It’s a busy few days coming up. This afternoon I’m going to record an interview for a show called Culture Shock on Newstalk Radio, which is broadcast on Thursdays at 10pm on 106-108fm. I’ll be at UCD tonight at 6:30, in Theatre B in the Science Hub.
Tomorrow I hop on a train for Cork, 7pm in Council Chambers Room, 1st floor, North Wing of Main Quadrangle, UCC. I’ll be sharing the stage with a representative from Educate Together, and the subject will be on the importance of a secular education.
On Thursday, I’ll be in Galway, speaking in the O’Flaherty Theatre, NUI Galway, at 6:30 pm. I see they’ve listed a couple of potential topics…maybe I’ll just poll the audience to see which they want to hear.
On Friday, I’ll be talking about Creationism and Complexity in Belfast, 6pm in the Peter Froggatt centre, room G06, at Queens University. We’d also talked about doing a second lecture in Belfast, on evo-devo for general audiences, probably on Saturday, but I haven’t heard any details on that just yet.
Sunday I fly home to collapse in the arms of the Trophy Wife™.
And now you all know where to find me. If I could just get over the jet lag, which hit me something fierce this morning, it should be a fun week.
Zeno says
Whenever I see “UCD” I think of “University of California, Davis” and not “University College Dublin”. (Isn’t “University College” a little redundant?)
Good luck in the land of lapsed Catholicism (which happens to be my own religion).
HappyHax0r says
Anyone notice this? :).
This is positively hilarious ;)
MetzO'Magic says
Looking forward to PZed’s talk tonight in Dublin. Am bringing along some like-minded heathen from work.
Any other Dublin area Pharyngulites attending this evening? It’d be great to meet some of you in meatspace. says
Pictures of PZ at the Atheist Ireland meeting last night and a summary of his appearance on 4FM (Irish talk radio station) with indignant rugby commentator Tom McGurk and professional religious outrageist, Senator Ronan Mullen.
/shameless self-promotion
Very nice to meet you last night, btw, PZ.
Dianne says
What, you haven’t been arrested for blasphemy yet? The Irish are clearly soft on crime.
Gavin McBride says
Hit you something fierce? They have been teaching you Irish-isms haven’t they?
johndanaher1984 says
Awesome, I’ll actually be able to make the cork one.
Paul55 says
PZ, you really must get arrested under the new blasphemy laws before you leave Ireland, if you can’t what hope is there for the rest of us?
Enjoy UCD, it would be interesting to see how lecture theater B has changed in the 14 years since I last attended a lecture there…not much I suspect!
LaTomate says
Arg… you should also come tae Scotland!!
So close… so, so close…
TheCosmicFrog says
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday, PZ. Can’t wait!
cc73 says
Hi PZ,
Welcome to Ireland! It’ll be great to hear you in person on Thursday. You mentioned polling the audience cos NUIG (are greedy and demanding/really interested in hearing everything you have to say (delete as appropriate!)) want you to give two talks!! I know you are on a whistle-stop tour, and have a hectic schedule combined with jetlag, so I’ve a suggestion: Would you be able to weave 5 things I’ve learned from creationists into the talk to illustrate how the rubbish in our genome also influences current behaviour???
As Calvin says: PUH-LEEZE!!!!!
Nostromo says
I… I have seen the man! In Cork! And, and, and, he’s taller than I thought, and much more beautiful in flesh, and I heard his touch cures scrofula! Or is it verruca? I never get those two straight…
Truly, PZ was a bit underemployed, providing US color for the fifty or so locals. The other guy had the scene and the subject for him. But I hope PZ gets at least a decent Murphy’s, and renounces Guinness altogether!