Yesterday was Morris’s Prairie Pioneer Days parade, one of those small town events where local people cruise slowly down main street to praise small town virtues, like, you know, royalty.
Or local businesses.
(The restaurant Mi Mexico had the best float, I think: gorgeous costumes, people dancing, great music. Mostly what we had was some guy in a pickup truck with a sign glued to the side.)
UMM was represented.
I had joined with some of our students who were marching to advertise a climate action event. This was their float.
I know, it was a little green wagon that they pulled down the street. We were surrounded by the local Chevy dealership, our regional Republican assholes (Jeff Backer and Torrey Westrom) and these guys:
It was kind of creepy, actually, that while we were waiting in the pre-parade lineup, these guys were sitting in their truck, staring at us, looking like they wanted to teach us a lesson or two. We ignored them, and just had a grand time going down the street handing out candy to kids and giving them flyers about our plans.
And what where those plans? I think a lot of young people are inspired by Greta Thunberg, who has said “Our house is on fire – let’s act like it.” They’re planning a Global Climate Strike, with our own implementation here, with a West Central MN Climate Strike. They want us to go on a general strike, just shutting down all that we can (especially classes) on 19-20 September.
I can do that. I will do that. Will you?
Do it for the youth.
I don’t have anything to strike from (I’m currently unemployed), and either of the closest strikes to me are an hour in either direction. I’ll think of something. Maybe figure out how to put a sign on the back of my bike and ride around town, or sit on the steps at the capitol building.
I work in-home care. I can’t really strike on that.
OK, those guys from the Gideons are totally creepy.
Unfortunately going on a one-person strike is not legal, so I have to pass. There are laws regulating when, how and under what conditions people can strike. I am doing other things to help the environment though.
That climate float looks inexpensive. What are you doing with all those Soros billions?
From Wikipedia: (edited for length)
The Gideons began in 1898, when two traveling salesmen, John H. Nicholson and Samuel E. Hill met in a hotel room they shared, where they discussed the formation of an association. In May 1899, the two met again, where they decided the goal of their association would be to unite traveling salesmen for evangelism. In 1899, Nicholson, Hill, and Will J. Knights met at the YMCA in Janesville.
Membership is limited to current or retired business or professional men aged 21 or older who are members in good standing of an evangelical or Protestant church.
The symbol of the Gideons is a two-handled pitcher and torch recalling Gideon’s victory over the Midianites as described in Judges, Chapter 7.
A manly men’s organization. Those two guys. And that upright logo.
Just saying’, is all.
Does UMM have an affirmative action plan for redheads?
Its disaster time here in Oz. Bushfire season has hit ahistorically early. Spring temperatures are already hitting summer maximums. Our government is just pushing hard on coal export and dumping on alternative energy.
My whole family will be joining mass protests coinciding with the strike.