I’m weirdly happy to see that I’m not alone in suffering from weird obsessed narcissists abusing the legal system, especially since I’ve never gone through anything this twisted. Lindsay Ellis explains the hot mess of a lawsuit over unbelievably sexual/violent fan fiction, and how someone who claimed to have invented “wolf rape heterosexual erotica fiction” sued to protect her “intellectual” “property”. It’s an hour long. It requires that long to unravel it all.
I’d never heard of the Omegaverse, let alone read any, and guess what? I am totally cured of any curiosity about it!
I have loved her content for a very long time and it gets better every year.
There is not a possible sexual relationship that has not been explored by fan fiction.
The Omega Verse may well be worth reading. Do not judge literature on the kinky fanfiction written about it (or you won’t be able to read ANYTHING at all).
@ORigel #2: There is not an impossible sexual relationship that has not been explored by fan fiction.
Chuck Tingle had better patent the “Tingler” before this happens to him!
Imagine studying wolf behaviour in captivity and trying best to write about your research, only to find our you were utterly wrong and became the next Greek alphabet-eugenics standin after Brave New World.
Coming next week, someone tries to trademark Sasquatch erotic fiction. Rule 34 strikes again.
@ORigel #3: But it’s not fanfiction! They went over that extensively in court!
I seem to remember (mentioned in passing) from Legal Eagle that you can’t actually own an idea, only a particular expression of an idea. So I haven’t had time to watch the video yet, but when I do, I wonder if this idea’ll have any role to play. Like, I’m predicting based on my mad armchair amateur skillz that the lawsuit has no merit…
That LOLsuit was a whole new level of petty. Wow.
And Addison Cain’s lawyer has already sent her a “this is defamation” message.
That’s one of the best things about video essays on YouTube: when they’re done by someone as good as Lindsay, you can become decisively convinced that you’ve seen all you need on a topic and can move on with little fear that you’re missing something!