But, but, but what happened to Crenshaw’s parachute? Oh, I see, he ditched it while he was still in the air, along with his helmet, so he could crash onto the antifa car. Wonder what punching the window did to his hand? Oh, I’m being too literal? Guess I need to get more into a pro-wrestling frame of mind.
In order to lend credibility towards two non-credible candidates, he releases an ad which shows intelligence and thought lower than that of Saturday morning cartoons, while simultaneously portraying complete ignorance in his own role within the government. Got it.
What a dickhead.
I know I’m going to regret this, but who is dan crenshaw and why should I give a shit about him? Anyone who makes an ad like this and expects people to take him seriously is obviously off his frigging rocker. Please tell me he doesnt have a government job somewhere. Pretty please?
Dan Crenshaw is the guy who represents Texas’s 2nd Congressional District in the House of Representatives. He is one of the AINOs who who signed onto the Texas attempt to nullify the 2020 election by claiming that some state officials hadn’t touched second base before certifying the vote or whatever it was.
So, he brought everyone, who joined him in a HALO jump by the baddest one man patrol in the history of military extinction.
Positively brilliant advertisement that he has absolutely no support.
Numenaster, whose eyes are up heresays
As a former skydiver, I loved those parts. He knows how to do that stuff. But I had to laugh when the script has this grim exchange:
“Who do you want to bring?”
Next shot is Crenshaw alone in a plane big enough for everyone, making a jump by himself.
Couldn’t get the followers to follow, Dan?
I’ve reported the youtube video to google, not that they will do anything about it. Marked it as “promotes terrorism” with the comment “promotes violence as a means of political change” which I believe is an accurate description of terrorism.
Numenaster, whose eyes are up heresays
Also wzrd, I’ve jumped from that height myself and I never even earned my Class D license. That were no HALO jump.
Just another weak brained man acting like a tough guy. Too bad his audience is even weaker brained.
Is it mere coincidence that his chute is adorned with Cobra insignia from G.I. Joe? Or did I see that wrong?
Those Antifa guys look like Proud Boys, which they probably are.
I dont want to offend anyone, but as a non US citizen, I could only stomach about half the ad. Did it get any better ?
graham2 @15:
I’m not offended; as a US citizen, I could only stomach about half the ad myself. I can’t tell you if it got better, but I suspect not.
I dont want to offend anyone, but as a non US citizen, I could only stomach about half the ad. Did it get any better ?
As a US citizen, I have no intention of watching to find out.
Until the “antifa are fascists” nonsense at the end, I honestly thought this was a parody!
Wait is that a Cobra insignia on his parachute???
I laughed when he punched the car because it just looked stupid.
He uses a distinctly non-American cyber voice to pitch his version of American ‘exceptionalism’… the irony.
Wait, this isn’t a parody?
Seriously, how are we supposed to make fun of the wingnuts if they keep doing stuff like this? It’s self-parody of the most clueless kind. I’d think this was over the top if I saw it on SNL, much less as something being presented by an actual US Congressperson.
Every time Dan Crenshaw opens his mouth, I am reminded of a Tolkien quote from the Battle of Azanulbizar: “even with one eye you should see clearer.”
Some of the comments on the YT video are brilliant though:
“Perdue is a great fighter.” Which is why he runs away from every debate.
Dan Cringeshaw
“Hello it is me, Mr. Antifa, I like to patrol empty fields for potential fascist activity in the wilderness”
They had to cut away because when he swung at the windshield, he wiffed completely
And again an British voice for the personless computer providing the “hero” with information. I dislike it in Iron Man, I hate it here. Why does it have to be British? Can’t USA-ians not say these things? Or did it start with Michael Caine playing Batman’s butler – the Brit serving the American?
tfw you call antifa fascist and then commit unprovoked violence and property damage on them.
Also this kind of thing is going to empower the actial fascists to commit more violence..
@M’thew James Bond / MI6 spy dramas are to blame for that I’d say.
A once proud Navy SEAL, reduced to fighting straw men. Pathetic.
JARVIS in the Iron Man movies has an English accent because he’s a computer equivalent of Edwin Jarvis, the Stark family butler who became the butler of the Avengers Mansion in the comics.
But, but, but what happened to Crenshaw’s parachute? Oh, I see, he ditched it while he was still in the air, along with his helmet, so he could crash onto the antifa car. Wonder what punching the window did to his hand? Oh, I’m being too literal? Guess I need to get more into a pro-wrestling frame of mind.
In order to lend credibility towards two non-credible candidates, he releases an ad which shows intelligence and thought lower than that of Saturday morning cartoons, while simultaneously portraying complete ignorance in his own role within the government. Got it.
What a dickhead.
I know I’m going to regret this, but who is dan crenshaw and why should I give a shit about him? Anyone who makes an ad like this and expects people to take him seriously is obviously off his frigging rocker. Please tell me he doesnt have a government job somewhere. Pretty please?
Very likely, it will.
Dan Crenshaw is the guy who represents Texas’s 2nd Congressional District in the House of Representatives. He is one of the AINOs who who signed onto the Texas attempt to nullify the 2020 election by claiming that some state officials hadn’t touched second base before certifying the vote or whatever it was.
Venerate the military and this is what you get.
So, he brought everyone, who joined him in a HALO jump by the baddest one man patrol in the history of military extinction.
Positively brilliant advertisement that he has absolutely no support.
As a former skydiver, I loved those parts. He knows how to do that stuff. But I had to laugh when the script has this grim exchange:
“Who do you want to bring?”
Next shot is Crenshaw alone in a plane big enough for everyone, making a jump by himself.
Couldn’t get the followers to follow, Dan?
I’ve reported the youtube video to google, not that they will do anything about it. Marked it as “promotes terrorism” with the comment “promotes violence as a means of political change” which I believe is an accurate description of terrorism.
Also wzrd, I’ve jumped from that height myself and I never even earned my Class D license. That were no HALO jump.
Just another weak brained man acting like a tough guy. Too bad his audience is even weaker brained.
Is it mere coincidence that his chute is adorned with Cobra insignia from G.I. Joe? Or did I see that wrong?
Those Antifa guys look like Proud Boys, which they probably are.
I dont want to offend anyone, but as a non US citizen, I could only stomach about half the ad. Did it get any better ?
graham2 @15:
I’m not offended; as a US citizen, I could only stomach about half the ad myself. I can’t tell you if it got better, but I suspect not.
As a US citizen, I have no intention of watching to find out.
Until the “antifa are fascists” nonsense at the end, I honestly thought this was a parody!
Wait is that a Cobra insignia on his parachute???
I laughed when he punched the car because it just looked stupid.
Seems like a nice guy: https://www.salon.com/2020/12/16/exclusive-dan-crenshaw-hit-with-ethics-complaint-following-report-he-worked-to-smear-fellow-vet/
He uses a distinctly non-American cyber voice to pitch his version of American ‘exceptionalism’… the irony.
Wait, this isn’t a parody?
Seriously, how are we supposed to make fun of the wingnuts if they keep doing stuff like this? It’s self-parody of the most clueless kind. I’d think this was over the top if I saw it on SNL, much less as something being presented by an actual US Congressperson.
Every time Dan Crenshaw opens his mouth, I am reminded of a Tolkien quote from the Battle of Azanulbizar: “even with one eye you should see clearer.”
Some of the comments on the YT video are brilliant though:
And again an British voice for the personless computer providing the “hero” with information. I dislike it in Iron Man, I hate it here. Why does it have to be British? Can’t USA-ians not say these things? Or did it start with Michael Caine playing Batman’s butler – the Brit serving the American?
tfw you call antifa fascist and then commit unprovoked violence and property damage on them.
Also this kind of thing is going to empower the actial fascists to commit more violence..
@M’thew James Bond / MI6 spy dramas are to blame for that I’d say.
A once proud Navy SEAL, reduced to fighting straw men. Pathetic.
JARVIS in the Iron Man movies has an English accent because he’s a computer equivalent of Edwin Jarvis, the Stark family butler who became the butler of the Avengers Mansion in the comics.
So tired of Republicans misusing the word “patriot.”