That Donald Trump has poor taste is a trivial and unimpeachable offense, but watching people rush to do the opposite of what some liberal says, and then blaming the liberals for their own stupidity, is either amusing or horrifying.
Amusing when they’re ruining their food, horrifying when they’re ruining the lives of innocent people.
It’s their food, they can eat it how they want. I don’t even care if they stick french fries up their nose. Excuse me – “freedom fries.”
It’s weird that people who are so concerned with controlling and judging others are so concerned about being judged. Oh, wait – maybe that’s it – me judging you judging me gives me a feeling of power over you!! Hey, we “cucks” don’t like hitting ourselves in the face with bricks. Maybe some real men should show us the error of our way by demonstrating how they like to brickface themselves?
“You know, liberals say you should *not* go out swimming where there is risk of a riptide”
(Watch a horde of dudebros win the Darwin Award)
There’s a good LOLcat up today. A nurse is the first person you see after saying, “Hold my beer and watch this.”
I like my steaks rare. How rare? Well…I don’t want it to “Moo!” when I stick a fork in it. Other than that, just chase it around the fire a couple of times. A friend of mine once claimed that with a little CPR she could bring a steak cooked the way I like it back to life.
My lefty parents used to tell me not to stick things in electric outlets.
They were probably lying.
chigau @4, I did a series of experiments in that area, and found my parents’ warnings to have been justified, even after we immigrated and I ran the series again at 110V. There was some bruising and light burns involved.
Course, I was 10, but I did survive.
It’s weird that people who are so concerned with controlling and judging others are so concerned about being judged.
I’m not a psychologist, but I think the word you’re looking for is “projection.” Also – well done with ketchup!? Good God, no wonder the man thinks steak belongs in the same retail category as headlight slippers and motorized tie racks.
Heinz? HEINZ!?!?
Everyone knows that good freedom-lovin’ Americans use W Ketchup!
Yes, it’s real. Yes, it came about as a result of conservatives pissing themselves over John Kerry’s ties to the Heinz family.
Didn’t Tucker or some other idiot on Fox News once go after President Obama for linking edvine on his sandwich?
Sorry, but I’m having a hard time understanding this comic. Is the RWNJ trying to provoke offense for the sake of provoking offense?
First, the mildly deranged penguin points out, Cows don’t go “moo!”, they go “quack!”, except when they go “baa-baa!” or, if you’re lucky, “mommy!” As far as she call recall, it’s carrots that go “moo!” And secondly, a “moo!”-ing carrot has been greatly overcooked, the proper test for being ready to eat is if it bites you: If it doesn’t, it’s stale; If it bites yer head off, it’s just about ready; and If it bites you in half, it’s cooked to perfection (bleu, or “blue”, which is an interesting colour for a carrot…).
I made a comment on the Madness thread a couple of weeks ago (and cannot find it), but I have, repeatedly, had conversations with Trumpoids who have stated (not verbatim), “Well, I know that So-and-So is an idiot and cannot run Thus-and-Such agency, but, man, it is fun watching the liberal heads explode.” Or, “Yeah, Spicer is lying through his arse, but, man, it is fun to watch the liberal heads explode.” So, for some, trolling may be a part of the intentional modus operandi of right wing authoritarians.
Near as I can make out, they seem to think that this is a game. When I was in elementary school, I was bullied. And the greatest thrill a bully gets is when his victim reacts. And the better the reaction, the bigger the win. I suspect that RWAs view this a game and making the opposition lose their shit, or even react in any way, is a victory.
Which I would classify as an epic empathy fail. These asshats are playing games and people are already dying.
It occurred to me that the way Donnie eats his steaks is kind of the perfect reflection of his personality.
He goes to an expensive restaurant, orders the most expensive thing on the menu, simply because it’s expensive, disregards the advice of a team of experts who have devoted their lives to respecting and elevating the dish, demands it be done his way because he’s got the money, and then he sprays it with “patriotism” (or ketchup), as a final utter disrespect to all the people involved in the long process of bringing that from farm to table.
He completely and utterly judges everything based on monetary value alone, and not any sort of intrinsic worth, and congratulates himself for doing so. There is no respect for anything involved except the price tag.
Someone who eats well-done steaks may not necessarily be a bad person. Personal taste, after all, but you can bet that a guy like him doesn’t give a crap about flavor, texture, or the skill involved in preparation – simply about spending a lot of money and doing it his way. And he probably only orders it “well done” because he thinks that’s somehow better because of the name. If there were a doneness called “really, really, stupendously great” he’d order it that way.
God help us when he travels abroad. I can see how the meeting with Shinzo Abe will go. “What is wrong with you guys, this fish is RAW! [nukes Osaka in retaliation]”
Could we just stop talking about Trump’s fucking steak? If I made a list with a million things wrong about Trump in descending order, his steak wouldn’t make the cut.
And you’re causing splash damage to each and every person who suffered from food policing and eating disorders.
Sometimes I wonder how much of this is just the same crap we put up with in high school. Except that now the jocks and cheerleaders are all addicted to painkillers and meth and they are trying to wreck the country so the nerds become as miserable as they are.
Trump voters: It’s not that they hate women, minorities, etc. It’s that they hate us more than they love the country.
@Ogvorbis, 10
So they’re saying that seeing liberals upset at the decline of their nation is more important to them than said nation being run competently? That doesn’t seem all that patriotic to me….
Mind you, I suppose “PATRIOTISM!!!!!!” is more the buzzword of the ridiculous right than the hipster fascist alt right.
Yeah, I don’t really care how Trump eats his steak. It’s his face, he can stuff whatever he wants in it.
I had three kids. I’ve experienced every peculiarity and phase in dietary tastes there is, I think, and I didn’t love them less when they told me they needed that greasy horrible thing from McD’s, or they insisted that I only serve food with a minimum of flavor, and definitely no spices.
Back when I still ate that sort of thing I’d also order my steak well-done, mainly to escape the tedious posturing over who could eat their meat the rawest (as demonstrated by whheydt up there, for example).
Somehow I suspect that’s not Trump’s motivation though…maybe if we convince him that eating your steak extra rare is a sign of masculinity we can get him to die of food poisoning?
Doubtless you’ve heard stories of how kitchen staff like to do disgusting things to the food of unpleasant customers. Of course Trump slathers his food with ketchup: it’s the best way to mask the taste of floor (and worse). Dude probably hasn’t eaten a hygienic dinner in years.
Exactly who decided uncooked was the best way to enjoy a steak? It’s a subjective idea, no more “correct” that drinking your coffee full of stuff versus drinking it black. Liking well done steak is proof that one likes well done steak and nothing more. By some of the reasoning seen here rare steak would be evil, and should be avoided, if that’s how Trump liked it.
I like my steaks breaded, and made of chicken. Preferably with some garlic butter secreted inside.
New York Strip, grilled medium rare, seasoned with salt, pepper, and garlic. Served with a loaded baked potato and garnished with carmelized onions, mushrooms, and just a drizzle of A-1.
I bet that would make Il Douche puke.
timgueguen @18:
It has to do with the quality level of the meat: the more done it is, the less noticeable the difference in quality becomes. Cook a steak well done and it becomes difficult to tell a prime cut of Kobe from something that still has marks where the jockey was hitting it.
A person is entitled to have their steaks however they like them, but Trump’s habit of getting an expensive steak well done and smothered in ketchup is just throwing away extra money on something that he immediately renders pointless.
microraptor, I see you too buy into the myth.
Actually, the better-quality the cut, the better the result, regardless of how completely it’s cooked. Thing is, poor quality meat is hard to cook properly (i.e. no blood, no pink) without getting it to be tough.
Might as well claim an egg is over-done and therefore tough unless it’s runny.
Putting sugary substances on meat, though — that I find weird and disgusting.
(But I don’t thereby imagine that it says bad things about the character of those who do so)
Have you people never heard of cleek’s Law??
No, not at all. Lean, expensive cuts cooked improperly are tougher, chewier, and less pleasant than cheap cuts cooked according to their means, and this is true for even something as simple as a burger made from sirloin compared to one from chuck.
No, not at all. The fat of some cheap cuts provide flavor and exquisite tenderness, particularly when braised or smoked low and slow, while the leaner ones from more muscle-dense regions can be tenderized with acid or effort, readily seared off, and then sliced across the grain. Some even make for serviceable tartare. This is why shortribs and hangar, skirt, and flank steaks, for example, have become increasingly less affordable in the US as the upper and middling classes discover their ease and appeal.
Athywren @14 –
Yeah, pretty much. I think it’s the same problem toxic masculinity runs into. Basically just like masculinity that defines itself by resisting whatever appears to be “feminine” quickly runs into a gutter of awful, conservatism has been defining itself as “against whatever liberals are for” for a few decades now and it’s led to worse and worse places.
It’s why conservatives are against doing anything to help the environment even though cleaner air and water affect them too. Why they’ve abandoned concepts like democracy or empathy in very stupid and obvious ways. And why the channer neo-nazis were able to sway the rest of the party so easily into going all in on fascism.
Because to these people, whatever a liberal will be against and especially what will make them hurt and suffer and die is all they are for anymore. Everything else is window-dressing and words of a game in service to that central goal.
And the reasons why that became the case are myriad. There’s the core of sexism and racism that has defined whiteness as anything against experiences of color and masculinity by resistance to femininity. There’s the Rapturist believers who think that there’s an anti-christ who must arise through the left because they are too good and pure to be bamboozled by an evil charismatic leader who only seeks the destruction of the world. There’s an angry core of violent racists adopted in the Southern Strategy who are willing to burn down the country to ensure black people and others they consider their “lessers” are never considered equal who are easily swayed into only fighting for what keeps those “lessers” “in their place”.
But the end-result is a political party that has no real values other than hurting people with less power, whose followers are willing to support anything if they believe it is counter to what a liberal or a “lesser being” wants, will gladly burn down the country for the promise that it will hurt those they hate (who they’ve never known beyond the superficial) more than them, and believe that liberals having access to the means to hold any form of power must be blocked by any extra-judicial method possible.
Whenever I hear the word “snowflake” used as an insult, I automatically translate the entire posting that contains the word as follows:
“You care about something that I don’t care about. I can’t be bothered to come up with actual arguments about why the thing you care about is wrong, so I’m just going to insult you because I enjoy insulting people, and it will feel to me as if I won the argument.”
The comic really should have included an incorrectly used ‘triggered’ at least once.
Do you have a recipe for roasting a clay pot? What if it is cracked? (And what sort of pot do you suggest roasting?)
A well-cooked steak is one that is replaced with a mushroom of equal mass at the earliest opportunity. >.>