We have another of those really long-running threads, focused on the problem of race in America, and particularly the issues highlighted by events in Ferguson, Missouri. There’s no shortage of material, and it keeps going and going, hampered only by the limitation of the blog medium: in particular, that I automatically shut down all discussion threads after 3 months, to block spam. That’s not enough time!
So here’s another semi-open thread — talk about America’s race problem. Forever, or until it’s fixed.
Cuttlefish says
So, forever, then.
PZ Myers says
Yeah, I think so.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
At least for our lifetimes.
Sagar Keer says
Racism is a general problem in the US that plays a big role in incidents such as Ferguson. But I think the role of police training and their style of functioning has to be explored as well. Its bad enough that dumb racists make a significant portion of US law enforcement. But what makes it worse is there is very little restraint on them on the use of lethal force. Of course, their use of lethal force is strongly race-specific, but just the fact that its considered OK for a cop to shoot a person dead on any sign of resistance or possibility of possession of a firearm is shocking to me. Shouldn’t cop at the very least wait till they are certain that they are being shot at before using lethal force? Seems as though they are trained to care about their own lives before anyone else’s. In that case, why do we need cops, coming in with instant epithets of “XYZ city’s finest” or “brave men and women”? Where does the “brave” part come in if they act & react no better than a George Zimmerman?
and not just lethal force, you have cases of general police brutality where a 57 YEAR OLD Indian man was left partially paralyzed after police tackled him violently. His crime? Walking & looking at yards while brown,
rq says
Forever, or whenever it’s fixed.
Not much of a choice there, PZ.
At any rate, thank you for opening up yet another thread. Prepare for a barrage of posts once I get home. I have been maintaining the links, even if no suitable venue has been available. :)
Sagar Keer
I suggest you check out the link in the OP, which also points out the racial disparity that appears in cop-shooting cases. It is sometimes difficult to make a comparison, since there seem to be less white people shot by cops, but it isn’t just a matter of training in the use of lethal methods, but also a matter of subconscious biases that can influence the cops’ supposed feelings of danger. These two things combined are very fatal, indeed.
Because there is one case where two BB-gun-armed gunmen entered a Wal-Mart and opened fire, and were arrested alive – contrast that to the case of John Crawford III, who was shot dead just for holding a gun in a non-threatening pose. And that’s just one example.
rq says
Basically, these comments begin where the last post left off. So some links may be a couple of days, sorry about that. Here goes!
Crew waiting for the protestors arrested today to be released. STL.
Bobby Shmurda Speaks Out About His Gang-Related Charges: ‘That Shit Is Bullshit’
(Video) Florida Drivers Challenging Police Over Legally Questionable DUI Checkpoints In my opinion, random DUI checks are a good thing… but then I’ve never had to worry abou the police turning it into a whole other thing.
The Radical Brownies have made an appearance here before, but not in article form: Young Oakland Girls Called ‘Radical Brownies’ Learn Social Justice Instead Of Selling Cookies
@deray Amazing timing! Last night @BLMPDX did #DateWithJustice. NW is turning up this weekend!
Denver Community Defense Committee’s Official Statement on “March Against Police Terror”
rq says
Jimi Hendrix. 1961. 101st Airborne.
This i san orphan tweet from somewhere else: @MHPshow “Plaintiffs in this case are each impoverished people who were jailed by the City of Jennings because they were unable to pay debt”
Brian Williams Used ‘Thuggish Kids’ To Dramatize Hurricane Katrina Story
Ex-Chicago Officer Accused of Torturing Black Men Is Released From Prison
Lawmaker Opposes Education Funding Because It Would Go To ‘Blacks’ Who Get ‘Welfare Crazy Checks’
I’m getting the feeling that using ‘Blacks’ as opposed to ‘black people’ is quickly becoming something a little bit like ‘thug’ but more polite.
LeBron James Reveals He Won’t Let His Sons Play Outside With Toy Guns (DETAILS)
rq says
When the @SLMPD arrest a group of non-violent protesters and then release the ones who are popular on Twitter, there is a problem.
Y’all, @MsPackyetti is leading a Racial Identity Training Session right now. And it’s incredible. Here’s the pdf on that: Racial Identity Development. From a black people’s perspective and a white people’s perspective, very interesting… thought-provoking.
This Is How Black Girls End Up in the School-To-Prison Pipeline
Civil Rights Icon John Lewis: Without Selma, Obama Would Not Be President
Police dash cam shows part of contested arrest – until St. Louis officer turns camera off
Dash cams solve everyone’sp roblems!
More at the link.
By performing on the ground Kanye is forcing the audience to compare his body to the dead bodies of black folk.
rq says
Here’s another on the dashcam situation: Police dash cam shows part of contested arrest – until St. Louis officer turns camera off
And Shaun King on the same, via DailyKos: St. Louis police and mayor do not want you to see this video of police brutality
@ShaunKing @deray Again, cameras without an accountability structure will not work. No reforms will work w/o accountability.
Nancy Green, aka “Aunt Jemima”, was the world’s first living trademark and signed a lifetime contract in the 1890s.
.@deray “Aunt Jemima has become known as one of the most exploited and abused women in American history,” said one of her great-grandsons.
7 out of the 11 major U.S. currency notes and coins (1, 5, 10, 25 cent coins, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 dollar notes) feature slave owners.
rq says
Scientists Reveal Secrets Behind Hip Hop’s Most Complicated Rhymes
The Golden 13, the first black commissioned and warrant officers in the Navy. , wiki link: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Thirteen
The CBC found the story: Civil rights lawyers sue Ferguson over ‘debtors’ prisons’
Audio at the link.
And the Sea Salt Company came up with a very avant garde advertisement. Remove the picture of a noose and the disgusting name “The Hanging Tree”, this is pretty offensive @seasaltcompany See pictures for puke-value.
Yup, Voter ID Laws Have Nothing to Do With Fraud
rq says
George Washington, Slave Catcher
TONIGHT @ #HSSU! Making the Connection: Meeting of the Minds between Students & Activists! 10pm until midnight.
No free rein for misinforming and confusing jurors
First African=American woman licensed to practice medicine in America: Pioneer “@IsisPaperzZ: Nobody GAVE black women shit. “@ShannonLeeKiss: “”
America’s Worst President
, video at the link.
“Blacks around the table” Absent from the Academy
rq says
The phenomenon of us being surprised (pleasantly or horribly) by facts from black history is a direct consequence of erasure’s success.
Yay! Little League: Jackie Robinson West didn’t cheat
Miss. Judge Who Reportedly Hit Mentally Disabled Man and Yelled ‘Run, N–ger, Run’ Indicted After 9 Months
The article lists other misbehaviour by the same judge. Why is he a judge again?
More than 100 workers, students, and faculty braving the cold at #umn supporting @WhoseDiv demands!
A black Union soldier posted at a Slave Auction House, Whitehall Street, Atlanta (1864)
Event called ‘Processing the Black Experience in St Louis’, for activists interested in healthy ways of processing trauma. RSVP- free group being offered this week! Please share the info. #stlabpsi #heal #workingthrutrauma
rq says
Target. America. Picture of a black man at the doctor’s, with a target on his back, the doctor asks: “How long have you had this?” The black man is thinking: “Too long…”
The movement started with MB getting killed by a white cop. YES. But then ALL kinds of Black folks showed up to fight the good fight…
…then those who are often marginalized were again marginalized within their own community while fighting for freedom.
But those marginalized (women, the young, the LGBT) are suppose to shut up and deal while putting OUR bodies on the line? FUCK THAT.
Black girls are suspended from school 6 times more often than white girls
What exactly is a microaggression?
rq says
Update: this week’s #FergusonFoodShare drop-off times and locations… (changed due to the weather)
@FergFoodShare: 1) Thursday, South City, 4219 Hartford St. 6-7:30pm #FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off
@FergFoodShare: 2) Friday, 6-7:30pm, Reds BBQ Parking Lot. 9300 West Florissant Avenue #FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off
@FergFoodShare: 3) Friday, South City, 4219 Hartford St. 8:00-9:30pm #FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off
@FergFoodShare: 4) Saturday, 9-10am, Reds BBQ Parking Lot. 9300 West Florissant Avenue #FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off
#FergusonFoodShare wk 2 items: Apples, carrots, chicken legs/wings or quarters, corn, green beans, green peppers, oatmeal (assorted flavors)
rq says
Okay, that’s it for now!
Lynna, OM says
Thanks, PZ. Thanks, rq.
karmacat says
This American life had a good episode on cops and racism and unconscious bias. There is a program for cops in Las Vegas has done very well in helping cops see their unconscious biases. It resulted in the number of killings by police to decline dramatically.
Sagar Keer says
@rq #5
I absolutely agree about the racial disparity. White people get away with things black people can’t even dream of doing without being hunted down by these thugs in uniform.
When I look at the narrative in media about such incidents, hearing the police commissioners/authorities talk about them: It seems to be taken for granted that the police have the right to use extreme force at even a hint of non-cooperation or struggle (completely disregarding the needs of suicidal or impaired people, or simply someone who doesn’t understand: children, older foreign nationals). That they choose to use discretion only for certain races and not others is the core issue. But don’t you feel it would help if we take away their “ammo” (that use of force is considered OK at the smallest of suspicions)?
rq says
Sagar Keer
I feel that is a whole different conversation. We are not on this thread to discuss policing methods as such, we are here to discuss the effects of racism in everyday life, including that of police officers and how they police, and their (un)conscious biases. Taking away police officers’ use of force privileges will not stop racism. Talking about racism and how to stop it will stop racism.
Anne Fenwick says
If this is a thread to complain about all things racist in American life, I’d like to complain about the huge number of white Americans who’ve casually, gratuitously and ‘helpfully’ warned me away from black-majority areas and events. It both reflects and perpetuates the minset which leads to higher levels of engagement between law enforcement and black people which leads to more incarcerations and shootings. Also, it’s a form of slander, and while I usually disapprove of patriotism, slandering your compatriots to foreign visitors is about as shitty as it gets. Please stop doing it or letting people do it around you.
Not that anyone here does that, I’m sure. Do you guys have any idea how often it happens?
rq says
Anne Fenwick
Officially or unofficially?
By that I mean, by city policy of some kind (or company, or real estate company, or etc) or by ordinary everyday folk? Because the former floats up from time to time in articles about ‘unofficial’ city division or where people are advised to buy homes, etc. The latter is harder to track, but I’m certain it happens.
rq says
On with the links!
First Black Student being Harassed (Colorized)
Interlude: music! In a New Video, Joey Bada$$ Takes on Police Shootings of Unarmed Black Men
Video at the link.
Haha, Roorda! Controversial St. Louis police union leader muzzled when it comes to civilian review
Not entirely sure where he’s being muzzled. Perhaps someone else can point that out to me.
Workers Awarded $15,000,000 After Bosses Called Them ‘N–gers’ and Separated Them by Race
Apparently these things still happen. o.o
Tangentially related, 16 theories for why crime plummeted in the US
Includes “More criminals in prison” with obligatory picture of black man; “More police on the streets” and “Broken-window policing”; other things like the economy, technology keeping people inside, gentrification (? really?) and the aging population. A few better-known theories (like legalized abortion, lead in the air) are also included.
The indomitable. Ruth Bader Ginsburg on abortion, race and the broken Congress
Her thoughts on other issues can be found within.
Anne Fenwick says
@20 – rq
I mean ordinary, everyday folks, specifically of a Democrat voting persuasion,but it’s not just my personal experience, it’s a known thing among European visitors to America and it happens a lot. Is it ok to use this thread of everyday anecdotal complaints or is it mostly for your more serious references? Which are great, by the way.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Oh, good. I stopped getting ‘Later this morning in America’ updates and got worried for a split-second. Thanks for this PZ.
rq says
Those who do not know their history… Oklahoma Lawmakers Vote Overwhelmingly To Ban Advanced Placement U.S. History
Must maintain exceptionalism! Negative aspects. Ha.
Mroe on those body cameras: City body camera no-bid contracts raise questions
Also, Mayor pledges police body cameras by year’s end
Oh, and speaking of Mr Patel, so brutally assaulted by cops – and the utility of having misbehaving cops on camera. Or, rather, speaking of the cop who assaulted him. What is Wrong with People? Fundraiser Set Up For Cop Who Paralyzed Innocent Grandfather
Link to fundraiser in the text.
Also, they only let him out on bond? That means… he had to pay the cops for the assault???
Man Claims St. Louis Cops Turned Off Dash Cam and Then Beat Him. Before it was all about ‘the video they didn’t want you to see!’, now the man is already ‘claiming’ these things happened. Wasn’t it all on video? But the article is basically a repost.
News 4 Investigates: Traffic ticket quotas for officers?
Even the mayor says it’s not quotas, so I guess it’s not. Right?
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Does the mayor want to redefine what quota means in the same way conservatives have tried to redefine torture?
rq says
Anne Fenwick
Actually, I think it’s even better to also complain about everyday experiences with racism. This thread would be all the better for it, since those personal-personal experiences aren’t usually written up in article form. I do find personal-type stories and perspectives, but it would be nice for there to be more, so you’re welcome to share!! Definitely!
Interlude: St Louis 100 years ago. 30 Stunning Vintage Photographs of St. Louis Streets in the Early 20th Century .
The War on the War on Poverty
Relatedly, Killing in Washington State Offers ‘Ferguson’ Moment for Hispanics
More at the link.
High School Graduation Rates Between Black and White Males Widen. Some of the numbers are being questioned, though.
Ferguson: Thug Illusion in a Media Revolution,
rq says
Repeat information, but might be of use to someone – Ferguson Alternate Spring Break, running from now until April (each week, a new week-long session).
Also, Updated time for the @SVA_News @VASASVA event this Thurs. #Ferguson #Ferguson2NYC #FergusonFoodShare (5-8pm not 7-10), also accepting winter clothes, toiletries, books and non-perishables.
Waiting for more info on this: Trayvon Scott, 30, was suspect who died in Baltimore police custody Saturday after North Baltimore foot pursuit.
Police say Scott was wanted in a 2010 att murder. Warrant for his arrest issued on 2/11/15. Officer spotted him Saturday & chased him.
Relevant because black president, but I can’t read full article as I do not subscribe: President BuzzFeed.
Meanwhile, down in Philadelphia, Wolf likely facing fight on controversial State Police Commissioner
Hm, that almost sounds like the kind of person who would do well as commissioner. More:
Okay, let’s back up there a sec – they called themselves a paramilitary organization, where you obey orders from above. Still more:
Well, questions need to be asked, but then, everyone who has received a shady pension should be scrutinized. Either way, he can’t be any worse than other commissioners, amirite, what with that record of diversity? (Which certainly sounds liek the right kind of thinking.)
The Rise of Homeschooling Among Black Families
rq says
There’s a comment in moderation. Oops, back to old habits!
rq says
All Scientists Are White Men, So Those Black And Latina Ladies Must Be Janitors
ThinkProgress on James Craig Anderson, with previously unknown information (to me) – like the fact that his partner was a father of a young child (I say his partner was the father, though they were both parents to the child – but the law being what it is…). TW. The Brutal, Jim Crow-Style Lynching That Recently Took A Black Man’s Life In Mississippi
I have to disagree with the conclusion, though – that it was individual racism, rather than collective racism. It may not be written in the books any longer, but there sure as hell is a systemic problem with racism – it’s not just individual people deciding to act racist. Their actions are the product of the system within which they live. Sure, less racism is better than a lot of racism, but it sure as hell isn’t no racism, and even less racism can be harmful and show up unexpectedly in the most ordinary of places.
This is an old one (from November), so no quoting, but it serves as a bit of an outro/intro: FBI notorious for assassinating blacks: US activist. Contrast that with FBI director Comey’s speech last thread, and this: Civil rights group challenges FBI chief’s claim that police racial bias is ‘unconscious’
rq says
All Scientists Are White Men, So Those Black And Latina Ladies Must Be Janitors
ThinkProgress on James Craig Anderson, with previously unknown information (to me) – like the fact that his partner was a father of a young child (I say his partner was the father, though they were both parents to the child – but the law being what it is…). TW. The Brutal, Jim Crow-Style Lynching That Recently Took A Black Man’s Life In Mississippi
I have to disagree with the conclusion, though – that it was individual racism, rather than collective racism. It may not be written in the books any longer, but there sure as hell is a systemic problem with racism – it’s not just individual people deciding to act racist. Their actions are the product of the system within which they live. Sure, less racism is better than a lot of racism, but it sure as hell isn’t no racism, and even less racism can be harmful and show up unexpectedly in the most ordinary of places.
This is an old one (from November), so no quoting, but it serves as a bit of an outro/intro: FBI notorious for assassinating blacks: US activist. Contrast that with FBI director Comey’s speech last thread, and this: Civil rights group challenges FBI chief’s claim that police racial bias is ‘unconscious’
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
David Marjanović says
It is mourning again in America!
(Not original to me.)
opus says
What a surprise!
Between 2000 and 2004, Enos and a group of Harvard graduate students studied a public-housing reconstruction project in Chicago that caused the displacement of more than 25,000 African Americans, many of whom had previously lived in close proximity to white voters. After the African Americans moved out of the voting district, a startling effect became apparent: the white voters’ turnout dropped by 12 to 15 percentage points, leading Enos and his team to believe that white residents’ previously higher levels of civic engagement were in large part caused by feelings of racial threat.
“That’s a lot of people. Political parties work really hard to try and turn out two or three percentage points of people—this is a 15 percentage point drop, so it’s a huge swing in who votes and who doesn’t,” Enos notes. “What it looks like…[is that] when [whites] were living next to these black neighbors, they were ‘racially threatened.’ The presence of these African Americans was affecting their psychology in some way and causing them to vote in a certain way.”
After dividing voters by race, Enos and his team measured how far they lived from the demolished housing projects and then estimated voting patterns, using a method called ecological inference (the process of using aggregate data to draw conclusions about individual-level behavior) developed by Weatherhead University Professor Gary King.
Enos found that the way people voted changed according to their proximity to housing projects: whites who lived nearby were voting for Republicans at a higher rate than whites living in other areas. “After those projects came down, they all voted Republican at the same rate,” Enos adds. “It looked like the presence of those housing projects caused them to vote Republican.”
Paper: http://people.hmdc.harvard.edu/~renos/papers/EnosChicago/EnosChicago.pdf
Source: http://harvardmagazine.com/2014/09/unraveling-racial-threat
opie says
Racism: photons of varying wavelength striking retinas are literally changing culture and the course of human history. A testament to the rationality of 3 lbs of cranial meat.
Travis says
I was asked to repost this in the comments here, as it seemed topical.
I was just reading this story on the CBC website: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/in-fairfax-va-a-different-no-less-scary-police-shooting-1.2960995
about a police shooting and the complete lack of real legal consequences for police officers that kill people. It is one of the few articles I have seen in the mainstream press that has been critical of police officers and their expectation of complete submission to authority by people. What amazed me in this case is that four fellow officers actually contradicted the story of the shooter, breaking that wall of silence that normally goes up. But even with this being the case, nothing has happened.
rq says
This is a rather tangential article, but I’m sure the program would have an impact on poor black people and families who are temporarily or chronically homeless: Room for Improvement
They got the LDS involved, which got the program going, but there’s no mention on how much of their religion they also push, except this:
Which refers specifically to members of the church, but I don’t know how much of that carries over into the Housing First program.
This Supreme Court Decision Could Encourage One Of The Worst Forms Of Racism
The article includes a closer look at the segregated past of housing and mortgaging etc. Here’s another factor:
And to finish off:
So go Texas, I suppose?
St. Louis police turn over Kajieme Powell shooting case to prosecutor –
The opening paragraph/sentence pretty much sums things up. ‘Anyway’ – you know, if they have time. I certainly hope they find the time and the effort.
Here’s CNN on the officer who turned off his dashcam, St Louis officer under fire for turning off dashcam video during arrest, video at the link.
Also from CNN: What really happened to Malcolm X?, video at the link.
Taking a look back at Ferguson, though, Justice Department ‘seriously examining’ Ferguson race case. Well, thatš alright then, they’re taking a ‘serious’ look!
Interlude: Idris Elba
Pierce Brosnan backs Idris Elba to be the next James Bond – awful nice of Pierce!
Rather a shame that Daniel Craig still has a couple more movies to make before he can leave the franchise.
rq says
Crap. You’re missing out on the Elba previous comment. Onwards! Directly to the annals of Stupid:
Krispy Kreme’s “KKK Wednesdays” promotion backfires, obviously
I will only make the comment that ‘Colouring Tuesday’ might also resonate poorly. No further comment from me.
More frighteningly, ‘White Power’ Signs Held Up at Texas High School Basketball Game
Video apparently at the link; work computer is blocking it out. :P
A worthy comparison: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Claiming Isis represents Islam is like claiming to the Ku Klux Klan represents Christianity
Black Police Officers Divided Over Eric Garner’s Death
Also video at the link.
One more on Ferguson and Holder-before-he-leaves-office. Holder confirms separate Ferguson probes to be finished before he leaves office
I love it when the Authoritehs scream Bias! and Politicized! when they have so much of both themselves.
rq says
Mmkay, and this is the last link that is working for me from work; I have a few more lined up ready to go but they’ll have to wait for home computer. Where there will be even more (probably tomorrow).
Racism against black people – not just in America! Time to shut down this modern-day minstrel show
Reading the first part, I was getting ready to be all ‘never MIND the cultural differences, racism is racism!’ but I loved the turnaround.
As for me and my locality, I can say, with conviction, that blackface is a thing here, too, and nobody sees a thing wrong with it. Last summer (I think, may have been the summer before) there was a concert show being put on for one of the many summertime festivals, and the theme was… well, I forget what the theme was, something about journeys and fairytales, though I could be wrong. Nice location – open-air stage in the Rātslaukums, which lies between the Riga City Council building and the Melngalvju nams, with the statue of Rolands looking on. Directly behind the stage, the Museum of Occupation, somewhat lost in the background even with it’s starkly cubed, black brutalism. All corners and lines, is that building. And right there, on stage, an actor MCing the show – dressed as, you will not guess it, someone from the Arabian Nights. The fantasy-like ones, that is, where the people of Arab descent (or perhaps it was a Moor in this case :P) wear shiny turbans, embroidered open vests, loose satin pants, gold-touched curled-toe shoes… and blackface. No, they couldn’t find someone of colour to MC (and there are people of colour in Latvia). No, they couldn’t do with just the costume but without the blackface.
But then, one of the more contemporary theatre troupes put on a showing of Othello with white Othello in full-body blackface (blackbody?). Because it just wouldn’t do for Othello to be white and still of a different nationality? At least the ballet version hired a black dancer for the primary role, for the first season of shows. Nowadays they make do with a local white guy, sans black facepaint. For some people, it’s a theatrical device. What I find damning is their inability to research the gimmick, to see that it isn’t such a gimmick so much as an appropriation… but then, there aren’t so many black people in Latvia that they would care, right? :P
rq says
Yesterday’s leftovers:
Two letters from the Denver police to the mayor. Can’t confirm how real they are; if they are, they’re rpetty terrible!
First one here (pdf) and the second one here. To specify, from the Fraternal Order of Police in Denver.
Some people are racist and proud of it. Chelsea fans chant “We’re racist” while keeping black man off train
There’s video at the link. Oh, and the person they’re trying to one-up is Sacchi, a soccer trainer in Italy, who lamented the excess of black people on the Italian team, but he’s not a racist.
Positive news? More police departments choosing restraint over quick action
Well, from what activists have mentioned, there are still departments who will rush into the crowd and snatch people for arrest. More:
More conversations would be nice – and it would also be nice for the police to actually listen to the free speech on offer, draw some conclusions, and make some changes. But then, as on another thread, being necessarily heard is not a right. :P It’s just not always the smart choice not to listen.
There are some things white and black folk can agree on. Or, Interlude: Kardashian! Dear Tyga:
Blacks and Whites Are Quite Clear on Friendships Between Grown Men and Little Girls
Grand juries are ‘relic of another time’: New York’s top judge urges reform
I love the comment that was at the forefront when I blockquoted: “Just what we need, another judge who thinks he is omnipotent or better than our Founding Fathers and years of judicial process”. (Somewhat paraphrased. :P) Apparently the Founding Fathers were absolutely infallible and could predict the future so as to align all laws and every paragraph of the constitution with everyone’s future needs, amendments be damned!
rq says
Pussy Riot Get Buried Alive In “I Can’t Breathe,” Dedicated To Eric Garner
I would just like to note that their shirts don’t say ‘HOMO’, but are the Russian spelling for ‘OMON‘. Basically, the special forces of the military. Which as a significance of its own.
Fifty Years After Medicare Desegregated Hospitals, Blacks Still Fighting for Health Care Access
Man killed in altercation with TPD officer
Here’s a thought, because it’s another case where a physical struggle was involved – maybe, if police officers weren’t so busy reaching for their guns, they’d have an easier time subduing their suspects? I mean, how easy can it be to fight off or hold onto someone if you’re only using one hand, right? Which means obviously you feel in danger and will shoot at first opportunity – but wouldn’t it be wiser to use both hands in the first place?
In Chicago, an event – Civil Rights: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow February 20-21, 2015 9:00 am – 6:00 pm (come hang with Diane Nash & me).
You need an account to listen to Ta-Nehisi Coates here, but I’m hoping a youtube link will turn up (there was one, but it doesn’t seem to be working anymore – it was here, for what it’s worth. From the tweets, it must have been an excellent presentation – Mr Coates reading from his newest book. Will keep an eye out.
rq says
Night court. No seats. 12 degrees. Some defendants left. Warrants for not entering building they were locked out of.
Two FB events:
Stand with MOA10 in Court
MOA is Mall of America, just in case anyone has forgotten. Link to the legal defense fund over there, don’t need to be logged in or have facebook at all to view this event.
And the other one: PACK THE HEARING ROOM
That one’s today, at noon CST. In Minneapolis, the miracle city.
Which reminds me, pulling two links from that thread to put over here, thanks to kelecable.
If Minneapolis is so great, why is it so bad for African Americans?
And the other one, About that “Miracle”
rq says
The second paragraph in the second-last link previous comment should be blockblockquoted, I blame tpyos.
Magic Johnson to invest $10M in Chicago youth summer job program
Yay proactive!
Pray the Gay Away by @BlackGayPoet. This young man is power. The youtube link: Pray the gay away By Thomas “Vocab” Hill
rq says
I said it when Lebron wore it & I’ll say it re: the SELMA cast, if this shirt offends you, you are probably racist.
Racist letter sent to Bridgeport cops spurs probe
Here’s a link between (former?) cops and torture at Guantanamo – Guantánamo torturer led brutal Chicago regime of shackling and confession
This shit spreads easily.
Prince C. Jones Jr. , a friend of @tanehisicoates shot dead because of police profiling. Sad story.
This author, Naomi Murakawa, was recommended for several books into policing and race, among other things.
Mo’Nique Says Roles in Empire and The Butler ”Just Went Away”: Lee Daniels Told Me I’ve Been ”Blackballed”
rq says
White aldermen betray black lives
And here’s one for your ‘black-on-black crime’ square. For the nth Bingo in a row.
Black lives should also matter when the killer is black: Phillip Morris
Several other squares within the article, including ‘decline of the black family’, ‘fatherless boys’ and I’m sure a couple of more.
rq says
Rather tangential, but with an effect. Infoporn: College Faculties Have a Serious Diversity Problem
St Louis University apparently showed some art that not everyone agreed with. Here’s their statement on that: An Important Message from the President
Clarification of Artwork, cited in full, emphases mine:
Pasco shooting: police will not say how many bullets fired at unarmed man
Ferguson Police Chief responds to report that DOJ is wrapping investigation
And because he makes a regular appearance here, a round of applause! Ta-Nehisi Coates Honored With 2014 George Polk Award
And here’s another on the disparate numbers of people in jail. We Lock Up Tons of Innocent People—and Charge Them for the Privilege . Because the report discussed has been mentioned before, I will only turn attention towards the article’s final point:
rq says
For general reading, The Multidimensional Model of Racial Identity (MMRI)
The link further looks at black identity specifically, and black identity in teenagers. Related to Racial Identity Development in pdf above.
Frontline Ferguson Protester and Palestinian-American Bassem Masri on How the #Ferguson2Palestine Solidarity Movement Was Formed
And it’s still Black History Month, so here, have some black history! 5 Black Women Historical Figures from Around the World You Should Know
On the list are Queen Nanny of the Maroons, Olive Morris, Marie-Joseph Angelique, Chica (or Xica) da Silva and Amina Sukhera. What’s even more awesome about the list is that it has only one women from ‘western’ culture – and that is Olive Morris, from the UK. The rest are from, as it were, the rest of the world.
rq says
Whoops sorry Marie-Joseph Angelique began her life in Portugal but lived and died in Canada, but the point about a non-focus on the former British Empire still stands.
rq says
LBJ’s Condolence Letter to Coretta Scott King to Be Auctioned
The price of history.
Yesterday this tweet came up, Guiliani’s dog-whistle is beautiful b/c his audience could read whatever racist, conspiratorial, fear-monger-y thing they wanted into it. and today I found context:
Giuliani: Obama Had a White Mother, So I’m Not a Racist
(I’m just flabbergasted by the suggestion that, because he moved in white circles – those most often proclaiming great patriotism and xenophobia – Obama could be considered to ‘not love America’. Wouldn’t those be exactly the circles where he would learn to love America? I’m so confused!) Meanwhile, here’s more on Giuliani and love: Rudy Giuliani and the Meaning of Love
Because low-income children. The famous ‘word gap’ doesn’t hurt only the young. It affects many educators, too.
Off Target on Toy-Gun Regulation
rq says
Apologies for not deleted the ads and comment teasers out of previous blockquote. :P
And I hear that the riot police will be on hand for McCulloch’s upcoming appearance at SLU. St. Louis, the conspiracy continues.
McCulloch stifles speech by keeping grand juror from talking
Mentioned yesterday in connection with torture, more on Zuley. Evidence from Chicago detective’s cases re-examined for multiple exonerations
And remember, this is just the one guy…
Anonymous activist faces 3 years in jail for protesting in Ferguson
And here’s one for the police behaving badly file. Video Captures Louisiana Cop Repeatedly Punching a Restrained Teen in the Face
rq says
Just going to point to comments 26 and 27 on the Minneapolis thread, for some historical examples of rather overt racism in running major thoroughfares right through poor neighbourhoods, as well as a thriving black neighbourhood.
rq says
Here’s a few links, the rest will have to wait for later (prob tomorrow, sorry it’s ab usy weekend).
Just in the interest of getting non-mainstream work out there by black people outside of America: CRUMBS, a surreal post-apocalyptic film from Ethiopia
Man Arrested In Explosion Near Colorado NAACP Office Was Allegedly Targeting Accountant
As twitter said: The official story is that the guy accused of bombing the NAACP ACTUALLY wanted to frighten his accountant. So no hate crime, no terrorism. Easy peasy!
Justice Department Looking Into Fatal Utah Police Shooting Of Black Man
Hereš two Malcolm X videos:
Next post going to put up some pictures from the protest at SLU Law, where McCullogh was giving his talk. Lots of action there, but only a few tweets via me.
rq says
So this is the event, I posted aout it before, and here’s activist reaction – and action:
Traffic blocked in both directions on Tucker outside #slulaw where #bobmcculloch should be finished speaking soon ;
#BlackLivesMatter Outside #Slulaw right now #SLU #Ferguson
Whose Streets, our streets Outside #Slulaw right now #SLU #Ferguson
Barricades up at #SLULAW in preparation for #McCulloch #ThinBlueLine symposium #MikeBrown #Ferguson
Lots of security outside #SLULAW before #McCulloch speaks #ThinBlueLine #Ferguson #MikeBrown @deray.
They had people on the inside, too, interrupting speeches and the like. Dotson and McCullogh especially.
rq says
Here’s a peek at the inside: At least two in audience interrupt McCulloch. 1 wears a judge’s robe and calls for a “trial” of McCulloch. #PLR2015
Also action in Pasco: Still outside Pasco City Hall as the sun starts to go down. #PascoShooting
Some more signs outside Pasco City Hall. #PascoShooting
Random: First Lady Michelle Obama hosts a WH event celebrating women of the Civil Rights Movement. #BlackHistoryMonth
Art: Harp by Augusta Savage.
And Malcolm X – Malcolm X Remembered 50 Years After 1965 Assassination
Video at the link, with transcript in the article.
rq says
Here’s more on Malcolm X, in photos – TW for death: Malcolm X: Powerful Images From the EBONY Archives
“N*gger” Spray Painted on Lincoln University Sign
Black history of the architectural vein:
In Jim Crow South, Iconic Duke Basketball Arena Was Designed by Black Architect Julian Abele
In education, Fox Host: ‘There Really Shouldn’t Be Public Schools’ Anymore
It seemed tangentially related, for right-wing stupidity and for privilege.
And two from Black History of Technology: Jerry Lawson, a self-taught engineer, gave us video game cartridges
Whoa. And the second: Mark Dean designed the first IBM PC while breaking racial barriers
So yes, I learned several new things today.
rq says
Okay that’s one in moderation but keep an eye out, has lots of interesting new stuff in it – not necessarily pertaining to any actual case, but out of history.
Here’s part of the letter the Justice Dept. sent to the lawyer for #DarrienHunt’s mother. @fox13now #Utah
Black Arts Boomerang
Why Malcolm X Is Getting Written Out of History
Lots of background on Malcolm X at the link.
The above articles are too smart, so let’s take it back a notch. Ferguson police chief: No racial problem in police department, with video (autoplay).
And I’ll have to finish later. :)
… And that whole comment was written about an hour ago, but it will still be a short while until I finish up.
rq says
Colorado man says he wanted to bomb accountant, not NAACP headquarters
And there you have it folks, not a hate crime. Just like Chapel Hill was about parking.
Now this sounds like a good step: Baltimore police want to pair officers with mental health professionals
Cops behaving badly: “Officer of the Year” Admits to Raping 20 Male Immigrants, Not Charged as Sex Offender. *sigh*
About the eminent domain case in St Louis, St. Clair County plans to offer land near Scott AFB at no cost for National Geospatial-Intelligence relocation
Kids pose as inspiring trailblazers for Black History Month
Pictures and video at the link.
rq says
The End of Black Respectability Politics
Celebrating The Forgotten Heroines Of Black History
Black History Month, Indian-Style: Natives and Black Folks in This Together Since 1492
Saad says
Giuliani: Obama was influenced by communism at an early age
Trying to shift from anti-black bigotry to McCarthyism…
rq says
So I’m going to be posting info on the Ferguson Foodshare program pretty much every week, just in case someone ends up having a chance to help out, and I would like to see the program succeed.
#FergusonFoodShare wk 3: oranges, pears, broccoli, cabbage, regular or sweet potatoes, sweetened/almond milk, canned salmon, chicken thighs
#FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off: 1) Wednesday, 6-7pm Red’s BBQ Parking Lot 9300 West Florissant
#FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off: 2) Thursday, 6-7pm South City, 4219 Hartford St. 2nd Fl
#FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off: 3) Friday, 6-7:30pm South City, 4219 Hartford St. 2nd Fl
#FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off: 4) Saturday, 12-1:00pm Red’s BBQ Parking Lot 9300 West Florissant
rq says
White-on-white murder in America is out of control
2nd-year @SLULAW student came to #plr2015 wearing #IAmDarrenWilson & #ThinBlueLine bracelets. Disgusting. #Ferguson
Lawyer: Video of police shooting differs from official account
Packed house at the Walker-Ford Center in Tallahassee, learning about the school to prison pipeline.
#teachers leading #teachers in a conversation about race and equity #teacherdiversitymatters #E4EMN
And one more for Giuliani! Fran Lebowitz: When Giuliani was mayor an unarmed black man was killed every 5 minutes
More later, with probably at least one comment on Malcolm X articles.
rq says
History in Pictures – February
Links for video and more material at the link, it is facebook, but no login or account required to view.
Front page of Chicago Tribune on Malcolm X assassination. It’s the narrow highlighted column on the far right.
Malcolm X assassination: 50 years on, mystery still clouds details of the case
Malcolm X’s legacy survives 50 years after his assassination
This is the telegram MLK sent Malcolm X’s wife after her husband’s assassination
They were both killed at age 39.
Reflections on X
rq says
Malcolm X remembered on 50th anniversary of his murder
Tangentially related via truthiness in entertainment, harping on Selma. Why Hollywood won’t win an Oscar for history
They surely do take liberties, but I really can’t remember when the historical accuracy of movies was so emphasized. It’s a movie based on real-life events, why is accuracy such an important factor? And I really have problems with Selma always being brought up as the first offender in these lists (or so it seems), with American Sniper sort of a thrown-in ‘okay, this one too’. When I would say the second deserves the greater condemnation.
After all, Selma is a movie about civil rights told from the perspective of a black director, a rare enough view. So it paints a famous white guy in a non-positive light – so what? Was Johnson an angel? I highly doubt it. And so many other historical figures get mistreatment-by-dramatization to make a better story, I don’t see why people should take issue with it in that particular instance. (Actually, I can see why, but I really, really hate the reason.)
Re: Coretta’s portrayal, I suppose it’s an argument for having more well-rounded women characters in movies as a whole, or perhaps she just deserves an all-female-cast movie of her own, directed and written and produced by black women. But it’s funny how in so many other movies, nobody really complains about the wife-character being moved to the background. Or at least, not so openly. Annnnyway.
Some more on a couple of other movies in the article, though they avoid discussion of The Theory of Everything, is that one supposed to be 100% historically accurate?
And because all black lives matter, but some fall off the radar: As Boko Haram grows stronger, Nigeria prepares for vote
Oh, and another entertainment aside, the Toronto Star wrote about Mo’Nique, too: Mo’Nique ‘blackballed’ by Hollywood after Oscar win.
rq says
#MUBB #MarquetteDay #BlackLivesMatter #WeAreMarquette @BMOHBC @MarquetteU @VillanovaU @mutribune @journalsentinel
Editorial: Grand juries don’t need to be so secretive
OPINION: Black Panthers redux offers untold tales
Bridge blocked by group protesting Pasco police shooting
Business suffering for cafe at shooting scene
Oscar’s First Black Winner Accepted Her Honor in a Segregated ‘No Blacks’ Hotel in L.A.
rq says
St. Louis County Prosecutor: ‘I’m Pretty Sure All Lives Matter’
#BlackLivesMatter Activists Shut Down Emeryville Home Depot; Demand Surveillance Tapes Of Fatal Police Shooting
Protesting in snow: End of Brandon Tate Brown rally. But clearly not the end.
Happening right now. We are coming. We are ready. Tear it down. #BlackOutTour
Valerie Smith of Princeton to become Swarthmore’s first African American president
UN calls for police torture reparations seem to have made no difference to the city #traintakeover #rahmrepnow
Come to UC Berkeley NOW for a tribute to Malcolm X, 50 years after his assassination. 2050 VLSB. #MX50Forever – program in the pictures at the link.
rq says
Nice crowd for the screening. #BlackHomesMatter
Earlier we demanded passage to reparations ordinance during the #Traintakeover #RahmRepNow
“@EthosIII: TRAIN TAKEOVER,,, Demanding reparations for victims of CPD torture #ReparationsNOW #traintakeover ”
DEVELOPING: Officer Involved Shooting At Trayvon Martin Memorial In Baltimore -@yvonnewenger. The story in tweets, no details at all, yet.
Oh! And speaking of the Oscars, Oscars Protest Planned Over Lack Of Diversity
And the reason? They’re just white men who got into the Academy on merit. See this tweet: Fuck the Academy & its members’ horrible baby opinions via @pointfivekorean, see attached picture. I can’t seem to find the article it’s from at the moment, though.
rq says
Demo for Yvette Henderson has shut down the Home Depot where police killed her | check #justiceforYuvette for updates;
Altar in memory of #YuvetteHenderson & in remembrance of #MalcolmX, connecting those dots. #Justice4Yuvette;
5 mins left of 5 hr shutdown of Home Depot, length of time #YuvetteHenderson lay shot in the street #Justice4Yuvette;
Walking down to join the last group blocking the doors #Justice4Yuvette.
We’re getting started in :30 minutes!!! #hashtaglunchbagphl #hashtaglunchbag;
Today | #HashtagLunchBag | #HashtagLunchBagATL
rq says
Highlights from #MalcolmX50 rally in #Lowell MA @deray, see picture, a list of black lives that matter.
Black Primary School Students In Rhode Island Are 6x More Likely To Be Suspended Than White Peers
They put every black person in the Oscar commercial they could think of including Jack Black. Lol. Guilt much?? Haven’t checked youtube for it yet, though it sounds intriguing!!
Here’s where “white” Americans have the highest percentage of African ancestry
Some maps and charts at the link.
11 ways race isn’t real
The 11 items follow, incl. the fact that Americans embraced race to make slavery seem okay, that definitions of race can change on a whim, that sometimes European people of certain ancestries weren’t considered ‘white’, and a whole bunch basically saying people can define race for themselves. I’m not convinced by the article, mostly because even if it is an artificial construct, race and racial identity, at the moment, are so involved in shaping the world and individuals and how they live in the world that it’s hard to just say ‘oh hey it doesn’t exist’.
rq says
We know that the incident began inside Home Depot & we are demanding they #ReleaseTheTapes #JusticeforYuvette
#Ferguson right now.
How blacks were portrayed in cartoons 50 years ago vs. now. Progress, I would say.
In the UK, Ex-UKIP councillor Rozanne Duncan: ‘No regrets’ over comments
And in Ethiopia, Space Observatory Offers Ethiopia Pathway to Stars, Development
Video at the link. Go, Ethiopian space explorers!!
Obama to designate 3 new national monuments, including Pullman District in Chicago
rq says
Related: As many as 2,800 inmates to be moved from Texas prison
When 12 major magazines first put black people on their covers
Ranges from Times in 1930 to Paris Vogue in 1988.
Black Brunch actions still happening: Lost Lakes Cafe. #blackbrunchseattle
Capitol Hill. Seattle. #blackbrunchseattl
#BlackBrunchSeattle on the move again this morning in Cap Hill!
rq says
Update on the shooting at the Trayvon Martin memorial:
Same link as above.
Brilliant, sad, spot-on. Mad Magazine, as relevant as ever. Credits: Desmond Devlin/Richard Williams/Norman Rockwell.
Ta-Nehisi Coates vs Shelby Steele Reparations Debate This Week Abc
And a screenshot of Coates’ reaction: I think we all had the same reaction when hearing Shelby Steele say we shouldn’t stop racial income inequality. Side-eye and a half.
Oh, goodbye, history. Oklahoma Lawmakers Vote Overwhelmingly To Ban Advanced Placement U.S. History
What Caused the Crime Decline? , book.
pdf downloadable at the link.
rq says
Thomas “Vocab” Hill, @ Busboys and Poets
A woman named Nicole held Shantel Davis as the life left her body. And Shantel said, “Call the ambulance. Please don’t let me die.”
The story: Unarmed woman, 23, shot dead by Brooklyn cop was on attempted murder rap
rq says
This is going to be the Oscar edition. Not exclusively, but mostly.
Oscars protest stopped at the request of Selma director
Going to interlude already with Chicago elections. Re-election Bid Offers Test of Mayor’s Appeal to ‘Two Chicagos’
Missouri Lawmakers Propose Banning Public From Viewing Footage From Police Body Cams
Oscars in history: Oscar’s First Black Winner Accepted Her Honor in a Segregated ‘No Blacks’ Hotel in L.A.
More of the actress’ history at the link, truly an astounding, astounding woman!
‘Selma’s Missing Epilogue: The Recent Dissolution Of The Voting Rights Act
And quick preview from the Oscars: John Legend: “There are more black men under correctional control today than were under slavery in 1850.” Best Oscar speech ever! Patricia Arquette went with the ‘more equality for women’ line, but more on that later.
rq says
A closer look at the pay gap, in charts. It really is mostly charts. Also, it mostly looks at male-female comparisons, but also splits by race, so it’s interesting to see how that works out.
FACT: @Oprah is the first black woman to be nominated as a producer. #Oscars2015
#OscarsSoWhite a Mexican filmmaker wins for Best Picture and Sean Penn make a racist joke about it. Ridiculous.
Yes, Sean Penn made a greencard joke on the grand stage. Uh-huh.
Chris Pine Cries Through ‘Glory’ on Behalf of Us All. They show David Oyelowo (yes? they didn’t caption the picture, but it looks like him!) too. Here’s the performance itself: Watch John Legend and Common’s heartbreaking Oscar performance of Selma’s “Glory” – going to watch it later, but at least that link doesn’t show the tears of Chris Pine (incidentally and off-topic, MRA tears probably look something like that, too).
Okay, this is a long scroll-through, but here’s more on the song: The Oscar for best original song goes to “Glory” from “Selma,” as performed by John Legend and Common.
John Legend and Common reduced the audience to complete silence (and some tears) as they delivered a joint acceptance speech for “Glory,” which won best original song.
“ ‘Selma’ is now because the struggle for justice is now,” Legend said. “We know that the voting rights that they fought for 50 years ago is being compromised in this country today.”
He went on to say the U.S. is the most incarcerated country in the world, as “there are more black men under correctional control today than were under slavery in 1850.”
“People are marching with our song — we see you, we love you,” he said. “March on.”
Backstage Common said: “I feel like to whom much is given much is required. The fact we have an opportunity to get to a stage like the Oscars. How could you not say anything. Beyond what we have done on this song, John has always made music about love, he’s been doing things about education for a long time. I feel it’s our duty to do it.”
John Legend discussed process: “Common called me. He describe what they were looking for and gave me ideas for the title of the song. ‘Glory.’ That word really inspired me. My thoughts were that the song should sound triumphant but realize there is more work to do.”
John Legend and Common’s performance of “Glory” from “Selma” earned a rousing standing ovation of the crowd, while stars Carmen Ejogo and David Oyelowo cried in the audience. (A few camera pans to other sections of the crowd showed it was difficult to find a dry eye in the house, as Chris Pine was seen with a tear rolling down.)
If you feel like you’ve seen them sing “Glory” pretty recently…well, you probably saw the Grammys a couple weeks ago. (Of course, then they had an intro by Beyoncé.) Regardless of what happens tonight, the song is already a winner this award season, as it picked up the best original song trophy at the Golden Globes.
So that mentions Legend and the acceptance speech, more on that in a moment.
rq says
I borked something there, but the necessary link works, so no reposts.
Oh, that last link also had this:
But she also had some backstage comments that wren’t as groundbreaking or positive.
Patricia Arquette *invited* POC & LGBTQ folks into feminism as if we haven’t already been doing the work. Chile.
Oh! And I found them, same Washington Post link:
So, I have two questions: 1) do women who haven’t given birth, or who can’t give birth, do they still count? and 2) so should people of colour and gay people (who are obviously none of them women too) just drop all their other issues and help push white, straight women up? Because that’s kind of what it sounds like…
Moving on to someone who said things right.
John Legend is right: more black men are in correctional control now than enslaved in 1850
And this, John Legend’s Oscar Speech About Rates of Black Correctional Control is Factually Correct
Oh, someone looked at Patricia Arquette’s speech betttern I did. Oscars: Patricia Arquette follows call for wage equality with tone-deaf comment on race
rq says
9 groundbreaking black poets who revolutionized the written word
The list: Gil Scott-Heron, Audre Lorde, Robert Hayden, Gwendolyn Brooks, Maya Angelou, Amiri Baraka, Nikki Giovanni, Rita Dove and Langston Hughes. With short excerpts in the photos at the link.
Here’s some privilege. With humour. Natural Hair For White Girls
Recipe follows, with directions, and the article ends with this paragraph:
Information website on Sharod Kindell with pictures, links, funding links, etc. That’s the man still not receiving adequate health care after being shot by cops and put in jail.
rq says
Edmund Winston Pettus—Confederate General, Ku Klux Klan leader, U.S. Senator, proud American.
Revealed: Chelsea ‘racist chant suspect’ named as former Northern Ireland police officer who is now a director of HUMAN RIGHTS charity
Well, if he says he isn’t racist, then he isn’t racist. Isn’t that how it works for white men? Also, he apologized, so everything is A-OK now!!!
Teaching Ferguson: How colleges are incorporating race cases in the classroom
Note the Intent is not magic effect of the Baltimore curfew.
Two parter via the Grauniad, an examination of Selma vs two other big movies in the Best Picture category, Boyhood and American Sniper, and their depictions of black vs. white childhood and masculinity. Both parts are excellent reading, though a bit long, so here they are:
Boyhood, Selma and American Sniper: race meets masculinity on film – part one
That’s part one, here’s part two: Selma and American Sniper: men depicted in black and white – part two
Yah, that’s a lot of text, but it was a good analysis.
There was morning action in STL, protestors went to say ‘good morning’ to Stenger, with this list of demands (see attached photo): Steve Stenger, Good Mourning. STL. Protest. Basically, 1) justice; 2) a moratorium on bench warrants; 3) diversity and 4) resignations of those who are not letting the city of Ferguson move forward.
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
Should point out, Chelsea have a long history of racist incidents from fans and players. They, along with West Ham supporters, have regularly made gas noises at the supporters of Tottenham, a club particularly associated with Jewish fans, for instance; more Chelsea supporters than any other top English team have been banned for racist chants and songs (http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/more-chelsea-fans-arrested-for-racist-chants-than-any-other-premier-league-club-home-office-stats-reveal-10056572.html), and their main “firm” of football hooligans is a hotbed of white supremacists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Headhunters). (Note: I support Tottenham, so I can’t be said to be neutral in this, but I stand by my words).
So they’ve got long form for this most recent racist act. That the man mentioned did development work in Africa hardly insulates from the possibility of his being racist, either (not that you’d think it would, rq). White British men have been going to Africa for centuries, hasn’t stopped most of them from being hideously racist.
rq says
I would even think that it makes them even more racist, since they can revel in their first-world saviour complex and look down on those less fortunate. Again, perhaps not consciously, but… reinforcing white privilege probably has its effects.
And thanks for the background on Chelsea. How horrid!!!
rq says
And this morning @Kristi_Capel of Fox 8 in Ohio referred to the “Jigaboo music” re: the Oscars. She did not know it was a racist slur (I did not even know it was a word). She has apologized on twitter, saying if I offended you.
White women earn 82¢ for every $ a white man earns. We know that. Black men earn 75¢ for every $ a white man earns. You never hear about it. More such tidbits in the twitter stream there.
MSNBC shake-up: Al Sharpton to lose nightly show
Ah, rumoured. Well, I’ll wait for some confirmation – while Sharpton takes issue with many of the younger activists and protestors out there, I still think it would be a shame for him to lose the platform he has.
In New York, Indictment of an Officer Divides Chinese-Americans
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
Further to my comment earlier about Chelsea and West Ham, this is about yesterday:
rq says
Here’s another on the Chelsea fan’s apology: Richard Barklie, Chelsea fan involved in Paris train incident, apologizes through lawyer
Yes, of course, of course. That’s what he says. But the beginning of the article says this:
What was that about actions, and louder than words?
Oscars 2015: Thousands boycott Academy Awards over lack of diversity
Oh, and a note on Sean Penn’s green card joke: it was a joke. Sean Penn’s green card comment offends many but not Inarritu
So does Inarritu make fun of Sean Penn for being a wifebeater?
And jokes between friends should stay exactly that: jokes between friends. Bringing them to the public stage puts them in a whole new context. And I still think it was an awfully insensitive ‘joke’ from Penn. Ha. Ha. Bloody ha.
I seem to have lost another link re: the Oscars, but then again, there’s probably enough about the Oscars already.
Lynna, OM says
Some right-wingers from southern states have decided to say and do more stupid stuff, and that includes celebrating the anniversary of the assassination of Lincoln:
Salon link.
Religion Dispatches link.
Cross posted from the Lounge.
Saad says
Zimmerman won’t face civil rights violation charges for killing Trayvon Martin>
rq says
And Saad posts it before I can, if I find any more on that I will post it up, but yes, there you have it, no civil rights violations in Zimmerman’s murder of Martin. Nice, that.
Anyway, bunch of mish-mash to get through.
Feb 23 2015
Crowd-funding Campaign Wants to Pay Back Amen Break Creator
This is already gone and done, but still: Here at the US Commission on Civil Rights discussion at UMSL. Livestream should be available.
Sheriff that Laughed about Flash Banging a Toddler, Was Just Shot By Murderous Rogue Cop. If I believed in karma…
Missouri elementary schools have largest disparity btwn black and white suspension rates, says a report from the Civil Rights Project.
After Ferguson, Missouri Legislator Wants To Keep Police Videos Private
#Ferguson becomes election issue. @MayorSlay-backed candidate attacks @MeganEllyia for supporting #BlackLivesMatter. See the pictures, but in short, he accuses the competition of welcoming outside agitators to Ferguson and blasts her for participation in protests.
rq says
We Are Our Heroes: On Activism In The Age Of Celebrity Worship
Maya Angelou Honored with Forever Stamp
Yay Maya! A lovely lasting tribute, as long as the postal service doesn’t go out of service. The link also has a link to 10 of her best works. I recommend!!!
Interlude: Music! Listen to Big Sean’s “Me, Myself, and I”
Interlude: Sports (Boxing)
Trailer: Doc on 17-Year-Old Gold Medalist Claressa ‘T-Rex’ Shields, Youngest Woman to Box in Olympics
Trailer at the link.
Here’s some Patricia Arquette – The Road to Structural Erasure Is Paved With Well-Intentioned White Ladies
“@NASA_Marshall: Leland reads 2 @HSVk12 Morris El 2nd graders about #BlackHistory & #STEM ”those kids were amazing Thx
rq says
We Are Our Heroes: On Activism In The Age Of Celebrity Worship
Maya Angelou Honored with Forever Stamp
Yay Maya! A lovely lasting tribute, as long as the postal service doesn’t go out of service. The link also has a link to 10 of her best works. I recommend!!!
Interlude: Music! Listen to Big Sean’s “Me, Myself, and I”
Interlude: Sports (Boxing)
Trailer: Doc on 17-Year-Old Gold Medalist Claressa ‘T-Rex’ Shields, Youngest Woman to Box in Olympics
Trailer at the link.
Here’s some Patricia Arquette – The Road to Structural Erasure Is Paved With Well-Intentioned White Ladies
“@NASA_Marshall: Leland reads 2 @HSVk12 Morris El 2nd graders about #BlackHistory & #STEM ”those kids were amazing Thx
rq says
Street Image Helps a Young Rapper, Until It Doesn’t. That whole bit about using black culture but not standing up for black people…
Here’s the ever-recurring hot topic, grand juries!! Should Judges Oversee Grand Juries?
Audio at the link.
MSNBC shake-up: Al Sharpton to lose nightly show. I think this is a re-post.
Anyone in Houston? It may not be too late! Soledad O’Brien’s ‘Black in America’ Tour Comes to UH on Feb. 24
Links to trailers and more info at the link.
Stay Of Execution Issued For Texas Man Claiming New Evidence Of Innocence
I think back in autumn I had a lengthy article on this case, but I’ll have to look it up to be sure.
The geography of inequality in #STL: If you live in some parts, you can expect to live 18 years less. – @jqjp1
rq says
Lawyer: Video of police shooting differs from official account
Woman shot, killed by CMPD officer during altercation
The positive numbers about young black men
All kinds of positive numbers at the link, but I especially loved this bit:
So maybe white people should look at that whole father issue affecting the white crime rate, esp. white-on-white crime.
Here’s a link to the video mentioned at the beginning, Statistics open eyes to the debate on race
More at the link.
Zendaya responds to media commenting that her locs smell of patchouli and weed. Apologies no time to transcribe, but it is wonderful.
Apparently, “activist” on HRC panel blames #Ferguson protests 4 allegedly “emboldening” black ppl 2 confront police.
rq says
Cops getting off for bad behaviour: No charges filed in LAPD killing of driver in chase
The newest conservative hero is a black middle schooler from Georgia
There’s a 50th anniversary march in honour of the Selma march this weekend, I believe. Sign up for updates: 50th Anniversary Selma, March ’15
Not just police officers, but correctional officers, too. 3 correctional officers placed on leave after inmate found inside cell full of steam
Lawyer: Video shows Tate-Brown driving with lights on before cops killed him
Interesting 2 juxtapose these headlines & compare @KMOV’s & @stltodays coverage of the same event. #STL #Ferguson , one talks about the civil rights commission talking to cops about use of force, the other says the return of warm weather could bring more violence to the streets. Both articles purportedly are reporting on the same event.
rq says
African-Americans Disproportionately Affected by Hunger Despite Economic Upturn
And because the prison population is disproportionately black: States Predict Inmates’ Future Crimes With Secretive Surveys
Of course, they use a failure of the survey to make a point.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Candidate Withdraws Nomination After Racist Email Surfaces
Not just Giuliani and that 12-year-old. Bobby Jindal appears outside White House to proclaim Obama ‘unfit to be commander in chief’
Followed by islamophobia. Who knew?
From history, What a Black Man’s Cool, Detached Gaze Says About Race in the Early Days of Italy
And from FtB’s very own, Respect my authoritah!
Lots of links in the post.
rq says
Crap, there was a link in an article previous comment, a short stay in moderation required.
Text Messages Show Officers Who Shot 137 Rounds Into Car Knew Suspects Were Unarmed
The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden ‘black site’
ABC news on the latest re: Trayvon and George. Trayvon Martin: DOJ Set to Announce No Charges Against George Zimmerman. I’m shocked at how young he (Trayvon) looks in the photo.
So don’t hold your breath for justice in Michael Brown’s case.
If the federal gov’t and the Florida gov’t say that #GeorgeZimmerman broke no law when he killed #TrayvonMartin then we need a new law.
And tonight this is the last link – Interlude: Literature. Ordinary Light by Tracy K. Smith, an excerpt:
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
How Crack vs Coke sentencing unfairly targets poor people
The bad cop database
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Texas state legislator Garnet Coleman proposes bill to place strong limits on ‘Stand Your Ground’ law
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
NY judge calls blacks “country ni**ers”, then keeps job and is praised for exacting standards.
I’m sure he’s an impartial judge free of subconscious biases against African-Americans.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
The history of black women and the Academy Awards.
There’s an interesting infographic at the link.
rq says
Baltimore Police Launch Investigation Into New Brutality Claim, autoplay video at the link.
Can’t catch a break, huh, Baltimore?
The Howard Zinn Freedom to Write Award
‘Little Ballers’ Documentary Teaches Us That Black Boys Aren’t Monolithic
Editorial: Closing police video records is wrong step for Missouri
More at the link.
James Baldwin Denounced Richard Wright’s ‘Native Son’ As a ‘Protest Novel.’ Was He Right?
@deray From Canfield Drive to Bay Street in Staten Island, the movement connects us. #HandsUpDontShoot #ICantBreathe
For the record, it’s been just over 200 days of protesting and activism. 200.
rq says
Here’s three on that secret torture house in Chicago. Sorry, the ‘interrogation compound’. With enhanced interrogation techniques? Maybe, maybe not – but it is alleged that people are brought there with none of the paperwork.
Chicago Police deny report of secret interrogation compound at Homan Square site
So he overdosed while in police custody? That also doesn’t sound quite right…
Story two, Chicago police deny British paper’s claims about beatings, illegal detentions
And three, Chicago police are running a horrifying CIA-style black site out of a warehouse – from the headline, this one ran prior to the Chicago PD disclaimer.
Baltimore again. Should city school police be armed inside school walls? Board hears from both sides
I’m just flabbergasted that there’s a whole police force for policing just the school district. o.o
From the meeting: Parent: Allowing school police to carry guns in school will ensure that there is a gun in every school. And we all know what a great idea that is! :P
Posted before, but reposted because they keep updating – Black History Month: Faces From The New Civil Rights Movement. Protestors as people.
rq says
NYPD Commissioner Calls Out Police for ‘Many of the Worst Parts of Black History’
Waiting for the outcry.
Bill Bratton’s Rhetorical Reparations
When Whites Get a Free Pass
rq says
It’s Not Zendaya’s Fault That Giuliana Doesn’t Know She Is a Goddess
Zendaya’s response still uncitable due to format. Will try and transcribe later, as it really is great.
Not jsut in the States. SIU withholding identity of man shot by police, worrying transparency advocates – so there’s even less transparency? Wow.
George Zimmerman will not face federal charges in Trayvon Martin death. It made Canadian news.
They said it outright: Because Trayvon couldn’t testify, there is a lack of evidence. Like HOLY SHIT. Also, Toronto Star, seriously, this ‘resolves the case’? Like hell it does. Like hell.
rq says
Vice President Biden’s Black History Month celebration honoring those that gave their lives so we can live free. 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation and 50 years since Selma. Those that walked in Selma, AL thank you for your courage and sacrifice to make a better place for our children to dream learn, and explore! #STEAM
Baltimore officials kept in dark about detective’s brutality case
Here’s something new out of the fog of history, Black Statue of Liberty – Summary Report
The article addresses a few of the issues in greater detail, but very interesting, I thought.
You’d think they’d realize it makes them part of the problem. NYPD cops call Eric Garner training ‘boring’ and ‘waste of time’
It sounds like the right kind of training with the wrong kind of attitude. Seriously, more tactics? Hands-on? You’d think the case had shown they need less of the hands-on…
Byron Allen Files $20 Billion Discrimination Lawsuit Against Comcast and Al Sharpton
The school to prison pipeline, explained
Items include zero tolerance policies, discipline outsourced to juvenile courts and officers in schools, racial disparity in discipline, and more.
Brace yourselves for this one, especially where Tamir Rice is discussed. A City of Two Tales
There seems to be this huge disconnect between all kinds of different groups of people in the city. Good luck sorting that out.
rq says
There will be a new comment 101 soon.
Should city school police be armed inside school walls? Board hears from both sides – yes, I just posted it above, but the link is here for convenience, as I wanted to highlight the following two paragraphs:
Doesn’t the phrase ‘same protections and purview as city police’ imply an equivalency between schoolchildren and the random mix of mostly adults one polices on the city street? Sure, they’ve had 78 lockdowns and threats of an armed person – they don’t mention how many of those were actually necessary or how many were false alarms. What worries me is the fact that children in school are more and more being viewed as adults, and adults in need of armed protection. Sounds a lot like prison, to me – and a lot of high-level background stress.
Not everyone agrees with me.
City Schools FOP in his own words. In short, disarming school police officers will leave blood on the hands of those passing such legislation, as in his many years of experience of policing schools, he has taken firearms from many students and adults. 105 school shootings since Sandy Hook (THAT MANY????), so if officers can’t carry guns in schools, children will die. Is there some missing logic?
Trayvon’s family on the DOJ investigation concluding in no action – again, in short, they are disappointed with the findings, but are committed to the eradication of senseless violence in communities; they will never forget.
Still waiting for the original video to make an appearance. Erica Garner’s response in a press release to the video suggesting that she is critical of the Rev. Al Sharpton, NAN. Once more, in short – she is not severing ties with Sharpton; she never said Sharpton tried to profit from her father’s death; never said NAN was trying to control her actions; she did say Sharpton was About the Money, in that he helps families take murder charges to civil court to get at least some semblance of justice. Also, she made some comments during an emotional moment, and it has been a learning experience. Basically, it’s a media hit job to cause rifts between her and Sharpton.
Thursday, we shut it down. Start an action in your community on the anniversary of Trayvon’s death. #hoodiesup
rq says
Giuliana Rancic Makes Somber On-Air Apology to Zendaya Coleman For Dreadlocks Comment (Video)
Well. I’m rather happy and surprised, since she seems to have done it right.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
rq @103:
That apology is far better than the tepid one she’d offered previously. I join you in being surprised and happy.
Here’s an interesting article from Indian Country Today about Black History Month.
rq says
Yah, she looks like somebody really, really, really gave her mind a jolt. I hope she takes the advice to heart, and moves ahead a better, smarter, more aware person.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
64,000 women in America all have one important thing in common:
rq says
This is a repost, but because the anniversary is coming up, here’s Letter from Selma.
The tour continues, now in Florida: Soledad O’Brien todiscuss race, policing
Trayvon Martin’s Mother Says Killer Got Away With Murder
See? He says he’s not racist. QED!
I am, strangely enough, more inclined to side with Trayvon’s mother, however. He got away with cold-blooded murder.
.@SenatorNasheed confirms Mo Dir of Public Safety Dan Isom resigning. More in next @kmoxnews., there’s an audio link but I don’t know if it’s working – as in, I don’t know if it directs to current radio or the bit mentioned.
Report: Chicago Police shoot teen 16 times
Some of the panels from our apartheid wall contributed by various campus organizations and artists. #FreePalestine Here because some reference Ferguson.
rq says
University walkouts still occurring: #UWWalkout happening NOW! #BlackLivesMatter #UW
UW Tacoma Vice Chancellor comes up to speak about what he’ll do about our demands #UWwalkout #uwtwalkout
This isn’t even half though #uwbwalkout #UWwalkout
Poll: 54% of Republicans say that, “deep down,” Obama is a Muslim
Al-Jazeera is on it: Chicago police slammed for ‘hiding’ suspects at Homan Square
The Guardian newspaper reported on allegations of abuses at Homan Square, including beatings and holding people without access to counsel for more than 12 hours, in an investigation published on Tuesday.
The CPD denied the allegations raised by the Guardian story. “If lawyers have a client detained at Homan Square, just like any other facility, they are allowed to speak to and visit them,” the CPD said in a statement. “There are always records of anyone who is arrested by CPD, and this is not any different at Homan Square.”
Legal advocates contacted by Al Jazeera contradict that, saying that people taken to Homan Square do not go through a formal booking process, so there is no record of an arrest. That makes it difficult for lawyers to locate their clients, Siska said.
It has become “policy” to check Homan Square when a client can’t be found at any of Chicago’s police districts, according to Eliza Solowiej, the executive director of Chicago’s First Defense Legal Aid. Chicago is divided into 22 police precincts, known as districts.
“People taken there are disappeared from the system,” Solowiej told Al Jazeera. “Homan Square is where lawyers look when we can’t find someone taken into custody and when the Chicago Police Department says they have no record of the arrest. Our policy is to drive over to Homan Square and knock on the door.”
Suspects are typically held incommunicado at the facility anywhere between 5 to 20 hours, according to Siska.
CPD did not respond by time of publication to a request for comment about how long people are held at Homan Square.
Cutting a suspect off from the outside world serves as an interrogation tool, according to Chicago-based attorney Sarah Gelsomino, who represented activist Brian Jacob Church after he was taken to the facility in 2012. The Guardian reported extensively on Church’s experience at Homan Square.
“Our client felt like no one was going to find him,” said Gelsomino. “It’s a defeating way to feel, and that can really assist in breaking the suspect down.”
2 men formally charged with defacing Denver Police Department’s Fallen Officer Memorial
Video at the link.
rq says
Zendaya Accepts Giuliana Rancic’s Apology – the good, second one, that is.
Full text at the link, and it is one amazing response.
Former St. Louis police chief resigns as Nixon’s public safety chief after six months
Nixon’s staff, now with one less black person. I think he was the only one.
Here’s a bit more: Public safety director chosen amid Ferguson unrest resigns
Check out that discrimination suit. Just… check it out. Wow. I hope they win their appeal.
Study: Killers are less likely to be executed if their victims are black. So it goes all ways.
6 facts about black Americans for Black History Month
rq says
The high costs of being poor in America: Stress, pain, and worry
Cops behaving badly”Video Shows Florida Cop Dragging Shackled Woman Through Courthouse by Her Feet
Concerned. Watch the video. ‘Concerned’ should be an understatement and a half.
Teach for America is looking to extend opportunities to black men in the classroom. I know we’ve discussed the program before, but I’m putting it here with the idea that, hopefully, they’re actually trying to improve themselves and the educational system.
Tangentially related, on differing experiences growing up in a minority vs majority culture. It’s Time To Talk About Why Our Young People Turn Against Their Country.
This via Tony, cross-posted from the Lounge: Straight Talk for White Men
Over time, white wealth increases while black wealth does not
rq says
Pasco shooting: Officers fired 17 shots at Mexican immigrant, police say
Well, with the autopsy pending, I don’t think he can be 100% on that statement, either.
With the legendary Dr. Jim Gates standing in front of an image of the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma. Dr. Gates interviewed to be an astronaut in the 80’s after going to school at MIT with Astronaut Dr. Ron McNair. Very proud of this brother’s work in supersymmetry, supergravity and superspace. He is the first African American to hold an endowed chair at a major US research university. Proud of you my friend.
Lawsuit aims to reveal disciplinary history of NYPD cop who used chokehold on Eric Garner
Trayvon’s mother again – Trayvon Martin’s mother disappointed Zimmerman won’t be charged with hate crime
Seth Williams calls mother of Brandon Tate-Brown
And just like that they’re back on duty.
A City’s Tragedy
Much more at the link itself.
rq says
One State Is About to Turn Police Body Cameras Into Nothing More Than Empty Gestures
Charts and graphs at the link, too.
Asking America’s Police Officers to Explain Abusive Cops. The article examines several cases of on-going police brutality and excessive force, and the lack of acknowledgement to these cases.
Illinois Cops Received Media Training on How Not to ‘Be the Next Ferguson’
Isn’t that… the media-training program… that was going around end-of-summer 2014, in St Louis? Esp. the ‘feeding the animals’ bit? They’re actually using it? Wow.
Racism affects black girls as much as boys. So why are girls being ignored?
#CrimingWhileWhite – 2 CT teens arrested for crawling through Walmart with toy guns, yelling ‘headshot’ – the second such case.
GUESS WHAT? They’re still alive! And arrested! NOT DEAD!!!
rq says
And two more via Tony, from the Entertainment District:
Racists Freak Out At The Trailer For Will Smith’s Latest Film, The Reason Is Truly Pathetic (VIDEO) – beacuse of interracial couple. The article is mostly racial comments, so I won’t quote, but if you feel like reading some racist garbage, well.. go for it.
Racist FBers: ‘Black Privilege’ Is The Real Problem, Just Look At Oprah’s House! (IMAGES) – because every black person is Oprah, and that’s why they’re being oppressed, they’re too rich!
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Hattie McDaniel was the first African-American to win an Oscar. Here is her speech (video)
rq says
Chicago’s “Black Site” Detainees Speak Out
Just read that last paragraph. Heart breaking.
Also, I wonder how many of these young men, having bad experiences with police, have turned away from possible jobs in law enforcement? How many have had that dream of making things better crushed due to mistreatment by cops? And people wonder why the system is what it is.
Here’s a petition: Defund Bratton’s Army!
L.A. Police Chief Does Not Want to Be Oppressed
He’s so oppressed by information. And having to reveal it. Poor guy.
Activists Groups Unite Against Secret Police Facility, Call for Boots on the Ground #Gitmo2Chicago
That’s 3AM my time, so I don’t know how involved with tweeting I’ll be able to get right off the bat, but hey, all you other twitter folk! More instructions follow, together with sample tweets, so really, the hard work’s been done!
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
This link isn’t directly related to issues of race in USAmerica, but it does relate to movements seeking progressive social changes.
Edward Snowden: gay marriage movement shows why governments shouldn’t have perfect surveillance
rq says
Massachusetts State Police want $800 for Eric Garner protest docs, and we need you help to get them
Donate button at the link.
Here’s some sad news, Schweich faced nasty campaign. Requested media at his home before killing self. Preempting oppo research release? Coincidences? Sad & awful.
In the news, Tom Schweich, Missouri auditor and candidate for governor, dies in apparent suicide
More on Schweich in the article, and here: Schweich Launches Audits Of Municipal Courts In Ferguson And Six Other Area Cities
Audio at the link. Sounds like it’s all an unfortunate coincidence of events. Condolences to the family.
Senate Committee backs Loretta Lynch for attorney general
Sounds like you have a new attorney general, US of A!
Held for hours at secret Chicago ‘black site’: ‘You’re a hostage. It’s kidnapping’
After the Guardian published its investigation on Tuesday, the Chicago police emailed a statement – the department’s only comment to the Guardian since it began publishing investigations into Chicago police abuse last week. The statement, without getting into details, cited the presence of undercover units as necessitating secrecy around Homan Square.
rq says
Here’s a llama joke: “know your llama suspect” – black llama: thug; brown llama: terrorist; white llama: troubled youth.
‘Gestapo’ tactics at US police ‘black site’ ring alarm from Chicago to Washington
Better late than never, at least it’s getting media attention now. More articles on this later.
First, a little from Black History: 10 Black History Landmarks Google Maps Leaves At Your Fingertips
List includes: MLK memorial, Little Rock Central High School, Louis ‘Satchmo’ Armstrong’s house, the Apollo Theatre, the birthplace of rap, and more.
Chicago police misconduct payouts topped $50 million in 2014
Kanye West Issues A Public Apology To Beck And Bruno Mars
So, for those not in favour, there is time to prepare to leave the state and/or country. Here’s when you can expect racial minorities to be the majority in each state
Charts and graphs at the link.
News Anchor Receives 3-Day Suspension for Jigaboo Comments
rq says
Interlude: random racist celebrity. Actually, I probably shouldn’t say ‘racist’. We’ll go with ‘rightwing’. Random rightwing celebrity. “I like skinny white chicks”: Kid Rock explains why he doesn’t like Beyonce in utterly demented Rolling Stone interview .
Messenger: From voicemail to voicemail: The short political life and times of Tom Schweich. As it isn’t directly relevant, I’m only citing the last little bit:
Because anti-Semites in the Republican party would be a bit surprise? Really? Maybe, in a way.
Here’s another on Schweich: Ferguson Q&A: State Auditor Tom Schweich
Talked to so many in St. Louis who have said since #Ferguson they’ve been diagnosed with PTSD or more. We in STL need to support each other.
@sarahkendzior There help for adults 20+ affected by Ferguson. Contact Janet Frain at jfrain[at]providentstl[dot]org or call 314.802.2629.
rq says
CPD Whistleblower exposes Chicago Police
I understand the footage is about a year old. A YEAR. A year ago, the ‘black site’ could have been revealed. Wow.
For Trayvon, who died yesterday, three years ago. Marching to the police headquarters for #TrayvonMartin’s 3 year Anniversary shooting death chanting #TheHoodieMarch
We marched to Police HQ, left Skittles/Arizona Ice Tea in memory of 3-yrs since #TrayvonMartin’s murder. #HoodiesUp
Amnesty International USA Calls on Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Investigate Chicago “Black Site”
Cops behaving badly: San Francisco Police Officer Hits, Kicks Homeless Man Who Slept On Bus (VIDEO)
rq says
Advocates, police square off over brutality legislation
This and that else at the link.
Ah, the Detroit Water Crisis, not heard from in a while: Detroit Water Shutoff Crisis: Public Water Brigade Grows
Article quoted in full.
Another officer with past misconduct, also involved in a fatal shooting. Woman claims cop in fatal Bridgeton shooting sexually extorted her, lawsuit says
Love the vocabulary. ‘Sexual extortion’. Isn’t that, as a minimum, sexual assault? Rape? Disgusting behaviour.
3 yrs. ago today I was teaching Emmett Till in Sanford. My students crying said “Prof. they’re still killing us.” #TrayvonMartin #HoodiesUp
rq says
Calgary students disciplined after wearing apparent KKK robes – that’s in tolerant, not-racist Canada, by the way.
Life in Prison for Selling $20 in Weed
The attitudes of the two attorneys in the case (the ones in court) are absolutely indicative of the entire legal system. They see nothing wrong with being so lackadaisical about the case, about not even trying – they can’t even consider the fact that a sentence that harsh might be wrong. Just wow.
Why Is It So Hard to Prove a Civil Rights Crime?
In what could be more hopeful news, BREAKING: Attorney General Eric Holder will spend his last days in office pushing for a lower standard of proof for civil rights offenses.
Pittsburgh man writes police chief after witnessing police brutality; sees immediate coverup
More video and photos forthcoming.
rq says
The Evangelist
That was rather long.
Holder: Standard in federal civil rights cases is ‘too high’
No Shootings This Year in NYPD Precinct Where Police Officers Were Murdered
Anti-Defamation League Sounds Warning About White Supremacists in Mo. Prisons
This is old news, but I don’tk now if this article specifically was mentioned. Commissioner Bratton Unveils Plans For New High-Tech Anti-Terror Police Unit
Anyway, upthread there’s a petition to stop this over-militarization.
America’s Unfair Rules of the Road
Much more discussion of individual cities and specific cases at the link. Four pages of information.
rq says
Building the First Slavery Museum in America,/a>. It only opened last year.
Sorry, another long article. But another one worth reading. Someone spending money (more) wisely.
Family wants video released in police-involved shooting
rq says
COMIC LOVERS heads up! #BlackComicsMonth – Day 27 – Mikki Kendall Interview
There is more at the link, lots mroe great stuff, in addition to the other 26 days in February where I missed this!!!
Mmkay, so that Chicago black site? Has got everyone riled up. Including the rightwing. That website is an eyesore.
More people coming forward about being held at the site. ‘I sat in that place for three days, man’: Chicagoans detail abusive confinement inside police ‘black site’
Atlanta and Kevin Davis: Atlanta Woman Says Police Shot And Killed Her Boyfriend Without Warning
“@NBCNews: Kim Kardashian has ushered in the golden age of big butts, and it’s big business You need to see the picture of major side-eye. The article itself: Butt Augmentation, Labiaplasty on the Rise, Plastic Surgeons Say. Another situation of appropriation and wrongful attribution.
rq says
“@1000Ferguson: Don’t forget about our Hiring Event this Saturday #Ferguson #STL #STLJobs ”
KKK Was Terrorizing America Decades Before Islamic State Appeared
Considering the situation today, this statement is almost laughable. If it weren’t so deadly and terrifying.
Sometimes I really hate the things I’ve been learning on this thread.
chigau (違う) says
rq says
Sorry for missing a couple of days, it’ll be a lot to catch up on, but not all at once, so take heart!
Ferguson’s sole black City Council member breaks his silence
There’s more at the link, but I’m going to stop citing there, and note the blaming: they weren’t engaging youth enough, therefore Michael Brown got shot. Nothing about community relations with police, or with profiling, but obviously it is the non-engaged youth that is somehow at fault for this… Anyway, a bit more at the link, but it’s all awfully wishy-washy.
Scalise says he’ll go to Selma ‘next year’
Whelp, he’ll go next year. For the 51st anniversary. That’s a nice, round, well-known number. :P
Denver policeman accused repeatedly of excessive force taken off streets.
Protests Erupt Over UNC Board’s Decision To Shutter Poverty Center
55 years ago today, I was arrested for the first time for protesting segregated lunch counters in downtown Nashville.
And this is just stupidly heartbreaking. City of Cleveland responds to Tamir Rice lawsuit by saying boy’s death was caused because of his own actions
Or heartbreakingly stupid. Yup, Tamir got himself killed. *spits*
rq says
This is from Friday evening/night.
The faces of many lost black lives shut down Penn Station with us tonight. #ShutItDown For #BlackLivesMatter;
Shut Down Penn Station has taken the streets headed to Penn. #ShutItDown for #BlackLivesMatter;
Beautiful: Shut Down Penn Station has shut down all of 6th Ave. #ShutItDown For #BlackLivesMatter.;
The exit from the Lincoln Tunnel is shut down. #ShutItDown for #BlackLivesMatter.;
That is a fucking shot gun drawn and cocked on a peaceful protest. #ShutItDown For #BlackLivesMatter;
Chants of #ICantBreathe in the street as we shut down 42nd. #ShutItDown For #BlackLivesMatter.
rq says
Yah, the whole catch-up will continue tomorrow, there’s a whole stack on Chicago (of course) and the weekend in general. Stay tuned!
rq says
(Again these first few will be from Friday evening/night, and Saturday – if I manage to get things more or less in chronological order.)
‘Black Lives Matter’ UW walkout draws hundreds
The **: Note here the inclusivity – not ‘hey all you other [previously] oppressed folk, come over here and help us’ but ‘here we are, we’re in this together, let’s do something about it’.
Like I said, there will be a lot on Chicago. Here’s a small collection to follow.
War Declared Against Chicago PD Over Secret Jail
Secret Police Facility “Black Site” Discovered Inside America, Detaining & Torturing Americans – not cited because there isn’t any new information, basically a rehash – with commentary – of the Guardian article. Here for archival purposes.
The connection between Guantanamo and Chicago has certainly been made, in several ways. Activists Groups Unite Against Secret Police Facility, Call for Boots on the Ground #Gitmo2Chicago
Was Zuley mentioned before? I think this is a repost, too, in prep for this weekend. Sorry.
This Won’t End Well: Military Police From the Torturous Gitmo Prison, Being Recruited as Cops
Essentially, it may not be just Zuley. He’s just most notorious right now. :/ Spooky.
From history, America’s Forgotten Mass Lynching: When 237 People Were Murdered In Arkansas
rq says
Specifically Zuley: Infamous GITMO “Interrogator” Also Tortured Americans And Forced Confessions As A Chicago Cop
Facebook event for next weekend, #Protest the current use of secret prisons in Chicago, IL.
Stories Continue To Emerge From Chicago Police Department ‘Black Site’
Slight shift in focus, autopsy news on two recent shootings. Second Autopsy Reveals Pasco Police Shot Antonio Zambrano-Montes In The Back
And the second, Attorney: Autopsy Of Latina Teen Killed By Denver Cops Contradicts Police Account
From Friday night: 7th Avenue shut down leaving Times Square. #ShutItDown For #BlackLivesMatter
rq says
Let the onslaught begin.
So, this is tangentially related, mostly due to the discrepancies in reproductive justice along racial lines. New Law Book Could Change the Face of Reproductive Rights
Here’s hoping it affects thinking in racial issues in reproductive justive, too.
Glittery Blackface Models Spark Backlash at Milan Fashion Week.
Of course, there’s some saying it’s about ethics in fashion modelling, not racism, so…
You thought it was bad? Our election system’s anti-minority bias is even worse than you think
Some charts and graphs at the link.
Here’s a criming-while-white story. And notice the reporting: no pictures, no tarring of characters, nothing. Treetops Resort: Fraternity damage could top $400,000
Out of Trouble, but Criminal Records Keep Men Out of Work
rq says
#FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off: 1) Thursday, 6-7:30pm South City, 4219 Hartford St. 2nd Fl
#FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off: 2) Friday, 6:00-7:30pm 9200 West Florissant (old Ponderosa parking lot)
#FergusonFoodShare donation drop-off: 3) Saturday, 9:00-10:30am 9200 West Florissant (old Ponderosa parking lot)
#FergusonFoodShare wk 4 items: apples, bananas (choose less ripe, firm bananas that can sit 3-4 days), corn, onions, spinach, ground turkey
rq says
Oh, it’s those blacks doing it to themselves. Lee Daniels Says Mo’Nique Got Herself Blackballed With ‘Reverse Racism’
The Broward County Police Department is trying to currently sweep the #CalvonReid shooting death under the rug. Read the story. Hmm, a name for to the google of.
The Limits of Talking About Privilege to Teenagers
New Museum Depicts ‘The Life Of A Slave From Cradle To The Tomb’. There’s a lot on the museum and the founder upthread, but this article has some visitor reactions.
A Brutal Beating Wakes Attica’s Ghosts
And for the kids, First-graders are changing the complexion of St. Louis area schools
Some more at the link.
rq says
Interlude: Ornithology 9 Rules for the Black Birdwatcher
NYPD Bruised, audio at the link.
In Maryland, a first: Md. National Guard leadership takes historic turn
Congratulations to Singh, and wow, awesome attitude – and action – from Fretterd.
There was another shooting in St Louis yesterday, I will have more on it later – for now, here’s this. Suspect in Wellston police shooting dies of wounds
Umm, again, I take issue with an officer’s intelligence when the officer deems it a smart move to fire at the driver of a speeding car. In fear for his life – for fucks’ sakes. Seriously.
And here is the official statement on the killing of Thomas Allen by STL PD yesterday. Read this. B asically what it says in the article, but in more police-official sounding language.
Map: 16 states have more people in prisons and jails than college housing. This keeps cropping up as true and then untrue…
rq says
Shoveling a Path Out of Prison
A note on Cleveland and Tamir Rice, Tamir Rice ‘directly and proximately’ responsible for own police shooting death, says city
Due care from a 12-year-old playing with a toy gun in an open-carry state. Fuck you, Cleveland.
Ahh, a pay audit! Baltimore Police fight release of secret pay audit
Wait wait wait, police department racially discriminating against their own? Noooooooo.
Private police carry guns and make arrests, and their ranks are swelling. Private police? Like those people who showed up in Ferguson in November?
Poorly trained, armed vigilantes out on the streets? Sounds good to me.
Man, 107, slain in police shootout in Arkansas months after telling cops he’d rather die than go back to son-in-law’s house: report. I’m just going to leave that headline there like that.
And here’s a new site up that might get interesting – it lets you play with data! Or at least compare data. Mapping Police Violence, it is called, and that is what it does!
*ahem* I’d just like to note that, in Canada, those black people are spread over a much larger area. But I suppose the point still (sort of) stands.
Anyway, there’s a video and charts at the link and from what I’ve seen on twitter, there’s a lot of interesting comparisons to make – Florida is the most dangerous state for black people, and more shooting happen in St Louis than New York (for example). Go, explore!
rq says
Chilling Video Shows Cop Shooting And Killing Homeless Man In West Monroe, Louisiana
Compare that to this: VIDEO: LAPD shot & killed a homeless man held down by two other cops, just hours ago: There’s a link to a Facebook video there, but it will also appear in an LA Times articles I’ll have up later.
Racism: not just against blacks. Texas lawmaker suggests Asians adopt easier names
Map: European colonialism conquered every country in the world but these five
German colonialization used to be a thing (13th century and after), but it kind of stayed in Europe for the most part.
It starts early. LeBron James Wants College Coaches To Stop Recruiting His 10-Year-Old Son
‘Shut Down Homan Square’: Anonymous, Black Lives Matter swarm Chicago police ‘black site’
rq says
Here it is: LAPD fatal shooting of man caught on tape
Protests over LAPD fatally shooting mentally ill homeless man
Small #LAPD protest of today’s officer involved shooting happening at Pershing Park right now. #SkidRow
Childhood poverty in New Orleans back at pre-Katrina levels
Justice Department to Fault Ferguson Police, Seeing Racial Bias in Traffic Stops
Here’s a site for tracking public records requests. MuckRock brings public records requests into the 21st Century.
It seemed relevant.
rq says
Unfortunately the rest will have to wait until after work, as work does not allow Twitter. And a good thing, too (for work productivity levels). The onslaught is onpause.
A. Noyd says
Wow, some Teabagger radio host is advocating the lynching of black members of congress if they boycott a speech by that genocidal fascist Netanyahu.
rq says
Post-racial America.
rq says
This is still ‘dated’ stuff, mostly from March 1 or thereabouts now.
First, an event: LA. Protest. Tuesday, March 3rd.
Ferguson is recovering. Boys and Girls Club to open in Ferguson
The connection between police and schools, once more: Police Chief Says Over-Policing Contributes To High Dropout Rate
Here’s a serving of white privilege: This Lawmaker Wants a Civil Rights Organization for White People
So saying ‘Western’ makes the acronym… less racist? Seriously? Because when it comes to white vs. western, it’s pretty much the same thing…
I’m not entirely sure how to classify this one: Madonna Compares Ageism Against Her to Racism and Homophobia. As Twitter said, ‘She would.’
There’s certainly some truth to that. And a big part of this sort of ageism is sexism. But like racism and homophobia? (I don’t have the years to judge, as I don’t see it.)
Another black actress says winning an Oscar didn’t help: Halle Berry Says Her Oscar Win Didn’t Help Her Get Better Roles.
rq says
#JeremyLett is now the 5th suspect to have been shot and killed by the Tallahassee Police Department within the last year.
Here’s another prison story. I say ‘another’ like it’s nothing, but it’s pretty… wow. Terrible. The Horrifying Truth of Life in Solitary Confinement, From People Who Lived It
That note is in the article, so let it be a trigger warning for what follows.
Time in solitary ranging from 30 to 730 (!!!) days.
After being the first African-American to be admitted to @JohnsHopkins , he taught at DCPS. #BlackHistoryMonth. That would be Kelly Miller.
#BrandonTateBrown mom speaking in #bridgeton. Killed by @PhillyPolice #blacklivesmatter #JerameReid ;
These cops are rolling eyes about Days raping a woman. #blacklivesmatter #justiceforjerame #JerameReid
University of Chicago offers $1 million for best idea to stem youth violence
I have mixed feelings. Obviously it’s a good thing to try to solve.
But I’m a bit bothered about the ‘black-on-black crime’ aspect of the initiative, esp. as it focuses only on (straight?) black men… and how it seems like they’re ignoring a whole body of research already conducted, showing how things like reducing poverty, stable housing and access to decent education can reduce violence among youth.
Maybe it’s just me.
rq says
Black people are lazy moochers, living on those food stamps? Not really: Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly
A few charts and more information and details at the link.
Study: lighter-skinned black and Hispanic people look smarter to white people
I’m a bit confused, because I would have thought that colorism – from anyone – would be a part of racism. Sort of stemming from racism, as it were.
Also, the article mentions two documentaries – Dark Girls and Light Girls about which I have heard good things, but have not been able to watch yet.
Another from Chicago. Recording in police shooting suddenly found, prompting cries of foul
Oh, black brunch was a thing on Sunday again, they’re also organizing in Minnesota (that’s what MN means, right?), too. #BlackBrunchMN bout to roll out
We made a bunch of notecards with info to hand out at #BlackBrunchMN #BlackLivesMatter. Lots of white outrage and discomfort followed.
Interlude: hip-hop, white rappers, and gay rights. The Heist: Macklemore’s Hold on Homosexuality in Hip-Hop
Funny how that works. :P
rq says
About 100 people gathering outside Homan Square police facility; about 20 CPD officers here.
People gathering for protest outside CPD police facility The Guardian dubbed a “black site.”
From Saturday, I believe.
Obama plans to take Malia, Sasha to Selma – I’m constantly confused about the date of this event.
‘I sat in that place for three days, man’: Chicagoans detail abusive confinement inside police ‘black site’
The rest is the same horrible stuff as always.
Meanwhile in Tampa… Check out that tank.
More and more people filing into the Capitol as protesters chant “shut it down!”. #wiunion #wrongforwi
rq says
Ah, another frmo the black brunch: Peace sign and fist bump from the same restaurant manager who wanted us to stop. #blackbrunchmn
We Ain’t Gonna Stop, Till Our People Are Free!!! , by Dru Hill.
State, city program gives security guards police powers
Art: This is my Lisa Bonet Cubism piece, I hope you guys like it. Share it, Maybe she will see it, thanks
Americans are making a big mistake about health care – vaguely ties in with themes of government and welfare state and racism.
… And people don’t know about it.
Oh, and this one’s good. Note above in the article abotu Obama and Selma, the very last bit, where they honoured those who marched? Ha. Conservatives who refuse to restore the Voting Rights Act, vote to honor those who fought for it
rq says
So recently there have been articles on how research shows white privilege is real, and like this one – Why racism is not backed by science . And I wonder who the target audience is.
Here follows a short and condensed history of racism’s connection to genetics and eugenics. And then we move on.
I don’t like that argument – is race really purely a biological construct, that it can be dismissed so easily? Considering that most racist don’t know shit about biology and genetics, I doubt it. As long as racism exists, race as such will be an issue, whether the line is drawn in biology or in culture. And I think it’s a bad idea to deny that.
Interlude: TV Entertainment! The Top 15 Black TV Shows of All-Time
Yes, the Cosby Show is on the list (everyone’s favourite family!), but so is the Jeffersons, the Flip Wilson Show, Soul Train, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Boondocks, and others. Most of whom I’ve never heard (but then, me and TV…).
But for the video…
Very, very good questions, those last ones. Very.
The Music of Malcolm X
The leading ladies of network TV’s three highest rated dramas
Billionaire Sells Artworks to Help Fund Harlem School
I wouldn’t mind picking up a Kandinsky or two for a good cause.
rq says
More confusion only leads to one solution: More transparency
Interim report on the police task force, which isn’t opening for me, so I can’t get the actual title. Maybe it iwll work for someone.
Ah, no it opened, but there’s no good title and blockquoting is weird. I’ll try again later, maybe.
Please join BLM, @BAJItweet, @MillionHoodies & others for Safety Beyond Policing Townhall TODAY 1-2pm EST #NoNewNYPD Umm, that was yesterday, so I guess that ship has sailed. Sorry.
And that’s all the catch-up, now I just have to deal with yesterday’s stuff.
rq says
Audio only here, sorry, from the BBC World Service Radio: New Black Leaders,
Meet Claudette Colvin, the 15 y/o who refused to give up her bus seat to a white woman 9 months before Rosa Parks.
Remember that man shot in STL yesterday? It looks like there may have been a 5-year-old girl in the back of the car… Wellston police fatal shooting of fleeing driver with 5yo girl in backseat being investigated by STL County PD Crimes Against Persons Unit.
Ask Chief Walker if a 5yr old was in the car during the shooting? Chief’s information at the tweet, and here’s hoping there’s more information on that coming out.
Guuesssss whaaat? The newsletter is back! thisisthemovement, installment #78: Intro –
Material within:
Again, it’s a mix of things we have on this thread and other, unseen, stuff, so yay, more reading!
rq says
Hotter Than Lava, on flash-bang grenades. Which suddenly soudns like way too cartoonish a name.
Then there’s the case of the lady selling food and alchohol (on Sundays!) – FOOD AND ALCOHOL – and they flashbanged her house, and they fucking said this:
Because “warrant” = “flashbang”. Holy shit, victim-blaming! And no restraint or accountability. Onwards with the article, which explains again the case of Bou Bou Phonesavanh, the baby we’ve read about before, who had to have his face reconstructed after police attacked his house:
City Of Cleveland Apologizes For Blaming Tamir Rice For His Own Fatal Shooting
Uh, that’s an apology? Here’s another on that: Cleveland blames Tamir Rice, 12, for his own death, then apologizes
Uh, so yeah, if that’s the apology, then… that’s a pretty crappy kind of apology.
Basically what Cleveland told the world is that it’s cool to kill a Black kid b/c he was being a kid. #TamirRice
Felony theft charge filed against St. Louis County police lieutenant
rq says
LAPD Caught On Video Shooting Homeless Man To Death
More on Tamir: It’s Tamir Rice’s fault
Also from Washington Post, Tamir Rice family attorney says ‘unbelievable’ that city of Cleveland court filing blames Tamir for his own death
Yeah, I’m still not seeing the apologetic part of that apology.
Cleveland Leaders Apologize Over Blaming Boy for Own Death, with autoplay video.
Why we all bear responsibility for the torture of black, brown and poor people — at home and abroad
And to end this comment on a lighter note, 22 Contemporary Authors You Absolutely Should Be Reading. Someone called the list racist, but I think that was sarcasm of the reverse racism kind. Anyway, this is a list I can get behind.
rq says
‘Reparations, Not Black Sites’: Rally Held for Chicago Police Torture Survivors, a storify.
Pictures at the link.
“Transformation now. Reparations now.” Banners at #RahmRepNow rally in Chicago
Seems like more media here than there were for #Gitmo2Chicago rally on Sat. #RahmRepNow
“The things happening in #HomanSquare are also happening in back alleys in Bronzeville” #RahmRepNow #Gitmo2Chicago
For people who like examining documents, Requesting materials/documents related to public protests that took place approximately between Nov 25, 2014 and Dec 31, 2014.
NYPD Deputy Commissioner: Crazies Off Their Meds Practically Asking To Get Shot
Thus speaks a person who is ostensibly a leader for police. Says a lot.
rq says
Video: Cop Cocks Shotgun & Asks Protesters, “Are You Scared?”
Criming while white – still alive! St. Charles woman who tried to disarm officer gets 7-year sentence.
At least 1175 people were killed by police in 2014. 302 (26%) were black., via the mappingthepolice website. When it comes to unarmed people killed, the number is at 56 for black people – more than all other races combined.
Here Are 3 New “Use-Of-Force” Techniques NYPD Officers Are Being Taught To Avoid Chokeholds
Mad. Co. Grand Jury chooses not to indict officer who reportedly shot and killed Cinque D’Jahspora back in Nov.
WH Task Force: All police shootings should be independently reviewed
rq says
Police Accountability Tool
Fun with data.
A new campaign is trying to put one of these 15 women on the $20 bill
Ripe for Pharyngulation!!!
Great distillation of the conservative paradox re: racism and beyond. Either history matters or it doesn’t.
Panorama: die-in in #GrandCentral for #AiyanaJones and all women & girls victimized by cops. #VoicesOfTheUnheard
5 facts about #AiyanaJones, 7-year-old shot & killed in her bed by a cop who walks free. #VoicesOfTheUnheard
“Policy Reform” slide that Dr. Isom is explaining & questioned by @StlChange commissioners. #FergusonCommission
rq says
Tamir Rice’s mom: ‘They never even gave him a chance’, autplay video frmo CNN.
The Cleveland mayor didn’t apologize. He said “we could have slapped the 12-year-old in the face different.” Basically, that.
City Of Cleveland Apologizes For Blaming Tamir Rice For His Own Fatal Shooting – same stuff, different title.
And encore une fois, Cleveland leaders apologize over blaming boy for own death.
Imagine if we mapped police violence worldwide. It would show 1 police killing in England. 14 in Canada. 1175 in USA. Police state.
‘Officer Awareness’ Memo: Police Accountability Recording App Could Lead To Dangerous ‘Flash Mobs’
<a href="
rq says
Today in 1991. Yes, Rodney King.
Pteryxx says
Breaking news – the Justice Department’s review of the Ferguson police department finds racial bias and constitutional rights violations. Full report to come as early as tomorrow.
WaPo: Justice Dept. review finds pattern of racial bias among Ferguson police
NY Times: Justice Department to Fault Ferguson Police, Seeing Racial Bias in Traffic Stops
So there’s the difference between the extremely high standard of intentional racial bias, or intent to deprive a person of their civil rights, which the Justice Dept. could not reach in either Wilson’s or Zimmerman’s cases, versus the ‘disparate impact’ standard. By disparate impact, widespread and blatant civil rights violations are plain as day.
New Republic, last week: Why Is It So Hard to Prove a Civil Rights Crime?
Pteryxx says
Shaun King on the DOJ report, at Daily Kos: How the DOJ strategy of holding systems accountable never quite holds individual cops accountable
rq says
DOJ says Ferguson rife with racial bias. Much more on that tomorrow!
watry says
Thanks for the authors list in #152, rq. I’m a bookish person, and the bookish circles I hang out in online are really pushing awareness of racial bias in publishing, including pushing people to actively seek out authors of color and other minority populations.
Some of them I’m already reading (I didn’t know Colson Whitehead was black!) , some of them I’ve never heard of. To the library! And when I get paid, the bookstore!
rq says
So people have been calling for boycotts of cities where police shootings have taken place. Firstly, I’m rather confused as to how that works, exactly, but there’s also this: How boycotts hurt the cities they are supposed to help.
Ferguson, state officials to be briefed on DOJ investigation today – this was prior to releasing the information itself.
Out of history, Jose Campos Torres, killed by Houston officers in 1977. This is not justice. The officers were punished with: guilty of negligent homicide, one year of probation a $1 fine. Only later were civil rights violations looked at.
Remember Sharod Kindell, the man who was shot and then kept in custody with inadequate health care? Apparently they let him out… then rearrested him. #DENVER #EMERGENCY ACTION NOW. GET TO DENVER POLICE HQ AT 13th & BANNOCK. #SharodKindell WAS RE ARRESTED.
#SharodKindell recently released on bail, now DPD has arrested him on trumped up charges, follow @SMoKeeGyrl & @WaywardStreamer 4 updates.
I’ll have an eye out for more this morning.
rq says
So onto Ferguson! Same information from several sources to follow.
CNN popped up first. Justice report finds systematic discrimination against African Americans in Ferguson
Read those last two paragraphs, and tell me that the Ferguson PD is not racist. Fuck. Me. Community policing.
Here’s the St Louis Post-Dispatch, Ferguson Police acted in patterns of racial bias, Department of Justice to report
I love the future tense here. It’sl ike they know everything, but they can’t report on ti because it hasn’t been officially released.
Justice Dept. review finds pattern of racial bias among Ferguson police, that’s the Washington Post:
So Cleveland’s up next.
NBC, too – Justice Department releases scathing Ferguson report
16 000 out of 21 000.
Source: Probe Of Ferguson Police Uncovers Racist Comment About Obama, from NPR news. Same information as elsewhere.
And last one, Ferguson Shooting: Federal Investigation Expected to Show Pattern of Discrimination at Police Department – still in the future-like tense.
rq says
Ferguson Police Routinely Violate Rights of Blacks, Justice Dept. Finds
Contrast those racial disparities with what Mayor Knowles said half-a-year ago: Is Race An Issue In Ferguson? Depends On Whom You Ask
That whole article is worth a re-read, a nice portrait of Ferguson, with history.
Messages spray painted in snow outside Cleveland City Hall, link via the tweet.
So who’s the #Ferguson PD protester that made @googlemaps ?, google maps link here. :D
“Justice for Africa” Protest Against Killer Cops – Photos and Video from LAPD HQ
rq says
Autopsy Reveals Denver Police Shot Jessica Hernandez 4 Times, Death Ruled A Homicide
Tamir Rice Shooting: Attorney for Cop in Killing Blasts Mayor’s Apology – so now it’s turning into a back-and-forth over who gets to be least sensitive? Or something?
And I don’t even know what to say about this upcoming cover of @EducationNext. Hint: It uses the idea of absent black fathers to try and make a point about the modern American family.
thisisthemovement, installment #79:
In 2014, police in the small town Hope Mills, NC, killed more black ppl than police in Seattle, SF, Newark+Oakland. Modern day lynchings. This guy has been playing with the statistics on Mapping Police Violence, his whole timeline is worth checking out.
#Ferguson will respond to DOJ’s report after it is released to the public tomorrow at presser at TBA time/location , see press release attached, which basically says Ferguson will respond after the official DOJ announcement.
rq says
Justice is not an abstract concept. Justice is a living Mike Brown. Justice is a smiling Tamir. Justice is no more death.
DOJ Finds Ferguson Police Routinely Discriminate, via Huffington Post. Same old, for the moment.
@sarahkendzior I kinda hate the idea that we need an investigation and a racist joke to legitimize what regular folks have been saying.
And Mashable, Federal probe of Ferguson police reveals pattern of racial bias
Can we talk about the phrase ‘racially tinged’, okay? And:
So four out of… how many are facing charges? This is good news? More like the rare exceptions.
Few Say Police Forces Nationally Do Well in Treating Races Equally – this from August, but it just supports what the DOJ found. So yes, this is data that has been known for ages, yet it takes a DOJ report to somehow make it real. And I bet there will be excuses galore.
Interesting, The month after Mike Brown was killed, the # of black ppl killed by police dropped 56% nationwide. Protests matter. There’s a link to the data, too.
rq says
#BlackBrunchMN White uncomfortability was at it’s peak today. @blklibmn, from Saturday. Just a photo.
Not gonna lie, I didn’t think there’d be a concert in Selma. And definitely not one featuring Lady Gaga and R. Kelly. Y’all.
More on that: Lady Gaga, R. Kelly to perform in Selma
Umm, so I know there’s a march happening, separate from this… But I’m still not sure a concert of this kind is appropriate. Eh.
Minneapolis school officials respond to controversy over slavery game
And more frmo schools, Missouri elementary schools have highest rate of suspending black children
I never thought the Policing Task Force would recommend special prosecutors and external investigators. That’s bold. And I’m all for it.
I have to find more on the Policing Task Force.
rq says
The motherfucking FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has called the police racist & watch White Amerikkka justify it.
Police depts in Albuquerque, Kansas City, Atlantic City, Ardmore, Hope Mills, Rowan County kill black ppl at higher rates than Ferguson PD. I believe Albuquerque is being investigated?
@WyzeChef Du Bois foretold of these scenarios in his opus Black Reconstruction in 1935. Black bodies made to be everything but citizens.
Amnesty International USA Responds to Reports of Department of Justice Findings in Ferguson Police Department Investigation
Good news? Ferguson Police Department May Fold Due To DOJ Probe
As mentioned on Twitter, Ferguson is surrounded by many small PDs, all of which engage in the same or similar patterns of behaviour as Ferguson, so just disbanding the one wouldn’t do much, in terms of creating a safer, better environment or better police-community relations.
rq says
Chart of the Week: The black-white gap in incarceration rates
Ferguson police racially biased says US Justice Department – seeing it in headlines like that always makes me think everyone is surprised. When they shouldn’t be.
Now that’s interesting, ‘we haven’t seen the report’, since from what I understand they have seen it – it just hasn’t been publicly released yet (later today).
And here is the summary of the DOJ report re: the Ferguson PD, leaked yesterday. In Twitter document photos, and a big red ‘Not For Publication’ at the top.
Former head of organization for black St. Louis officers group put on unpaid leave
Here, have some humour: Black people in Ferguson “accounted for 85 percent of traffic stops, 90 percent of tickets and 93 percent of arrests.”
I, for one, will stand up and courageously and correctly condemn the culture of failure in the black community which promotes Jay-Walking.
rq says
And another for fun: Daniel Craig to be first white Shaft, from the Daily Mash. Of course, there are the naysayers:
If only. :D
The Mellow Monkey says
Trigger Warning.
There is FSOG inspired Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson erotica for sale.
Sally Hemings. A real person who was enslaved. A real person who was raped by one of our founding fathers starting when she was around fourteen years old. Jenny Trout’s commentary really encapsulates the horror of the whole “Freedom of Speech” issue on this one:
There’s apparently another book in the works, by an actual established romance author. I haven’t seen them outed yet on Twitter, though.
The Mellow Monkey says
Amend that: Stephanie Dray and Laura Kaye, who are contracted with William Morrow/HarperCollins. They’re writing a 50 Shades of Grey/Jefferson mashup.
Dear white people, your jokes about slavery aren’t satire. They’re violence.
rq says
The Mellow Monkey
I had huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge hopes it was just an internet rumour, after seeing Jenny Trout’s original RT.
I have no words.
The Mellow Monkey says
rq, it’s pretty horrifying. Someone’s response to it all was to link to that dinosaur erotica as an example of how “weird” and “kinky” ebooks can be. Because comparing the rape and enslavement of a real Black woman to bestiality isn’t dehumanizing at all, I guess.
Mikki Kendall @Karnythia: I went to the Monticello exhibit. I saw the shackles Jefferson used on the children enslaved on his plantation. What about that is sexy?
rq says
The Mellow Monkey
I know of a great new museum where those authors should be sent for a visit. See posts on the Whitney Plantation, above @124, for a nice long intro and background. And the man putting the slavery museum together is doing his damnedest to make it as harsh as possible (which I applaud). Seriously, someone buy them tickets.
Pteryxx says
Lots and lots of articles getting into the 104-page DOJ report. First, some source links:
Scribd link
via Mother Jones, PDF link and textfile link
St Louis Today has the report via an embedded PDF viewer: link
The MoJo link also has PDF and txt versions of the DOJ report on the shooting of Michael Brown, resulting in its decision not to charge Wilson.
Pteryxx says
Newsweek’s selection of the worst police misconduct in the DOJ report, with extensive quotes: Newsweek
Eric Holder also mentioned this example in his press conference this afternoon. From the DOJ report:
Officers failing to document arrests:
Several examples of particularly egregious detentions and arrests without cause:
Including stopping people from giving care to loved ones:
Ignoring misconduct allegations and not even keeping records of incidents:
And allowing Ferguson officers to lie to internal investigators without reprimand:
Pteryxx says
Crooks and Liars: DOJ Ferguson Report: Personal Responsibility Only Applies To Black People (Updated)
From the DOJ report (bolds from C&L):
quoting the report (bolds from C&L):
One example:
Pteryxx says
from Wesley Lowery at WaPo, reactions in Ferguson. DOJ report renews outrage in Ferguson
Pteryxx says
and Newsweek also points out: that the DOJ report backs up ArchCity Defenders: link
Chris Hayes on MSNBC tonight said that while it was hard for a white person like him to believe what he was seeing in Ferguson, it really was that bad; the DOJ report proves once and for all that the Ferguson police are ruining the lives of the people they’re supposed to be protecting, and the black citizens of Ferguson have been telling the truth all along.
Pteryxx says
Other portions of the DOJ report highlighted by WaPo, while quoting Scribd embeds. I’ve copied the relevant sections from the textfile linked by Mother Jones above. Bolds follow WaPo’s highlighting. WaPo article
Harsh and unfair payment practices, including issuing arrest warrants for a single missed or even partial payment:
Arrest warrants used to compel payment:
And when people are arrested and held, they get no credit for time served – the FPD often doesn’t even bother keeping records:
And this is so normalized to the FPD that their people can say ‘what’s the big deal? It’s only three days’ to a DOJ investigator’s face, while they’re under investigation for civil rights violations. What sort of retraining could address that level of not giving a single fuck?
Pteryxx says
From St Louis Today, more on why Judge Brockmeyer isn’t just tiny little Ferguson’s problem: Ferguson officials erased tickets for friends and family, DOJ discovers
The DOJ just released 100 pages on how corrupt Ferguson is… but drive or walk a few miles in any direction and there’ll be another little town with its own police force and court system and the same limited means of squeezing revenue out of its citizens.
rq says
Whew, it’s so nice to have someone else on here for a change! :D
I’m going to try to not double-up on any of your posts, Pteryxx, I’ve just gone through your comments here and I’m not even sure I want to get into anything else. :/ Here goes.
Actual postings in a bit, both articles and people’s reactions and the press conference in Ferguson.
rq says
Okay! This will be somewhat random order, and where there are document photos, I’ll try to summarize as best as I can.
According to the Department of Justice, Ferguson police only ever use dogs on black suspects. Makes you think, that one.
Cuba stands their ground, won’t return Assata Shakur , Assata being a huge influence to today’s protestors and activists.
I’m just going to leave that there, in contrast to the DOJ report and the reactions to come – esp. keeping in mind that a trooper was shot but not killed. So let’s go look at more intolerable insults to those who long to see justice served.
Via @RobertDEdwards, some #Ferguson officers competed to see who could issue the most citations during a single stop. Twitter document photo basically says the same thing.
We are subhuman to the #Ferguson PD, twitter document photo of an incident where a man was stopped by police, called racist slurs, and had his face slammed into the wall for standing up for himself (non-violently – basically, he just said he did nothing wrong, and the officer replied that he can always find something to charge him with).
Al-Jazeera on the report: DOJ report on Ferguson: City’s mostly white police target black residents, has a short (2 minute) video summarizing most of the findings.
To reflect again what Pteryxx wrote above about the whole area being full of corrupt court systems – Don’t let anybody tell you this is just Ferguson there are 90 more municipalities is St. Louis county all with the same mentality…
rq says
So there were racist emails (more on that later). So you might ask, how did people in the Ferguson police react to these racist emails? They forwarded them. The twitter document photo goes on to state that nobody was ever disciplined for these emails.
What tangible effect will the DOJ report on the #Ferguson PD have for black St. Louisans if all the other muni PDs stay the same? Good question.
The DOJ document via NY Times, the one specifically on the shooting of Michael Brown – this is not the general Ferguson civil rights document, but the Darren Wilson one. You can guess what the conclusion there is, too.
Consider this when consuming news: #DOJ looked at 9 people who gave media interviews about Michael Brown’s death. Only 1 was credible.
So in media articles, Darren Wilson Is Cleared of Rights Violations in Ferguson Shooting. Not surprising, as Zimmerman was also cleared recently, and it is known that the bar for these investigations is inordinately high.
Um… okay. I’ll have to read the report, but I’m still not convinced. Haha, call me a hyperskeptic, but considering Darren Wilson’s employment milieu, I’m utterly unconvinced that there wasn’t a racial slant to him stopping Michael Brown on the street in the first place.
(Also, the DNA bloodstain evidence? Seriously? Either they’re missing a conjunction or they’ve come up with a totally new forensic analysis. :P)
Darren Wilson ‘Relieved’ at No Charges From Feds. I just bet he is.
I don’t want to quote any direct lines from Wilson, so this – the potential consequences of this report – will have to do. And honestly, I have no problem with Darren Wilson living in fear for the rest of his life. I don’t want him to come to harm, and I don’t want him to cause harm, but if he lives with a discomfort and a nagging feeling of mild paranoia, that’s okay with me.
rq says
“@RobertDEdwards: Holder cited this story as one example of biased policing in #Ferguson ” – arrested for sitting in his parked car on a hot day to cool off. Got charged with not having a license. Lost his job with the federal government due to these charges.
Holder Blasts ‘Toxic Environment’ Created By Ferguson Police
The same via Washington Post, Holder: Report shows why Michael Brown’s death set off Ferguson like ‘a powder keg’
Here’s Holder himself in twenty-four minutes: Watch Attorney General Eric Holder discuss DOJ Ferguson investigation findings
Youtube video.
11 alarming findings in the report on Ferguson police
That’s a nice summary of things. More details at the link in a few situations.
St. Louis Alderman Antonio French Sounds Off On DOJ Report: Ferguson Police Chief ‘Needs To Go’ – mildly put, I think.
rq says
Amnesty International USA Responds to Reports of Department of Justice Findings in Ferguson Police Department Investigation
The leaked DOJ report states that 95 percent of jaywalking arrests were African Americans. This is why Darren Wilson stopped Mike Brown. Well, it’s no longer the leaked report.
How can the same agency that produced this report say that Wilson was innocent? So innocent that it doesn’t even warrant a trial?
Ferguson officials have announced that their press conference in response to the DOJ report will be at 5:30 today. #FergusonReport
McCulloch: people who come thru the court system need to know they’re treated fairly and I think they get that when try come thru here. CAN WE LAUGH NOW??
St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch has little to say about DOJ Ferguson PD report, but says not surprised that DOJ cleared Wilson. I don’t think anyone’s surprised.
rq says
Wow, Stenger’s response is especially weak. “Truly hope,” huh? You do have some power, dude. DO something. Attached is his response – not sure if it’s the whole thing or not. Basically, thanks, DOJ, we’ll talk about this later.
Quick aside, Yale Clears Police Officer Who Detained Student
No racism here.
In Wake Of Crisis, Ferguson PD Could Face Extinction
Ah, but remember, Darren Wilson came from a disbanded police force, so the chance that all these guys will go on and continue policing terribly somewhere else? Very high.
Cops Attack Unity Rally — Against Police Brutality
I took this pic back in August. Look closely. At the paper in the man’s hand. At how long it is. At how fucking long it is.
Ferguson officials erased tickets for friends and family, DOJ discovers
rq says
@StLouCo Prosecutor Bob McCulloch says DOJ had access to same evidence presented to grand jury that exonerated Darren Wilson. .#Ferguson
“It’s not a professional way to conduct an investigation” @StLouCo Prostr Bob McCulloch on DOJ leaks prior to release of .#Ferguson report
“It’s not anything anyone likes to see” @SaintLouCo Prosecutor Bob McCulloch on DOJ charges of racial discrimination in .#Ferguson
“I never felt incriminated so there is no reason to feel vindicated.” StLCo Prsctr Bob McCulloch on DOJ clearing Darren Wilson .#Ferguson
Oh, and speaking of witnesses, does the DOJ mention McCullogh’s star witness, the one who was most likely making things up? If we’re going to talk about credible witnesses, that is.
The Feds vs. Ferguson
17 disturbing statistics from the federal report on Ferguson police
rq says
Elsewhere, for a moment – Family seeks answers in Baltimore Co. police shooting
#Gitmo2Chicago: Thousands Rise Up Against Chicago Police ‘Black Sites’
More on the same: #Gitmo2Chicago: Thousands expected to attend Chicago protest against Homan Square torture site.
Ah, the protests! Protesters blocking traffic outside #Ferguson Police Department. Some cats turning around. More on that later.
Ferguson Inc.
And not just racism. Funny how people who discriminate do so on several axes at once, usually. Not always. But often. Sexual harassment tolerated within Ferguson police department, federal report alleges
rq says
A Letter From Black America
More at the link. Nothing particularly new, but a first-person account of being black in America. Very engaging read, though, as always, depressing.
Remember: you have the privilege of reading what Mike proved with his LIFE. While you turn the page, every one of his dreams is gone.
DOJ: We think…
Me: Yeah?
DOJ: That maybe…
Me: YEAH!?
DOJ: Cops might be racist.
Me: ….
DOJ: … Did you read our report?
Three St. Louis police officers removed from duty amid allegations of criminal conduct
Roorda weighs in at the end there, though without his usual ‘police are awesome’ stuff. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that at least two out of the three officers are black? (There is no photo of the third.)
Federal jury sides with police officers in fatal shooting, awards no damages
Ferguson mayor responds to DOJ report on racial bias, takes no questions:
Oh wow, hey look, they fired one person for the racist emails. And… they’ve had diversity training! Yah! Right.
rq says
Here is another Ferguson issue: Dem prosecutor. Dem governor. How can Missouri Dems ask Blacks to vote for them after DOJ report? Then again, how can they possibly vote Republican, too?
Mo. lawmakers call for disbanding of Ferguson Police Department after DOJ ruling
Don’t they already function (thep olice, that is) under something resembling imminent threat?
Gov. Nixon issues statement regarding today’s announcement by Department of Justice
Yes, a paragon of anti-racism, is Nixon.
Mayor Knowles basically said they are doing nothing new to address the DOJ report, and now leaves the room not answering Qs #Ferguson
One person fired. ONE. Over a racist email. Wilson got to resign and he murdered someone.
rq says
Ferguson police chief Jackson didn’t even show up. What a sham.
Ferguson Police Tolerate Sexual Harassment of Female Officers: Justice Department
A couple of more interesting (and horrible) links within this article.
Officer Darren Wilson cleared by Justice Department, autoplay video.
Incredulous, the Mayor of Ferguson blames all of the violations of the constitutional rights of black people in Ferguson on 3 people.
Justice Dept. echoes Ferguson residents’ complaints about police
Next comment dealing with protest last night. Not pretty.
rq says
On the PD LOT. Cops yelling us to get back;
Flag with the names of black people killed by police ;
Nobody loves sensationalizing black emotions more than them RT @RE_invent_ED: CNN is here #ferguson;
I get here at #ferguson pd and they had just arrested VEGA @chicanapoet1;
Tonight #Ferguson PD arrested 2 @NLGnews #LegalObservers. One is an attorney who was injured, the other is a @WashULaw student.
rq says
The Justice Department also says Ferguson police tolerated sexual harassment of female officers
Many say police practices in Ferguson extend to other municipalities
DOJ Report Vindicates Ferguson Protesters As Police Department Faces Uncertain Future
Ferguson Mayor Knowles: ‘We must do better;’ Critics want more specifics
Oh, and a reminder, the citizen’s review board, that barely got accepted a short while ago, lacks subpoena power. It shall be seen how useful it will be in the long run.
Remember while reading #FergusonReport that #HomanSquare exists. Abuse by law enforcement is rampant in the US.
And a reminder from the Grauniad, Ferguson reform to courts system could leave residents paying more
rq says
More officers and helicopters #Ferguson
Here are 7 racist jokes Ferguson police and court officials made over email
I’m going to try to not repeat or quote those jokes from here on in, if that’s okay by everyone.
Ferguson right now.
Circle 4 1/2 mins of silence
23 degrees and protesters gathering at Ferguson PD hours after DOJ reports.
Protesters chant outside Ferguson police department, four arrested
rq says
Feds: Ferguson Preys Viciously on Black Residents
What follows is more of the same information.
[OFFICIAL] Ferguson police officer fired over emails, 2 others suspended – mayor
Ferguson police arrested protesters after release of Justice Department report
Tweets and photos in the article.
I was told that each of the 4 women arrested at #Ferguson PD tonight are being held on $300 bond. Please help: link to bail fund within.
You see what has been going on all over with Ferguson, the Trayvon Martin case, Tamir Rice, but you want to act like I’m making it up;
We shall see if peaceful protest are sustainable or simply a mockery of what playing by the oppressors rules looks like.
rq says
Bullhorn is loud tonight #Ferguson
Editorial: The hammer of Justice falls on Ferguson
Ferguson police report: Most shocking parts I’ll let y’all go through that by yourselves, don’t miss the top 10 worst examples.
Ferguson Police Tainted by Bias, Justice Department Says
Okay, that’s it for now. I’m taking a break.
rq says
Officer ambushed and shot in Atlanta. Waiting for connection to anti-police-brutality riots.
“All Ferguson PD Officers have completed mandatory Diversity Training since Dec. 31, 2014.” – Mayor Knowles re: DOJ report
@deray 1) nobody needed the DOJ report to sue these towns; 2) we’re in 14 lawsuits so far. Protests, policy, litigation…we need it all.
Ferguson Police “Believe” Four People Arrested In Protests, Refuse To Release Charges
More at the link.
And I get that the DOJ report is damning and horrifying and all kinds of bad things, but to anyone who has been paying attention to the black folk on the ground, it certainly shouldn’t be ‘shocking’, unless you’re shocked at how terrible it is – which also, if you’ve been following along, shouldn’t be that shocking. But the point. I hate all the websites (and for now it’s BuzzFeed) trying to clickbait capitalize, with link titles like ‘See the most shocking sections here’ (I paraphrase, but there’s a very similar one right there in that link above).
Seriously, people, it should not be shocking, because it’s things that have been said over and over and over. Perhaps the depth and ubiquity of the racist behaviour is more than expected, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say shocking.
Then again, I have previously self-confessed to being shocked by behaviour that is honestly part of the pattern, but which seems especially incomprehensible.
Still seems like a cheap headline for a media source.
Here’s How Ferguson Police Use Dogs On Town Residents
Sorry that’s a weird citing, but the article is written like that with several DOJ text inserts that didn’t copy-paste (but which say what the sentence-like captions say).
rq says
Lynna’s comment from PZ’s post on the report:
rq says
DOJ: Ferguson PD routinely violated constitutional rights of African Americans
Police, Protesters Square Off in Ferguson, Missouri
rq says
Blockquoting faaaaaaiillll.
This is why so many women, blk women specifically, loath to call the police. #FergusonReport In short, she got charged because her boyfriend lived in her house some of the time and only she and her brother were officially registered. This, when she called the police for a domestic disturbance.
A storify: Was Barbie Spradling at Ferguson PD When Darren Wilson Arrived on 8/9/14?
More at the link, which seems important given that Barbara is Darren Wilson’s now-wife, and was also a witness at his grand jury (while they were still engaged). Also, that storify points out the gender disparity in the Ferguson PD.
Interlude: Entertainment for Selma March! Why BET picked Vanilla Ice to perform at Selma concert
More Racist Things Ferguson Officials Did, from MotherJones. Basically just more horrible examples.
rq says
Brown’s family to speak at 10 a.m., that’s a livestream link going right now. Or jsut ended, I’m not sure, I caught the tail-end.
Mike Brown’s family will file a civil suit. And I’m all about it. I’ll come to the house-warming when they own the current PD building.
‘It was an afro comb not a gun’ says girl, 15, arrested by armed police in Croydon
rq says
#TheTrashies: Challenging the media’s misinformed consensus, a general word on media, etc.
I could contribute, but the choice is way too huge.
@deray Know you are busy but HB101, bill to arm school police in Baltimore being voted on tmrw at 9AM before city delegation. See a couple of articles above on this.
Study: More than half of people killed by police aren’t counted by the FBI
12 pastors total have lived in the house that King lived in while he was Montgomery — last pastor living here in 1992.
This is the spot where the bomb hit Dr. King’s house in Montgomery.
The First White House of the Confederac
rq says
A general word on gaming and learning about one’s own racism: Hopi-less: How Kachina Became Donut County
It’s a beautiful story.
Ala. Electrical Engineer Sues Police After Being Tased at His Own Home
Having data and documentation is good, but fast forward me to the part where Americans believe policing is racist and do something about it.
Breaking: Brown Family Will File Civil Lawsuit, Ferguson Police Official Fired –
Goodnightly – Department of Justice’s Ferguson Report
rq says
Stupid html.
Report: What Is Wrong With the Ferguson Police Department?
Some graphs and examples at the link.
Ferguson’s True Criminals
The Cop Who Choked Eric Garner to Death Won’t Have to Pay a Dime in Damages
The rest of the article points to other police shootings, where families are suing – and I’m not sure if they’re trying to dissuade them or what, but it almost sounds like it. Could be just me and the hour, though.
And I heard that Obama is now marching to Birmingham and will not be coming to Montgomery at all. Interesting. #Selma50
Just witnessed #OperationStreamline in person. They tell undocumented to plead guilty & sentence them like a conveyor belt. #AZdispatch
We will not be distracted. We want justice for #LavallHall. @MiamiGardensFL
rq says
Leahy Calls On Senate To Confirm Historic Nominee For Attorney General
Alabama’s Life to Death Override. Look it up yall. Out of control.
Some art: black innocence. (IG: nelsonmakamo), Children. (IG: nelsonmakamo).
The Gangsters of Ferguson
For you romance lovers, #BlackWomenInRomance: 10 Romance Authors I Can’t Wait To Read More Of In 2015
Direction towards even more at the link.
rq says
The Rosa Parks Museum in Montgomery is free all-day this upcoming Saturday for #Selma50. FYI.
Thank you, Crommunist, for this one. People have been wondering about where the libertarians are. Heh. U.S. DoJ Won’t Charge Darren Wilson, Excoriates Ferguson In Report, from the Cato Institute.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Apologies if this has already been posted-
All these police departments are being investigated by the feds.
Ferguson is one of 21 agencies being investigated.
rq says
Not in one link like that, no.
And I’m surprised it’s only 21 being investigated. :P
rq says
Justice Department Calls On Ferguson To Align Level Of Institutional Racism With Rest Of Country
That’s the Onion.
Ferguson shows how a police force can turn into a plundering ‘collection agency’
Mike Brown’s family announces lawsuit against Darren Wilson and the city of Ferguson
DOJ releases report, city promises change. But will it happen? To the extent that it needs to? Some would say no. Some in Ferguson Who Are Part of Problem Are Asked to Help Solve It
Re: Ms Twitty, and her high status, that sort of explains why there were no repercussions for the email(s). If the people at the top are doing it without facing consequences, leading by example as it were, I doubt those lower down were particularly worried.
Oh boy. This Drunk White Guy In A Pickup Explains All You Need To Know About Race And Policing
So the big Selma event(s) are this weekend, and some have issue with the celebrity-studded concert. Not just because of the concert as such, either: Two men who violate women’s autonomy/bodies performing at Selma. How is that liberating & celebratory of Bloody Sunday? Spit in my face.
rq says
Justice Department Calls On Ferguson To Align Level Of Institutional Racism With Rest Of Country
That’s the Onion.
Ferguson shows how a police force can turn into a plundering ‘collection agency’
Mike Brown’s family announces lawsuit against Darren Wilson and the city of Ferguson
DOJ releases report, city promises change. But will it happen? To the extent that it needs to? Some would say no. Some in Ferguson Who Are Part of Problem Are Asked to Help Solve It
Re: Ms Twitty, and her high status, that sort of explains why there were no repercussions for the email(s). If the people at the top are doing it without facing consequences, leading by example as it were, I doubt those lower down were particularly worried.
Oh boy. This Drunk White Guy In A Pickup Explains All You Need To Know About Race And Policing
So the big Selma event(s) are this weekend, and some have issue with the celebrity-studded concert. Not just because of the concert as such, either: Two men who violate women’s autonomy/bodies performing at Selma. How is that liberating & celebratory of Bloody Sunday? Spit in my face.
rq says
Completely Real Coalition Of African-American Pastors To Give ‘MLK Award’ To Alabama’s Roy Moore
Bit more at the link.
Protesters target Pine Lawn municipal court
I don’t know if deliberately misleading people about whether the court is closed or not (esp. if they’re trying to pay fines, and considering the potential penalties for not showing up…) is a good strategy. Either way. Pine Lawn is near Ferguson (adjacent?) and some say it is even worse. So there’s that.
Same from HuffPo: Protesters Target Municipal Court In St. Louis Suburb That Survives On Traffic Tickets
So allegedly The Brown Family Attorney, Anthony Gray is now representing the city of Pine-lawn (a force worse than #Ferguson) wow Umm, what?
Pine Lawn: ‘Poster child of dysfunction?’
Plenty more at the link.
Pine Lawn, MO generates 48% of its revenue from tickets and fines. Despite having only 3,000 people, its police dept wrote 21,000 tickets. Assuming everyone has a ticket, that’s 7 tickets per person. And then remember that not everyone has a ticket. Which means some people have 0 tickets, and some have……..
rq says
Some more of the same horrifying excerpts here: The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report.
rq says
#Ferguson Witness: Prosecutor put words in my mouth | November 25, 2014., here’s the youtube video at the link.
The new civil rights leaders: Emerging voices in the 21st century, a good read.
Includes names both familiar and unfamiliar, but nicely diverse.
Full Coverage
50 years after the march on Selma
Basically, a list of articles at the link on Selma, then and now, analyses, etc. Lots of reading.
“@PerceivedThreat: @AntonioFrench we’ve got a shirt waiting on you. Please support the #perceivedthreat campaign. ”
Attorney for Michael Brown’s family was also head of troubled police department
rq says
Ms. Diane Nash speaks about how the white state troopers acted with hatred and brutality while black folks behaved w/dignity in Selma.
Currently listening to elders speak about women in the movement. Amazing. #Selma50
And @Nettaaaaaaaa is currently speaking at the event about being a woman in the movement. #Selma50
Activist Plans to Bring Guns on St. Louis MetroLink As Test of Missouri Law. They’re probably white. The true test will be when black people can do so with no serious repercussions.
Obama: Type Of Racial Discrimination In Ferguson Police Department Not Isolated – thank you, Obama, for recognizing that.
Lots more at the link, but mostly recaps of the two DOJ reports and people’s opinions on them.
As we look beyond Ferguson, many of the towns with the worst records of preying on the poor actually have black govts. They too must change.
I stand with the oppressed, no matter the race of the oppressor. Sadly, there were Africans who sold other Africans into slavery. #PineLawn
rq says
So, for anyone still following along here, PZ has two threads open discussing the DOJ report, here (the white man one) and here (Ta-Nehisi Coates’ analysis) – this second one, I think roundabouts comment 24, has a great link to a DailyKos article from Lynna. And by ‘great’ I mean utterly depressing.
So I’ll have this and that on the DOJ reports interspersed, but more tweets on (a) Selma this weekend and (b) another shooting, this time in Madison, WI. Plus the usual random assortment of opinions and articles.
This Police Brutality Map Shows ‘Ferguson Is Everywhere’
The east coast seems especially bad.
Missouri Senators Call for Dissolving the Entire Ferguson Police Department
The question is, is a private firm really the answer?
Fifty Years After Bloody Sunday in Selma, Everything and Nothing Has Changed
More on Selma, its history, and the Voting Rights Act at the link. Fascinating stuff.
ACLU suit rE: reporters in Ferguson, and cops creating an intimidating atmosphere. It’s the actual paperwork, so it’s legalese, just a warning.
rq says
Two of my favourite activists are in Selma and about, and they went to the Jefferson Davis museum (well, it’s the 1st whitehouse of the Confederacy, but it’s also Jefferson Davis’ house). Some interesting tour-guiding, as follows in tweets. Yall. The tour guide is legit trying to convince me Jefferson Davis, his family and associates had nothing to do with slavery. No slaves.
The tour guide said that Davis was merely a politician who was interested in the economy of slavery but not owning black people as slaves.
Me: Wikipedia is saying Davis had a lot of slaves Tour Guide: Noooooo 1st WH of the Confederacy
@deray Frederick B. Schell sketch depicts Davis’s slaves arriving at Chickasaw Bayou, original at NY Historical Soc.
Lord have mercy the tour guide is telling @2LiveUnchained that she should take the gift of cotton even tho her ancestors had to pick it.
“Let go and let God” says the tour guide to @2LiveUnchained about declining to take the cotton .
rq says
Our tour guide picked this cotton herself. And she noted “white people picked cotton too.” 1st WH of the Confederacy.
The tour guide also notes that a large group of free black men from Massachusetts came down to fight for the confederacy.
This woman is painting the most beautiful picture of slavery, while trying not to mention slaves were people held as property. Im blown away
@deray Wikipedia: “By early 1836, Davis had purchased 16 slaves; he held 40 slaves by 1840, and 74 by 1845. In 1860, he owned 113 slaves.”
@deray The cotton gin, which removes the seeds, was patented by Eli Whitney but actually invented by ‘Sam,’ an enslaved African. #history
And the tour guide refers to “The War Between The States” & that the Southern states “made more money for this country” than the North.
(a bit more)
rq says
Here’s a final comment from the museum: “A lot of the slaves were let free and then they weren’t taken care of.” – Tour Guide at the 1st WH of the Confederacy re: post-civil war. This is a tour guide. In Alabama. That’s their perception of history and slavery. It’s rather … wow.
White people really hate being excluded. It’s a damn hashtag, chill. Imagine being excluded from constitutional rights #BlackOutDay – yesterday was BlackOutDay. In that spirit, Happy #BlackOutDay to the young ones who can’t be here with us today. We honor your lives each & every day.
I’m told 1 of the 2 Ferguson cops who resigned over racist emails today was supervisor on scene Aug 9 who Wilson spoke to & was GJ witness. More on this later.
Silence in Ferguson, and defiance elsewhere, in wake of DOJ report
That’s a lot of citing, but the article continues in that vein. See above, where officials state they haven’t read the report – I’m like, WTF? Wouldn’t it be the first thing they read? Apparently not. Oh, and the unfairness of lumping all the courts together. Yes, the unfairness, considering the same people worked across several courts in varying capacities. How unfair. *spits*
rq says
These were given out in #Selma… Smh. “The Revolution: Bought to You by Walmart”. #Ferguson2Selma – included is a calendar with pictures from protest.
Honor the past. Build the future. Downtown Selma.
Two police officers, court clerk out at Ferguson over racist emails
So they got caught and then got fired – but not before, oh no!
You can’t divorce Ferguson from broader problems of St. Louis county, nor St. Louis from broader U.S. It’s not just one place. Keep digging.
Ferguson judge behind aggressive fines policy owes $170,000 in unpaid taxes – yah, I know PZ has a thread on this, I also have a couple of articles. :)
Justice Department: The Problem Is Way Bigger Than Ferguson
rq says
A quick synopsis of the #FergusonReport
From Selma, “this water drown my family, this water mixed my blood This water tells my story, this water knows it all”
Albuquerque Police Dept. ‘Complies’ With Records Request By Releasing Password-Protected Videos… But Not The Password
Life cover in 1965. #Selma50 ” @deray @Nettaaaaaaaa – it says ‘Civil rights face-off at Selma, Let the Savage Season begin’.
The Alabama Dept. Of Homeland Security’s Mobile Command Center is set up in downtown Selma.
The t-shirt stands are beginning to set-up in downtown Selma.
rq says
Ferguson and its money-hungry police problem
The article also takes a quick look at the evil that is asset forfeiture.
Jim Limber Davis, we’ll live tweet this tonight. Sorry, that belonged with the other museum tweets.
John Lewis honoring four little girls who were killed in bombing at 16th street baptist church in Birmingham in 1963
With autoplay video, Breaking down police statistics in the Ferguson report
If you can stand to watch Roorda speak, you have been warned. I still have a hard time stomaching that guy. At least he was on the defensive this time.
Editorial: Missouri Supreme Court must end the Ferguson shake-down
Holder says shutting down of Ferguson police possible if reforms aren’t done
rq says
Some good-ish news from Baltimore, City delegation rejects guns in schools for police
They’re school police. I’d expect them to have different rules and different methods of policing from regular forces. Because children and learning environment and creating a sense of safe community, not as many guns as possible. :P
Washington Post with Holder’s determination to dismantle Ferguson, if necessary: Holder says he’s ‘prepared’ to dismantle Ferguson police department if necessary
John Lewis & members of Congress on steps of 16th street baptist church in Birmingham #FPI15
BoingBoing on Brockmeyer’s debt – Judge who invented Ferguson’s debtor’s prisons owes $170K in tax
Next bits from on-the-groudn tweets re: the shooting of 19yo unarmed Tony Robinson in Madison, WI.
#WillyStreet #news3
Crowd chants “Black lives matter!” on Willy St @BadgerHerald
more next comment
rq says
Unarmed #AnthonyRobinson (aged 19), known by friends as Tony, was killed by Madison, Wisconsin tonight.
Crowd estimate on Willy St is more than 100. @BadgerHerald #WillyStreet
More than 20 officers at corner of Willy St and Few St. @BadgerHerald #WillyStreet
“Ferguson and Madison,” crowd chants at #younggiftedblack protest @BadgerHerald
Mother was not allowed to see son at hospital, protesters say. @BadgerHerald
Obama’s Police Reforms Ignore the Most Important Cause of Police Misconduct
Some more at the link.
rq says
More form Madison, UPDATE: Victim identified in officer-involved shooting
that last little bit there is apparently legislation in Wisconsin, that a third party must investigate officer involved shootings. Personally, I think that’s a good move.
RAW: Madison Police Chief Mike Koval addresses officer-involved shooting. That’st he police chief in video.
Police: Officer shot, killed teen after assault
Holder ‘prepared’ to dismantle Ferguson police department. Same information, different source.
City of St. Louis hosting ‘Compliance Week’ for anyone with minor offenses – sounds good, that. Ha.
Denial is strong with these ones. Ferguson mayor says scathing DOJ report ‘not proof’ of widespread abuses
Yup, that’s some top-calibre denial right there. Of course there’s a lot of support in town – from the white folk living off the painfully-given pennies of black folk. Disgusting.
rq says
And some more on Madison, #BlackLivesMatter Crowds gather at Few & Williamson St. vigil in aftermath of police killing of Tony Robinson.
Report that two demonstrators are being held without charge at the county jail. We are going now to demand their release #AnthonyRobinson Rumour has it that they’re also witnesses to the shooting.
Grandmother of #AnthonyRobinson speaks. “I don’t want violence out here. But there must be consequences.”
Grandmother of #AnthonyRobinson: “Don’t let Tony’s death mean nothing, don’t let him just be another dead black kid.”
FYI, this is still from last night. I have yet to catch up completely. Working on it.
19-year-old dead after being shot by Madison police officer, chief says
An interesting situation that seems rather all over the place.
50 Years Past Selma, Historic Town Makes Slow March Toward Change
rq says
Black Teen Tony Robinson Shot Dead by Cop in Madison, Wisconsin
2 witnesses to murder of #AnthonyRobinson were quickly incarcerated without a lawyer & questioned (double speak for treated like criminals) (that’s the rumour).
The state of Wisconsin is 88% White and 6.5% Black. However, Wisconsin leads the nation in Black male incarcerations. #AnthonyRobinson
Voting rights! 50 Years After Bloody Sunday, Voting Rights Are Under Attack
The Stage Is Set! A look at the Edmund Pettus Bridge this morning ahead of President Obama’s speech today! #Selma50
Oh, and that Edmund Pettus Bridge. Inside the fight to strip a KKK leader’s name from Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge
I see no issue with renaming the bridge and annotating the history books with ‘formerly known as the edmund Pettus Bridge’. But that’s just me.
rq says
Photographer Helped Expose Brutality Of Selma’s ‘Bloody Sunday’
History. Repeats.
See, protest is not the solution. Protest is the leverage to the solution(s). In protest we reimagine our power & expose the terror we face.
Y’all, this right here — “debacle”. Oh, okay. #Selma50 Yup, an Associated Press headline called Bloody Sunday a civil rights debacle. !!!
Fact-checks about Selma and the Voting Rights Act An example:
More at the link.
Comparing Selma To Ferguson: ‘Mike Brown Is Our Jimmie Lee Jackson’, with autoplay video.
rq says
Ferguson grand juror pushes back in battle to discuss Darren Wilson case
Good luck!
From earlier today, people were waiting for Obama to arrive. There were several notable people present, including Esaw Garner (Eric Garner’s wife), Michael Brown’s parents, local Ferguson protestors, and more. So, next bits from Selma. I didn’t expect country music to blaring at the base of the Edmund Pettus Bridge right now. Aye. #Selma50
There’s general confusion re: Obama’s talk and tickets. Unclear where you get tickets, where you go when you get them, etc… #Selma50
Loud noise outside WH as First Family about to leave for Selma; lockdown. Pool report: – so I guess Obama was late?
Interlude: hair! In Praise Of Celebrities With Natural Hair
Erykah Badu, Willow Smith, Viola Davis, Esperanza Spalding, and more.
rq says
http://www.msnbc.com/shift/watch/live-video-president-obama-in-selma-409777731794 via Pteryxx, livestream of Obama in Selma though other speakers (i.e. John Lewis) also worth listening to.
More in a bit.
rq says
Youtube link to Obama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FWD8KkNUs0&feature=youtu.be
rq says
Livestream of Selma right now: http://www.shazzarazza.com/live-stream-selma/
rq says
My Brother’s Keeper taskforce report, for the to be reading of.
Modern civil rights movement expands on classic methods
#Selma50 is a huge slap in the face. I couldn’t be there is weekend, but I hope they shut the fuckery parts of the celebration down.
Just gets better n better, no? Federal Probe into SLMPD – Are St. Louis Officers Working for Drug Dealers?
Madison for a moment: Tony Robinson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Pictures, tweets, more at the link.
And one more moment: Wisconsin Police Fatally Shoot Black Teen, Prompting Protest.
rq says
Lots of tweets from Selma, interspersed some frmo Madison, and Chicago, and a couple other locations.
A black US President will today walk across a bridge named for a Confederate Gen’l/KKK grand dragon. We’ll gladly take the taunting penalty.
The sea of people facing Edmund Pettus Bridge to see Obama #Selma50
Large crowd gathered at Madison police department #JusticeForTonyRobinson #BlackLivesMatter
Bush showed up in Selma. @Nettaaaaaaaa Bush has not earned the right to be there. Tried to cripple the Civil Rights Div. of the DOJ. Ignored Katrina, etc, etc.
Arrival of @RepJohnLewis. #Selma
North of Selma, black leaders ‘fighting the same battle’
More at the link.
rq says
Here’s a twitter narration from John Lewis. 50 yrs ago today, we set out to march from Selma to Montgomery to dramatize to the nation that people of color were denied the right to vote;
When we got to the apex of the bridge, down below we saw a sea of blue… #Selma50
… Alabama State Troopers #Selma50
When we came within hearing distance, a trooper identified himself and said, “I’m Major John Cloud of the Alabama State Troopers” #Selma50
He said, “This is an unlawful march. It will not be allowed to continue.” #Selma50
“I’ll give you three minutes to disperse and return to your homes or to your church.” #Selma50
rq says
The man walking beside me – co-leader of the march Hosea Williams – said “Major, give us a moment to kneel and pray.”
The Major paused for a minute and then he said, “Troopers advance!” And you saw these men putting on their gas masks.
They came toward us beating us with nightsticks, bullwhips, trampling us with horses, releasing the teargas. #Selma50
I was hit in the head by a state trooper with a nightstick. My legs went out from under me. #Selma50
I thought I saw death. I thought I was going to die. #Selma50
So that’s Selma 50 years ago, in short.
rq says
Barricades & police wagons surrounding #HomanSquare for small crowd as 3rd #Gitmo2Chicago gets underway.
Obama gives homage to the foot soldiers of Selma. And to the importance of the Voting Rights Act. #Selma50
“We’re the slaves who built the White House and the economy of the south” – POTUS #Selma50
“We are the Tuskegee airmen” – POTUS #Selma50
“We are the people Langston Hughes wrote of” – POTUS #Selma50
Obama: “What happened in Ferguson may not be unique but it’s no longer endemic, no longer sanctioned by law.” #Selma50
rq says
Oh, that was Obama. Had a few more John Lewis quotes from his actual speech I wanted to put up before that. Eh.
Right now: #Gitmo2Chicago march vs #HomanSquare black site takes over #Chicago street
“17 of us were hospitalized that day but we never became bitter or hostile” – @repjohnlewis
And essentially Mr. Lewis just hit us with a nice remix of “all lives matter”
“If someone told me 50 years ago I’d be back on this bridge introducing a black POTUS, I’d have said you’re crazy” – Rep. John Lewis
The most obvious link between Bloody Sunday and today is the very similar brutality peaceful protestors saw in 1965 and in 2015.
The GOP’s Conspicuous Absence from Selma
Interlude: Wikipedia Meet the Editors Fighting Racism and Sexism on Wikipedia. Just as a short break.
rq says
So, more from Obama’s speech, for those who haven’t been able to follow along (though you can catch it at the shazzarazza link above, they have it youtubed).
President Obama says actions of Ferguson PD “evoked the kind of abuse and disregard for citizens that spawned the Civil Rights Movement”;
“Fifty years from Bloody Sunday, our march is not yet finished. But we’re getting closer.” —President Obama #Selma50 #MarchOn;
“The single most powerful world in our country is ‘we’ — we the people, we shall overcome, yes we can.” – Obama #Selma50;
What Obama’s #selma50 speech proved: His oratorical highs are as high (or higher) than any other president we’ve had.
Hundreds of demonstrators gather on steps of the Indiana Statehouse to commentate the 50th anniversary of Selma march.
rq says
And some random impressions.
There’s a truck full of police. That’s new. #Selma50
To all the #Ferguson Revolutionaries who went to #Selma. Please don’t come back as Civil Rights activist. As if you graduated
White people selling “commemorative” shit to Black folks standing in line to see PBO feels supremely exploitative somehow. #Selma #Selma50
There’s one exit. We’re leaving. #Selma50. Honestly, that just doesn’t seem… safe.
Unrelated to Selma, Let me ensure I get this: An event talking about white privilege is “oppressive”, “a stunt”, and “not worthy of Christian #MBIprivilege
And finally: And I will never accept “it’s just 140 characters” as an excuse for lazy/sloppy critiques. Learn to use the platform or leave it. Dawkins isn’t the only one. :P
rq says
.@MsPackyetti asked a white man selling $10 Selma buttons where is the money going? His answer? “My gas tank” #Selma50
Antonio French says Justice Department report reveals system of “Taxation by citation” in Ferguson, radio interview with audio.
And the Milwaukee protestors drove 1.5 hours to stand with the Madison protestors. Y’all, the movement lives. #TonyRobinson
Fifty Years Ago, a March From Selma Into History, which links to Reliving Selma’s Civil-Rights Struggle, with a few photos of that day.
rq says
Huffington Post and John Lewis’ pre-speech tweets: Civil Rights Icon John Lewis Shares Memories And Photos From Selma In This Incredible Series Of Tweets.
rq says
Official count from the city of Selma is that 40,000 people attended the 50th commemoration of “Bloody Sunday”. #Selma50
Capturing the Selma-to-Montgomery March, in photos.
Meanwhile in Madison, A number of community leaders with churches & civil rights groups have gathered to discuss the shooting of Tony Robinson. #TonyRobinson
Mayor Paul Soglin speaks to family members of Tony Robinson at the community meeting in Madison. #TonyRobinson
The mother of Dontre Hamilton, who was shot by police in Milwaukee, is here today #Justice4Tony
rq says
Just talked to MLK lieutenant Diane Nash. She refused to walk with Pres. Obama & others across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. #Selma50
Nash said she refused to walk across the Pettus Bridge because of the presence of Pres George W. Bush. #Selma50
Nash said the Movement was about peace and non-violence and Bush is a man of war. I have video. Will post soon. #Selma50 #NewsOneNow
Parents’ Incarceration Takes Toll on Children, Studies Say
rq says
Watch President Obama’s historic speech in Selma for ‘Bloody Sunday’ anniversary, audio and transcript:
Let that stand as the lone link in this comment.
rq says
#Selma50 Die-In by #Ferguson Frontline 1-by-1 each person dropped to ground while naming Police Murder Victim
WOW. Fucking perfect, bougie black America. “@jaketapper: Former President/First Lady Bush at #Selma50 today ” Kinda odd, seeing Bush sort of pushing out to the front to lead like that…
Black kids in the US have twice as many untreated cavities as white ones
Police: Veteran Officer Shot Unarmed Black Teen
More on this veteran officer in a bit, apparentyly he’s a veteran at shooting unarmed people, too.
Tonight’s Southern White Savior Historical reading by @MsPackyetti – that’s the book in the Jefferson Davis house, about the orphan Davis so kindly adopted and saved, Jim Limber Davis.
rq says
Wisconsin police confirm black teen shot by cop was unarmed. Biiiig surprise.
CNN reporter grills Ferguson police chief
Video at the link, and no, he doesn’t have any good answers.
In Miami: “They’re Going To Kill Me,” Man Yelled Before Dying In Police Custody, not shot, though. Tased.
Here’s on that officer in Madison. MPD officer who shot Robinson part of officer-involved shooting in 2007
In Selma, GOP Lawmakers Explain Why They Don’t Support John Lewis’ Bill To Restore Voting Rights Act
Family Rep. Speaks After Unarmed Wis. Teen Shot by Cop
rq says
President Obama’s Speech in Selma, same as before, text only.
Ferguson Became Symbol, but Bias Knows No Border
Lots more good stuff in the skipped bits.
A mostly white voter wave is reshaping politics in D.C.
12:30pm. Brown Chapel AME Church. Selma. Today. Pre-bridge crossing rally. See you there. #Selma50
YALL-the craziest revisionist history I’ve ever read in my life, dangerously packaged in a propagandist kids book:
Cop who killed unarmed 19-year-old #TonyRobinson was cleared in 2007 shooting death…
Pteryxx says
Adding to the stack above – video of the entire Selma event at DailyKos,
and most of all, Rep. John Lewis’s remarks to introduce Obama: (youtube link) (but the automatic captions are awful)
Democracy Now speaking briefly to John Lewis: (link)
and a long NPR interview from 2009: Congressman, Civil Rights Icon John Lewis
rq says
Key grand jury witness resigns over black abortion joke: Darren Wilson’s supervisor exposed in DOJ report. There should no longer be any doubt about the system and its interconnectedness.
From the photo and the intertwining relationships all these people had, I’m even starting to wonder if any (or all) of them had any connections to local KKK chapters. Wasn’t Wilson’s wife / girlfriend implicated in something like that?
Thousands Of Miles Are No Big Deal For These Citizens Traveling To Selma This Weekend
Funny, they don’t mention Ferguson at all, though I know several people are present.
“Black women are not collateral damage, we too are targets of state violence.” #BlackLivesMatter #Selma50 #MarchOn
How Other Missouri Cities Are Like Ferguson
That link is all about the maps, be sure to take a look. Maps and numbers.
<a href="
rq says
Meanwhile, in Ferguson:
People standing in solidarity. #BlackBrunchPrinceton
Taking #BlackBrunch to Nassau Street.
The squad @Ferguson_PU is still going hard. Please retweet and support. #BlackBrunchPrinceton #BlackBrunch l
#BlackBrunch #BlackBrunchPrinceton Good morning. Time to wake up
rq says
Live from Selma here, I believe: http://www.11alive.com/videos/news/2014/05/30/5867887/
rq says
Jesse Jackson spoke – “Wolves in sheeps clothing must be called out” – Jesse Jackson on the Alabama Governor, Robert J. Bentley #Selma50. The governor of Alabama had some revisionist history yesterday, apparently.
Interlude: literature. Racism in Publishing: Stephanie Dray’s 50 Shades of Jefferson/Sally Hemings
“@deray: Y’all, this is the doorway that #TonyRobinson was killed in, taken today. Organizer just sent it to me. ” Yes, that’s his blood on the doorstep. Because they dragged him out.
Black Lives Matter Protesters Interrupt Obama In Selma
@deray @YeaaahAboutThat How poetic that a bridge named after a KKK white supremacist cannot handle the weight of EVERYBODY on it.
I’m hearing the march across the bridge is cancelled because it can’t hold that many people. May or may not be true #Selma50.
Lesley M., Mike Brown’s mother, is here at Brown AME. #Selma50
rq says
More from Selma.
Never-ending crowd headed for the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma. #Selma50
Even the police are in awe of how many people are here. #Selma50M
“The reason I can fight the way I fight is because they on AM, I’m on FM, we not on the same frequency” Rev Al #Selma50
“Yall can get mad but you’re not on juries because you’re not registered to vote” Rev. Al Sharpton #Selma50
I hope that Sharpton listens to his speech and internalizes his words. He is delivering a powerful word to his mirror. #Selma50
Rev. Al is now making the correlation between the Klan being Christians and.. Idk. Lost. Nvm.
rq says
So yeah Sharpton didn’t necessarilyl eave the best impression.
Sharpton is speaking. People are starting to leave the church. #Selma50
I don’t even know what to say about this speech happening at the pulpit. Sigh. #Selma50
Selma. Now and Then. #Selma50
I just don’t understand how an unarmed #TonyRobinson was killed a few days ago by the police and no speaker in #Selma50 acknowledges it.
Our election system’s anti-minority bias is even worse than you think
I think that’s a repost, but oh well.
rq says
And one more bite from Selma:
Had A Dream. #Selma50
Just linked with Dr. Lafayette, chair of the SCLC and original SNCC organizer. #Selma50
Masons. #Selma50
The Boy Scouts. #Selma50
.@Nettaaaaaaaa and the snake. #Selma50
I was asked to speak on the stairs of the church following the service a while ago, apparently that’s now cancelled. Off to the bridge.
rq says
Our feature doc on @TorontoPolice violence to play in Hollywood, Winnipeg, Chicago, Montreal, Hamilton, Durham (NC)+, screening list here: https://whatworldproductions.com/screenings/
And no, I did not come to Selma to see a parade of celebrities. Hopefully we can get out of this space sometime soon. #Selma50
The people inside the church have been told that they can’t leave until extra security comes. #Selma50
The Mayor notes that he’s called in additional law enforcement support from the governor given the crowds today. #Selma50
I guess more people showed up than expected, it is said that the Mayor estimated the number around 80 000.
rq says
Bridge is open after all, check out the photo from CNN: Wow!!! #Selma50 on (dreaded) CNN – shot of sea of ppl crossing @deray beautiful !!!
There are so many protestors from around th country here. It’s been great to link and share information and ideas w/ each other. #Selma50
rq says
There is no photo that can convey how packed the bridge is. It’s incredible. Like, wow. #Selma50
Here’s an attempt: The. Bridge. Is. Packed. #Selma50
The Edmund Pettus Bridge #Selma50
Just ran into the a portion of the Ferguson crew and Mike Sr. is here. #Selma50
Tangential yet relevant. TW for rape. Bill Cosby sexually assaulted me. I didn’t tell because I didn’t want to let black America down.
rq says
Join us! #WomenResist we r the women the mightty mightty women at leadt 300 marching 2nd ave crossed E16th;
Traffic blocked at E Washington and Ingersoll St. #TonyRobinson #news3
And to close off for the evening, Our march continues. There is great work still to be done. Dedicate yourself to nonviolent social change, and we shall overcome. #Selma50
rq says
Atlanta students spending Spring Break in Ferguson to help register voters
Key grand jury witness resigns over black abortion joke: Darren Wilson’s supervisor exposed in DOJ report
Coalition of Black Leaders Supports DOJ Action in Ferguson
A bit more from Selma, where all kinds of people showed up: Found who’s drone it is. @AJCalloway and the TV show Extra #Selma50
“Black Lives really Matter. And if you believe that, then you know there’s work to do.” – Maxine Waters #Selma50
Clergy at Ferguson PD calling for resignation of city officials. 60 degrees today is a beautiful day for resignation.
rq says
Ferguson protesters in Selma: The Civil Rights Movement isn’t just for history books
Cotton Field to the White House. #Selma50
More American White Women Are Dying Prematurely. I linked an article on the topic in the Lounge a while ago, though this one seems to emphasize the racial aspect more, so this time it goes here. Anyway, it’s definitely a good article pointing out an issue, but something about it makes me uncomfortable. I can’t really point out what, though perhaps addressing the high rate of dying women only when it becomes a white issue has something to do with it.
Or the fact that the death of white women is worth a lot of articles, yet the high rate of death among black women isn’t. (This is the impression I get from the article – it’s like they don’t even wonder why so many black women die, not really, but when white women start dying more, it’s like WHOA!)
Selma and Ferguson
But what the material in the report reveals is less a culture of racial animus than one of predatory government: “Ferguson’s law enforcement practices,” states the report, “are shaped by the City’s focus on revenue rather than by public safety needs.” In the interest of expanding its treasury, Ferguson has employed its police department — 58 officers, policing a town of 21,000 — as an enforcer of the myriad municipal regulations that, rigorously enforced, nickel-and-dime the citizenry to the local government’s benefit. This is the injustice on which the Justice Department has stumbled, which helps to explain the city’s racial tensions — and which merits urgent correction.
To arrive at this point, one must conclude that multiple reports of police hurling racial epithets at black residents and a string of racially derisive jokes e-mailed between Ferguson court and police officials do not represent “a culture of racial animus.” One would have to overlook the fact that blacks in Ferguson were searched by police twice as often as whites, despite the fact that they were twenty-six per cent less likely to be carrying contraband, suggesting that race in itself constituted a basis for suspicion. That suspicion fell not only on impoverished people who happened to be African-American but also on black business owners and clergy members.
This hesitance to reckon with the fullest implications of Ferguson was not confined to conservative critics. In his speech in Selma on Saturday, even President Obama spun the damning findings into a more optimistic narrative:
The President intended to make a useful clarification, yet it’s nearly impossible to overlook the fact that the battles in Selma were animated by a local police force empowered to uphold a racially toxic status quo on behalf of a white minority population. Ferguson’s is not a singular situation. It is an object lesson in the national policing practices that have created the largest incarcerated population in the Western world, as well as a veil of permanent racial suspicion—practices that many people believe will deliver safety in exchange for injustice. What happened in Selma is happening in Ferguson, and elsewhere, too. The great danger is not that we will discount the progress that has been made but that we have claimed it prematurely.
I wish this article had been longer. Oh, and if you want to read the National Review article, you’ll have to go through this link.
@deray I kid you not, there is a big Confederate Flag flying here in Tampa right off I-75. Biggest slap in the face. In a location where they want to build a future Confederate Memorial Park. Whoa.
Bridgeton City officials call on protest organizers to get permits to demonstrate
Well, also, if you block off the streets, you can warn residents and visitors in advance, and then they can avoid the blighted area, and then no one will have to look at people protesting for black lives that matter, and voila, problems solved! Protestors protest, nobody is particularly (or at least, unexpectedly) disrupted, and woo! life goes on! :P
rq says
Blockquoute fail for the ‘Selma and Ferguson’ article, it should all be quoted with double-quotes down to the sentence “I wish that article was longer”, those two sentences are my only commentary.
Calif. Bill Banning State Sale Of Confederate Flag Passes
Well done, California.
Knowles: Accusations of racism in leadership are ‘ridiculous’
Autoplay video at the link. And honestly? Evaluating the wrongdoing? When it’s the entire fucking bunch? He’s not disinterested enough to decide who is the wrongdoer and who isn’t, especially if he’s been turning a blind eye to this behaviour for who knows how long. Perhaps even participated. Fuck him.
KKK fliers left at Selma homes on 50th anniversary of ‘Bloody Sunday’
Okay, if anything, that is scary, and creeping. ‘We are watching’. *shudder*
A word from Colin Powell: Colin Powell ‘shocked but not that surprised’ by Ferguson report
Federal judges order California to expand prison releases, to fight overcrowding, not through some magnanimous sense of justice
Touches on using prisoners as cheap labour, too.
Local governments have a huge diversity problem
rq says
Here’s a story out of Ferguson for you, going to take about 2 and a half comments to tell:
So let me tell ya’ll about the police situation that nearly ended badly about 15 minutes ago in Canfield.
So after the Anti-Racism Workshop concluded the amazing, god-tier folks from NOLA wanted to pay their respects to Mike. Right?
So we decide to take them to the memorial so their blessings could be delivered. A simple mission; pull up, pray, pull out. Right?
Note: Every member of the People’s Institute from New Orleans is a senior citizen. One of them brought their 80 year old mother. Right?
So as we help Grandma Richards out the car with her walker… guess who flies down Canfield Dr., nearly hitting her? Ferguson PD.
They showed up 3 trucks deep with a captain trailing them from behind in his car.
rq says
As we get our elderly guests out of the way the captain pulls up on us & asks “There a fight going on here?” We just… fucking look at him.
There we were in broad daylight LITERALLY HELPING SWEET OLD LADIES CROSS THE STREET. And Ferguson cops show up in force.
So we answered with “There wasnt the slightest sign of a problem until ya’ll showed up.” The police captain then laughed.
The dope part was that a bunch of Canfield residents walked outside with phones & cameras. Community Love. Community Policing.
So yeah. I ran cops from a racist police department out of a Black neighborhood today. What ya’ll doing?
just a bit more next…
rq says
For a split second I thought they were gonna arrest Grandma Richards for jay-walking. Or shoot all of us. For jay-walking.
Seeing a squad of racist cops in a Black neighborhood is terrifying. Running that same squad out without violence is liberating.
And that’s the kind of shit that still happens in Ferguson.
Music Stars Commemorate Selma Anniversary on Social Media
This one gets cross-posted, too.The murder of Ahmed Al-Jumaili in Texas should be a front-page story.
Another parking dispute, I suppose.
Wisconsin chief treading carefully after fatal shooting
Shirley Chisholm broke boundaries as the first black Congresswoman and “dared to be herself.” #IfWomenRuledTheWorld
rq says
@deray have you noticed how the klan is following the movement around the country? Makes you really wonder who burned what in #Ferguson
Diane Nash: “I Refused To March Because George Bush Marched” [VIDEO]
Madison police shooting offers stark reminder that city’s race issues run deep
“How can you talk about the land of the free when the land ain’t free? Ya know? It’s blood on the land” Dr. Bernard Lafayette #Selma50
rq says
We just met with Dr. Lafayette, chairman of SCLC & original SNCC Selma Organizer and Raymond Arsenault, writer of “Freedom Riders” #Selma50
I didn’t know that Diane Nash was the main trainer of the Freedom Riders. And that there were 436 Freedom Riders. #Selma50
Arsenault spoke of Diane Nash as “the secret weapon” of the Freedom Riders because of her intense discipline. #Selma50
Arsenault also spoke about how the Freedom Riders intentionally chose non-violence over more “emotionally satisfying” alternatives. #Selma50
“Ferguson is now a concept, a condition, a model, an example of what’s happening in other places.” – Dr. Lafayette #Selma50
Dr. Lafayette also told us to document everything. He lamented that he didn’t journal during the CRM. #Selma50
rq says
A brief look at Madison, WI:
At Vigil for Tony. #TonyRobinson
This is why we need indictments that lead to trials. Did #TonyRobinson “attack” an officer or did he defend himself from a violent officer?
This crowd is emotional but peaceful #WillySt #TonyRobinson
The scene at the candle light vigil for Tony Robinson right now on Willy St.
“Good guys do not change systems, Courageous People change systems” – Former police officer to TonyRobinson vigil.
rq says
Funeral expense fund for Anthony “Terrell” Robinson. Please give what you can. #TonyRobinson, the link: gofundme.com/tonyterrell
Civil rights leader to Ferguson protesters: “Let the president speak’
Here’s another dedicated to post-racial America: Video Surfaces Allegedly Showing OU Fraternity Members Chanting Racial Slur
Students from the university are, of course, planning a protest. Freeze Peach, amirite???
Racism is still alive. @UofOklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) Fraternity Chant. This is the youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O79I9GoLe0 It was reported as being down a while ago, but it is up.
More action and opinion on this later.
rq says
Politicians, religious leaders and citizens call for action against Ferguson
OU’s SAE Is Going To Wish This Very Racist Video Didn’t Get Leaked, another on SAE at Oklahoma University.
@samswey @deray is this the same Sigma Alpha Epsilon that Arizona State banned last year?
@killerswan @deray Yes. And the same one that Stanford banned in 2012.
Back to Selma, Standing by a Selma resident who’s saying that her friend got arrested while trying to file a report re: the KKK letter he got. #Selma50
It seems that Obama’s visit changed so much of the schedule that cleared the schedule re: workshops. Unfortunate. #Selma50 Because he didn’t speak when originally scheduled, and then was late. Too bad.
rq says
To sort of finish up with the fraternity thing, The racist frat, SAE, at Oklahoma University has police protection tonight as they move out of their frat house. America.
#SAE video isnt isolated incident. OklahomaCity police killed black ppl at 9th highest rate of all US police depts. Thats out of 18,000 PDs.
In light of OU SAE controversy, photo shows visible confederate flag hanging from OSU SAE house. Story to come soon.
On #SAE – remember these young white men are our future lawyers, politicians, business owners… And they are the sons of our current ones.
University of Oklahoma Fraternity Closed After Video of Racist Chant
That’s a lot of apology for being embarrassed, less apology for those who are ‘offended’, or to whom this may have caused pain or distress. ‘Offense’ seems to be the only reaction mentioned.
And just one more for now, OU Frat Sings About Hanging N*ggers From Trees (Video)
Yes, that’s not the only chant they know.
See pictures of cop cars near frat members as they move out of the frat house. As twitter noted, the police can afford to protect these young white racist men but can’t afford the same respect for young black children and men, such as Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, and Kajieme Powell. And Tony Robinson.
rq says
To sort of finish up with the fraternity thing, The racist frat, SAE, at Oklahoma University has police protection tonight as they move out of their frat house. America.
#SAE video isnt isolated incident. OklahomaCity police killed black ppl at 9th highest rate of all US police depts. Thats out of 18,000 PDs.
In light of OU SAE controversy, photo shows visible confederate flag hanging from OSU SAE house. Story to come soon.
On #SAE – remember these young white men are our future lawyers, politicians, business owners… And they are the sons of our current ones.
University of Oklahoma Fraternity Closed After Video of Racist Chant
That’s a lot of apology for being embarrassed, less apology for those who are ‘offended’, or to whom this may have caused pain or distress. ‘Offense’ seems to be the only reaction mentioned.
And just one more for now, OU Frat Sings About Hanging N*ggers From Trees (Video)
Yes, that’s not the only chant they know.
See pictures of cop cars near frat members as they move out of the frat house. As twitter noted, the police can afford to protect these young white racist men but can’t afford the same respect for young black children and men, such as Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, and Kajieme Powell. And Tony Robinson.
rq says
Saw a sobbing girl tell police that #TonyRobinson was a nice guy & that they’re trying to ruin his reputation. #justice4tony
St. Louis parochial high school adds facial recognition locks
Report Reveals 10 States Have Withheld Over $50 Million in HBCU Funding – careful, this one has a autovideo in the sidebar that takes ages to find. :P
Death of Texas man with slit throat and missing ear ruled ‘accidental overdose’. Huh. It’s like magic.
More at the link. Maybe it was an overdose, but hell, that’s a pretty quick conclusion to draw, I think.
University of Oklahoma fraternity suspended after racist chant. That’s just the same from Washington Post.
rq says
Sending support for @OU_Unheard today as they peacefully demonstrate against the racism at their university. 730AM. North Oval. #SAEHatesMe
A Coincidental Cup of Kenyan Coffee:
SNCC and Malcolm X Recast the Struggle in Nairobi – a 31-page pdf on Malcolm X, John Lewis, and the SNCC. A bit of history for Black History Month. :P
People On Food Stamps Make Healthier Grocery Decisions Than Most of Us. That’s for those who think their choices should be controlled.
Protests run into third day after police shooting in Wisconsin capital, though without any new information.
In response to Ferguson probe, Cleaver to introduce bill to curb policing for revenue – isn’t that what Ferguson already had? Though with loopholes?
“Ban racial profiling”? How about some methods?
Together, we are so loud! #Selma50 #BlackLivesMatter Aerial view of Edmund Pettus Bridge. Whoa.
rq says
March 9th, 1892
Three Black Grocers Lynched in Memphis, Tennessee
Another little piece of history.
Darren Wilson’s Boss Sent Racist Email
If Ferguson becomes ‘island of justice,’ will it still be in a ‘sea of injustice’?
rq says
Haha, did I say we’d seen the last on the frat? HAHA. University of Oklahoma Fraternity Closed After Racist Video Is Posted Online
Oh, and it was just the guys? Rumour says no: I’ve also learned that some members of @OUTriDelta was on the bus at the time the video was being recorded.. #SAEHatesMe
The racist girls @OUTriDelta were the ones clapping along side @sae1856 – now they are blocking #Trideltahatesme
More trouble in St Louis: Police Search for Teen Who Pulled Gun on Pine Lawn Officer
17-year-old kid, and that’s pretty much a death warrant out on his head right now. If he shot once, then he’ll probably shoot again, right? So lethal force will be entirely justified. Whatever happened, I bet that kid is scared for his life right now.
DEA Agent: We Were Told Not to Enforce Drug Laws in Rich White Areas So not just unconscious bias, but open racism.
Anyone surprised? Except now it seems to be openly stated, not jsut an accident of badly trained lawenforcement.
rq says
OU: Members of SAE have until midnight to get off campus after racist video surfaced
Their ‘zero tolerance’, though, has shown racist behaviour in other chapters, so make of that what you will.
On campus, A leader of @OU_Unheard and @OUArtsSciences student, @Chelsea_Alyssa, addressing student athletes on north oval.
RT @AMRice44: Just a reminder of what those college kids were singing about. #racismisNOTdead #SAE #oklahoma (TW ON THAT ATTACHED PHOTO!)
Dr. George Henderson, Norman’s first African American homeowner in attendance at @OU_Unheard this morning.
OU President Boren, students rally on campus in protest of racist video, article link: UPDATE: OU President Boren orders immediate closure of fraternity after racist video surfaces
rq says
Here’s some whitewashing for ya!!! First official look at the cast and crew of highly anticipated drama Suffragette
A response: .@simondedeney makes me m/sad. Many suffragettes also fought with, for, and led by women of colour. @WritersofColour
Interlude: Music! Watch Sam Smith, John Legend Duet on ‘Lay Me Down’ for Comic Relief. Not a huge fan of either, but it’s a nice song and a nice video.
Here’s another on the Anderson Cooper / Jeff Roorda showdown Anderson Cooper Grills St. Louis Police Rep for Calling DOJ Report ‘Flimsy’
RACISM AT COLLEGE IS AN ISOLATED INCIDENT! KKK skit shocks Wheaton College campus
Because racism isn’t just against black people. Two H.S. Lacrosse Teams Cancel Games Due to Opponent’s ‘Redskins’ Mascot – good for the teams for taking a stand.
Pteryxx says
BoingBoing – Victims of police torture fight for reparations
Pteryxx says
Further from that BB article: one of CTJM’s requests is that Chicago police officer and torturer Jon Burge’s legacy be daylighted. (warning for torture and nightmares)
…why is there a statute of limitations on fricking torture? Seriously why?
Pteryxx says
More Selma anniversary material:
People still live in Selma, and the KKK still puts up billboards and distributes flyers there, and now the cameras have left and the 50th anniversary crowds gone home.
from Patheos: Moral Mondays: Selma Marches On
The Atlantic, with video: What LBJ Really Said About Selma
Also from the Guardian: Representative John Lewis ‘live’ tweets Bloody Sunday – as he saw and felt it
rq says
Go, LBJ. What was that about making him look bad in a movie?
Lynna, OM says
These links are cross posted from the Lounge, (thank you, rq, for reminding me to post them here):
KKK in Selma
More on the KKK in Selma
Pteryxx says
Maryland currently has one of the most extreme Law Enforcement Officer’s Bill of Rights (LEOBOR) in the US. Among other things it gives police officers special rights during internal investigations, precludes civilian oversight and transparency, and erects barriers to discipline. Bills before MD state legislature would enact some reforms.
from January, Baltimore Sun:
Details of the reform bills, links to text, and legislator contact information, from Montgomery County Civil Rights Coalition:
ACLU’s action brief
rq says
I keep thinking that, as time goes by, there will be less stuff to post – less articles, less tragedy, less opinion on twitter, more sensible people, therefore – less . I think I’ve been misleading myself: so many tabs, so much unsorted. Please forgive the jumping around the country and topics.
Anyway. Onwards.
MO Supreme Court just appointed Roy Richter as muni judge in #Ferguson: Is Brockmeyer out? You bet he is, but the articles are buried right now, but they will surface. For now, suspense.
Protestors in Ferguson targeted. It’s official. Trolls won this battle. 2 tires punctured.
Fraternity and sorority stuff. “@josh_weissman @NBCBLK focus on the chapter #SAE letters represent them but they clearly do not represent SAE” Oh. See attached pictures: 1) document showing invite to a party plus a list of items to bring in order to ‘add to the spirit of the occasion’ – includes such items as: coming in blackface, fried chicken, a KKK hood, a spade, hair in corn rows, your father (with the comment “IF you knwo who he is”), a cotton gin, food stamps, and… a lot more. It’s a FUCKING LONG list. 2) example of SAE fraternity men heckling a forum on “Images of Women in the Media”, where they were sent as punishment for disrupting a “Take Back the Night March”. 3) headline on the Washington U in St Louis SAE chapter and racist pledge activity. Yup, isolated incidents, all of them!
Disgusted by #SAE’s racist chant? See @DNLee5’s tweets on why the bad apple approach (e.g. isolated incident, expel & move on) isn’t enough.
@Nettaaaaaaaa I’m a @TriDelta alum, omega delta chapter 2010. Racism directly contradicts DDDs values. Yeah. But. More on this later.
People in Madison are really, really upset over the murder of Tony Robinson. Madison, Wisconsin. They don’t seem to be shutting up, either. Good.
rq says
At the Bucks game. We turned up for Justice! @Bucks #TonyRobinson #Justice4Tony #BlackLivesMatter , see photo.
‘Off probation n****!’ Sorority expels ANOTHER University of Alabama member for racist Snapchat message
Funny how if their discipline is so fucking good why these things keep happening.
Madison HS students walkout & protest @ Capitol to demand justice for #TonyRobinson #justice4tony via @itsghastlycrew
In mourning shooting victim, friends remember a gentle man loyal to his family
Please read the above, the good part of his character, because as always, the mdia insists on bringing up the past – ‘trouble with the law’ and the like. Which this time goes something like this:
That last bit, that is important.
Flashback to Selma50, South African flags! #Selma50
Civil Rights Leader Diane Nash Refused to March at Selma Event Because of George W. Bush
I like that last bit. The one photo I saw of him, looked like he was trying to push for the front. But if he was cropped out in favour of the Obamas, well, I’m in favour of that!
rq says
If you think ‘reverse racism’ is worse than what blacks face, read the Ferguson report
Intro for now: I’ll be there RT @Nomoremurderz: @keenblackgirl @MillennialAU, that’s a flier for the Ferguson City Council special meeting last night, the one where they were to discuss the DOJ. It was interesting, more later.
Barack and Me
Four-star Oklahoma recruit decommits after racist frat video surfaces, with autoplay video.
Pictures and videos with mroe at the link.
over 48 hours later, finally cleaning up the blood. #justice4tony #tonyrobinson #blacklivesmatter #madison
rq says
Solidarity to peeps in Madison shutting it down for #TonyRobinson
Reports: More people in Madison protesting #TonyRobinson shooting today than there were right-to-work protesters last week.
Mall of America protesters release emails between mall official, prosecutor
Brace yourselves, because in Atlanta… they shot a mentally ill, unarmed, young black man. Who was in distress and naked. And then – he lunged for the police… Naked man shot by police officer at DeKalb County apartments
Ferguson: Missouri Supreme Court just waded into #Ferguson big time: Replacing judge, giving him latitude to make changes: Roy Richter is in, effective as of March 16.
Predictable U. of Oklahoma frat script-the students will have suspensions lifted because “college is educational and students make mistakes” THE FUCK????????
rq says
Interlude: Romance fiction! Romance Novels, Racism & Restorative Justice: Part 1
What follows is a good analysis of her rather weak apology – and it IS part one in a series! But basically, extra awareness for me.
President Obama and the First Family Visit Selma
Video at the link.
So… here’s a twist… Gofundme Started For Black SAE House Chef Who’s Now Unemployed, link at the link.
Good enough for your kitchen but not good enough for your frat. Says a lot.
Here’s the Ferguson court story: Missouri Supreme Court takes over cases in Ferguson; judge resigns
Aurora police: Man killed by officer was an unarmed parole absconder
They want to be careful because police actions are so thoroughly questioned and examined, and they say it like it’s a bad thing.
Family of Woman Killed by Officer Confronts CMPD Chief
rq says
“We are not going to put Tony on trial…This is about finding out exactly what happened.” — #Madison Mayor
Ferguson judge behind aggressive fines policy resigns as city’s court system seized
List of Sigma Alpha Epsilon members, via wiki.
Report: Texas Prosecutes More Truancy Cases Than All Other States Combined
From NatGeo, 50 Years Later, Hiking the “Bloody Sunday” Trail from Selma to Montgomery
Practical hike information at the link.
Ward 1 Ferguson City Council candidate Doyle McClellan says DOJ report “is not a factual document” @OBS_STL @deray
rq says
#FlashbackFriday to a historic day in our Movement. The first Black Girl Scout Troop. #BlackoutDay
Missouri Supreme Court takes over cases in Ferguson; judge resigns
Statement from the Missouri Supreme Court about their action today in #Ferguson replacing the municipal court judge: I think I ahve the statement later, but that’s just in case.
Missouri Supreme Court assigns new judge to Ferguson Municipal court cases
Blog post by a former member of the SAE. A black member. There Will Never Be Another BLACK S-A-E
That’s the entire text – he doesn’t really use paragraph breaks, so I stuck some in with apologies to the author. I’ll be honest, the very end made me tear up.
Here he is in interview: Last black member from OU’s ‘racist’ fraternity talks about time in SAE
This is the effect of your ‘freedom of speech’ when you argue that racial slurs should be free to be used – they’re only words, right? But those words have an effect. A harmful effect. So anyone who refuses to reconsider the language that they use and hold free speech higher than empathy, I say – fuck you.
rq says
I said I had some on the Ferguson Council meeting: here’s a start, probably more later. Heh.
City council just arrived #Ferguson
They immediately went into a closed session #Ferguson
When asked why they reply was “section 1-12” #Ferguson
They went in the room and locked the door #Ferguson while we look for the “section 1-12”. We can’t find it. #Ferguson
Section 1-12 is a “supplemental code”. Not listed. #Ferguson does what they want.
DOJ report or no, you think change is possible with an attitude like that?
rq says
#Ferguson city council voted to hold today’s meeting in private.
#Ferguson City Council in closed session, so this is happening: RT @MzzzMariah: Activists hold their own council mtg
In #Ferguson City Council waiting for secret mtg to finish. Check out how white the photos on the wall are…
And the first Ferguson City Council Meeting after the release of the DOJ reports will be held in secret. Unreal.
Activists looking for the elusive “§ 112” private meeting rules after #Ferguson council abruptly left the room.
“Since #Ferguson city council is ignoring the public, we’ll hold our own meeting.” A quorum has been met.
rq says
The Logic of Whiteness
The SAE frat members are getting referred to as kids and boys and all I can think about is Trayvon, Mike and Tamir…
if you have a Taser & mace, but can’t subdue a nude unarmed 19-year-old without a deadly weapon, maybe you shouldn’t be a cop. #AnthonyHill
OU Pres wants frat members to meet w/ African American student leaders and personally apologize to them in his office #SAE – I would say, first make sure the African American student leaders want to meet with them personally.
“Show these kids that #BlackLivesMatter by living yours like it does.” Words to remember from #AnthonyHill #Antlanta
Wisconsin officer who shot unarmed man was exonerated in previous fatal shooting
rq says
More details on the Atlanta shooting: Naked Black Man Fatally Shot by White Police Officer in Georgia
Exclusive Interview with #SharodKindell the Living victim of police violence at the hands of #Denver Police, youtube link: *DAM Exclusive* – Sharod Kindell Interview
Dellwood to grant amnesty for traffic citations, ah, but why?
Are the two events unconnected? I’m not so sure.
Can confirm that Ron Brockmeyer was asked to resign as @CityofDellwood Prosecutor yesterday and that his resignation has been received.
rq says
The media’s response of blaming black victims for their own killings—scraping up any far reach of justification they can find—is violence.
Here’s an example: Wisconsin man killed by police faced some past troubles – he was ‘no angel’. :P Autoplay video at the link.
So he’s gone from ‘black’ to ‘biracial’ and the family is emphasizing his white parentage. I find it an interesting reaction, since it’s the black part of him that people see – but will the fact that he has a white parent make anything different about his case?
Athlete Protest
It’s a photo of the team walking out in response to the fraternity’s despicable behaviour.
SAE. Racism, alive. Shows a cartoon, of a young man singing “There will never be a ni-”
white man: “Son! No! Son, you must never use the n-word.”
young man: “Oh… because it is offensive?
white man: “No because the blacks will use it to falsely smear you as a racist.”
Video purports to show Oklahoma SAE house mom using “n-word”. It’s not just the frat brothers.
Here’s the official transfer notice removing Brockmeyer and instating Richter.
rq says
‘Scandal’ Cast Talks Ferguson Episode: ‘It Was About Lives Mattering Regardless of Who You Are’
Both white male candidates downplay the findings of the Ferguson #DOJ report, and Magrath now bemoans the release of the racist emails. (This from a candidate in Ferguson elections.)
“@deray: Bill O’Reilly acknowledges race. 2015. ” BILL O’REILLY SAYS RACISM IS REAL THE APOCALYPSE IS NOW
WHERE ARE THE FATHERS?? White Men Are Overdosing on Heroin at a Record Rate
A Demonstration at the Armory Show Art Fair
“Die-in” staged Saturday at the Armory Show Art Fair in New York over Eric Garner’s death (see previous for article).
rq says
The Oklahoma Daily’s gripping headline in today’s paper: “You can hang them from a tree..” #SigmaAlphaEpsilon #sae
The mass exodus of OU’s SAEs.
Homeless Man Killed By LAPD In Skid Row Identified
That’s the part we knew already – but you know what’s interesting? The article never once actually mentions the man’s real, full name! He is referred to as ‘Keunang’, but now I have to go find the tweet that actually had his full name. Way to go, BuzzFeed, this time you suck.
Lawyer: Appeal hearing for fired Milwaukee PD Off. Chris Manney, who fatally shot #DontreHamilton, set for March 19.
Here’s an interesting one, emblematic of police culture: Three Shootings In Vallejo
More on the city, the PD, some history, etc. at the link.
ACLU, Disability Rights New Mexico, and the Native American Voters Alliance File Motion to Intervene in APD/DOJ Settlement Agreement
rq says
#Ferguson City Council held a “special” meeting which lasted approx. 60 seconds. Then a private meeting was ordered.
Commission that oversees Police Officer Standards & Training in MO has 2 vacant seats, every term expired, link: Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission. Perhaps a hole that should be filled ASAP?
Madison police leaders: This won’t be Ferguson, with autoplay video.
I’m just going to highlight this one, see if you can pick out what is wrong with it:
I’ll give you a clue: the people who came to the vigil didn’t just get suddenly angry out of the blue.
Millions of Americans Don’t Have Full Voting Rights. John Oliver Explains Just How Insane That Is.
rq says
#AnthonyHill, killed by Dekalb/Atlanta police yesterday, is @AntHeezie on Twitter. Check his TL. Heartbreaking.
SAE, White Thugs and American Traditions
Miss. Sheriff Fired After Heated Xbox Rant: ‘I Get Paid to Beat Up N–gers Like You’
That seems to be an appropriate response – as long as he really is terminated and won’t be hired back anywhere else in law enforcement.
More from the family in Madison: Madison Police Shooting: Not Just About Race Because Victim Was Biracial, Family Says
Ah, and just in time: The 5 Worst States for Black People
SAE Fraternity Deadly Hazing of Haitian-American George Desdunes Resurfaced After Racist Chant Video Relased – and I thought it was just racist shenanigans, not a death…
You can continue reading if you want about how their lives were irreparably damaged.
rq says
A Racist Stunt Got SAE Suspended from Washington University in St. Louis, Too
My oldest is biracial. My youngest is not. They’re the same color. Cops aren’t checking for a white parent @JamilahLemieux, referencing Tony Robinson’s family’s insistence that it’s not abotu race bcause he’s biracial.
Ferguson Activists Are Struggling with Mental Trauma Long After Police Abuse During the Protests – I can only imagine.
Deadliest and Most Racist?
I’m just wow, all the problems associated with that culture there.
Former OU SAE fraternity house chef speaks out on racist video chant, video only, sorry. But he calls them ‘family’. :(
Damn. RT “@bomani_jones: an old lady once, when asked how we’d know who was black, said “ask them.” she was pointing at the police.”
rq says
A Racist Stunt Got SAE Suspended from Washington University in St. Louis, Too
My oldest is biracial. My youngest is not. They’re the same color. Cops aren’t checking for a white parent @JamilahLemieux, referencing Tony Robinson’s family’s insistence that it’s not abotu race bcause he’s biracial.
Ferguson Activists Are Struggling with Mental Trauma Long After Police Abuse During the Protests – I can only imagine.
Deadliest and Most Racist?
I’m just wow, all the problems associated with that culture there.
Former OU SAE fraternity house chef speaks out on racist video chant, video only, sorry. But he calls them ‘family’. :(
Damn. RT “@bomani_jones: an old lady once, when asked how we’d know who was black, said “ask them.” she was pointing at the police.”
rq says
Frat which declared they’ll never be a nigg*r in SAE recently hazed black pledgee to death, DailyKos link by Shaun King. Things we already know in one collected link.
#AnthonyHill #VETERAN WITH MENTAL ILLNESS before he was killed by police for BEING MENTALLY ILL! .@DeptVetAffairs …
New song dedicated to #TonyRobinson and #AnthonyHill #dropthecharges #MOA11 #BlackLivesMatter
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: ‘Staggering disparity’
rq says
Mall of America!
Still supporting #BlackLivesMatter and the #MOA11 outside. Singing loud.
Outside the courtroom. Minnesota shows out. #MOA11
Supporters of #MOA11 silenced themselves with MOA stickers outside courtroom while the 11 faced charges. @kare11
The #MOA11 just left courtroom with a pretrial date set for May 1. Press conference to begin soon. #BlackLivesMatter
Told y’all we would show up to support the #MOA11
Solidarity for the #MOA11 outside of the courtroom. #BlackLivesMatter @BlackLivesMpls
rq says
.@deray spread the word, it’s officially time to #boycottMOA
Wednesday. 3pm. Madison, Wisconsin.
Anthony Hill: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, incl. the main points like – he was naked, he was bipolar, he was a veteran, he was active on twitter with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, and he is the second recent shooting with that same PD.
OU Expels Two Students Involved in Racist Frat Chant
Basically, there is zero tolerance for this behaviour. Everyone else on the bus, though, appears to be exempt.
Police identify naked man shot, killed by DeKalb officer
“The male”. Harrumph. Previous headlines also called him ‘deranged’.
rq says
.@deray spread the word, it’s officially time to #boycottMOA
Wednesday. 3pm. Madison, Wisconsin.
Anthony Hill: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, incl. the main points like – he was naked, he was bipolar, he was a veteran, he was active on twitter with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, and he is the second recent shooting with that same PD.
OU Expels Two Students Involved in Racist Frat Chant
Basically, there is zero tolerance for this behaviour. Everyone else on the bus, though, appears to be exempt.
Police identify naked man shot, killed by DeKalb officer
“The male”. Harrumph. Previous headlines also called him ‘deranged’.
rq says
White man points gun at children. Taken in alive. Mentally ill black man walks naked. Shot dead on sight.
Another historical excursion:
The organist at Dexter Memorial is the same organist that Dr. King invited during his time here. She’s in her 80s, Althea Thomas.
David Oyelowo, who played Dr. King in Selma, signed the original lectern King used at Dexter Memorial after filming was completed. Aye.
I can’t take pictures in King’s office, but the pictures in here remind you just how young he was. He was 27 when he came to Montgomery.
rq says
Attorney: Tony Robinson’s Friends Questioned For Hours After Shooting Without A Lawyer
And then, when a lawyer arrived, they told him that the boy changed his mind about having him present during questioning. \
Federal Marshals Chase Wrong Man Leading to Violent Traffic Accident in Oakland’s Fruitvale District
O.O At least everyone is alive, that could have been terrible.
Proclamation. Roosevelt. 1943. This gave blacks the right to fight in American armed forces, incl. Tuskegee airmen.
The hospital on campus at Tuskegee was once the only hospital in Alabama that would treat black people who had polio.
Also syphilis.
More cockroaches. Ferguson mayor accused of vulgar gesture at gala: Extends middle finger while posing with young black male constituent. Nah, it’s just a frat hand sign.
Texas Frat Bans Mexicans, Interracial Dating, And ‘Fagetry’ (Video)
rq says
TRIGGER WARNING HERE, for terrible racist language and violent racism, and honestly, I wish these sites would bother asterixing the n-word, because it’s just so shocking to see it out like that, unacknowledged. And if I’m bothered by it (mostly due to the always violently hateful and disgusting language surrounding the word), then I have to say that my reaction is probably nothing to that of others. So yes, TW for HORRIBLE LANGUAGE.
How Reddit Became a Worse Black Hole of Violent Racism than Stormfront
Ferguson cited for missed deadline to submit traffic-stop race data, City Council to meet
rq says
Update: Naeschylus Vinzant Wasn’t Armed When Killed by Aurora Cops
There’s a timeline that doesn’ti ndicate why shooting him would be appropriate, and some sentences on how the PD must be treading cautiously, and then a section that begins:
You can guess what follows. But seriously. MUST the media, really? Seriously?
One for the Freeze Peach brigade: No, a public university may not expel students for racist speech [UPDATED in light of the students’ expulsion]. Reading the article, it feels manifestly wrong, but I couldn’t for the life of me argue any solid point – plus this guy is like a professor on free speech and all. I suppose my question is, is the university a government institution or not? Also, what is a fraternity – its own organization (private)? Which would clarify a lot of the constitutional bits and the university being allowed to expel students for horrible speech. But then there’s the fact that universities usually have a code of conduct of some kind (the one I went to had one!), and very likely racist speech violates that code of conduct – but anyway, here’s some excerpts:
I suppose that answers my university-government question, though from a client perspective, I’m damn glad the university is expelling these students, because they’re not creating the kind of climate in which I would like (or would like my children to) pursue an education.
rq says
Cop Who Killed Woman in Front Husband and Child While Shooting Their Dog Won’t Face Charges
Facebook event: Justice for Naeschylus Vinzant! Unarmed Black man killed by Aurora Police! There’s a second one, but that one needs a login.
Cops behaving horribly: EXCLUSIVE: Two NYPD cops admit to wrongdoing, but will keep their jobs after booze-filled night with rape victim in Seattle
It was said that what he did was wrong, but not criminal. Because sexually assaulting a woman is not criminal? That’s without even the larger issue of special victims cops drinking with a rape victim they’re interviewing. How unprofessional, to put it mildly.
Video: Black Lives Matter Protest Draws Crowd At The Armory Show
rq says
Ferguson pledges to work with new judge, will hire its own as well
Also, Ferguson city manager John Shaw resigned / was let go.
Ferguson City Manager Cited in Justice Department Report Resigns
Packed house un #Ferguson for evening city council meeting – people clapped and asked for John Knowles to resign, too. He doesn’t seem to think he should: No reaction from Knowles. He has said he will run for re-election in 2017.
John Shaw, #Ferguson city manager, resigns. Here is his statement – it’s rather long. In essence, he has helped make Ferguson a better place to live, he has worked with the DOJ to identify and implement recommendations for change, and he denies the DOJ report.
This doesn’t seem to square. From John Shaw’s resignation and from the DoJ’s report. A side-by-side comparison of Shaw’s statement, and the DOJ report where it says that he was complicit in the application of racial bias in the Ferguson justice system. Oh, and getting rid of people’s tickets for them.
rq says
You know, I was mistaken: when that video surfaced of the racist fraternity song, I lumped it in with other things that sort of blow over, but remain in memory as an indicator of racism. But it’s really getting a lot of attention (good) and a lot of denial (bad), and it’s really not the kind of thing that should just blow over.
Fraternity’s house mom sings n-word
I just bet it’s tough.
EXCLUSIVE: Former Catholic schoolboy named as Oklahoma fraternity brother who led racist chant …as university president expels two ‘leaders’ of the song
More at the link, but none of it is pretty.
Family of 2nd student seen in the SAE videos releases a statement. @kfor In short: they love their son, he made a mistake, the consequences are forever, they know he is not a racist – they are shocked, they apologize, they ask for forgiveness, and will follow their words with deeds. They ask for privacy from the media as they consider next steps.
So a racist college student gets to be a “child” whose parents apologize for him while an unarmed black teenager shot to death is a “man”? Think about that.
Related: he’s literally using this girl as a prop to try n deflect the anger from his frat.this is so embarrassing I might cry
@deray This kid was a freshman. No way he was leading the chant without an upperclassman pushing him out there. Need to expel them all.
rq says
Oh, there was an article for that: (Updated) Oklahoma Student from the Racist Fraternity Video Apologizes Here’s the Levi apology:
They skip the sentence calling for privacy.
And the Rice apology:
Feeling unsafe and harassed? My heart bleeds.
Meanwhile, in New York: Retired correction officer fatally shoots man at Brooklyn’s Borough Hall station following scuffle on 4 train: NYPD sources
So… he was being harassed, not good. But following them off the train?
Here’s the NY Times on Anthony Hill: Naked Black Man Fatally Shot by White Police Officer in Georgia. You know, I had to go back and check the name to make sure I got the right one. :P
Interlude: Music! 11 Stories Behind The Best Songs On The ‘Empire’ Soundtrack. For some light reading.
Claude Sitton, 89, Acclaimed Civil Rights Reporter, Dies
More at the link, be warned of KKK imagery and more.
Let’s not forget how many public schools all over the country are named after Confederate “heroes” and KKK leaders. #NotJustSAE
rq says
Here’s a list of articles on John Shaw’s resignation. One of these headlines is not like the others.
Ferguson city manager John Shaw resigns, the St Louis Post-Dispatch.
Ferguson City Manager Cited in Justice Department Report Resigns, the New York Times (and because it jumped out at me, I highlight this paragraph: “And while I certainly respect the work that the D.O.J. recently performed in their investigation and report on the City of Ferguson, I must state clearly that my office has never instructed the Police Department to target African-Americans, nor falsify charges to administer fines, nor heap abuses on the backs of the poor,” he wrote. “Any inferences of that kind from the report are simply false.”).
Ferguson City Manager John Shaw resigns after scathing DOJ report, MSNBC.
Ferguson council axes city manager in wake of DOJ report, Fox News (with autoplay video).
Ferguson city manager resigns after critical DOJ report, CNN (with autoplay video).
So it’s four resignations and one axing – according to the council, it’s a ‘mutual separation agreement’. Isn’t that how Gwyneth Paltrow gets divorced?
rq says
Make that five resignations: Ferguson city manager John Shaw resigns, the BBC.
rq says
Who will lead Ferguson’s day-to-day now that Shaw is out? Mayor Knowles is part-time as he repeatedly reminds us.
I doubt Knowles will resign. He’d take the entire City of Ferguson down before he voluntarily walked away. He’ll have to be recalled.
Knowles told reports that the city’s assistant city manager will effectively run #Ferguson as they look for a permanent city manager.
Good that corrupt officials gone. Shouldn’t have taken DOJ to do it. Testimony of citizens who actually lived it should be enough. #Ferguson
#Ferguson city officials aren’t providing any details of Shaw’s severance. Key question: How long will he continue to be paid? (@ $120 000 a year)
Speaker says many people in the room owe Darren Wilson an apology. Laughter, boos follow. #Ferguson Mayor gavels for order. Yelling …
rq says
Ferguson’s city manager resigns after blistering criticism in Justice Department report, St Louis Public Radio. He just keeps on resigning all over the place.
I’ll have to ask afterward, but this wording seems to give Knowles temporarily city manager power: Hmmmm…
I will be waiting for the application process for the Ferguson City Manager to be announced. Can. Not. Wait.
Aldermanic president wants review of misconduct allegations
Yeah, that’s in reference to this: Federal Probe into SLMPD – Are St. Louis Officers Working for Drug Dealers?
Do y’all remember Henry Davis, the guy who got charged with property damage for bleeding on officers’ shirts after they beat him up? Here’s a recap: Here’s One Story of Police Brutality You Won’t Read in the DOJ Ferguson Report – and yeah, that story doesn’t make it into the report, but the article at least looks into the charges and how they relate:
rq says
Member of UF’s softball team & some of her friends decided to go as Black members of UF’s football team #NotJustSAE O.O
Marchers pose outside SAE building. #notonOUrcampus @kfor I’m glad to see such support out there.
Rahm Emanuel challenger calls Homan Square police detention site ‘troubling’ . “Troubling”? Seems a bit mild, considering.
Accountability, where are you?
Apologies offered on behalf of expelled University of Oklahoma students
Now this one’s interesting. Age Of Police Officers Who Kill People A Little-Discussed Factor
I’m a bit wary of the ‘it’s biology’ argument, because with the correct training, even that hurdle could be overcome. Still, interesting.
Baltimore! Recently there was a vote on whether to arm school police, which ended up failing (no arms for the school police). And now: Need for city school police force questioned
rq says
In February last year we asked for the police commissioner’s emails for a period of one month and were told it would cost $7,900. Records – completely available!
Black Harvard graduates have the same shot at a job call-back as white state college grads
The last couple of paragraphs are interesting, too.
Proof that stand your ground applies to white men. Black women don’t have a chance.
21-Year-Old Survives Attack By Crazed Ex, Faces Decades In Prison For Refusing To Die Quietly (IMAGE)
The Side of the Oklahoma Racist Frat Story That Nobody Is Talking About
Millennials Are More Racist Than They Think – but they’re probably ironically racist, so that’s okay?
rq says
In February last year we asked for the police commissioner’s emails for a period of one month and were told it would cost $7,900. Records – completely available!
Black Harvard graduates have the same shot at a job call-back as white state college grads
The last couple of paragraphs are interesting, too.
Proof that stand your ground applies to white men. Black women don’t have a chance.
21-Year-Old Survives Attack By Crazed Ex, Faces Decades In Prison For Refusing To Die Quietly (IMAGE)
The Side of the Oklahoma Racist Frat Story That Nobody Is Talking About
Millennials Are More Racist Than They Think – but they’re probably ironically racist, so that’s okay?
rq says
A week after the DoJ report: Ferguson still refusing to name other city officials found to have sent racist emails. We’ve asked three times.
‘Morning Joe’ panelists blame Oklahoma fraternity racism on black culture and rap music. Did they? Yes they did.
Umm, I’m pretty sure the rap songs don’t reference (a) the exclusivity (‘never sign with me!’) and (b) the lynching. Talk about missing the point.
rq says
Waka Flocka Flame Tells CNN He’s Disgusted After Seeing the SAE Frat Racist Chant Video
House panel approves bill allowing armed teachers . That’s in Miami.
First local sourcing on this RT @ElizabethKSDK Breaking: sources confirm #Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson plans to resign @ksdknews More on this in a moment!
La. Transit CEO ‘Would Love’ Fewer Black Bus Drivers to Put White Passengers at Ease
Not racially motivated? Hm.
Here’s the Fox link: Embattled Ferguson police chief to resign, sources say. Doesn’t ’embattled’ just make him sound like the victim? Poor guy, so embattled.
AND CNN: Source: Ferguson police chief to resign
rq says
Hearing #Ferguson police chief is out. Now look at rest of city. And rest of Missouri. And rest of US. Examine practices, not just people.
Mind you, the only woman named in the Ferguson Report was fired instantly. Sexism exists even in the midst of corruption. Interesting point, that.
And Ferguson’s Chief Jackson is apparently saying that he will only resign if the PD isn’t dissolved — the arrogance of white supremacy. More on this later, I hope.
Because black lives and black life matter: National Day of Action: OBS Joins the Fight for $15 on 4/15
NY Times on Jackson’s resignation, but I’ve reached my monthly limit for articles, so I can’t access it. :P
Sources: Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson to resign
rq says
Ferguson police chief: No racial problem in police department – that’s a flashback to February 20, with autoplay video, with the chief’s assurances that there is no racial problem in the police department.
It’s that simple, folks.
Hearing Ferguson mayor not resigning. Guy is flown around to lecture at Harvard and do TV appearances so don’t be surprised.
The two central industries of #Ferguson are gravy trains and bandwagons.
Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson To Resign, Reports Say
Protests in Madison still ongoing, FYI. I had a livestream but I lost it in the last browser crash. If it comes up again I will post. #BlackLivesMatter Is this Justice? #Madison #TonyRobinson
Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson resigns. A lot of resignation today.
rq says
Worthington Park, Madison. #justice4tony
This is what the DoJ’s report said about Tom Jackson’s FPD supervisors, one of whom will be appointed interim chief. Basically, FPD supervisors more concerned with numbers than with lawfulness of citations etc., behind on their paperwork (approving reports, etc.), deficiencies in the system that allow reports and incidents to effectively disappear and not be reviewed.
Making signs, practicing chants, passing out know your rights cards. #justice4tony #madison #justicefordontre
Just got to Madison, lots kids here. It’s beautiful.. #justice4tony #BlackLivesMatter #justice4dontre
High school students amassing to demand #justice4tony #TonyRobinson #BlackLivesMatter
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
University of Alabama students defy ‘the machine’, elect black student government president
rq says
I’m calling it an early night.
Also, tomorrow and the day after postings might be especially sparse and possibly non-existent due to non-computer-life stuff, but I’m sure anything I miss will float up again later. I predict a lot of resignation for tomorrow, and the (now) usual protesting. And probably some other random incidents of racism.
Good night!
rq says
Ah, just this last comment for tonight: So Lt. Col. [Redacted], who took Wilson to hospital, will be interim chief. Bad decision, but no one asked me. “Eickhoff” is the name redacted. See attached note.
Fifty years ago, a sit-in at the White House
chigau (違う) says
Thanks, rq.
rq says
They’re still doing it. This isn’t August or September, but las tnight: so, the police blocked us in on both ends. we can’t leave #Ferguson. H ad to put that up.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Here is Jesse Lee Peterson, an African-American Tea Party pastor trying and failing to defend the Ferguson PD.
Oh, and bc we can never have enough of it, he’s a supporter of respectability politics.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Ah, the irrational, racist hate of President Obama continues. In Connecticut, two dead skunks were nailed to a telephone pole with anti-Obama sign.
One of the skunks had a string wrapped around it’s neck and the message “Obama stinks”. No implied lynching there. Nope.
Meanwhile, some conservatives think the true problem facing the US is that the nation’s flag wasn’t waved during the anniversary of the Selma march. Great idea, that. Remind all the people commemorating the Selma march that those marching on the bridge were opposed by agents of the United States government.
Conservatives saying stupid shit is nothing new. Happens frequently. Look upthread at the remarks made by Morning Joe co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough. Do those two ignorant fools really think hip-hop culture is responsible for the racism of those fraternity brothers? Moreover, why do we hear no cries of personal responsibility? When African-Americans screw up, they’re told they need to take more responsibility for themselves. White USAmericans aren’t held to the same standard? They get a pass? I think that’s an automatic bingo on my White Privilege card.
Speaking of the Morning Joe co-hosts, rather than apologize for their comments, they’ve chosen to defend them.
That defense (as well as the remarks they initially made) has been humorously mocked.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Beyond Black and White: How Heems’ ‘Eat, Pray, Thug’ Expands Hip Hop’s Conversation About Race:
rq says
McCullogh is just stellar. Ferguson prosecutor hasn’t read justice report.
During the day: #Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson resigned. During the night: No riots on site. Riot police present.
Ferguson police just arrested @The_Blant. And they also apparently arrested a 12-year-old.
And there were several PDs present, of which these are just a selection: Florissant, St. John, hillsdale & Northwoods RT @deray: Officers from everywhere but Ferguson. Ferguson PD.
Protesters demand more changes in Ferguson
Also, I don’t htink this is the kind of change protestors had in mnd: Stenger ready to step in to police Ferguson
rq says
Justice Dept officials will travel to Ferguson in coming weeks to negotiate “court enforceable agreement” for reforms. Good luck.
Protesters sitting on Florissant Rd 63136;
Holy shit. There were just like 4 shots. It seems like an officer was shot. Shit. Officers have guns drawn. This is crazy.
.@RE_invent_ED, Lawyer @javadesq, & I were forced to go into #Ferguson PD for our safety. Officers running around with assault rifles.
And @RE_invent_ED who was just rushed inside the pd, said the officer was shot in the leg and is bleeding badly. #ferguson
An article: Wounded officers released from hospital
Anyway, this isn’t going to go well forp rotestors.
Going to go see what I can catch up on before sleep takes me.
rq says
Reports suggest sevral muzzle flashes near top Tiffin Ave hill, firing from way behind protesters @phampel @innov8ion that’s from witness accounts. Just wait until you see how Chief Belmar spins this.
2 officers shot during Ferguson protests following police chief’s resignation
OMG! Shots parallel to the ground! (As opposed to… perpendicular?) Embedded with protestors – and yet, out of all the officers staring at the protestors, not one saw any kind of movement for a gun, and protestors clearly state that the shots were fired through the crowd.
But here, look for yourselves. Video captures moment of shooting outside Ferguson, Mo., police station – Kerry Picket on YouTube, youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN-WjWLC9jk&t , though I’m getting a copyright block on ti right now.
2 Police Officers Shot During Ferguson Protest
Embattled Ferguson police chief resigns; protests resume
rq says
The fact that we’re more afraid of police retaliation than random gunshots should not be taken lightly. On some psychological shit.
Two police officers shot during protest in Ferguson
State, county police take over Ferguson protest security after shooting – as others have said, because that worked out so well last time.
STL County Police union is calling for a mandatory sundown curfew in ferguson.
Pres. Obama on #Ferguson shooting: “Violence against police is unacceptable. Our prayers are with the officers” – @marykbruce. Ah, here he has a swift response and statement.
Michael Brown’s family releases statement on #ferguson police officer shootings. Basically, they don’t support any kind of violence.
rq says
Police say 3 people taken from #Ferguson home this morning have not been arrested. They may be witnesses; police not releasing more.
Here’s the cops on the house: Police surrounded a home in #Ferguson. Officers on roof. @stlcountypd confirms part of shooting investigation.
Police search for those who shot 2 officers in Ferguson ‘ambush’ – that’s the narrative, folks, this was an ambush!
But here’s a point: My concern is there is no evidence, so far, to prove that whoever was shooting was targeting the cops and not the protesters.
Belmar: “The responsibility of last night’s shooting lies with whoever did the shooting.” #Ferguson No comment.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Univision swiftly fires tv host for saying Michelle Obama looks like a Planet of the Apes cast member
Here’s what he said:
rq says
Eric Holder: Ferguson police shooter a ‘damn punk’
13 hours after 2 @stlcountypd officers were shot in front of #Ferguson PD, city leaders release a statement @kmov Conducting an investigation, looking into changes to policing, etc.
Jeff Roorda has lied about guns, he’s lied about cases & he was fired for corruption. Why do journalists use him as a credible source? Why is this relevant? Because the media is putting Roorda in front of the camera again.
STL county and MO highway patrol will take over security of the protests. I hope that security includes protesters.
Ferguson police are setting up cement barricades. Feels like August all over again.
Feels like August all over again. Cop swap, rumored sundown curfew, media appetite for violence while systemic problems ignored. #Ferguson
rq says
Brockmeyer resigns as prosecuting attorney in Florissant and Vinita Park
How Ferguson’s Legal System Echoes An Ugly Past
Lots more at the link.
And here’s a nice linkdump from Dana Hunter: Responses to the DOJ’s Report on Ferguson’s Atrocious Law Enforcement. Swing through there for items I or my fellow updaters may have missed.
rq says
Gov. Nixon statement on the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson
As U.S. pushes police to diversify, FBI struggles to get minorities in the door – I wonder why, hm, white culture?
Riot officers are in the doorway. That’s new. Ferguson PD. Because protests continue.
Protester describes raid on her home after police shooting. #AC360 is live on @CNN right now .
The Problem Is Bigger Than Ferguson
Moving forward and making progress are not the same thing.
rq says
215 people in the US have now been killed by police since Jan 1. 91 in 31 days of Jan. 85 in 28 days of Feb. 39 in 12 days of March.
Protest. Ferguson PD.
“IT IS OUR DUTY TO FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM!!” #Ferguson #ABanks #AssataTaughtMe #Assata
Hearing that protestor Dante of the Lost Voices has been arrested tonight during a traffic stop leaving tonight’s protest.
I just got done interviewing the 3 ppl detained by police. All were released. No charges. Their house was damaged & ransacked.
Racism is alive and well at Indiana University. #NotJustSAE Photo: white ‘protestors’ holding banner that says “Diversity = White Genocide”. Yah no.
rq says
#Fergsuon cops hanging back, protesters briefly in the street, streets clear now, prayer vigil, lots of media
And @deray is on MSNBC with @trymainelee right now.
.@MissJupiter1957, @RE_invent_ED, LB are on @CNN now with @donlemon
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Here’s another way that police brutality fucks over peoples’ lives.
Change.org petition-I shouldn’t be fired for being attacked
Here’s the video of the brutal beating. It was discovered by Rivera’s girlfriend.
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
215 in 71 days is slightly more than 1 every eight hours.
You go to bed. Bang.
You wake up and get working. Bang.
You start your evening. Bang.
That’s unbelievable. More than 1000/yr.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
I’m curious what the racial makeup of those 215 people is.
CaitieCat, Harridan of Social Justice says
I thought about that, Tony, and I’m going to guess about 1/3 Black, given the 28 hours statistic we’ve heard.
Black people are 13% of the population, so an unbiased killing policy would mean 13% of 215= 28 should be Black; instead I estimate 70 or so, maybe a bit less using the 28 hours stat. Say 2.5 times over the tag limit, and you’re probably close to the mark. :/
rq says
It’s fucking depressing, is what it is.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
@caitiecat & others:
It turns out that (according to some research I’ve read), that an even higher risk of being killed by cops is imposed by disability.
Breaking that down, apparently wheelchair users are at increased risk of beating and death (possibly b/c fragile health? I really don’t know). Crutch users are at increased risk (the cops routinely justify beatings and deaths of crutch users by saying that they thought the crutch would be used as a weapon…let me rephrase, the cops justify it by saying that they were “scared” of the “weapon” the cripple had “in hand”).
But what really kills you?
1. Disabilities that cause uncontrollable movements of the body (yes, even small ones – a facial tic, an unpredictable and uncontrollable small movement of the face, is interpreted as a sign that the person will act unpredictably in their larger, controllable movements) and/or
2. anything – disability or not – that causes difficulty in communication. Cops shouting at someone from behind that they are police officers and put your hands up, jerk wad! feel completely entitled to shoot a person for not complying … even when that person is deaf, or wearing headphones, or otherwise unable to communicate ***and is acting entirely normally, in an unthreatening manner, in the same way anyone does when entirely unaware that someone else is nearby***.
yes, there’s a race effect as well, but apparently these effects were larger. So woe betide you if you are a person of color in the US who doesn’t speak English. You might hear something loud and scary behind you and duck to the side to get out of the way of whomever these dangerously loud people might be …then, while looking to see what’s going on, get shot for your evasive and furtive movements.
Whites getting shot and killed by the cops are much more likely to have histories of nakedly advocating violence and to be clearly a violent threat to cops. The exceptions tend to be around disabilities.
It’s fucking sick, is what it is.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Oh, this shit pisses me off:
Edits to Wikipedia pages on Bell, Garner, Diallo traced to 1 Police Plaza
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
More from the same link:
rq says
You have scoooped meeE!! More links on that coming up, but gaaahds, it’s enraging.
rq says
*ahem* What’s enraging is the substance of the article, not the fact that you posted it. :P
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
I interpreted you as saying the good thing, not the I-really-hate-Tony!-for-his-violent-scoop-of-me thing.
rq says
Crip Dyke
It was probably more or less clear, but I just wanted to be crystal.
Notice how the media isn’t dissecting the lives of the two #Ferguson cops who got shot? No pics of them smoking weed in high school, nothing.
Hip-hop legend Method Man on Ferguson . There’s no quick summary, but he has an opinion. Youtube video.
Texas Bill Would Make Recording Police Illegal – because the Texas government isn’t fond of free speech?
When will Rudy shut up? Rudy Giuliani blames Obama for shooting of police officers in Ferguson
Yes, more like Bill Cosby. Sounds like a winner to me.
Giuliani is a reminder that racism in America is a birthright of some white men and the pastime of a nation. And how.
And if there’s anything more disgusting from Giuliani, it’s this: Rudy Giuliani: Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson Should Be ‘Commended’ For Shooting Michael Brown
Fuck you, Giuliani. Fuck. You.
rq says
Kanye West Delivers Guest Lecture at Oxford University (Full Transcript)
NYPD routinely edits & deletes @Wikipedia entries on NYPD murders, misconduct & corruption:, which tweet links to Tony’s link above on wikipedia.
Here’s Slate on the same, Edits of Wikipedia Pages for Eric Garner, Stop-and-Frisk Were Made From NYPD Headquarters
So…. it’s not just racism.
And from Think Progress, NYPD Caught Editing Wikipedia Entries About Police Brutality Victims
What a PR win, NYPD. Good for you.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
It was clear to me (we’re friends and have been interacting for a few years now) but I can see how a lurker might be uncertain.
rq says
Obama Discusses Ferguson With Jimmy Kimmel – you know, that’s not the photo I would have picked for the headline.
More fun stuff at the link.
Following police shootings, a night of peaceful protests in Ferguson
Manhunt for Ferguson cop shooters
Autoplay video.
Ferguson Protesters to Police: Shooter Was Not One of Us
Oklahoma Fraternity Chapter Hires High-Profile Attorney
Whoa. SAE fraternity files lawsuit, denies they are racist, say they’re being ‘tarred and feathered’ Seriously???
Figures. The arrogance of privilege knows no bounds.
rq says
I’m glad. :) For everything you said in your comment. :)
A damn punk in Ferguson
McCaskill: Shooting of police shows a ‘disconnect’ between communities and police – but we don’t yet know who shot!!!
#Ferguson Roorda saying the ammo is 40 caliber. This was developed by the FBI for police officers! They need to check their ranks. I hope my Roorda link is still in my tabs, had one. I sure hope it’s text only, though. Can’t stand listening to the guy.
Interlude: Choirs! Spelman and Bennett College Choirs Organize Joint Concert for Women’s History Month
Hear them sing!
Emails show an FBI terror task force tracked a nonviolent #BlackLivesMatter protest. Link: Why Was an FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Tracking a Black Lives Matter Protest? COINTELPRO is an obsolete program… right?
rq says
It’s Not Just Ferguson
Some more at the link.
Questions…, a cartoon/picture comparing the kinds of questions white women get to the kinds of questions black women get. Par exemple, “What colleges have you applied to?” versus “Will you be the first person in your family to graduate high school?” and “Do you have kids?” versus “How many kids do you have?” and “What does your husband do?” versus “Is the father still in the picture?”
According to witnesses in the neighborhood, this is where County PD found the shell casings (104 Tiffin) ;
County PD says shooter used a .40 c handgun, from this vantage-point at night, targeted/hit 2 officers from 3 shots.
Protestors disputing official/public version: .@FBI @stltoday Not true. I was livestreaming in the street @ that intersection when shots whizzed right by me. Ref. to the media caption that the shot would have been a clear one down the street – while there were clearly protestors in the way. Huh.
holy shit. – RT @audreymarielle: White people experimented on Blacks #BlackLivesMatter, this time ringworm treatment, not syphilis.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
Apparently there’s some other kind of man on man butt sex out there. Apparently that would be the kind of man on man butt sex that was NOT practiced in the USA in the 1890s.
rq says
Oh, here’s Roorda. Police Union Rep Stands By Remark That Ferguson Protestors ‘Want Dead Cops’
Emphasis mine. Not interviewer trying to cover Roorda’s ass and Roorda refusing to be assisted.
So SAE hired that lawyer (going their own way and all that), and held a press conference. Here’s a quote: #SAE Attorney cites quote: “Every 19 year old male is entitled to 5 minutes of foolishness…” Can we pick apart everything that is wrong with that statement, especially in this context? Seriously?
Relatedly, this picture says it. A sad former SAE fratboy sitting down, while another holds up a sweater saying, “Hey, look, I found a frat that would take us!” The sweater says ‘KKK’.
A headline so perfect it requires no article. “Oklahoma SAE Fraternity Planning to Sue Over Racism Allegations, Hires Timothy McVeigh’s Lawyer” Thank you, free speech folks (and in a way I say that ironically, but in a way, not – if that makes any sense).
Ferguson Needs To Be Model For Systemic Change, Professor Says
I’m avoiding citing the entire interview, but the remaining little bit is worth a read. Very intelligent.
rq says
@366, comment after first blockquote says ‘Not interviewer [etc]’, should say ‘Note interviewer [etc]’. Thank you kindly, Tpyos, for this generous gift.
Crip Dyke
Ah, but there is non-gay man on man butt sex which is, almost by definition, gay man on man butt sex, but not. See what I mean? :P
rq says
Ferguson rebuilding: The Urban League to open a new center in Ferguson on burned QuikTrip lot
rq says
After Suspension, St. Louis Cop Indicted for Delivering Shotgun to Drug Dealers
What next for Black Lives Matter in Ferguson after city’s police shooting?
A few words from Mr Knowles, mayor. Ferguson Mayor Knowles Slams ‘Hostile Language’ From Eric Holder
Chief Belmar says he’s open to the possibility that #Ferguson demonstrators – not police – were the actual targets of the gunfire.
Belmar is indicative of unprofessional and dangerous policing: shooting happens, make inflammatory accusations, then quietly backtrack.
rq says
#Traintakeover happening now I’m the Red line .
#traintakeover I am one of them. #blacklivesmatter
No arrests in Ferguson police shooting; evidence under review
rq says
We are being intimated with a line … At the Center For Human & Civil Rights… #anthonyhill @Atlanta_Police
Wall of police preventing community members from attending @noblenatl “townhall” meeting. #AnthonyHill #2015CEO
The stubborn persistence of black-white inequality, 50 years after Selma
President Barack Obama on Ferguson and Race Relations , youtube video of his visit to Jimmy Kimmel.
Tony Terrell Robinson was shot dead by Madison police. This is how it happened
And here’s one from the PoV of an officer: A chat with some protesters… It’s rather sentimentalish and #notallcops but it’s a perspective.
rq says
This via Ed Brayton, regarding the 50th anniversary of the Selma march. The League of the South’s Charming Selma Anniversary Message
The link plus excerpts at the post.
This is sort of tangential, but it involves the system – State bar considers requiring all law students to do free legal work. I wonder if it would force attorneys to work with all kinds of clients, not just a narrow slice of them, and perhaps open their minds to greater justice and less bias in the system.
There’s of course issues with funding and training, as usual. And 50 hours seems woefully little. Also, it’s more for civil cases than the criminal. I have to take issue with this statement, though: “To force law students into this type of work may turn them off it altogether, he said.” He continues that those who have an interest in this kind of work already do apply to organizations etc., but I think that misses the idea that those who wouldn’t even look at this kind of work need to see it, even for a short while, if only for educational purposes. And if that turns them off lawyering, then they shouldn’t be in the field, because helping people and justice and all that. :P
rq says
.@Prosehack65 Vid also shows ppl on Tiffen 4secs B4 shots. @FBI operating under false @stltoday rptr claim no1 in st.
.@stlcountypd I want this ofc charged w/ property theft of & attempted destruction of evidence. #Ferguson
Atlanta. Today. Saturday, March 14th. 4pm. Protest. #AnthonyHill
Interlude: Diversity! Hits like ‘Empire’ signal major shift in look of network TV
See that? Diversity sells!!! Yay!
City Council Races Offer Change in Ferguson After Months of Upheaval
More at the link.
It’s not just Ferguson, really, it’s not. Report confirms Mpls. arrests higher numbers of blacks
rq says
St. Louis Alderman: People Want To See More Then Resignations
Audio at the link.
rq says
Moving Together to End Police Brutality, a piece from Amnesty International.
Imprisoned police chief to collect $130,000 annual pension. Not going to cite that, just leaving that up there, because the headline alone.
If James Knowles has no authority or accountability, then why is he speaking on the behalf of Ferguson?
Guess which St. Louisans didn’t have the political clout to stop themselves from becoming a new source of municipal revenue. Until August.
85 overpass. #AnthonyHill #Antlanta
Marching along Chamblee – Tucker Rd near where #AnthonyHill shot dead by DeKalb County PD #Antlanta
rq says
How American music legends made millions off the work of a Zulu tribesman who died a pauper. The piece is actually titled “In the Jungle”, but the subtitle works better to catch the eye.
So much more at the link. Exploitation and appropriation at its finest. Absolute finest. It’s disgusting.
Murder Rap: Meet The Man Facing Life In Prison For His Lyrics, yet whiteboy frat racist chants and songs are being defended as ‘free speech’ by some. Honestly? Fuck you.
If yo uread the article, this isn’t the first case where rap lyrics are used as evidence. What the hell. Post-racial my ass.
Audio interview with Sarah Kendzior, the wonderful author of a recent Politico article on Ferguson and money (posted either just upthread or previous thread, entitled ‘Ferguson Inc.’). Cashing In On Ferguson, audio at the link.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
From HuffPo-
The shocking finding from the DOJ Ferguson report
chigau (違う) says
rq #376
I knew some of that story about The Lion Sleeps but the whole thing is staggering.
rq says
#Ferguson PD Pics Tonite. Still here.
An @mashable photog was arrested by @SLMPD, cops say he stepped in street, one of two people arrested.
Al-Jazeera jumped the gun: Developing Story: At least 2 people arrested in connection with police shooting in the US state of Missouri. That was false, so they retracted: So basically two people were arrested.. For something. Thanks @AJENews; @deray (see attached photos, they clarified by saying ‘unclear if two arrests in relation to protests or shooting’)
Blocking @POPSspotSports with bicycles
#Ferguson PD Pics Tonite. Still here.
rq says
In Atlanta: Protestor to @DeKalbCountyPD ofc: “your dept killed a man.” Cop: “I don’t care who we killed.” #AnthonyHill #Antlanta
Reports of 6 arrests. #Antlanta rally. #AnthonyHill
This child’s mother, a neighbor of #AnthonyHill, has been arrested for standing on the street by @DeKalbCountyPD
Completely disgusted by the police in Dekalb. #AnthonyHill At least tehy’re not in riot gear. :P
A white man heard screaming “get your black ass out of the street” as he tried to run a protester over. Y’all This is America. #AnthonyHill
But protest against police brutality wasn’t the only event last night in STL: Over 100 people came out for Candlelight Vigil for Marcus Johnson, the 5 year old that was killed on Wednesday. Not a police-involved shooting, but there’s the community addressing other crime as well.
rq says
Father angry about racially insensitive homework assignment
Learning about slavery and lynching? Good. The teacher’s attitude about it? Not so good. Makes me think that the kids aren’t maybe getting the right perspective on these things. :/
UW investigates claims of racial slurs by SAE frat members – I heard that SAE conducted it’s own internal investigation and found nothing wrong. :P
Very committed. They’re very committed.
The Wonkette on those NYPD cops and wikipedia, haha. New York Cops Just Tidying Up Wikipedia, Like They Did Times Square!
Yeah, and we know how those internal reviews at the NYPD always work out. We’re sure whoever the culprit or culprits are, they have a real good reason.
Breaking: Ferguson residents file to recall Mayor Knowles. Attached is a nice letter where he is respectfully asked to resign as mayor. We shall see!
rq says
The CBC on the SAE frat:
Oklahoma fraternity to close after racist chant caught on video
Oklahoma university expels 2 students over racist video
But even amid this, Fraternity, sorority membership up amid bad publicity. The entire article is pretty much ‘sure, it may be a toxic atmosphere, but people love it!’. Also, I don’t understand why they call it the ‘Greek life’. I mean, yes, the whole naming system with the letters is Greek, I get that, but… Greek life, to describe the whole culture of sororities and fraternities? (Here in Latvia, the equivalent is just called korporācija, which direct-translates to ‘corporation’ but applies to both sororities and fraternities – with similar behaviours in the fraternities, I might add, but an emphasis on etiquette and lady-like behaviour in sororities.)
rq says
Busy day, for a Sunday. Let’s get started.
If you’re in #StL today join @MillennialAU for #BlackBrunchSTL in Forest Park at 11!(Wear all black if possible). #Solidarity I suppose the event is over, but some photos later – but protest continues!
There’s been some issues on intersectionality popping up again.
Without intersectionality, “black liberation” are mere words that will only uplift cis-hetero, able-bodied Black men. #NotOnMyWatch
Pandemonium Inside NYC Council: Protesters Shout Down Bratton Over Requested NYPD Hires, with video.
Madison and Tony Robinson: Coroner: 19-year-old killed by officer shot in head, torso
Interlude: music industry! Jay Z just bought a spotify competitor. Can’t seem to cite, but there goes another black-owned business!
Pittsburgh Rapper Jasiri X Receives Artist As Activist Fellowship Grant
rq says
Sooo… cops. SFPD probes racist, homophobic texts among officers
Scores Attend Funeral for Madison Teen Shot by Cop, more articles on this to come.
Tony Robinson Shooting: 1,000 Attend Funeral for Man Killed by Police, this one with autoplay video.
Meanwhile, in LA: Man Killed in South LA Had Ties to Ezell Ford Case: Attorney
Municipal courts are well-oiled money machine
More at the link, incl. what the Post-Dispatch investigation found. And it ain’t pretty, big surprise!
Interlude: tennis! Serena Williams received standing ovation, fought tears and won while ending 14-year boycott at Indian Wells
rq says
Back to that intersectionality question, it started with a radio interview. I’m also bothered that Demetrius only talked about black children and men being killed by police and not women, trans & gay folks. @hot1041
Portraits of protesters aim for ‘stillness’ over chaos. I know I’ve said it before, but I absolutely love this project.
Maybe I should start posting more of it on here.
Holder to stay a bit longer: McConnell: No Lynch vote unless Democrats relent on bill. So it’s not going to be so easy after all.
I’m just a bit… they want to limit access to abortion for victims of human trafficking, which most likely means rape? They really, really, really hate women.
The tragically unnecessary police murder of Anthony Hill
rq says
Speaking of Anthony Hill, I have never witnessed so many children in tears. #AnthonyHill #blacklivesmatter #atl
For many of the children in the complex, #AnthonyHill was like a big brother. #blacklivesmatter #atl
Residents of Hills apartment complex express their love for him. #AnthonyHill #blacklivesmatter #atl
Gah, this is from that radio broadcast mentioned above. Jeff is saying that the DOJ report proves that Ferguson pd uses black ppl in the community as an ATM, not that the officers dislike blk ppl.
Grand Juror Sues McCulloch, Says He Mischaracterized The Wilson Case . It’s an older article, but keep this in mind for later.
rq says
Municipal fines? Sure. But there’s another cost to fixing the court system. Points system was designed to get dangerous drivers off the road in Missouri
In short. I can guess who is getting the benefit of that.
Interlude: business. Owners of Chicago’s only Black-owned B&B make it worth the trip. A short, positive read.
#BlackBrunchPDX happening now in Portland to honor victims of police violence @deray @Awkward_Duck @Nettaaaaaaaa
And basically tonight’s remaining news will focus on this: Arrest Made in Connection With Shooting of Two Police Officers in Ferguson
Going to be lots of twitter commentary on this.
Prosecutor: Man held in wounding of two officers at Ferguson may have been shooting at someone else
rq says
First, more on the #BlackBrunch: We did #BlackBrunchSTL at South County on Telegraph Rd. and as a result the restaurant is paying for everyone’s food and they’re pissed.
They tried role-playing protest, too: Where two white people dressed as cops were beating @MalcolmXcelsior and shot him while he was face down. #BlackBrunchSTL
One white man yelled “hit him again!!” And another white woman walked up to one of our officers and touched her shoulder #BlackBrunchSTL
Once she touched her shoulder she said “if they followed the law it wouldn’t happen.” #BlackBrunchSTL
Back to the arrest in Ferguson: Police: Suspect arrested in shooting of two officers in Ferguson
I see Holder is out with a statement already, too.
Ferguson suspect charged over officer shootings named as Jeffrey Williams, that’st he Grauniad link.
More on that ‘protestor’ and ‘demonstrator’ label later.
rq says
Fox2Now: Suspect admits to firing shots that struck two officers in Ferguson
I have to say, I’m a bit skeptical about him facing the same charges if the police were not the intended targets. At the very least, I’m doubtful he would have been arrested that quickly.
Speaking of which, The investigations on the killings of VonDerrit & Kajieme have not yet concluded. Can they get this type of special treatment?
Quick detour to NY: #AkaiGurley aunt: we need to hold all officers accountable for murders committed #JusticeforAkaiGurley #pinkhouses
Ferguson: Group seeking mayor recall signatures
Quite a bit more at the link, but basically, Knowles says he won’t step down.
And no, this shooting has not shifted the momentum of the movement in any capacity. If anything, it’s reminded us to question the police.
rq says
I know the information is out there, but here’s some commentary frmo the press conference:
Belmar and McCulloch might be the two least reliable sources of credible information in Missouri. This press conference’ll be interesting.
Jeffrey Williams charged w two counts of assault and other charges, McCulloch just announced ;
McCulloch: It’s possible that the suspect was firing at somebody other than police. Weapon has been recovered tied to the shell casing.
McCulloch notes that the shooter “has acknowledged” his role in the shooting, that he did fire the shots. Ferguson Shooting.
Notice how McCulloch framed this that the shooter is a protester targeting cops, despite the shooter claiming he wasn’t? @Nettaaaaaaaa
McCulloch says that the suspect is a protestor and that he was at the protest earlier in the evening.
Contradictory? Ha. Of course. Comment on that next comment.
rq says
I don’t know what happened. Who did what or why? Re: police shooting. But I do know community has 0 faith in these cops to be honest
Just interviewed a man who visited #JeffreyWilliams today – says Williams claims he was robbed by a demonstrator who he targeting-not police;
Correction: @deray On @CNN Bishop Derrick Robinson said he talked to Jeffrey Williams. JW told him that he was NOT a protester.
@deray Bishop Derrick Robinson said Jeffrey Williams told him that he was targeting someone who robbed him.
The dispute in question seems to be this one, Protesters brawl in street outside Ferguson PD,
McCullough appears to have been trolling with that comment about Williams being a protester. “Oh, I meant back in August!”
Yeah, because several protestors have said they don’t recognize him.
rq says
Looking at this guys photo and I’ve never seen him. In passing or a protest.
No, I cannot recall ever seeing the suspected shooter, Jeffrey Williams, at any protests, including the night in question.
Just for the record I barely recognize Jeffrey Williams he wasn’t a regular protester #Ferguson
Us protesters are a FAMILY! We ALL know each other. We ALL recognize each other. This random dude doesn’t register.
Gone to #Ferguson protests/events since August and never saw this shooter. Judging by my TL no one else has either.
Judging from what I and other reporters remember, and some prominent activists, this guy was no mainstay, if he had ever protested at all.
rq says
Attendance at #Ferguson protests is fluid, shifting and well-documented. If shooter were a regular would be easy to find evidence.
72 Hours Ago: Ferguson Shooter = Embedded w/ protestors. Ambushed officers. Now: Shooter in a car, 100 yards away, wasn’t shooting @ police – or, as someone else put it, They’re telling us this random 20 year old dude from North County basically had some Taken Liam Neeson type skills #Ferguson
In St Louis an officer was shot as recently as December with little media fanfare. Current hype is effort to shape #Ferguson narrative.
rq says
And this: #JeffreyWilliams has no apparent link to the 3 people @stlcountypd violently detained on Thursday. Apologies? Or will we just skip that?
rq says
About 50 pro-police demonstrators rally outside #Ferguson PD and Fire Dept. Say they support Knowles as mayor.
Yup, those people are out, too.
rq says
Ruffina Anklesaria, an @ILoveFerguson member, says she supports Mayor Knowles & wants peace to come back to her city;
Kenneth Wheat says he wants more African Americans to “show how they really feel,” says he supports the good police;
Correction: small group of protesters speaking out against #Ferguson police arrived earlier. H/t @MissingUSnews.
Police supporters retreat back into the #FergusonPD lot. Protesters follow. #Ferguson
Prosecutor: Man held in wounding of two officers at Ferguson may have been shooting at someone else
Just for that final quote from his gf. The rest is same info as everywhere else.
rq says
Random commentary from people on twitter.
According to Robinson, Williams was beaten by police last night, and his chest and body covered in bruises that the minister says he saw;
According to Bishop @derrb3, Williams did not have an attorney as of the presser & had not received medical attention or food today.
“@LaurieSkrivan: Protesters and pro-#Ferguson police clash on Sunday afternoon 3-15-2015 ” A community divided.
There was a forum today for candidates for Ferguson City Council. Not many citizens attended. video via @ShetheStreet
#EndPoliceBrutality #BlackBrunchSTL #BlackBrunch @MillennialAU #Ferguson #ABanks #BlackLivesMatter
Today’s #BlackBrunchSTL @MillennialAU #Ferguson #ABanks #BlackLivesMatter
Those last two with photos.
rq says
@deray I took this pic the night of the verdict .. It’s forever my favorite . Because nice photo.
There are 43 Ferguson related bills in the Missouri Legislature and the republican majority is stalling them. #moleg #Ferguson
Monday Mourning. Mayor Knowles’ House. Protest. Ferguson.
Here’s the flyer given to Mayor Knowles today. Protest. Monday Mourning.
#Ferguson protesters get an early start – at the home of Mayor Knowles, demanding his resignation. Pic via @deray
A person yelled at us today, “This is a restaurant.This is not a place to protest!” Was he here too? #BlackBrunchSTL
rq says
CBC on the arrest of Williams, with more voice to protestors (second half): Ferguson protests: Jeffrey Williams, 20, arrested in shooting of police officers
rq says
What’s the update on the guy arrested re: the #NAACPBombing?
Many Conservatives are Blowing it on the Ferguson DOJ Report – from Red State.
So yes, there follows a closer look at the report. What I liked about the article was that the first ad that appeared, between the first two paragraphs, was a Fiskars ad for pitchforks and shovels. It seemed appropriate, generally speaking.
Important to read. Why I didn’t call the police when I saw two black boys with guns next door
Missouri Senate committee approves $8.5M for emergencies after Ferguson exhausted funds. The National Guard ain’t cheap, I guess.
11.5 million. Whew.
Urban League to announce building a $500,000 jobs center on former Quick Trip site in Ferguson. QT donated property;
Urban League of STL President Mike McMillan at press conference announcing plans for the QT location in #Ferguson.
rq says
The NYPD admits it edited Eric Garner and Amadou Diallo’s Wikipedia page, attempted to delete Sean Bell’s page. No action will be taken. No repercussions for fooling with the truth. Huh.
Oh, sorry, I meant they’ll be punished in proportion to the crime. 2 NYPD Officers Who Edited Wikipedia Pages Face Slap on Wrist. Oh. Never mind, then:
9 students from HBCUs Fisk and Tennessee State have filed a federal lawsuit against the TN’s heavily contested & controversial voter-ID law. Good luck to them!!
White people can claim slurs & rape comments as free speech. Black people get killed by police for “talking back.”
Man trespassing in Southeast D.C. Metro tunnel shot, killed by police officer
Police and naysayers always looking for a leader to shake down. Well guess what, we are all leaders. #BlackBrunchSTL
rq says
#TraumaCenterNow: Why We Shut Down Michigan Avenue [link redacted] @cocoakinks @VeronicaBars_, link here: Trauma Center Now: Why We Shut Down Michigan Avenue
More reasons and opinions at the link.
50 Years Ago, Lyndon Johnson Delivered The Most Perfectly Radical Speech In Presidential History
Cops. LAPD Officer Arrested at US-Mexico Border for Alleged Human Smuggling.
Protesters Say “Good Morning” To Mayor Knowles – from Monday morning. Or mourning, as they write it.
Keep it cool, Knowles. Go you.
We are here today bc #BlackLivesMatter we e here 4 #ShareeseFrancis matters! Here 4 #UnheardVoices @NYC_ShutItDown
rq says
In Chicago, Torture survivor Anthony Holmes at Finance Comm mtg @ChicagosMayor justice delayed is justice denied #rahmrepnow
Dozens of supporters at Finance Committee meeting to stand up 4 Reparations 4 Burge torture survivors #RahmRepNow
Police deny claims that officers beat Ferguson shooting suspect
Missouri LT. Governor: “More Racism In The Justice Department” Than Entire St. Louis Area. I bet he means reverse racism, yes?
Yuh, it’s all Holder and Obama and all their minions obsessing over race, when really by now it’s the poor white man being putupon and oppressed by social justice and affirmative action policies. Gross.
Here’s an interesting read: A Response to Fat White Activism From People of Color in the Fat Justice Movement
Back a few months ago, a mom and her son were arrested inside McDonald’s. Falsely. Fed judge won’t dismiss false arrest claim by mom & son detained in #Ferguson McD’s amid “riot” (CC: @WesleyLowery) , see attached paperwork.
rq says
And in Ann Arbour:
Protestors at #AnnArbor City Council Meeting. Mayor Taylor giving a not so subtle warning to us not to disrupt…
Mayor Taylor just told protestors they will be arrested and charged with a misdemeanor if there is a disruption at tonight’s meeting.
#AuraRosser investigation revealed one police officer used a taser.. One used a gun. But no one has ever addressed why. #BlackLivesMatter
City council member just announced forum on community policing next month- result of previous demonstrations for #AuraRosser
Protestors hold up signs for #AuraRosser at #AnnArbor city council meetings. #BlackLivesMatter
City Council Members don’t know this is a silent protest. They’re waiting for us to start yelling.. Their anticipation is palpable.
rq says
Uuhhhmmmm.. So This Happened: California Car Thief Spray Paints Face Black To Throw Cops Off.
Darren Wilson spoke on Friday night at a fundraiser held for him by a STL-area law enforcement legal support group. THEY HELD ANOTHER FUNDRAISER FOR HIM.
NYPD Tells Cops To Stop Questioning People Just For Hanging Out In Housing Projects
Uh, that’s basically a link linking to the BuzzFeed article here.
Memo available at the buzzfeed link.
Ferguson Mayor James Knowles faces recall effort, with autoplay video (though the Post-Dispatch doesn’t usually have them, which confused me at first!).
In other less racist news, New York High School Will No Longer Use “Redskins” As A Mascot. Yay! Small step, good step.
rq says
First a family rep and now the (just hired) attorney for Jeffrey Williams says he was beaten during his arrest, implying coercion.
Rookie LAPD Officer Wanted For Murder In Shooting Death. Such heroes, the boys in blue.
Cop Says Killing Black People Is Okay Because ‘It’s Not Against The Law To Put An Animal Down’. Read that twice and double-check to make sure it’s still 2015.
There was an article on this yesterday. Still disgusting.
Another good-cop story. Wit the classic unhappy ending. BREAKING: Cop Actually Stopped Other Cops From Beating Guy Up! (Then Got Fired.)
More crap at the link.
And then there’s this Hang Loose t-shirt by @tavik.
Oregon is first state to adopt automatic voter registration
So all you need is to try and get a driver’s license.
rq says
Starbucks to encourage baristas to discuss race relations with customers. Umm, okay, are they going to have special training on that, too?
Well, there was reaction:
“Remember that time we enslaved you guys?? That was wild right? Whew! ANYHOO, how would you like that chai?”
“Here’s your macchiato! Let’s discuss the historic disenfranchisement of your people that has allowed me to prosper.”
The only folks happy about Starbucks baristas discussing race with customers are the suits who run it. Feel-good liberalism at its worst.
y’all realize there are no coloured hands in the press photos right @Starbucks #RaceTogether
Is @Starbucks in its #RaceTogether convo gonna speak about how their logo was “borrowed” from a black Yoruba Goddess?
Also a new hashtag, I think #NewStarbucksDrinks, like ‘Latte from a Birmingham Jail’ and ‘Malcolm Xpresso’. That may or may not be the correct hashtag.
rq says
One more on that Starbucks fantasbulous idea: Like, @Starbucks, this is your manager two weeks ago. You’re not ready for race relations lol (a manager calling police on #BlackBrunch protestors in Starbucks).
In NYC, protest continues.
#PeoplesMonday in #GrandCentral NYC now, demonstrating for women victimized by cops. #VoicesOfTheUnheard
6 facts about #ShareeseFrancis, suffocated to death in her bed, wearing her nightgown, by 4 NYPD cops who walked free;
#PeoplesMonday for #ShereeseFrancis & all women victimized by cops has taken the streets. #VoicesOfTheUnheard
#PeoplesMonday demonstrating in Times Square for #ShereeseFrancis & all women victimized by cops. #VoicesOfTheUnheard
Reading the facts of #ShereeseFrancis murder, suffocated to death by 4 NYPD cops in her bed, in Port Authority NYC.
rq says
Oh, BTW, these are the goodies raffled off at trivia fundraiser for Darren Wilson last Friday. A gun raffle. 12 guns as the prize. Various kinds. …
I must see this in YouTube form RT @mattdpearce: Looks like some Roorda and @Deray action happening on CNN right now. Waiting for hte youtube.
Another reason why science education (in this case, botany) is important. Virginia school suspends an 11-year-old for one year over a leaf that wasn’t marijuana
School official caught on camera saying: ‘I don’t like black kids’
New NYC Program Aims to Create 5000 Women Entrepreneurs from Low Income Neighbourhoods. Can’t seem to cite, but it reads like a good program.
Jonathan Capehart: ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Was Built on a Lie,’ I Was Wrong
rq says
The white Confederates defending the south’s honor in Selma
Now: Black Panther Party march around the Austin streets. #sxsw2015 gets all the attention, we’re the only reporters. See photos.
Men Just Don’t Trust Women — And It’s A Huge Problem. Relevant paragraph:
The importance of trusting the voices less heard.
Bye bye Brockmeyer. Lawyer resigns from fifth municipal post in wake of DOJ report
Pteryxx says
An Alternet interview with the professor who coined the term “white fragility”: Rawstory link
Pteryxx says
Students in Tennessee have filed a federal lawsuit against the voter-ID law that prevented them from voting in 2014. The Root: 9 HBCU Students Just Made the Voter-ID War Hot Again
Pteryxx says
Salon on the Supreme Court housing discrimination case that will challenge the disparate impact standard: Salon
rq says
Pteryxx @412
Well, I like to cover myself in bandaids just in case I happen to cut myself somewhere, you know? :P
Car prominently displayed at Ferguson demonstrations towed
Are There Too Many Towns in St. Louis County Propped Up By Over-Ticketing?
Lt. Gov. Kinder Blames Feds for ‘Incitement of the Mob’ in Ferguson
Dunno, he still sounds like an ignorant asshole to me.
On the n-word: POOR GUY “@CNNTonight: “You use that word, everyone laughs. I use that word, my career is over.” @benfergusonshow ” Would love to watch that particular interview/panel, too.
US poet defends reading of Michael Brown autopsy report as a poem
Not sure how I feel about this.
Darren Wilson Gives Speech to Non-Profit for Cops “Wrongly Accused in the Line of Duty”
Pteryxx says
rq @414, that reminds me: Atlantic: The story of the black band-aid
(apologies if I got that from this thread originally)
rq says
I think yes, I know I posted it, but it’s good to have it up again.
rq says
Antonio French evaluates changes, challenges related to Ferguson
You can listen at the link, and here’s a few excerpts via tweet:
What’s the next important step for #Ferguson? “People are still waiting for real change,” @AntonioFrench says.
Since August, a lot of officials have been content to let this be a #Ferguson problem, @AntonioFrench says.
“It’s not just #Ferguson, and we have to deal with it,” @AntonioFrench says.
“We have to, at some point, acknowledge the cultural issues that we have,” @AntonioFrench says.
rq says
I missed one: “I wish we were further along,” @AntonioFrench. He says we haven’t yet done enough to address the issues that have been brought up.
Walked in my office and there’s a group of @HowardUniv students Here! Doing Alternative spring break in Chicago! that’s one of the initiatives at work.
Here’s the Tennessee lawsuit mentioend above, different source: 9 HBCU Students Are Coming For Tennessee’s Voter-ID-Law.
Raven Symone defends TV host’s Michelle Obama comment: ‘Some people look like animals’
Just keep digging, just keep digging….
rq says
Darren Wilson attends trivia night, thanks crowd for support. He’s certainly getting out and around.
Video Refutes Claims of Police, Shows them Execute Mentally Ill Man for Holding a Screwdriver
More information and statistics on police shootings at the link.
Lawyer, officials at odds over whether man admitted wounding police in Ferguson
So much contradictory information.
Do You Agree? Common Says Racism Can End If Blacks Extend “A Hand In Love” To Whites
Link to the Daily Show interview within.
rq says
Missouri official accuses Justice Department of racism. We saw this article before, but how did I miss this part???
That new Starbucks policy on race discussions is still echoing. “Welcome to @Starbucks. Can I help you?”
“Help me understand why #TamirRice is dead…”
“…extra foam?” MONDAY IS GONNA RULE.
Starbucks SVP Deletes Twitter Account After Actual Minorities Ask Him About Race Issues
“A distraction from the respectful conversation we’re trying to have”. I think I see the problem here.
I think among the tabs is an article that says his twitter is back, we’ll see.
Racist ‘Runnin N*gger’ Targets Sold At South Dakota Gun Show
What difference does it make? FREEZE PEACH.
Legal papers: Willie R. Dixon v. The Incorporated Village of Hempstead, et al. Amended Complaint
Sounds like another good cop got punished for standing up t the rest.
A Starbucks exec deleted his Twitter account after backlash over the company’s ‘race together’ campaign
rq says
NYC Mom Arrested After She Asked Police to Talk to Son About Stealing: Report
New York’s finest community policing. Oh yeah.
Rahm Emanuel Fails to Show Up for Meeting with Families of Victims Killed by Chicago Police. Not going to be good for the election.
In the shock of the presser, many of us looked at #JeffreyWilliams and said, “not a protester.” But that didn’t mean he was disowned…
… Just that he was unfamiliar and the crime he’d supposedly admitted to want part of the protest. His life has always mattered regardless.
Ah, a small difference in spelling, all the difference in meaning: Starbucks Wants To Talk To You About Race.
But Does It Want to Talk To You About Racism?
A Tale of Two Hoodies by Michael D’antuono. Check out the art.
rq says
NYC Mom Arrested After She Asked Police to Talk to Son About Stealing: Report
New York’s finest community policing. Oh yeah.
Rahm Emanuel Fails to Show Up for Meeting with Families of Victims Killed by Chicago Police. Not going to be good for the election.
In the shock of the presser, many of us looked at #JeffreyWilliams and said, “not a protester.” But that didn’t mean he was disowned…
… Just that he was unfamiliar and the crime he’d supposedly admitted to want part of the protest. His life has always mattered regardless.
Ah, a small difference in spelling, all the difference in meaning: Starbucks Wants To Talk To You About Race.
But Does It Want to Talk To You About Racism?
A Tale of Two Hoodies by Michael D’antuono. Check out the art.
rq says
Darren Wilson Gives Speech to Non-Profit for Cops “Wrongly Accused in the Line of Duty”
Ferguson shooting suspect gave false confession, lawyer says
So… considering the situation, I wouldn’t be surprised at anything.
Have a few dollars to spare? Oprah to Auction Off Belongings From Chicago Condo.
Also, is Starbucks going to address prison labor during these race discussions??? Cause that’s how their holiday coffees are packaged.
Activist allegedly tried to bait protesters with ‘kill cops’ script
Yesterday in history: Scientist Discovers “Drapetomania”
rq says
I know I mentioned this before with a stellar article from someone living in Japan. Here’s more. Japan’s blackface problem: the country’s bizarre, troubled relationship with race
Why I deleted my Twitter account, and why I’m back. From Corey the Starbucks Social Guru himself.
Hmmm… Hmm.
White people have this idea that “we” need to have a “conversation” about race, but they’re afraid of everything that needs to be said.
Who wants to run Ferguson? Meet the 8 candidates for City Council
More on individual candidates and their thoughts on rebuilding Ferguson, the DOJ report, and other things within.
rq says
Have to post this again. Because yes. Soundbite from the discussion on the n-word on CNN, a good one.
Dear white vegans. Stop comparing my people being enslaved, slaughtered, raped, and harassed, to farm animals. TW for the image within.
Paperwork Filed to Remove Ferguson’s Mayor
I did not know what his other job was. But I would recommend that he concentrate on it.
Missouri man plotted to kill Obama with informant posing as white supremacist: feds. Eh?
#JusticeForAnthonyHill #Antlanta #AnthonyHill
Ex-Employee: James O’Keefe Wanted Him To Incite Violence In Ferguson
rq says
Something on the better news front: Community Bail Fund For Poor Defendants To Launch In Brooklyn
And this one: apparently the Race Card is wild right now. Cheney to ‘Playboy’: Obama, Holder ‘playing the race card’
I just bet he can. That poor interviewer (assuming someone not so ferociously inclined to the same views).
rq says
It’s insane that we have gotten to a place where good people are opting not to call 911 in real emergency situations.
You need FB to watch this video of Roorda versus Deray; I’m still waiting on something like youtube because.
Municipal Court judge disciplined for ‘pattern of misconduct’ as an attorney; owes taxes. No, not Brockmeyer. Another one!
March 11 2015 The #Antlanta family turns out for #AnthonyHill. #blacklivesmatter
Prestigious Art School is Giving Kanye West an Honorary Doctorate – that’s Dr Kanye West from now on!
Actually, he may be insufferable, but if the school deems him worthy, well, why not?
Starbucks steps into conversation about race
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
NyZeria, a 6th grader in Indiana received racist threats while at school. The principal dismissed her concerns. The school district only issued an alert to parents that harassment wouldn’t be tolerated. Guess what happened to the parents when they confronted school administrators with a sign reading “STOP BULLYING OUR CHILDREN”-
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
In searching for material for a blog post, I stumbled upon this article from Understanding Prejudice:
Also, wow. They have an extensive list of resource material on the psychology of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. There’s a list of books, scholarly journals, magazines/newsletters/e-zines, and articles/essays.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
African-American students from the University of Virginia blast animalistic arrest that left top student ‘bloodied’
rq says
Yeah, here’s some twitter comment on that:
So is the media going to just ignore the fact that a young black @UVA student got beat bloody for having a fake ID?
I just got off the phone with the President’s Office at UVA and the Communications Office and they are unaware of a situation re: Martese. But I believe several people have called them now, so they ARE aware, and a statement has been prepared, though there’s still some confusion:
@deray Prez’ Front desk said @UVA statement coming soon. Then was transferred to Comm, who didn’t pick up. Left VM asking when.
If you thought the BlackLivesMatter protest last semester was unnecessary because “this is UVA not Ferguson” welcome to the real world.
Crying. With a statement from Concerned Black Students attached, detailing the incident. And he needed 10 stitches for his head? Whaaa?
Going to be more coming up.
rq says
*sigh* Well, there’s no good way to organize everything at this point. It’ll be a bunch first on UVA and Martese Johnson and the consequences, and then some random articles. Possibly random articles will be strewn throughout, as well. I don’t know yet. I tried sorting at first and now it’s just a big mess. *sigh*
First up, here’s the actual article from the student newspaper: University student, Honor Committee member Martese Johnson arrested
So he was agitated and belligerent – I’m so surprised. Note, there will be word of him using a fake ID, and that being the reason the cops stopped him in the first place. But (a) none of the charges in any media story lists using a fake ID and (b) even if he was, white kids all over use fake IDs and get drunk – especially around St Paddy’s Day – and never get stopped or beat by the cops. So.
Anyway. The article includes summaries of statements from several sources such as the arresting enforcement entity and others, some of which will be appearing in tweets as uncitable documents. The article also includes the video of the arrest. There’s a lot of blood. Be warned. Separate youtube link upcoming.
And here is the email to students from President @terrysulli re: Martese Johnson. #JusticeForMartese Summary: There was an incident, University police and Charlottesville police came, but the arresting entity is Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control, a state agency, which is why the state governor has asked for an investigation. Looking for witnesses, etc., safety paramount, etc.
Oh, and the governor issued a statement before the president of the university.
Martese Johnson. UVA. #JusticeForMartese In the first photo, he’s holding a sign saying ‘I am the ONLY Black student on the Honor committee’. As it happens, Vice Chair for Community Relations. :|
Not only is Martese a black man at UVA. He is on the honor committee, a Kappa and an IMP. Arguably 1 of the most prominent figures on campus.
Some dated tweets, when people were wondering where the president’s statement was: Here is the only official acknowledgment from UVA re: Martese Johnson thus far, from the Dean of Students. Basically, statement forthcoming.
Gov. McAuliffe has called for an independent investigation into the details surrounding the arrest of Martese Johnson. #JusticeForMartese
rq says
Previous comment in moderation for too many links, sorry about that. Just more on the UVA etc. Continuing with that, here’s Jezebel:
Reports: Black UVA Student Beaten by Police for Having Fake ID. There’s that fake ID – as mentioned in previous (currently moderated) comment, none of the charges are for a fake ID, all the charges seem more related to the arrest and the manner of arrest than anything else. *shrug* We’ll see?
Basically the model of a model black student.
Also, I’m glad they include the statement from concerned black students. I linked to it above in a uncitable format.
Here’s the video of the arrest via youtube, warning for graphic!!! Arrest of Martese Johnson 3/18/15
Important piece of missing info: Martese does not own a fake ID! The ID he showed the bouncer and ABC officers was his real ID!
The Latino Student Alliance stands with #MarteseJohnson. Here is our response to the vicious act of police brutality: appended statement of support in summary: the incident and the use of force a chilling reminder of racism, Latino Student Alliance is in solidarity with Martese and his family, invitation to action.
ABC agents are under statewide jurisdiction, not UVA, so its correct for McAuliffe to speak first. Unclear what role Univ police had @deray
The Virginia ABC has a history of brutality. This from 2013. Felony Arrest Of Student Who Bought Water Riles Many In Virginia
So… Yeah.
rq says
Same folk blaming Martese for being allegedly intoxicated, probably excused SAE actions for being drunk. Because Black. #JusticeForMartese
And now, this from the VA Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control, whose officers arrested Martese Johnson. Public Intoxication, Obstruction of Justice, approached after not allowed inside a licensed establishment, during arrest the individual sustained injuries, an investigation will occur.
ABC arrest of UVA student spurs McAuliffe to ask for investigation
Not sure what it says about society when the first thing that came to mind when I saw #MarteseJohnson was thank god they didn’t kill him.. This. So much this.
Attorney for UVA student Martese Johnson releases statement
Black University Of Virginia Student Reportedly Beaten By Police Over ID. I love that ‘reportedly’ bit when the photo they show is of Martese bleeding massively. And yes, there’s accidents where he could bleed like that. Still.
More statements at the link, but this is the one from the President I had in tweet-format above. The one that follows this one at the article is upcoming.
rq says
Some people don’t really like the president’s statement.Must be hard to express GENUINE concern for someone you’ve never met @terrysulli oh wait…#JusticeForMartese Photo of university president and Martese at some event together.
An Important Message from Marcus L. Martin and Maurice Apprey
UVA Student Assaulted by Police Over Fake ID Last Night [video], no new information.
Protest ensued! “We won’t go!” Something of a standoff here at University Ave and Chancellor Street on UVa’s campus.
Heading to Charlottesville PD.
rq says
The rally for Martese? JUST IN: @seancudahy reports: #MarteseJohnson event at UVa is moved to Amphitheater due to large crowds.
And the amphitheatre: #UVA Amphitheater where Martese Johnson rally now happening
the fact that we have to use disclaimers like “honor student, UVA, fraternity” before black man, human fucking being is the issue.
Uproar after black UVA student injured during arrest. ‘Uproar’.
There follows some photos and a summary of the several statements.
Autoplay video at this and previous link. Bloody arrest of black student leads to investigation
Oh, and regarding the statement I blockquoted in previous comme,t from Martin and Apprey? UVA’s White President Outsources Outrage Over Martese Johnson to Two Black Administrators
It’s like racism within racism within racism, the matroshka reborn!
rq says
#JusticeForMartese – that’s the packed room indoors, which then moved to here: #UVA #BlackUVaDemands . Just awesome to see that kind of a response.
Students marched at #VCU tonight, in solidarity with #UVA students rallying for #MarteseJohnson.
The HuffPo on the subject. Black UVA Student Martese Johnson Bloodied During Arrest By State Liquor Agents.
rq says
Now for some non-UVA stuff.
This one via tony: Nevada Lawmaker Says Racism Is Over, Then Refers To Colleague As ‘Colored’
So, in other words, when it comes to racism, she has no clue.
Some of the rules for the hearing tomorrow to appeal Officer Chris Manney’s firing over the murder of #DontreHamilton. No signs, no drinks, no food, no yelling, no standing room. Also, I hope Manney stays fired.
So a neo nazi white supremacist in AZ shoots 6 ppl, kills 1 and is arrested, with a stun gun. But #AllLivesMatter ?? Yah.
The NYPD Is Creating a Unit to Investigate Police-Involved Shootings – the same kind of unit that edits wikipedia?
Mmkay, here’s Glenn Beck at his… finest? The moment where @glennbeck on a chalkboard says @deray & I are the masterminds of a $33 million conspiracy w/ ISIS. The youtube: Glenn & I discuss who’s really pulling the strings in Ferguson 3/16/15
It’s about as bad as it sounds. Talk about conspiracy. Wow. Can they (Deray and Shaun King) sue for this?
rq says
Tomorrow hear from Ferguson activists @Nettaaaaaaaa & @deray right in #Cambridge!, the FB event page: A People’s History of Ferguson
Anyone in the area and want to go say hi on our behalf?
And then there’s this: a statement on the movement, not a reassuring one.
So yeah, protestors aren’t necessarily a united front.
Slavery exists even today in occupied West Papua. The Indonesian authorities treat West Papuans worse than animals .
We don’t need to humanize #JasonHarrison, emphasizing his mental illness. He was in his home w/ a screwdriver, couldve been fixing something. Had an article yesterday, he’s the guy shot by police in front of his mother. For holding a screwdriver in his own home.
#BlackLivesMatter Founders: Please Stop Co-opting Our Hashtag
rq says
MO Press Association release warning that senate bill may close police video evidence, like dash footage, permanently . Basically, make it inaccessible to the public? Oh.
Alleged Police ‘Black Site’ in Homan Square to be Topic of Meeting in D.C.
Interlude: Entertainment! Afrostream: The African Netflix
Racism a culturally variable thing? Perhaps. Meanwhile, This is Belgium’s Foreign Minister @dreynders – in blackface. Shocking & embarrassing. Look in the background, there’s more like that. The tweet links to this article: Bruxelles : folklore, générosité ou…colonialisme ?, unfortunately in French, but the title translates to “Brussles: folklore, generosity, or… colonialism?” Text as follows:
In translation: One of the oldest charities of Brussels. Each year, during carnival, this association donates many thousands of euros to nurseries and children’s hospitals. But it is also a folk traditions unique in the world: participants are made up into operatical (tr?) African kings. The “swarthy ones” are taken directly from the era of Belgian colonialism, and this year, the Belgisn Minister of Foreign Affairs himself, Didier Reynders, painted his face in black. Is this a beautiful generous tradition or folklore with colonial overtones?
Pardon my French, I’m out of practice, but I think I got the gist correct.
rq says
Why the N-Word Is Only Part of the SAE Problem
I think it’s a defense mechanism, pointing away from one’s complicity in an oppressive system: see, look, they’re being obviously racist over there, see, that’s the real problem, I’d never do that, no racism here!
Hundreds Protest At University Of Virginia After Student’s Bloody Arrest
There’s a photo of Martese at the protest. And the expression on his face just kills me, esp. when compared to the other photos of him going around (pre-beating).
Oh. CBS Commentator Assumed Jay Smooth Was Co-Opting Blackness Until He Said, ‘I’m Black’. Did not know!
rq says
How’s that “black thug” excuse for denying police brutality working for you now? #UVA #JusticeForMartese
rq says
Sounds like a plan: Stephen A. Smith Wishes Every Black American Would Vote GOP for One Election
In Denver: Denver auditor releases scathing report on sheriff’s department; says jail is “seriously mismanaged”
Audio at the link. Cashing in on Ferguson, That Letter to Iran, and Nihilism’s Allure
Have I posted this already?
Interlude: Science! Neil deGrasse Tyson’s late night TV show will premiere on 4/20
Mandatory Voting? Obama Says It Would Be ‘Transformative’. Mandatory?
Starbucks again. Same topic. Starbucks Asks Employees to Solve Race Relations in America for No Extra Pay
Forced social justice puts extra pressure on those already stressed and pressured. Yup, sounds like a good idea.
rq says
LAPD officer involved in police shooting alleges racial discrimination
plans for thursday #UVA #Charlottesville #BlackUVaDemands @teeBeeEnn @ChelseaClaytor @deja_glo @NigerianBrother – in other words, action at UVA to continue!
A touch on voter ID. Five things we learned at the voter ID hearing
Cops making fatal mistakes. This time, a service dog is shot. San Diego Police Shoot Man’s Service Dog Dead After Responding to Wrong House
This tweet is a short intro to the article to follow: It’s almost as if there’s a concerted deny-racism-exists effort by hip-hop artists recently. It’s scary. It’s dangerous. And it’s odd.
A$AP Ferg: “There’s No Racism With the Internet” – even I have to wonder, which world are they living in?
Audio of the interview at the link.
rq says
Yes, whites and Blacks have been lynched throughout history. As recently as… this month. @NicoleZiggy_ @tavik
An Aug. 29 photo of “hands up, don’t shoot” organized by BSA & UVA NCAAP. #MarteseJohnson in the foreground.
Speaking of Martese, Black student’s injury during police altercation prompts university protests, from Al Jazeera.
Tweets, photos and statements at the link.
RT @musicnews_facts: ‘The Mrs Carter Show’ is the first and only tour by a black person to gross over $200,000,000+ Yup, that’s Beyonce!!
Ferguson and the Criminalization of American Life
Interlude: More Science! #BLACKandSTEM 03/19/15
It’s rather a long list, in between that beginning at the end. Lots.
rq says
Speaking of modern-day lynching as mentioned in the first link previous comment: this is what it’sreferencing.
NAACP: Missing African American man found hanging from tree
And here’s CNN with the same: Missing African-American man found hanging from tree in Mississippi
Judge won’t release grand jury testimony in Eric Garner death
rq says
Today, the officer who killed Dontre Hamilton in Milwaukee, Officer Manney, has a hearing to appeal his termination. America.
Milwaukee officials will not allow protestors or phones into the hearing as Officer Manney, Dontre Hamilton’s killer, appeals his firing.
On site: Police dogs are out.. Legit there’s four people outside right now.. #DoBetterMKE #JusticeforDontre
An officer told me people attending the hearing won’t be let in till 4pm. #DoBetterMKE #JusticeforDontre
Won’t be allowed in, but we love the message. #DoBetterMKE #JusticeforDontre (no signs allowed)
The family of Dontre Hamilton just arrived.. #DoBetterMKE #JusticeforDontre
rq says
This would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Joyful white guys finish ahead of struggling woman and black man in this university’s catalog
Also, the two white guys barely look winded, like they’re out for a stroll, while both the woman and the black man are really struggling. Privilege at its finest!
County settles suit alleging court practices targeted poor, San Francisco.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Here’s a bit of good news- FL Supreme Court throws out 70 year sentence for Jacksonville 14-year-old
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Belgian Foreign Minister dons blackface for charity parade.
rq says
Martese Johnson speaks. Actually, his attorney does. Still.
So his ID wasnt fake just expired? Smh “@deray: Watch Martese Johnson speak. Now. #JusticeFoMartese
Dear Starbucks: Black People Do Not Need to Participate in #RaceTogether
Chicago’s black site. Chicago police commander resigns in wake of Homan Square revelations – as long s he doesn’t escape responsibilty.
Umm, okay. Loving U Is Complicated
How should white listeners approach the “overwhelming blackness” of Kendrick Lamar’s brilliant new album?
rq says
Across from Harvard Yard waiting for doors to open for @deray and @Nettaaaaaaaa for @PENNewEngland talk #Ferguson
…and folks file in for @PENNewEngland’s #PeopleSpeakFerguson (w/ honorees @deray and @Nettaaaaaaaa) in Harvard Sq.
Great crowd at tonight’s #PeopleSpeakFerguson event! @deray @Nettaaaaaaaa @jabariasim
In Ferguson: Judge Roy Richter addressing muni defendants in #Ferguson. He is at City Hall. We are at PD watching a stream.
Also, starting April 1, court costs in #Ferguson will be set at $26.50. Random court fees were big criticism in @CivilRights report.
Letterman asked Cornel West if racism has gotten better recently. America waited with baited breath hoping he’d lie & cater to its comfort.
rq says
Body Of Black Man Found Hanging From A Tree In Mississippi
Black man’s body found hanging from tree in Mississippi
The article at least includes some nice things about him – but CNN? WHAT THE FUCK “@OutFrontCNN: Black man found hanging from a tree in Mississippi: What do we know about Otis Byrd? (Basically that one time he was arrested and then paroled.) Link in tweet: autoplay video here.
rq says
Another one? Teen shot & killed by Cleveland Police on east side identified; source says he did not have a gun
For fun: B4-XVI beforesixteen, “Highlighting an invisible conversation between hip hop and art before the 16th century.” It is excellent.
rq says
Yesterday, at UVA: “It is our duty to fight for freedom. …We have nothing to lose but our chains.” #BlackUVaDemands
Students meeting on UVa’s campus to discuss plans to develop a list of demands via #BlackUVaDemands
As promised, a group of about 75 students are marching through an academic building and walking in on a few classes.
Distributing these to 1000 homes in #Ferguson today. Long long long day ahead. #FergusonAlternativeSpringBreak – Monday is a forum for city council candidates.
UC President Janet Napolitano Apologizes For Calling Student Protests ‘Crap’
O, I wonder what she would think of #BlackLivesMatter protest?
The New York Times Terminates Contract with Razib Khan
rq says
In relation to the Virginia ABC arrest, and the event from 2013 mentioned, ABC Releases Its Review of Charlottesville Incident: Two Agents Violated Agency Policy during the Operation
That bit there, about a common-sense philosophy regarding the correlation between the seriousness of an offense and the agents’ response… YEEEEeeeaaaaahhhh. That seems ot be working well?
New judge takes over in Ferguson – change is in the air?
Wesley Lowery is one of the journalists consistently delivering good stuff with regards to Ferguson. Now he has new responsibilities! (A bit more on this later, too.) Changes on the National staff and a move to the magazine
Good to hear about that new focus. Yay!
Darren Wilson Gives Speech to Non-Profit for Cops “Wrongly Accused in the Line of Duty”. Repost, I think.
Anne Stanback: We won #MarriageEquality bc we had support of other communities. Now we must help their issues too #FF2015 #alliances #LGBTQ. Just putting that out there as a better example of trying to work together than Patricia Arquette’s ‘hey y’all over here please!’
Never ends. Reviews still coming of St. Louis County police practices and handling of protests
Mmhm. More at the link.
rq says
UVA: Waiting for a Q&A session about #MarteseJohnson’s arrest to start in Newcomb Hall on UVa’s campus.
#BlackUVaDemands we ready .
Hearing it went well. Another little pocket of activism raising awareness.
15 Things That Make “White America” Uncomfortable
Mentioned, but here’s more, Eric Garner and NY and documents: A Judge Decided the Eric Garner Grand Jury Proceedings Should Stay Secret
The answer will probably be ‘no’, because she is not a Confederate hero. Black Students at Berkeley Want a Hall Renamed After Assata Shakur
And Otis Byrd: My dad lives by where #OtisByrd was found in MS. A gas station there still has WHITES ONLY painted above the bathroom door #BlackLivesMatter In 2015. Think about that.
rq says
Action in Ferguson and environs:
At PTSD training for @FergFlorSchools counselors, social workers, who say the effects of #ferguson are ongoing for some students. So glad to see mental health addressed, too, at least in some capacity!
Meanwhile in Clayton, Another protest about #Ferguson, this time in Clayton.
#MikeBrown Means We Got to Fight Back #Ferguson Marching begins in Clayton;
Children lead the protest march carrying a small casket. #Clayton #Ferguson;
Shahid calls to bring casket to front for 4.5 minutes of silence. Reference to 4.5 hours Mike Brown was in street.
Mike Brown Sr. tells marchers thanks for coming. Says he’s bringing bikers to tomorrow’s March in #Ferguson.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
From the end of #456:
Irony, thy name is Failing To Get The Fucking Point, Spectactularly. In Multiple Ways.
…some people have a lot of middle names.
rq says
When Police Misconduct Transcends Class
So for those arguing it’s a class thing (seen and heard), well, nuh-uh. Not so much.
LA teacher told students Lincoln was a ‘n****r-lover’ and Michael Brown ‘got what he deserved’: lawsuit. O.
Washington Post appoints Wesley Lowery to new law enforcement beat
Will have to keep an eye out.
Saying ‘sorry’ isn’t nearly enough, I would think. Louisiana Prosecutor Apologizes For Sending An Innocent Man To Death Row For 30 Years
Hey, they gave him $20 on a bank card! Guys! Here’s the judge’s words:
And you wonder how many judges are out there with that mindset right now, or who had that mindset but won’t admit to it. SCARY. So yes, the apology is laudable, but there’s a giant stack of shit that needs to be fixed if this is how things work out.
rq says
As Reform Arrives In Ferguson, Neighboring Municipal Courts Stay Out Of The Spotlight
Police behaving badly! Police Officer Charged With Holding Gun to Man’s Head
Not indicative? That seems to be one of your officers, sir.
How’s legislation coming along? Committee kills many police accountability bills
That’s in Maryland. Here’s hoping things look better elsewhere.
List of demands to District Attorney Susan Hawk in regards to #JasonHarrison #OrganizedRebellion @deray @YourAnonNews. In short, calling for the termination of the officers involved, extra training for 911 dispatchers to determine if mental illness could be an issue, extra training for officers (or at least a demonstration of competence).
#BlackUVaDemands the office of afr amer affairs is becoming home again @deray @zellieimani – more on UVA next comment.
rq says
An official from ABC has shown up and, man, he’s getting the business.
3 times he was interrupted by students who weren’t satisfied with his answer about whether ABC agents received “adequate” training;
Students have been insistent on getting clear answers from the panel of authorities here at UVA. #BlackUVaDemands;
When students don’t think an answer was sufficient or clear enough, they’ve been saying – in unison – “answer the question that was asked.”
Most of the students who were in the auditorium have left, raising their fists and chanting, “Black Lives Matter!”
“This event was not planned with black people in mind. So we must ask: who this event was planned for?” #BlackUVaDemands
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
No, an apology 30 years later doesn’t make up for the 30 years. But I think he’s trying to set an example of the kind of self-reflection required of everyone in the institution if we want to prevent the next 30 year injustice. It’s not so much for Ford. Being humans, it probably does matter some to Ford and/or loved ones. But how much pales in comparison to the searing white light that blotted out 30 years of life.
The important part is that publicly admitting error shows other people that you can admit error without losing others’ respect AND doing so in the way that he did, providing examples of behavior from “failing to miss the ethical mark” to “sick” (this latter from his own words) that will be used over and over in debates about the ethics of current practice and the crafting of new laws, policies, and procedures. I doubt he wrote this thinking only of how Ford and Ford’s loves would hear it. I betcha he was very consciously writing for a legal audience.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
How parents talk to their African-American sons about the police. It’s a video, but they have a transcript as well:
I really want to like this, but my enjoyment of the video is significantly lessened by the focus being solely on cisgender African-American men. What about African-American women? What about African-American trans women and men?
(I left a comment there indicating my displeasure at the omissions above. Somehow I think it will be lost amid a fuckton of…questionable comments.)
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
Snoop Dogg: ‘Ronald Reagan to blame for LA gang violence’:
The article briefly mentions Trap Flix, which is described as “a website that gives a platform to urban filmmakers with limited resources”. Here’s their link: http://trapflix.com/
rq says
Today at the #wecantStopNow march, protesters made @FOX2now leave for their inability to tell unbiased stories.
How Does a Police Department Solve Misconduct Problems? By Pressing Backspace – and not just in the NYPD.
Protesters spark chaotic scene at Lawncrest town meeting
10 people arrested, in the end.
Fun with hashtags. #CNNBeLike is a new thing, here’s three examples.
#CNNBeLike RT @MelechT: CNN: “Looter steals rose from florist and tries to cut police officer’s fingers on thorns”
RT @M0JOso_DOPE: #CNNbelike reports say that they wore different colors possibly gang affiliated.
#CNNbelike “He was a towering black figure, wearing a black cloak, with his cap turned sideways like a gang member”.
You have to look at the attached photos for the sarcasm to make sense.
rq says
4 Fort Lauderdale Police officers ousted after alleged racist messages
Diversity class is the least they can do.
Man who threatened to shoot Darren Wilson sentenced – Darren Wilson, meanwhile, is still free and without consequences.
Activism: it’s not just for black people. LGBTQ Activists to Protest Ongoing Murders of Transgender Women. There’s a connect, though, since many if not most of the transgender women killed happen to be black.
Us poor white people. Such fragile egos. Why White People Freak Out When They’re Called Out About Race
Let’s do better, white people.
Oh, here’s another in a similar vein, this time addressing liberals. On Madison, Tony Robinson, and White Liberal Defensiveness
This and that else at the link. Let’s do better, liberals.
rq says
Tremendous Police Brutality panel led this morning by @lostvoices14 at #WhitePrivilegeConference #Ferguson, that’s from a few days ago.
Starbucks’ ‘Race Together’ Campaign Ignores The Company’s Troubled History With Gentrification
What? A ‘Black Tax’ At Charlotte’s Ritz-Carlton?
More at the link. including no response from the Ritz.
rq says
Well, either there’s something wrong with my twitter, or it’s been a surprisingly quiet weekend. :/ Not much to update.
Pteryxx says
I can chip in a few general articles…
At The Nib, a cartoonist portrays in poignant artwork his experience when asked to lighten a comic book character’s skin tone: The Nib: Lighten Up
From Comics Alliance:
I might transcribe the essay with image descriptions if I could do it justice.
Pteryxx says
The Guardian: The counted: inside the search for the real number of police killings in the US
Associated Press roundup: Bills that would restrict access to body camera footage
Pteryxx says
Buzzfeed: A Black Girl’s History With Southern Frat Racism
rq says
Thanks, Pteryxx. Turns out it’s something odd the laptop does with my twitter (back on the laptop now). So, more updates later, quite a bit more than I thought previously! :)
rq says
Ferguson’s Forgotten Murders
The states where poor kids are most likely to graduate from high school
Maps at the link.
“OTD, 1965, more than 3,000 civil rights demonstrators led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. began their march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala.”
Frat culture again. Fraternity Suspended Over Notebook Detailing Rape And Lynching
Funny how there’s so much going on in these frats that is inconsistent with their values. Also, the ‘it’s not just frats’ excuse. We all know it’s not just frats – but right now, we’re talking about the frats. Frats who are supposedly better because they have all these amazing gentlemanly inclusive codes of conduct and rules. I hate that excuse – not just frats. Fuck you.
College Baseball Player Who Called Mo’ne Davis a Slut Dismissed From Team. Mo’ne is a 13-year-old girl.
His apology tweets are weak. ‘I’m a huge fan, she’s an inspiration!’ At least the team had the sense to let him go.
More on Mo’ne at the link, and let me say, wow!!
Here’s one for the cockles of the heart. Retired Ark. Nurse Devotes Her Pension to Running Food Pantry
rq says
Anthony Hill’s funeral:
“@deray: Anthony Hill. Atlanta. Killed by Police. We remember you, Anthony. ” Photos by @Tif2cool
#AnthonyHill was awarded the Air Force Achievement Medal &numerous other awards. He was a decorated officer.
Ferguson’s Other Shooter
Had that Nib cartoon/article all lined up (see Pteryxx above), it really is beautiful and educational.
History Museum cancels Ferguson-Palestine discussion
Well, that sounds like a lost learning opportunity to me.
If you missed it the first time… Selma Is Re-Released With 2-for-1 Ticket Offer
rq says
Marching from Forestwood park to the PD. Mike Brown St in the front – this from Saturday, I believe. More:
#Ferguson Police Have Come Out to Push Back Crowd after #MikeBrown Sr places casket at PD door;
Marchers arrive at Ferguson pd
A Group Prayer for #MikeBrown at #Ferguson rally
Can anyone help identify these colored munitions at #Ferguson protest? What does each color mean? “@search4swag: ” (yep, the cops were out!)
In Florida: Four Fort Lauderdale cops out over racially charged behavior
rq says
Again, from last night in St Louis:
#DelmarLoopSTL ShutItDown #BlackLivesMatter;
STL City Police Line Up You see many with Pepper Spray in hand Delmar Loop #Ferguson ;
St.Louis PD & U City Police got 8 teenagers in handcuffs in front of the Pageant on Delmar ;
Police at Delmar Loop arresting “anyone under 21” walking on sidewalk. But clearly only asking Black people for ID.
A moment onDontre Hamilton: Chris Manney was scared of #DontreHamilton but didn’t call for backup because “backup is for cowards.” #justicefordontre #DoBetterMKE
And that’s the cop mentality. ‘Backup is for cowards’.
These questions… RT @kateconger: omg did you guys know there is a #RaceTogether newspaper? Questions include: “I have ____ friends of a different race”, “In the past year, I have been to the home of someone of a different race ____ times”, “My children have ____ friends of a different race”, and more in a similar vein.
rq says
Not everyone is so skeptical of Starbuck’s #RaceTogether idea. @AntonioFrench @Starbucks I am a Barista at Starbucks. Had amazing conversations with people over the past three days. #RaceTogether It may have something to do with him being a white man. It may not.
And while we’re on Starbucks, here’s Karrem Abdul-Jabbar on the subject. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Starbucks’ Flawed But Wonderful Plan To Tackle Race
Body cameras may have provided clarity in arrest of U-Va. student, except the Virginia ABC officers weren’t wearing them, contrary to policy.
Is that a spot of victim-blaming I hear?
UVA Students Demand Answers About Bloody Arrest By Virginia Liquor Agents
Another in Cleveland. He may have been robbing a store. Still. Does that justify shooting him to death? I would say no. Fatal police shooting of black teen in Cleveland under investigation
rq says
Survey: most white Americans think people talk about race too much. Well colour me surprised.
More stuff at the link.
Snoop Dogg: Ronald Reagan to Blame For L.A. Gang Violence . Can we just blame Reagan for everything?
Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart calls out Fox News for a double standard in covering Ferguson and Benghazi
Video at the link!
People are worried: Has the situation in Ferguson ruined St. Louis’ image? Never mind that the rampant racism may not have been an image-maker in the first place.
So, hey, I guess things are okay! (Autoplay video at the link has more.)
Students Fight Back Against Voter ID Law That Allows Gun Licenses But Bans Student IDs.
Regarding Saturday, Demonstrators gather for Ferguson march, rally Saturday, with autoplay video.
rq says
The #Ferguson panel @RE_invent_ED @cjayconrod @MsPackyetti with @2LiveUnchained facilitating. #AmnestyM2M;
Hearing black activists from Brazil discuss their campaigns. The message, black genocide in Brazil #AmnestyM2M;
And @MsPackyetti asks the question of why isn’t there an African American on the board of @amnesty #AmnestyM2M;
Catching up on the protest tonight in STL. I hear that the police are arresting protesters for simply being at the meet up spot.
Shoutout to the Black Caucus meeting at #AmnestyM2M tonight. Felt good to around all that revolutionary black love.
rq says
St. Louis County police take recruitment on the road
Loretta Lynch’s Long Wait – so she’s still not approved??
rq says
Martese Johnson: Pub Owner Disputes Claims He Was ‘Belligerent’
TW for discussion of suicide. The Night I Spoke Up About My #BlackSuicide
Leaving the help info at the end.
Jesse Krimes made this using a prison bedsheet, hair gel, plastic spoons, and NYT clippings. It’s incredible.
#TaneshaAnderson got same treatment as #MarteseJohnson. Her head was also slammed into concrete. She however died.
Income Inequality Is Wider in Atlanta Than in San Francisco or Boston
Chicago Cop Charged in Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Rekia Boyd Heads to Trial. Whoa, they charged a cop? Going to trial? For serious?
Oh. Involuntary manslaughter. Because when you shoot at someone, they die by accident.
rq says
Martese Johnson: Pub Owner Disputes Claims He Was ‘Belligerent’
TW for discussion of suicide. The Night I Spoke Up About My #BlackSuicide
Leaving the help info at the end.
Jesse Krimes made this using a prison bedsheet, hair gel, plastic spoons, and NYT clippings. It’s incredible.
#TaneshaAnderson got same treatment as #MarteseJohnson. Her head was also slammed into concrete. She however died.
Income Inequality Is Wider in Atlanta Than in San Francisco or Boston
Chicago Cop Charged in Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Rekia Boyd Heads to Trial. Whoa, they charged a cop? Going to trial? For serious?
Oh. Involuntary manslaughter. Because when you shoot at someone, they die by accident.
rq says
Martese Johnson: Pub Owner Disputes Claims He Was ‘Belligerent’
TW for discussion of suicide. The Night I Spoke Up About My #BlackSuicide
Leaving the help info at the end.
Jesse Krimes made this using a prison bedsheet, hair gel, plastic spoons, and NYT clippings. It’s incredible.
#TaneshaAnderson got same treatment as #MarteseJohnson. Her head was also slammed into concrete. She however died.
Income Inequality Is Wider in Atlanta Than in San Francisco or Boston
Chicago Cop Charged in Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Rekia Boyd Heads to Trial. Whoa, they charged a cop? Going to trial? For serious?
Oh. Involuntary manslaughter. Because when you shoot at someone, they die by accident.
rq says
It is cold out here but we are remembering people. #BlackBrunchMN
She called the police not 30 seconds after we walked in. #BlackBrunchMN
They stared at us through the window. #BlackBrunchMN
Really? How drug testing could actually reduce racial disparities in the workplace
Rash of elementary school suspensions in St. Louis area are a pipeline to problems
Much more at the link.
rq says
And oh boy is Amnesty getting it. I had some photos and vague commentary about some panels, but the next few comments is twitter commentary on Amnesty itself and how it needs to do better.
Let’s start with the question that started it all:
What domestic campaigns could @amnesty work on in the US? #AmnestyM2M #HowToBringHumanRightsHome
And with an example, here’s a petition: The US is ready for a justice system that is both equal and fair
Let’s end the conference the right way, two amazing women of color @rosaclemente @KingCiDot #AmnestyM2M @amnesty
Our Demands #HowtoBringHumanRightsHome #AmnestyM2M 1) continued and additional training for board members on accountability, anti-racism and diversity; 2) black people in managerial positions where the focus is on black liberation work in the US; 3) create offices in locations where blackl iberation work is happening right now.
Amnesty members and protestors issue demands at the Amnesty Plenary re: blackness. #AmnestyM2M
Amnesty has a lot of work to do internally to support and recognize their commitment to undoing racism. Ferguson was just a beginning.
When I publicly asked why @amnesty has no Black Americans on their board, it’s bc no one is above accountability. #AmnestyM2M
rq says
Crap, the intro comment to the Amnesty stuff is in moderation. Harrrrumpppphhhh.
Oh well.
@deray it’s fascinating seeing the surprise at Amnesty. Its history underscores long held elitism at its core. Time for change.
There was a common suggestion, though, that several people raised: Centering black people/voices in any black liberation work. No initiatives that center whiteness in black liberation movement. #AmnestyM2M
Relatedly, Empower domestic poc IN their communities & give them the same resources you give foreign countries. #HowToBringHumanRightsHome #AmnestyM2M
Dont take organizers out of their home communities to work for amnesty – support them where they are #HowToBringHumanRightsHome #AmnestyM2M
How about @amnesty 1: Hire more young Black ppl. 2: Keep them in their own communities. 3: Recognize that Black people are human #AmnestyM2M
@deray A little shocked that Amnesty deploying a delegation to Ferguson was the first time they did it in US. They didn’t do this before?!
I guess they didn’t realize there were still any issues in USAmerica?
rq says
Realize that domestic issues are just as much human rights issues as the issues over seas. #HowToBringHumanRightsHome #AmnestyM2M
I agreed to be involved with this conference because I was led to believe black youth would be present. This is a white space. #AmnestyM2M
Black folks in the org deal with racism from management on a ongoing basis and don’t feel like they have safe spaces. #AmnestyM2M
Case in point: Just heard a manager on staff at @amnesty just said “I can’t work w/them or those demands” #AmnestyM2M
A lot more on their timelines, @Nettaaaaaaaa and @WyzeChef, for those of you on Twitter.
Starbucks isn’t the only company using race politics as a marketing scheme. Uhaul. Making some weird connection between slaves, the path to liberty, and moving trucks. …
Pteryxx says
I did my best to construct a transcript of Ronald Wimberly’s comic essay “Lighten Up”. All the text in brackets is my own description, hoping to preserve some of the impact and inferences of his original artwork.
Lighten Up
Pteryxx says
Somewhere in there I posted my transcript of Ronald Wimberly’s “Lighten Up” comic essay, but it’s in moderation.
rq says
Here’s a resource discovered by Tony: Sociologists for Justice , which has several readable parts:
1) Statement on Ferguson
2) Statement on Grand Jury Decision in Shooting Death of Michael Brown
3) A Ferguson Syllabus
That, followed by a list of material for the reading of, and where you can submit other studies and books.
4) A survey
… And other things, including a nice right-hand sidebar with latest Ferguson news on it. So, just a heads-up on the utility of this website. :)
rq says
Starbucks quits writing ‘Race Together’ on cups
That was fast?
#blackbrunch is a great entry point to action. You get to practice holding space, directly confronting power & maintaining discipline.
Cleveland: #BrandonJones mom just showed up for #TamirRice
#TamirRice ‘s aunt Latonya Goldsby speaks. #BrandonJones
The people blockading traffic again. #BrandonJones
The officer who shot Dontre Hamilton had his hearing to be reinstated today. There was a livestream, but it seems to be done now. A couple of comments:
2 Officers had checked on Dontre twice & determined he was not doing anything wrong. Manney was the 3rd officer to engage him. #DoBetterMKE
‘I am not ready to return to duty, but I want to. Being a police officer is who I am.’ -Ex-Officer Manney, who murdered #DontreHamilton
Please don’t.
rq says
TJ Maxx pulls ‘hang loose’ shirt from stores, with video.
Though why they even had the shirts…
Austin Police tase black man as handcuffed white man runs away. It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.
Tony! The Queer Shoop says
A chance to reduce police killings of the disabled
rq says
Memorial just installed for unarmed #JohnCollado at spot he was shot & killed by NYPD. Vigil starting now. 17 Post Av
9 facts about #JohnCollado, unarmed, shot & killed by NYPD cop who didn’t identify himself as John broke up a fight.
And then the STL County PD tweets this. “Speaking hate or racism? Please do so without our @Twitter handle. We want no part of it. #STL is better than this.”
Yesterday, more protest in Ferguson:
“Stand Up and Fight Back!” #Ferguson March Begins on W. Florissant
If its Shutting Down in #Ferguson @MissJupiter1957 is streaming it
“No Justice, No Profit!” Mobil on W. Florissant Shut Down 4 Previous Racist Behavior to Black Customers #Ferguson
rq says
One more note on Amnesty: @WyzeChef YES. You guys also wouldn’t *believe* the racism from people in the NGO’s/UNICEF programs here in Colombia+LatAmerica #AmnestyM2M
We had to lift this from @afropunk Facebook page. It had to be done #SAEFraternity RETWEET “to be clear white boys singing abt hanging n*gg*rs got them police protection. black ppl chanting Black Lives Matter got them thrown in jail.”
The White-Savior Industrial Complex
It’s gonna be a bestseller! Justice Department’s Ferguson report to be published by New Press. Actually, I think that’s a great idea, to make it a more easily-accessible resource, esp. for academics and scholars and for ordinary people.
Just please price it reasonably. :P
rq says
Starbucks Announces End Of Program Encouraging Baristas To Discuss Race
Another on the same: Starbucks ends ‘Race Together’ coffee cup campaign with push for forums and new stores.
#RaceTogether has a website, here: Race Together. Has videos, opinions and articles, worth an explore, at least!
Overlapping judges, prosecutors weave tangled web in St. Louis County municipal courts
Yeah, all of these connections can be explained away. :P Also, the chart showing all the connections is rather nice. In a spooky, tentacled way.
A tenured professor said to lecture hall “I hope the black students don’t decide to loot the campus center after the die-in.” #NotJustUVA
Pteryxx says
John Oliver spent his most recent show taking apart cities that fleece the poor through revolving fines: (youtube link) (Rawstory summary)
Tashiliciously Shriked says
Pteryxx says
Update on the survivors of torture by John Burge and Chicago police: BoingBoing
Background in a BB article linked earlier: Victims of police torture fight for reparations