississippi politician files ‘Contraception Begins at Erection Act’
Look, it’s science right? Right? I do have to say, 6 erections a night, no wonder I wake up tired most mornings. What’s the biological thing with that anyway?
When does he start building his giant wooden airplane?
Even by lonely-irrelevant-crank standards, this guy is just a useless creep. If any non-famous-millionaire admitted to playing this sort of “game” with his kids, he’d be tarred as a pedo and put on a sex-offender registry, AT LEAST.
Is anyone taking this wanker seriously? If so, WHY?
He is obviously gone bye-bye reality. Time to call in child services. Not that authorities will dare do their job.
What is it about the Johnsons?
Mike Johnson (Speaker of the House) has an app he shares with his son that informs the other when one of them are viewing porn.
I don’t know which Johnson is worse. (It’s Mike, but that’s beside the point.)
Not only is he gathering data on his son’s erections, he posts it on social media.
Words fail me.
That is really very creepy, particularly with the intro line “Raise children to stand tall, be firm and be upright”. And I have the clear impression that Bryan has no idea how creepy he’s being to do this in the first place much more to be publishing it. Jeez.
Yeah, another rich person turns out to be a clueless idiot with no effing idea how real people function in the real world outside the bubble-verse he’s bought for himself and his kids. This is what we get when we worship rich people as paragons of bravery and virtue.
Time to call in child services.
Yeah, they might be able to help, once they’ve figured out which one of those two is the child…
#6: Actually, Bryan’s Johnson looks to be the worst…
Sorry to burst everyone’s outrage bubble, but there’s no “child” anywhere in this story. Bryan Johnson’s son is a 19-year old adult man. There’s no evidence anywhere that his father is publishing this story against his will, or that he is being abused in any way.
“Call in child services”? Haaaa ha!
Creepy? Well, creepy is in the eye of the beholder.
19 year olds are still children. They maybe legally considered adults but they are still teenagers. Also the dude is literally a vampire feeding off his own kid. It’s exploitative and gross.
#1 @ Reginald Selkirk
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate
-Jaquemin & Howard/Palin & Jones
@strewth #3
So darlin’, put your goggles on,
And up-up-and-away we’ll fly!
In a big ginormous airplane,
In a big ginormous airplane,
In a big ginormous airplane,
In the sky!
-Provenmire, Marsh, Olson, and Culross Jr.
torcuato #12
If you cannot legally purchase and consume alcohol, you are a minor.
Desire Under the Elms
torcuato: minor or not, this is still creepy, at least in the eyes of this beholder.
If my dad had suggested this “game” when I was 17 I would have considered it creepy, and run like hell away. And I wouldn’t have considered it any less creepy if he’d suggested it when I was 18, or 19, or 21…
(chigau: “Minor” generally means under 18 — that’s the age when you get to vote, join the army, have sex, marry, sign contracts, etc. Where your state sets the legal drinking age is another matter.
I think it’s damn obvious Talmage is quite aware of what’s going on, and has bought into the idea.
From an article I checked last time this was mentioned here:
chigau @15: In the US, age of majority varies from 18 to 21, depending on the state. But age you can buy alcohol is 21.
In Canada, the age of majority can be 18 or 19, depending on province/territory, as can the age you can buy alcohol. But the two ages don’t always match. E.g., in Ontario, age of majority is 18, but you can’t buy booze until you’re 19.
Many years ago I went on a trip from Calgary to Washington State University in Pullman to visit some friends who were in grad school. Maybe it was University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho.
The two University towns were 9 miles apart on a fairly straight, flat stretch of road BUT they were in different states.
One state had 18 as a drinking age, the other had 19.
That stretch of road was interesting on weekends.
A quick google tells me that in USA, 16 is legal to get married in most states, all branches of the military will take you at 17, and voting at 18 rather than 21 was to provide cannon-fodder for the Vietnam War.
Just when you thought reenacting as a Confederate soldier or a Nazi with your kid wasn’t creepy or weird enough.
Move over Muskrat, there’s a new creepiest dad in town.
What brainworm caused either of them to 1) think it up in the first place and 2) think it was a good idea and 3) think it was a good idea to post it to social media?
yeah, well… father to son.
@rorschach #2, One M.D. on YouTube alleged that the purpose of night erections is to properly exchange blood in the organ and ensure the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue. If it were shriveled up all the time, the tissue could degenerate and lose function. These night erections are not always (possibly seldom) accompanied by erotic arousal.
Every night they strap a measuring device on to their penises, and then the next morning they compare the frequency and duration of their erections.
Did he ever specify why this metric is even relevant or worth talking about?
I guess he views it as a measure of “virility”, always enormously important to those generously endowed with toxic masculinity.
Maybe, BB.
Here, a primary source on how he views it:
It’s but one of 44 measurements he takes as to measure his physiological status.
Like, he’s quite obsessive, but not so much about virility (or libido, presumably), and more about ageing.
Supposedly, it’s an indicator of vascular health.
I mean, I’m not a quack, but it does seem rather redundant, other metrics surely already cover that.
#20: Yeah, I did a visit to WSU when I was shopping for universities. It has long had a reputation as the party school in Washington state — I decided against it.
Then I looked into UW, and discovered that the frat house party scene in Seattle was far more intense and decadent than anything going on in Pullman/Moscow.