Can you stand one more story of men behaving badly today? I promise to stop after this one, but it’s just so classically awful–a nice guy
loses it when he’s turned down for a date.
tried being nice. From the time I wrote a MyTake honoring what I love most about women to when I defended older women from the misogynistic charge that they are worthless. I even wrote a letter to my future daughters, because I loved women and delighted in the fantasy of someday raising women of my own as a father. But now things have changed, and changed badly they have.
To those who have been following my recent escapades at work, this is the update you asked for.
Upon receiving my “Yes” and her phone number, I called the girl in question and tried to plan an official date. Not only did she reject me, which is strange after initially expressing interest and volitionally giving me her phone number of her own choice, but she told all of my coworkers that I stole her number off of Facebook and have been stalking her, and that I am a creeper.
She was a lying cunt, simply put, and has completely jeopardized my status in the workplace.
That’s only the beginning. The rest of the monster article is just JRICHARDS1996 raging about evil women who are nothing but whores and how he prefers a conniving prostitute to those wicked females and how he used to be such a nice guy but never again because women are so bad. And he leaves us with a final threat.
As it is, I will never approach another woman again. That nice guy that was once inside of me is completely dead. Dead, and you killed him. You crucified him. You nailed him to the Cross.
Show of hands–how many women reading this are now grieving at the loss of this Nice Guy
from the dating pool?
How many of you think it would be appropriate to scoop something out of the cat box and hand it to him, saying “Here’s a cookie”?
Jesus,no. You have to read another article by this guy: In Honor of Femininity: The 5 Things I Love Most About Women. It begins…
I have been accused of sexism and misogyny multiple times by females on this website. And even though those claims could not be further from the truth, I thought it would be in good taste to vindicate myself by composing a tribute to femininity. That is, a celebration of what it means to be a woman. So in honor of femininity, I have taken the liberty of listing the five things that I love most about women.
You can guess what follows. Just to spare you, the five things are:
They are Cute. Like, when they paint their toenails or bake cakes.
They are Sexy. “Have you seen just how sexy the female form is buck naked?”
They are Selfless. They take care of children and clean house for us!
They are Nurturing. “Even the most attractive, classiest ones still have a soft spot for crying losers such as myself, and are there to provide comfort.”
They are Emotionally Receptive. “Whether it is consoling a man on the verge of a suicide or expressing some little bit of kindness to an addict at rock bottom who needs to feel loved even if by a random stranger, women are capable of understanding emotion and doing what needs to be done.”
To put the W(t)F in awful, the whole thing is illustrated with half-naked pinup pictures.