My confidence in our government declines apace. Florida governor Ron DeSantis thinks pro wrestling is an “essential business” and has announced that they can continue to put on shows during this lockdown.
Now Trump has taken on Vince McMahon as a financial advisor.
We’re doomed.
I don’t like this timeline anymore. I want to go back.
Those “people” stopped making a distinction between “true” and “false” or “real” and “fake” long ago, if they ever did.
Professional wrestling is very real acting. Not especially good acting, mind you, but amateur acting.
But, wonderful news – for coronavirus. It’s looking like immunity isn’t lasting, but worse, viral reactivation is a real thing.
Now, waiting to hear if the reactivated viral program is a lytic phase or a simple loss of immunity by short half-life antibodies. Or worse, a cyclical dormancy in the virus.
So, it’s good news that mass gatherings are allowed – for the virus.
In other news, New York is having problems with storage of those who died of the virus. There is good news though, Trump tower has plenty of vacancies… What is eminent domain again?
Perhaps that should be suggested to the governor of NY and the mayor of NYC.
“It’s not fake, it’s fixed.”
— from ‘Fighting with my Family’
Be fair, PZ. At least McMahon has managed to run a business that makes money. (The wrestling part at least. Byebye XFL.)
I feel like I’m living in the theater of the absurd, but in its literal sense, rather than its literary or philosophical sense.
Honestly, US politics seems to have more relationship to pro wrestling than to anything sane or grounded in reality anyway. And when I think of the list of people Trump MIGHT have picked to run the economy, Vince McMahon seems a better choice than most… the entire list, which was just Jared Kushner.
#5 Didn’t the WWE lose a billion dollars in one DAY a few months ago?
Renegade Cut, on youtube, put out an interesting video on the WWE a few days ago. I’m completely baffled by pro wrestling’s appeal but his take is worth checking out.
Well, if you’re not going to hand out bread, you’re going to need even more circuses.
mamba@8, That was a stock price drop, not an actual “loss” in the sense of profit-or-loss. (Not for WWE, Inc., as such, but possibly for McMahon (on paper).) However, it does give some insight into Vince McMahon’s pressure on Governor DeSantis; for some more insights, see poopyhead’s current [Pandemic and] Political Madness All the Time thread. E.g., “DeSantis and WWE chairman Vince McMahon are close allies of Donald Trump. McMahon’s wife, Linda, was a part of Trump’s cabinet [(Administrator of the Small Business Administration)] from 2017 to 2019, leaving to chair America First Action, a pro-Trump Super Pac, or political fundraising committee.”
Wzrd1 @ 3.
” It’s looking like immunity isn’t lasting, but worse, viral reactivation is a real thing.
Now, waiting to hear if the reactivated viral program is a lytic phase or a simple loss of immunity by short half-life antibodies. Or worse, a cyclical dormancy in the virus.”
Do you have a source for this? I’ve been pretty current on the news but haven’t seen this. Thanks.
bodach@12, I’d also like to see a reference for wzrd1@3. Some (admittedly crude) searching did find this, Sorry, Immunity to Covid-19 Won’t Be Like a Superpower:
(Reference links at the link.)
blf @ 13
Thank you very much indeed. Immunishness, eh?
My wife has been making masks; I will ask her to make even more.
Everybody be safe out there, please.
Last time I looked, a few years ago, the laws in NY regulating professional boxing and professional wrestling were pretty much identical except that it was a crime to fix the outcome of a boxing match, but not a wrestling match.
In Pennsylvania where I live, wine stores are closed and gun stores are open. We got a good grasp of the essentials here.
A work acquaintance wanted me to join him at a pro wrestling match. He explained that we wouldn’t be going to watch the wrestlers, but the audience. So, I went along and I got a detailed prediction of audience member’s reactions and behaviors. Most of which was accurate. Some people really behave as if it was the real thing.
Mexican wrestling is much better choreographed than American wresting. If I had to pick one…
@16, Fortunately, the cave à vins are considered essential here in France, and hence allowed to open.
Fake sport, fake government.
@ 16 Marcus & 18 blf
In Ontario, liquour, beer, wine, and pot shops open though with reduced hours. I don’t even know where to find a gun store.
Bike stores still rated essential.
Wrasslin’ is scripted but far from “fake”:
TRIGGER WARNING!!!! Horrific injury:
These folks put their bodies on the line for entertainment no differently than stunt shows. I grew up on campy Florida and Georgia NWA wrestling and later watched WCW. Always hated WWF and McMahon.
Been watching this:
To keep this stuff up during a pandemic only highlights the dark side. I feel sad for these folks. Living in Florida I am not impressed by Voldemort’s replacement.
Fake combat is fake. Real wrestling is actual combat.
(This is a reconstructed partial excerpt / cross-post from poopyhead’s current [Pandemic and] Political Madness All the Time thread.)
As Ye Pfffft! of All Knowledge notes:
In ancient Greece, it was a game. Some of the rules:
@22- john
Are horrific injuries (Sid Vicious breaking leg), death (Owen Hart), and potential cumulative head trauma fake?
Some of the talent has crossed between wrestling and non-choreographed MMA (which I care for even less). For me fake would be CGI. Head butts, collisions, and other trauma producing incidents are real life events regardless if outcome is scripted and the talent in these events seem as hazard prone as pro football regardless of how BS the scripting is. Someone doing a stunt show is manipulating perception but potential danger very real. Plus the number of events over years of a career must take a physical (and psychological) toll.
hemidactylus, the injuries are real, but the wrestling is still fake.
“It was known in ancient times for its ferocity and allowance of such tactics as knees to the head and eye gouging. One ancient account tells of a situation in which the judges were trying to determine the winner of a match. The difficulty lay in that fact that both men had died in the arena from their injuries, making it hard to determine a victor. Eventually, the judges decided the winner was the one who didn’t have his eyes gouged out. Over time, however, maneuvers like eye gouging were discouraged to prevent such unpleasant incidents.”
More to the point, combat can be fought under rules; cf. duelling.
The key concept in pro wrestling is kayfabe. It’s somewhere between real and fake, with a large dollop of suspension of disbelief. Most wrestling fans understand it well. (I am not a wrestling fan, but its exploitation of social ritual piques my curiosity.)
The problem with Trumpistas is they have spent so long wilfully deluding themselves that political kayfabe is real that they have lost the ability not only to tell the real from the kayfabe, but the real from the overtly fraudulent, rampantly stupid, extremely harmful fake.
For those who are interested, Netflix has a great show called GLOW (I’ ve only seen S1), a heavily fictionalised account of the 1980s women’s wrestling circuit. It shows why so many of the women involved found it empowering, but it doesn’t shy away from the problems. One of the wrestlers of Indian heritage plays a Middle-Eastern heel character. After a match, she is devastated by a crowd that hurls vicious racist abuse at her and she starts to question the “entertainment” and whether the audience is really just playing along with a pantomime as she has been told, or whether the audience is really exulting in a safe space for violent bigotry.
@16,Marcus Ranum, howdy neighbor! In Cumberland County, originally hailed out of Philadelphia, then Delaware County.
I’d rather have things the way that they are. At least then, one only has to deal with a fool with a gun, rather than a drunken fool with a gun.
This, from a firearm owner. One who had to think for a minute to remember where the ammunition is.
In an ammo can, buried under around 600 pounds of stuff and likely to remain there for a long time.
The WWE is a horrible company. They’ve been signing up independent talent left and right in order to stifle competition and then in the middle of this pandemic, despite the company still being very profitable*, there have been massive layoffs and furloughs including some 20-odd wrestlers who currently have nowhere else to go because every other company is in a shutdown right now.
Hopefully this will lead more fans to take a look at AEW**, a much newer but superior company.
The company is profitable, but Vince McMahon just took a massive hit when the XFL, mostly funded by him, just folded. He gambled and lost and now other people are paying.
** The WWE did not have a visibly black man (the Rock is half black and mostly identifies as Samoan publicly) hold its main championship until just last year. AEW’s second women’s champion is a trans woman of colour.
Ah, that second last paragraph was supposed to have an asterisk in front.
29- Tabby
Thanks for touting AEW. Sounds interesting.
Haven’t watched much if any wrestling since the eclipse of WCW. AEW is owned by Shahid Khan and his son. Dusty Rhodes’ son Cody also plays a major role. Maybe I will check it out.
Khan also owns the Jacksonville Jags a rival to a Florida team (Tampa Bay) with the greatest QB ever (Brady). Yeah I love the deflator now. Fickle me.
“Do these people know pro wrestling is fake?”
“These people” think reality is fake and belief trumps evidence. They can’t even recognize an obvious grifter.