But don’t you worry: Turning Point USA is on it. They made a list. Strangely, most of them seem to be women and minorities, but hey, I made the cut. There is a grand total of SIX (6) dangerous professors in the entire state, which is kind of a tiny group to be responsible for overthrowing the state and destroying capitalism, and we’re rather scattered all over the place — I haven’t met any of my revolutionary cadre.
We should get together and do lunch, Jim Bear Jacobs, Marlon James, Shannon Gibney, Wayne Bendickson, and Barbara Gorski. We could also invite Jack Russell Weinstein, the sole enemy of the state in North Dakota (there is no representative in South Dakota. They’re all running dog lackeys there). It might be difficult since some of us are hundreds of miles away.
This is no way to run a revolution.
Maybe you could become a sovereign citizen. “Wait no I’m not Paul Myers. I’m P. Z !@$Myers…”
Blast it, if Lenin had been this disorganized the Revolution would never have succeeded.
Congrats on making the list.
I also noticed a lot of the people listed seem to be listed because they hurt conservative feelings not actually discriminating against them.
I also got a laugh when it said it would only accept tips as long as the information can be verified by reliable sources then they used Fox “news” and the NY Post as sources… HA!
I’m a little disappointed in the watchlist. The only reason PZ made the list is his dislike of the Northstar newspaper.
PZ has done so much more to deserve this high honor. Come on Turning Point, up your research.
It seems so trivially easy to get on this list (*), I’m surprised that not at least 9 out of every 10 professors in the US is listed. TP is even incompetent in the shitty things they do. It’s funny that in a true meritocracy, these regressive aholes wouldn’t have a snowballs chance in hell to make it.
(*) A single “infraction” can get you on the list, and this can be as trivial as mentioning the existence of systematic racism in class (which triggered some poor, poor snowflakes), or even mentioning a progressive viewpoint outside of the classroom (and thus falls outside of the self-proclaimed goal of this blacklist).
TPUSA doesn’t do research. I’m sure the only reason I’m on there is because we have some students here who are big fans of TPUSA — they paper university bulletin boards with their idiotic posters — and some zealous conservative here sent in my name for dissing their horrible little newspaper (which I haven’t seen this year, maybe they’ve collapsed. Again.)
So, really, their pathetic list is just a collection of professors who pissed off some narrow-minded college sophomore somewhere.
They list “Boise State” as being in Ohio. I think that pretty much says it all.
Congratulations, comrade.
On another note, looking at the salaries they list, even tenured professors are getting a pittance…
“…their pathetic list is just a collection of professors who pissed off some narrow-minded sophomore somewhere.”
Which might explain the disproportionate representation of Christian colleges.
Ohio, Idaho, Iowa, who can keep them straight?
I’m disappointed that none of my past professors made the list.
Betsy McCall @7:
Now, now, everybody knows learning the state capitals is a commie plot to overthrow conservatism by teaching fifth graders simple US geography. How can you possibly expect people who call themselves journalists to remember such minutia as what cities are the capitals of which states in their own damn country?
I need to up my game and get S.E. Minnesota represented.
Ah ,i always knewed you was a comie pinko ,the beard and the glasses are a dead giveaway .
As for your second name Zachary ,what kind of American name is that?
In Germany, the right wing AfD is running something similar, only that they target middle and high school teachers. You can “report” teachers there and then the afd will try to get them disciplined for violating the principle of neutrality*.
It’s an obvious ploy to intimidate teachers so they won’t say anything critical about the AfD.
*Funny enough, when I had my “how to be a good public servant” lesson I was told that my job was to teach and embody the values of freedom, democracy and equality and that therefore it was my job to stand against the menschenfeindliche** rhetoric of the afD
** a word English is missing: menschenfeindlich, anti human in the sense that it goes against people and dehumanises them.
Well, I’ve got a Muslim colleague whose name is Zacharia…
Six people seems more than enough to overthrow the state when they are intelligent people up against the idiots of TP.
@14 I have just begun reading the World War 2 diary of Robert Kellner, an anti-Nazi German. In the early part of the war he describes how people were reported to the authorities for saying anything against Hitler, or the Nazi Party, or simply not being enthusiastic enough in support of them. Seems like the AfD has got hold of the Nazi manual from that time.
It shouldn’t be surprising that Bolsonaro asked students to film leftist teachers in the act of brain washing students to be soldiers for the socialist revolution.
Google Translate returns misanthropic for menschenfeindlich. Is that not appropriate?
Cadfile: ” as the information can be verified by reliable sources then they used Fox ‘news’ and the NY Post as sources… HA!” Hey, Fox and the Post are very reliable. In their way.
colinday @17: I think “demonizing” is a better fit than “misanthropic”.
“Misanthropic” is commonly used as a synonym for “curmudgeonly,” so no, it reads as trivializing it.
Yeah, misanthropic is more like old man yelling at playing kids.
Menschenfeindlich is dehumanising, creating policies that harm and kill people.