Cephalopod Awareness Day Alert #4


One last compendium, I think, unless I find unusually large quantities of Cephalopod Awareness links in my mailbox tomorrow.

Cephalopod Awareness Day Alert #3


More cephalopods are being celebrated everywhere. Send me more!

Cephalopod Awareness Day Alert #2


We have another round of cephalopodic loveliness. Send me more!

  • Chris Clarke contemplates the word “sepia”.

  • Why chiropractors shouldn’t mess around with invertebrates.

  • Kevin submits the ubiquitous octopus vs. shark movie.

  • How can something so cute be angry? (Oh, man, I hear that one all the time.)

  • Poulperia. I think it’s a variant on Santeria.

  • Roger Burnham sends us some movies: Caribbean Reef Squid 001, Caribbean Reef Squid 002, and Common Octopus 001

  • Octopuppy. It’s art!

  • More cephalopoetry, from the Cuttlefish Poet:

    A Cuttlefish Limerick or Three

    The cuttlefish: Squid-like, you think?
    Just a cephalopod in the drink?
    Then you also should know it
    Refers to a poet,
    Or any who hide in their ink.

    For writers who think that they’re odd
    And ignored, by indifferent God,
    Don’t allow yourself–perish
    The thought, and just cherish
    Your label of “Cephalopod”

    For today, there will be no rebuttal–
    We will celebrate, loud and unsubtle!
    Just the same as each squid
    And each octopus did,
    We’ll shake all of our legs, and our cuttle!

    A Cuttlefish Double-Dactyl

    Inkily, thinkily,
    Deepwater cuttlefish
    Hide in their ink (to a
    Poet, that’s odd)

    Writing, you see, is not
    Part of the life of a

    the classic Ogden Nash–


    Tell me, O Octopus, I begs
    Is those things arms, or is they legs?
    I marvel at thee, Octopus;
    If I were thou, I’d call me Us.)

Cephalopod Awareness Day Alert #1


Here’s the first volley of cephalopod recognition posts I’ve received. Do send me more, and I’ll put them up later. Do me a favor and put “Cephalopod Awareness” in your subject line so I can sort them out more easily.

Wild Alaska seafood?


This ad campaign is going to have some troubles, I suspect. It’s saying something I want to hear: they’re marketing wild seafood from Alaska, and they’re trying to convince me that it is a sustainable fishery. I have my doubts; but they are about to start a series of ads to tell me that it is, and they’re pushing salmon and king crab. Mmmmm. I want to believe. Delude me, baby, I want to taste your sweet, sweet lies.

The slogan is “Grab a fork, and eat all you want. There’s a lot more out there,” though, which I find appalling. And worse, far worse, I watched the ads. Who is mouthing that slogan? Ben Stein. I heard it, and my brain instantly clicked into full cynic mode. “He’s freakin’ lying,” my brain whispered to me, “Don’t trust a word he says.” And now I’m convinced that evil goons are chumming the North Pacific with baby seal blood and killing the fish with dynamite. So, DON’T BUY WILD ALASKA SEAFOOD. It’s evil.

Ah, the power of advertising.

For all the facts on fisheries, check out blogfish—in particular, you can find out more on the topic of Alaska at this link.


Chris Clarke callously infected me with a meme. I’m supposed to answer these five questions.

An interesting animal I had

An interesting animal I ate

An interesting animal in the Museum

An interesting thing I did with or to an animal

An interesting animal in its natural habitat

My first thought was, “Dude! These are awfully personal questions. Why are you asking for these intimate details of my sex life?” But then I noticed that he brought up my little friend Snowball (you may not want to read that), and all of his stories were about non-human animals. Oh. Never mind. That’s completely different.

Or maybe not so different…

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