One last compendium, I think, unless I find unusually large quantities of Cephalopod Awareness links in my mailbox tomorrow.
A whole museum dedicated to octopus balls? The Japanese can be very strange, Tikistitch.
What? A whole collection of squid posts at Progressive Gold, and I’ve been missing them?
What? Is that woman vomiting up a tentacle? Or is that supposed to be her tongue? I don’t know whether I’m supposed to gag or be aroused.
A Nude, Transexual, Pornographic LOLCthulhu. Enough said.
A few more from the Cuttlefish Poet:
Architeuthis Double-Dactyl
Haughtily, naughtily
Deep-sea biologists
Claimed “We will never find
Fifty-foot squid!”Nobody told, though, the
Blissfully ignorant,
That’s what he did.Nautilus Limerick
The nautilus swims back-to front
Which is quite an unusual stunt
But his shell–which is odd
For a cephalopod–
When he bumps into things, bears the brunt!Cuttlefish Physiology Limerick
Look again, and you might doubt your eyes:
It’s the cuttlefish, cloaked in disguise!
As it changes, within
Its remarkable skin
Are chromatophores, changing in size.
*applause for the Cuttlefish Poet!*
We ordered calamari at the restaurant tonight. It was good. Does that count as appreciating cephalopods?
Squid-flavored ice cream!
Yes, except that it’s illustrated with a very nice picture of a crocodile eating an ammonite.
Yes, except that it’s illustrated with a very nice picture of a crocodile eating an ammonite.
Yes, except that it’s illustrated with a very nice picture of a crocodile eating an ammonite.
heh, yeah didn’t even notice that, being that the focus of the article was on the picture of the mosasaur-punctured fossil nautiloid (a far more interesting pic!).
well, the author did say “And me with nothing to wear, and shoes that don’t match my dress, and a handbag that’s so last season…”
Sigh… I knew there was a reason I didn’t specialise in vertebrate palaeontology. Still, you have to admit it’s a cool picture, and I composed the whole post in a bit of a rush at 10.30 at night. Those are my excuses and I’m sticking to them!
I thought it was a well done little article, considering.
I’d never seen that paper before, and I appreciate your bringing attention to it.
I’ll just plonk you all down in the middle of a graphic novel at the point where the cute cephalopod first(?) appears:
I’ve had Tako-yaki (Octopus balls). They’re wonderful. Imagine Hush Puppies with diced octopus in them. Equally wonderful are Ika-yaki: Squid balls.
Here’s a recipe for Takoyaki.
Man oh man, double dactyls are hard. That was brilliant.