In news to help us drag ourselves out of the slough of despond, the Science Museum of Minnesota is closed to the public. Wait, no, that’s badly phrased — that’s not the good news. The good news is that the Science Museum of Minnesota is making their big screen science movies freely available to the public. Right now, you can just click and watch “Dinosaurs Alive!” and “Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs” and “Wild Ocean” on your computer screen.
Your computer screen is probably not a giant dome that you view in front of and above you from a reclining chair, so when the museum reopens you might want to book a visit to get the full experience and thank them for providing the service.
P.S. I’ve seen the dinosaur one, it’ll keep kids’ attention for a while. I’m going to watch “Wild Ocean” myself this afternoon, as a distraction from grading.
I’ve always been partial to virtual displays, for those who cannot attend the museum itself.
There is/was a fine virtual exhibit online for Vincent van Gogh, complete with close up magnification to see ultrafine details.
I watched the wild ocean one. It was interesting enough. If you like to watch dolphins swim and jump, you wont be disappointed.
Irritating humor time.
So, our governor strongly suggested curbside or delivery for purchases. Sounded great, so I went to Giant, a store two miles away to older groceries online.
Delivery: 3 – 4 weeks.
Curbside pickup: 2 weeks.
Virtual display of food.
I guess I’ll have to stagger down to the supermarket and cough my way down the aisles to get food or simply wait a few weeks to get hungry.
Hmmm, I don’t see anything on my calendar for hunger being scheduled, so that’s a good thing.
Or something.
Oh well, at least there’s a local church that distributes food without mandatory prayer or preying sessions. That’s ever so refreshing, given our experience in Louisiana, where preying sessions were mandatory, along with exhortations to give until it hurt even more.