Amusingly, I’m listening to Richard Thompson — 1952 Vincent Black Lightning (video) — “a simple boy meets girl story, complicated somewhat by the presence of a motorcycle” — as I typo this…
Instead of webs, spiders need to learn to weave picnic blankets. If they could also learn to knock up jam sandwiches and lemonade, they would just have to set up, sit back and wait for all the bugs, from miles around, to turn up.
It may be difficult to do but it is still spring and sourcing some of the ingredients could be difficult.
Morris probably has some adventurous cooks that would be happy to give it a try.
For future menu planning this reference might be useful.
Huis, A. van. (2013). <>i<>Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
or perhaps
A friend tells me that deep-fried scorpion is not bad.
I would hate to be the fly on your wall.
A cockroach, perhaps? Burrow action: female crickets more attracted to older males — study: “Mature crickets better at luring females — but struggle to live up to expectation”.
Amusingly, I’m listening to Richard Thompson — 1952 Vincent Black Lightning (video) — “a simple boy meets girl story, complicated somewhat by the presence of a motorcycle” — as I typo this…
me@3, “I’m listening to Richard Thompson — 1952 Vincent Black Lightning (video)…”, perhaps apropos of nothing much, I just found an impressive alternative version of this classic, Sean Rowe — 1952 Vincent Black Lightning (video).
Instead of webs, spiders need to learn to weave picnic blankets. If they could also learn to knock up jam sandwiches and lemonade, they would just have to set up, sit back and wait for all the bugs, from miles around, to turn up.