Mike Huckabee has been sued for illegally robocalling to plug his movie. It doesn’t surprise me that he’s a venal little spammer, but I guess he was also an ineffective spammer, because this was the first I even heard of his movie. I had to look it up. It was called Last Ounce of Courage, and you’ll never guess what it’s about.
Well, maybe you can. Imagine the most hackneyed plot of every Christian movie ever (you got it: Christians are persecuted!), and then imagine the most trivial, non-existent slight to Christianity ever (I bet you already guessed the War on Christmas), and then put them together. You got it! It takes the last ounce of courage for these feeble Christians to say the words “Merry Christmas” in the face of all these ferocious atheists who deny them that right.
Apparently, it tanked hard. I guess I’ll have to watch it in order to make fun of it once it comes to Netflix (I ain’t paying for it, that’s for sure.)
Oh, goody – this is job security for the God Awful Movies podcast. I just listen to their review then I don’t have to waste precious moments of my life watching these turkeys.
I sincerely hope that all 4 million people take Huckabee to court. It could not happen to a more deserving person.
LA Times review:
(a) cannot happen; First Amendment
(b) should not happen; First Amendment
(c) seriously?
I think a really creative legislator could find constitutional ways to effectively ban Christmas decorations, or at least get rid of the iniquitous and degrading trade in them! Onerous health-and-safety checks on selling trees for indoor use, strings of lights, glass baubles… I certainly think it would be worth a try :-p
Come to think of it, that would force people back to making their own decorations. All the Christmas-is-about-Jesus crowd should be right behind it – back to Christmas as it used to be before Mammon elbowed Jesus out!
The only people who’ve ever successfully banned Christmas were Christians, on the grounds that it’s Papist idolatry and superstition. Here in Scotland, thanks to our hard-core Presbyterian history, Christmas wasn’t a public holiday until 1953.
There are plenty of people giving this movie very low scores on IMDB and Rotten tomatoes, but plenty of positive reviews too. IMDB shows most people voted the extremes. 37.4% voted 10/10, 34.3% voted 1/10. That’s 71.7%.
From the “user reviews” at Rotten Tomatoes, here’s the positive reviews, I’m just taking the first bunch listed in the order they appear:
5 stars
3.5 stars:
5 stars:
doesn’t display any score, positive or negative:
4 stars:
5 stars:
5 stars:
4 stars:
5 stars:
The contrast between the next two reviews is amusing:
5 stars
5 stars
You already paid for it… It’s sitting at the Morris library. http://goo.gl/RLRL7s
In my version, a hard-core presbyterian serial killer goes after every Santa with a chain saw.
He is finally stopped by an atheist black transexual cop. After agent Mulder has wasted time chasing a red herring (a one-armed midget from Albania).
The final shootout features explosions, car chases and Lutefisk dinners.
#7: I was fine with the story until I hit the horrific part: lutefisk? Americans aren’t ready for that.
Maybe I can substitute it with Cristmas Ham.
Consumed the Swedish way, with Absolut vodka, wich incidentally catches fire during the shootout engulfing the crazed presbyterian killer.
At this point Arnold Schwarzenegger quips “well, he was a hellfire preacher”!
If only we could ban the playing of excessive Christmas music in businesses, though. I do not need to hear 18 renditions of Frosty the Snowman in a single fucking day. And if I get sick of it as a customer, it’s got to be a dozen times worse for the workers.
Watch it on Netflix? For some reason the site has already somehow recommended Is Genesis History? to me, so I’d hate to think what its algorithms would do if I actually watched one of these movies.
Tabby Lavalamp:
Hence, the library idea. Librarians typically destroy your lending record as soon as you return the borrowed items…that way it can’t be subpoenaed.
Here’s an off-topic but interesting thing.
Jesus (allegedly) threw the money-changers out of the temple, right? Well, times change.
I think the Cinema Snob put it best…
“This is a movie about people so well-off and so privileged that they just have to feel victimized and persecuted about something. Anything. They wanna feel that they are victims too, even though they’re not and they live pretty fucking solid lives. Here’s where I would normally get into who made the movie. Well, OK. Idiots. Idiots made this movie. The movie is written and directed by fucking idiots… for idiots. Idiots made this film because they know just how idiotic a person would have to be in order to buy this blatant piece of idiot porn. So Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, take care of yourselves and each other, and don’t be a fucking idiot.”
For those curious about the podcast kestrel@1 mentioned, you can find their episode on Last Ounce of Courage here: https://audioboom.com/posts/5055232-gam009-last-ounce-of-courage
If you like what you hear, I recommend backing them on Patreon as they also do one bonus episode a month on a secular cinematic stinkburger. I’ve re-listened to their review of the Wicker Man remake several times.
Hey! My brother loved Lutefisk!
I’d imagine that most of them manage to block it out most of the time. Until some idiot customer comes along and comments on how annoying it is.
We got the card notification a few days ago. Maybe they have a record of the numbers called and ours was on it. I don’t remember it but have a vague memory of huckabee recorded voice and hanging up in disgust. I saved the card for fun!
We also got the notification of class a few days ago, and all of a sudden I remember getting 137X calls. It will take ages for such a class action suit to make it through the system, but in this case I will keep track.
The things lutefisk does to people’s guts are enough to avoid this film.
By the time the lutefish has gotten to yer guts, it’s already eaten most of the rest of you. You won’t have had plenty of time to enjoy the film after being enjoyed for the feast.
Lutefisk has acid for blood?
— — —
” idiot porn”
isn’t that a Lars von Trier film? (to his credit, he has also made the film “Antichrist”)
I’m still relishing the term ‘pallbean hammer.’
The atheists are, of course, led by Mads Mikkelsen in his role as Dr. Lecter.
Which makes their plans for the christians even more sinister.
To play off Dunc’s point @4, why would these people prefer to be reminded that the main event of the season was an RC mass rather than that the days are supposed to be ‘Holy’????
@14 mhenrici:
He went a bit further this year by asking and receiving a review from the Dove Foundation for Jesus Bro, and he got the Bible Reloaded to be in his Lloyd animated show’s 5th episode.
Meanwhile in Oz our census shows 26.9pct have no religion. That’s our largest religious grouping now.