Needs a few panels about the media taking the bait, every time, for his “press conferences” that are just grievance speeches for this they give him free air time. They need to STOP doing that shit live. Tape it, fact check it and replay it with the fact checks printed in the middle of the screen in 96pt type.
Mace repeatedly mispronounced Harris’ name and declared that she would say her name “anyway that I want to” before Michael Eric Dyson, a professor in African American studies at Vanderbilt University, described her remarks as “disgusting.”
“You know what, you know what’s disgusting to women is her disrespect of women,” Mace said. “She doesn’t know what a woman is. And 25 years ago —.”
“White women don’t have the ability to tell Black women who paid the price of blood to make this country what it is to tell them they’re not real women,” Dyson said.
Mace’s ridiculous claim arrived after Dyson said the congresswoman’s “anyway that I want to” remarks stemmed from “the history and legacy of white disregard for the humanity of Black people.”
“Oh, so now you’re calling me racist?” Mace said….
Democratic strategist Keith Boykin then pressed Mace to “just say yes” before saying that she was in a “cult” with her leader being the former president.
“The fact that you talk to women this way is ridiculous,” Mace said.
“You just talked about a Black woman that way,” replied Boykin as Phillip attempted to wrap up the program.
“In what way? She doesn’t know what a woman is,” said Mace as she doubled down on her insult…
They aren’t transvestigators.
They are modern day witch hunters.
There are always witches around and people who pretend to be able to identify them.
Modern day witches include commies, gays, atheists, climate scientists, scientists who research infectious diseases, doctors who treat infectious disease patients in hospitals, evolutionary biologists, Trans people, Pagans, etc..
OT. Just in
“Republican State Senator in West Virginia Arrested For Indecent Exposure Over Disgusting Public Actions”
Re Myself @ 5
This is the party of purity and morals, always protecting us from the degenerates.
Walter Solomonsays
Recursive Rabbit @3
Wasn’t it JD Vance, or maybe another goblin, who said something about “women in the womb”?
If they believe fetuses are equivalent to adult women and vice versa, they clearly have no idea what women, or fetuses, are.
Reginald Selkirk @ 8
Give Fox News some time and they will claim the discontinuation of every classic car since 1945 is the result of Democratic policies since 2020.
And the cap on medicine costs clearly caused the hurricane in Florida.
And then there’s why he’s running at all. One answer is he’s hoping to stay out of jail if he wins, but the other is this: Financial disclosure shows presidential nominee owes $500m in civil penalties but sheds little light on solvency. But! The headline to that article is actually “Trump reveals he made $300,000 selling Bibles and has big cryptocurrency stash”. So he’s gaming the public to pay his debts. And the man who has probably never opened a Bible in his life is selling them. I think we should dub him, “Elmer,” as in “Elmer Gantry.”
the Harris campaign has to start bringing this up all the time:
Kamala Harris was the 32nd AG of California.
She prosecuted criminals.
donald trump is a convicted sex offender and has 34 felonies so far.
he is a criminal.
who seems like the better candidate to lead our country?
I wonder how Mace would respond if I repeated misidentified her as Nancy Grace.
Robbo — I don’t think Trump is technically a “convicted” sex offender. He should have been, but he wasn’t convicted of raping the woman. He lost a defamation law suite to her based on a bench ruling that her accusation of rape was essentially established fact and he went out of his way to slander her. He was convicted of 34 counts for basically funny business with money that went to a woman he had sex with to keep her quiet.
He is without doubt a complete scum bag. I’m confident that there was more than bad dancing with teenage girls going on at Epstein’s places.
One thing that I like about the “weird” meme is that, compared to the invective that Trump and Vance spew almost incessantly, it’s really very mild; and so I find it amusing that MAGAts get their feelings hurt so easily. I guess they’re just snowflakes. 8-)
Yes Republicans, please take advice from this guy. Tell everyone how you are responsible for killing Roe v. Wade, and how you plan to do more to stop abortion.
birgerjohansson: spelling is a problem for me, too; and I’m an American. 8-)
I’ve long thought that English spelling is only fortuitously phonetic: it’s essentially etymoglyphic.
@2 Reginald Selkirk
Guy names Suris had a vid up, in which he commented on some people that where showing up in his comments, and doing the whole, “Devil’s advocate”, thing about “what a woman is”. As he pointed out there are three criteria you “could” be talking about, 1) physical traits, b) behavior, and c) genetics. The first one is stupid because minor hormonal issues can cause everything from beards to extra muscles. Heck, one family, that became semi-famous for a while, until people that had no f-ing clue what was going on with them and constantly accused them of child abuse, and worse, “both”, husband and wife, has a genetic condition called, “Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy”, both parent, and the kid, had the condition, and as a result they all sported freaking six packs, and the kid was like 6. I am sure some idiots today would probably accuse the mother of being “trans”, and they did get accused of using steroids on all of them. Point being that, while this might be a genetic thing, it is not THE genetic thing, i.e., XX vs. XY. The second one varies across cultures, and even freaking centuries, with half the things that get classed as “women things” where invented by men, for men, or where considered “normal” for men, until they where not and redefined as “unmanly”. The last one, of course, overlaps with “physical characteristics”, in as much as a bit more muscle, or a bit of a beard, isn’t the weirdest thing these nutcases deny as being possible. XY “women”, who are fertile, though rare, being the likely most extreme, but you also get XXY, as well as “male” versions of XX. This usually means something went seriously off kilter in development, and how they body responds to hormones, but it doesn’t change the fact that, unless you mandate a freaking genetic test at birth, and insist on only counting the number, and type, of chromosomes, there just isn’t a simple binary – bimodal, yes, but by definition, bimodal systems contain variants “in between” the two expected outcomes.
Point being, anyone that has a definition of “woman” that isn’t almost entirely based, no matter which category you pick to harm over, on, “What ever she claims she is.”, is either ignorant of biology, ignorant of vast parts of history, and modern cultures, and/or doesn’t give a damn what the answer is, because their Holy Bable, according to their priest, says there ain’t no other genders. I.e., fanatics or bigots.
A plane carrying Republican presidential nominee JD Vance was forced to make an emergency landing in Milwaukee shortly after takeoff Friday due to a malfunction with the door, the Trump campaign said…
The incident comes after a plane carrying Trump last week was forced to alter its course over Montana following a mechanical issue.
Can the Trump campaign not afford to maintain their aircraft?
Reginald Selkirksays
@26: Yes. I get annoyed that the people who propound such oversimplified analyses often insist that their opponents are “ignoring science” or “ignoring biology” when they themselves know fucqual about science.
BTW most of the gender-related surgery – I think it was 80% – is done on cishet boys who need to have breast reductions.
Apparently, boys sometimes get biggger breasts – a condition who usually goes away by itself – and it is straightforward to reduce them.
But if these surgeries end up in the same statistics as gender reassignment surgery the statistics may give the impression that gender reassignment surgery is more common than it is.
Yesterday, Trump compared the Predidential Medal of Freedom to the Congressional Medal of Honor.
The condition is known as gynecomastia. I’m not so sure about the claim it ‘usually goes away by itself’, except if the teenage boys themselves go to some effort to build up muscle, or that as they fill out to adult stature the proportions of their breast look less feminine; there are still plenty of guys with boobs.
Now funnily enough, a cis man getting a boob reduction could in a certain light be viewed as a ‘gender affirming surgery’; when all such surgeries that are cosmetic are added to those undergone by trans folk it becomes unquestionable that the overwhelming quantity of all gender affirming surgeries are being performed on cisgender people, to affirm their self-image and identity. And some of the most public, celebrity transphobes, have clearly had surgical work done. (I’m not criticising that – everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin. It would be nice if they weren’t hypocrites about it.)
On a weird personal note: one of the things that was sort of a sign to me that I was trans, prior to coming out, was as a teenager knowing about gynecomastia as something that sometimes happened to boys, and sort of hoping that it would happen to me, but my chest remained as flat as an ironing board, alas…
Rob Grigjanissays
Xanthë @31: Just wanna say it’s nice seeing you posting more than you have been for a while. You’re always worth reading. Hope it’s not just a phase ;-)
Bekenstein Boundsays
This articles from the Guardian poses a sartorial question: Donald Trump’s weird clothes: from shoulder pads to extremely long ties, what do they mean?
They mean he’s compensating for something. (Stormy Daniels has previously published the details.)
I think we should dub him, “Elmer,” as in “Elmer Gantry.”
Reginald Selkirk@15:
Trump Warns That if Kamala Harris Wins, ‘Everybody Gets Health Care’
Why is Trump campaigning for Harris? I thought they were opponents, and even bitter enemies.
For those seeking more power, a 5.7-liter HEMI® V8 engine is available, delivering 395 horsepower and 410 lb-ft of torque for an additional cost of $3,045. This V8 option makes the Ram 1500 Classic the most affordable full-size pickup with a V8 engine on the market.
Then she came after the geckos! I wonder if she ended the Corvair, Pinto, and Fiero. Will Toxic Hell again kill off the Chili Cheese Burrito under her regime? Where will we turn for excruciating heartburn after a night of drunken debauchery? Will she keep us from splattering ketchup on a fine sirloin and throwing it plate and all (with cheesy fries) against the wall. The tyranny!
Rob Grigjanis @ 32: Why thank you, but I suppose I should warn you that I foresee no greater tendency on my part to become less mercurial as the years go by… I am very distractible. (Lately I’ve been looking at divisibilities of Pell–Lucas numbers and binging YT videos on Australian constitutional law, as we all wait for the current US election to unfold.) I’ve also been thinking a lot about the recent history of on-line atheism, and how we went through the periods of Gnu Atheism, the accommodationist and framing wars, and then Deep Rifts with its TERFy sequel. It’s a little depressing to see how little all of that struggle seems to have amounted to (I first became aware of the Scienceblogs version of Pharyngula thanks to Dawkins – yikes. Enough said).
Anyway, I still find widespread alignment and agreement with PZ and most of the Horde, which makes it nice to return to the comments here; it always feels welcome. Thank you again.
Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) said a lot of wild things during his Sunday morning media blitz. But one of his comments has received far less attention than the others: Vance described a federal program that has distributed nearly $2 billion to mostly Black farmers who experienced discrimination as “disgraceful,” suggesting that it is racist against white people.
And now, the head of the largest group of Black farmers across the country is condemning Vance’s assertions…
Needs a few panels about the media taking the bait, every time, for his “press conferences” that are just grievance speeches for this they give him free air time. They need to STOP doing that shit live. Tape it, fact check it and replay it with the fact checks printed in the middle of the screen in 96pt type.
Nancy Mace Claims Kamala Harris ‘Doesn’t Know What A Woman Is’ In Train Wreck CNN Appearance
I doubt transvestigators know what a woman is, either. They keep changing the criteria.
They aren’t transvestigators.
They are modern day witch hunters.
There are always witches around and people who pretend to be able to identify them.
Modern day witches include commies, gays, atheists, climate scientists, scientists who research infectious diseases, doctors who treat infectious disease patients in hospitals, evolutionary biologists, Trans people, Pagans, etc..
OT. Just in
“Republican State Senator in West Virginia Arrested For Indecent Exposure Over Disgusting Public Actions”
Re Myself @ 5
This is the party of purity and morals, always protecting us from the degenerates.
Recursive Rabbit @3
Wasn’t it JD Vance, or maybe another goblin, who said something about “women in the womb”?
If they believe fetuses are equivalent to adult women and vice versa, they clearly have no idea what women, or fetuses, are.
JD Vance Blames Kamala Harris For The Death Of The Ram 1500 Classic
Reginald Selkirk @ 8
Give Fox News some time and they will claim the discontinuation of every classic car since 1945 is the result of Democratic policies since 2020.
And the cap on medicine costs clearly caused the hurricane in Florida.
This articles from the Guardian poses a sartorial question: Donald Trump’s weird clothes: from shoulder pads to extremely long ties, what do they mean? I think it means he has bad taste and he’s stuck in the past. In any case, it’s weird.
And then there’s why he’s running at all. One answer is he’s hoping to stay out of jail if he wins, but the other is this: Financial disclosure shows presidential nominee owes $500m in civil penalties but sheds little light on solvency. But! The headline to that article is actually “Trump reveals he made $300,000 selling Bibles and has big cryptocurrency stash”. So he’s gaming the public to pay his debts. And the man who has probably never opened a Bible in his life is selling them. I think we should dub him, “Elmer,” as in “Elmer Gantry.”
the Harris campaign has to start bringing this up all the time:
Kamala Harris was the 32nd AG of California.
She prosecuted criminals.
donald trump is a convicted sex offender and has 34 felonies so far.
he is a criminal.
who seems like the better candidate to lead our country?
I wonder how Mace would respond if I repeated misidentified her as Nancy Grace.
Robbo — I don’t think Trump is technically a “convicted” sex offender. He should have been, but he wasn’t convicted of raping the woman. He lost a defamation law suite to her based on a bench ruling that her accusation of rape was essentially established fact and he went out of his way to slander her. He was convicted of 34 counts for basically funny business with money that went to a woman he had sex with to keep her quiet.
He is without doubt a complete scum bag. I’m confident that there was more than bad dancing with teenage girls going on at Epstein’s places.
On the “good weird” front,
The Onion is going back into print
Trump Warns That if Kamala Harris Wins, ‘Everybody Gets Health Care’
The horror! The horror!
One thing that I like about the “weird” meme is that, compared to the invective that Trump and Vance spew almost incessantly, it’s really very mild; and so I find it amusing that MAGAts get their feelings hurt so easily. I guess they’re just snowflakes. 8-)
Also, @15: LOL!
Billseymour@ 16
First Dog on the Moon |
Democrats have begun belittling Republicans with a cruel mocking epithet … and they don’t like it! | The Guardian
Actually it was Tim Walz. She just recognized that it worked and hired him for it.
The term is “adjuciated rapist”. If you use it, Trump cannot sue you.
birgerjohansson @ #19 — If that’s the proper term then I’m going to use it.
@19, 20
Before use, you should correct the spelling to “adjudicated rapist”
Reginald Selkirk @ 21
‘Adjudicated’, got it.
(Non-english speaker here)
(But I still spell English better than the Tea Party crowd)
J.D. Vance Fumbles Big-Time While Trying to Insult Tim Walz
This, following Laura Ingraham’s stupidity about Milwaukee, Minnesota.
Republicans don’t seem to know anything about Minnesota.
Harris and Walz are extremists on abortion. Republicans should speak up about it.
Yes Republicans, please take advice from this guy. Tell everyone how you are responsible for killing Roe v. Wade, and how you plan to do more to stop abortion.
birgerjohansson: spelling is a problem for me, too; and I’m an American. 8-)
I’ve long thought that English spelling is only fortuitously phonetic: it’s essentially etymoglyphic.
@2 Reginald Selkirk
Guy names Suris had a vid up, in which he commented on some people that where showing up in his comments, and doing the whole, “Devil’s advocate”, thing about “what a woman is”. As he pointed out there are three criteria you “could” be talking about, 1) physical traits, b) behavior, and c) genetics. The first one is stupid because minor hormonal issues can cause everything from beards to extra muscles. Heck, one family, that became semi-famous for a while, until people that had no f-ing clue what was going on with them and constantly accused them of child abuse, and worse, “both”, husband and wife, has a genetic condition called, “Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy”, both parent, and the kid, had the condition, and as a result they all sported freaking six packs, and the kid was like 6. I am sure some idiots today would probably accuse the mother of being “trans”, and they did get accused of using steroids on all of them. Point being that, while this might be a genetic thing, it is not THE genetic thing, i.e., XX vs. XY. The second one varies across cultures, and even freaking centuries, with half the things that get classed as “women things” where invented by men, for men, or where considered “normal” for men, until they where not and redefined as “unmanly”. The last one, of course, overlaps with “physical characteristics”, in as much as a bit more muscle, or a bit of a beard, isn’t the weirdest thing these nutcases deny as being possible. XY “women”, who are fertile, though rare, being the likely most extreme, but you also get XXY, as well as “male” versions of XX. This usually means something went seriously off kilter in development, and how they body responds to hormones, but it doesn’t change the fact that, unless you mandate a freaking genetic test at birth, and insist on only counting the number, and type, of chromosomes, there just isn’t a simple binary – bimodal, yes, but by definition, bimodal systems contain variants “in between” the two expected outcomes.
Point being, anyone that has a definition of “woman” that isn’t almost entirely based, no matter which category you pick to harm over, on, “What ever she claims she is.”, is either ignorant of biology, ignorant of vast parts of history, and modern cultures, and/or doesn’t give a damn what the answer is, because their Holy Bable, according to their priest, says there ain’t no other genders. I.e., fanatics or bigots.
JD Vance plane makes emergency landing at Milwaukee airport after door malfunction
Can the Trump campaign not afford to maintain their aircraft?
@26: Yes. I get annoyed that the people who propound such oversimplified analyses often insist that their opponents are “ignoring science” or “ignoring biology” when they themselves know fucqual about science.
BTW most of the gender-related surgery – I think it was 80% – is done on cishet boys who need to have breast reductions.
Apparently, boys sometimes get biggger breasts – a condition who usually goes away by itself – and it is straightforward to reduce them.
But if these surgeries end up in the same statistics as gender reassignment surgery the statistics may give the impression that gender reassignment surgery is more common than it is.
Yesterday, Trump compared the Predidential Medal of Freedom to the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Jesse Dollemore. US Marine reacts to Donald Trump’s belittling medal of honor recipients!
Birger Johansson @ 29,
The condition is known as gynecomastia. I’m not so sure about the claim it ‘usually goes away by itself’, except if the teenage boys themselves go to some effort to build up muscle, or that as they fill out to adult stature the proportions of their breast look less feminine; there are still plenty of guys with boobs.
Now funnily enough, a cis man getting a boob reduction could in a certain light be viewed as a ‘gender affirming surgery’; when all such surgeries that are cosmetic are added to those undergone by trans folk it becomes unquestionable that the overwhelming quantity of all gender affirming surgeries are being performed on cisgender people, to affirm their self-image and identity. And some of the most public, celebrity transphobes, have clearly had surgical work done. (I’m not criticising that – everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin. It would be nice if they weren’t hypocrites about it.)
On a weird personal note: one of the things that was sort of a sign to me that I was trans, prior to coming out, was as a teenager knowing about gynecomastia as something that sometimes happened to boys, and sort of hoping that it would happen to me, but my chest remained as flat as an ironing board, alas…
Xanthë @31: Just wanna say it’s nice seeing you posting more than you have been for a while. You’re always worth reading. Hope it’s not just a phase ;-)
They mean he’s compensating for something. (Stormy Daniels has previously published the details.)
Reginald Selkirk@15:
Why is Trump campaigning for Harris? I thought they were opponents, and even bitter enemies.
Reginald Selkirk @8
Kamala is killing Hemi? Grrr!
Then she came after the geckos! I wonder if she ended the Corvair, Pinto, and Fiero. Will Toxic Hell again kill off the Chili Cheese Burrito under her regime? Where will we turn for excruciating heartburn after a night of drunken debauchery? Will she keep us from splattering ketchup on a fine sirloin and throwing it plate and all (with cheesy fries) against the wall. The tyranny!
Rob Grigjanis @ 32: Why thank you, but I suppose I should warn you that I foresee no greater tendency on my part to become less mercurial as the years go by… I am very distractible. (Lately I’ve been looking at divisibilities of Pell–Lucas numbers and binging YT videos on Australian constitutional law, as we all wait for the current US election to unfold.) I’ve also been thinking a lot about the recent history of on-line atheism, and how we went through the periods of Gnu Atheism, the accommodationist and framing wars, and then Deep Rifts with its TERFy sequel. It’s a little depressing to see how little all of that struggle seems to have amounted to (I first became aware of the Scienceblogs version of Pharyngula thanks to Dawkins – yikes. Enough said).
Anyway, I still find widespread alignment and agreement with PZ and most of the Horde, which makes it nice to return to the comments here; it always feels welcome. Thank you again.
JD Vance continues to make friends.
National Black Farmers Group Says Supporting GOP Ticket Is “Off the Table” After JD Vance’s Attack
George Santos to plead guilty in fraud case
That’s weird. Pleading guilty would imply some ability to discern reality.
Peter Thiel, eccentric billionaire patron of JD Vance, says he is thinking about leaving the US
And he won’t be missed by me.
For a non-extradition-treaty country, perchance?