If you’re into this kind of thing, there’s going to be a debate with Kent Hovind and King Crocoduck at 7:30 Central. You can watch it online right here:
I expect corny jokes and rampant Gish gallops from Hovind; I have no idea what this King Crocoduck fellow will do. I guess I’ll have to watch to find out.
That was painful. King Crockoduck needs a bit of refinenement on how to talk to idiots.
Hovind needs to stop conflating Space and time theory with evolution. Also he needs to stop his desperate ignorant plea to compare what is belief and what is science.
I cringed especially at the end. KC should have played that a bit differently. H did his usual obfuscation.
H’s self plugs for his videos and website were obvious.
I also don’t think it got much of an audience. There was a lack of questions. But .. mine got lost or ignored. The absolutely obvious one.
“Where did God get all the stuff he stretched out?”
I think KC made an excellent point of the sun suddenly moving a further 10 mins away as comparison to a few billion years shift in the “heavans”. Alas it didn’t get discussed in depth.
Holy martyrs, PZ! I read “Do I really want to watch Kent Hovind die?” and for a minute I actually, honestly thought he planned to self-immolate himself on live TV or something! O.o
I can’t imagine spending an hour-and-half of my time watching Hovind do anything. It’s a waste of time. Unfortunately, debating him not only gives him a platform, but lends some credence to his blather. It suggests there’s something worth debating, when there isn’t.
A reminder that this is the prestigious institute from which Kent received his PhD:
This was discussed more in the first debate.
I think these kinds of debates need a lot more structure. Hovind was constantly wandering off to some totally irrelevant point, and was clearly intentionally trying to dodge KC’s area of expertise.
One thing though: notice how often Hovind has to ask KC to explain basic stuff (“for the audience”, of course). I’m not a physicist, but I know more about the subject being discussed than Hovind does, which tells you how ignorant he has to be.
One of Kent’s former pupils, who was the last web master for the FreeKentHovind web site, has a video series calling him a false prophet.
PZ @#6 — You’re right, but I doubt you’re going to get a structured discussion with someone like Hovind. That’s because there is always a not-so-hidden agenda: conversion. Zealots deeply steeped in a particular belief system are trained to think and behave in a particular way to advance their ideology regardless of the current topic of discussion or circumstances. Hovind has probably practiced turning every discussion to his conversion agenda so that it’s always part of a discussion. No discussion is about physics or evolution or biology, as he is always talking about god, Jesus, and the Bible.
coreyshlueter @ #7 — “False prophet” is needless redundancy as all prophets are false.
KC showed far more patience with this one than I could have, hats off to him.
First time I’ve heard Kent Hovind, hope it’s the last.