You may have seen the tedious Politico article which fished up criticisms of AOC from her fellow democrats for making waves — most of these democrats haven’t made so much as a ripple, so their envy and resentment were understandable. I think this rebuttal was spot on, though.
But how do we end the whiny nobody problem? The Democratic party is full of status quo whimperers.
There is only one solution: we need to elect a few hundred of the kinds of prospective politicians who are inspired by and model their efforts after Ocasio-Cortez. I don’t necessarily want to elect her to the presidency, but a Democratic party that had discarded its apathetic weasels and was populated by an army of AOC types would finally give us a choice. Make her the rule rather than the exception.
ABSOLUTELY!!! More of AOC and those like her, not less!
We need more AOCs…in the Senate, like yesterday. Then we could enact Tlaib’s “impeach the motherfucker”.
“I got your back
– the Bronx and Detroit ride together 💪🏽💜”
Conservatives are also up in arms over Ocasio-Cortez’s impromptu dancing routine (although she’s a great dancer), but then turn a blind eye to First Lady Melania Trump’s nude lesbian- and BDSM-tinged photo shoot for the French magazine Max, which was featured in the New York Post.
The hypocrisy is deafening.
We should give $27 at a time to each Congressional candidate who supports AOC. Including AOC. But I don’t want her to be President, until 2028.
Damn right^1, the status quo needs representatives to make their voices heard, initiating discussion, not simply responding in whimpers to wild actions of the opposition.
Isn’t there something about [the best defense is a strong offense] ? :-)
The Democrats have too long been only on the defense, usually silently grumbling about the direction the Rethugs have been steering the country.
I think we’ve reached the time where it is appropriate to make some noise for attention, instead of caving with inaction.
1 – IE correct, not (R)ight
thank you 4 reading my rant
Seriously thinking someone needs to do the meme, based on the series, with Count Olaf in all his insane disguises, labelled “GOP (since 1981)”, the clueless bank manager as the “Democrats (last 40 years)”, and the Baudelaire orphans as, “The American Public”….
Even when someone is trying to do something right, the bumbling idiot is going, “Now wait a second. Why would …?”
She has already got everyone talking about tax rate increases on the wealthy. She is getting Fox into signal boosting her so she can drag that Overton window back a bit the other direction.
Heh. “Incrementalism.” From where I’m perched, it looks like the ship is sinking more rapidly than it’s moving forward.
“But how do we end the whiny nobody problem?”
Yeah ! Any conservative will tell you : people who do not have high status complain way too much.
If Dems are so afraid of mobs with pitch forks, maybe they should work harder on providing a healthy and effective venue for progressives and not put so much energy into clamping down on the public pressure cooker.
Ah… Slow, incremental, change when it’s convenient for the ruling classes. Sounds like a great idea for those who have nothing to worry about; Hollywood celebrities, urban professionals, tech-sector hipster who won the Silicon Valley lotto, and every one else who thinks their a Leftist because the drive a Tesla, eat fair-trade-non-GMO organic quinoa, and will occasionally speak to a homosexual.
The rest of us, on the other hand, don’t have time to wait the decades or generations for our wise and godly Democratic leaders deem society ready to hand down a small amount of progress from on high. We need change, a lot of change NOW regardless of of the objections of the billionaires and the Rednecks.
Oh damn, the video was savage. AOC is fucking great and the establishment democrats are fucking losers. “Get on board or get the fuck out” is the right message.
Ocasio-Cortez once placed 2nd in the Intel national science challenge in microbiology.
@Akira MacKenzie #11:
Exactly this. I cannot afford health insurance now. Even if I took it, I’d pay a minimum of $10k per year before seeing a payout from it. So I better not get sick. Ever. And I know there are so many in worse situations than my family and I.
I’m lucky enough to have a decent salary, but I still know we need to fix the whole minimum wage debacle so that people can actually live on their wages. Just because I can live comfortably doesn’t mean I stop caring about others who can’t.
Then there’s the whole issue where, yes, white men get more opportunities and higher pay than anyone else. I’m a white man, and my wife is in a field where there is no wage discrepancy, but I still know it’s not fair and want to change it.
I wish there were more people like AOC to vote for, and I wish more who were like her had won their races.