He has written recently about the terrorism in Mumbai.
Grand old hotel, in an increasingly progressive and prosperous India: Suddenly, hundreds of innocent, unsuspecting people are hostages, some of them being systematically murdered. Bombs are exploding, people are screaming, military are descending into the chaos, TV crews are coming from everywhere to broadcast the carnage worldwide.
Yes, it was a terrible and shocking event. However, he really doesn’t care about Indians suffering and dying — he wants to warn Americans that it could happen here.
Look around. Watch your evening news. Read your newspaper.
Oh, Pat! I have! Where are these terrorists bombing buildings and gunning people down?
Have you not seen the awful similarity between what happened in Mumbai and what’s happening right now in our cities?
In our cities? Now? I checked the news web sites right away — they seem to have missed it. All looks quiet. Give me a better hint, Pat.
I refer to California’s Proposition 8. You haven’t heard about the well-oiled campaign to find out the names of every voter and business that contributed as much as $1,000, or even much less, in support of Prop 8? You haven’t heard about the announced plans to boycott, demonstrate, intimidate and threaten each one – because they dared to vote to retain marriage as between one man and one woman? You haven’t seen, on the evening news, prominent entertainers and even California Gov. Schwarzenegger, urging the demonstrators on, telling them they should “never give up” until they get their way?
Uh, Pat, gay people aren’t threatening to kill anyone — they are demanding civil and judicial action. How divorced from reality are you?
Slavery was abolished, blacks and women obtained the rights to vote, and these true rights were not obtained by threats and violent demonstrations and civil disruption (though these things did occur, of course), but by due process, congressional deliberations and appropriate ratification.
Oh. On Pat Boone’s Alternate Earth, the Civil War never happened, and the 50s and 60s were placid periods where lawyers and politicians quietly and without fanfare enacted civil rights laws in the absence of any citizen action. How nice.
What troubles me so deeply, and should trouble all thinking Americans, is that there is a real, unbroken line between the jihadist savagery in Mumbai and the hedonistic, irresponsible, blindly selfish goals and tactics of our homegrown sexual jihadists.
I don’t quite know what to say, Pat. I don’t believe that the thinking Americans will be troubled by your imaginary line, but perhaps the purblind ignorant ones will be…so it makes sense that you’re peddling this rancid tripe on WorldNutDaily.
Well oiled huh? Pat, what are you thinking about?
There’s just so much stupidity in that it hurts.
If people like Boone don’t STFU, then there may be violence caused by gays who don’t want to wait until Boone and other people like him die of natural causes.
I’m not advocating acts of terrorism, but I can see how some people get motivated into becoming terrorists. Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski didn’t wake up one morning and decide “I think I’ll blow something up just for grins and giggles.”
“Sexual jihadists.” Too funny.
I never, ever liked Pat Boone
The man has evil in his soul;
And not cos he’s a whackaloon,
But what he did to Rock and Roll.
Stick to singing, Pat.
I’d never heard of this guy before, but what’s the deal with all the extremely conservative men named Pat?
Pat Toomey
Pat Robertson
Pat Buchanan
Pat Boone
In any case, I think it goes without saying that this Boone fellow is a fool, and certainly unqualified to say what should trouble thinking Americans.
Actually I do remember a “well-oiled” campaign seeking out the names of companies donating funds… in opposition of prop. 8, and seeking to damage their reputations!
I’m a total Sexual Jihadist… and I love it!!!
As they say, with one hand Pat Boone giveth and the other he taketh away. Good ol’ Pat should’ve stuck to singing/songwriting. Oh well, at least this punditry provides Pat with ample distraction from eating charbroiled baby flesh, another one of his favorite past-times.
And you want us to believe Pat that you didnt do any drugs in the 60’s? I think your veracity is in question.
I’m bemused by Boone’s description of the American Civil War:
“I’m a total Sexual Jihadist… and I love it!!!”
There’s a beheading/giving head joke in there somewhere.
“Oh. On Pat Boone’s Alternate Earth, the Civil War never happened, and the 50s and 60s were placid periods where lawyers and politicians quietly and without fanfare enacted civil rights laws in the absence of any citizen action. How nice.”
Appalling music, appalling opinions. Not that much of a shock, really.
‘violent demonstrations and civil disruption’ – I must have missed this! Have there been homosexuals and those liberal elitists they associate with frolicking in the streets, blocking traffic?
He must watch Fox news, all the other media channels refuse to report on the terror Californians are facing.
“There’s a beheading/giving head joke in there somewhere.”
Well, one gives you head, while the other takes it away…
I’ve always thought that Pat Boone was gay. When he did album of covered metal tunes, I saw him somewhere on TV dressed in some leather. He seemed to be enjoying it too much… like it was something he’d really been wanting to do.
Riiight, because there’s nothing scarier than gay men and women. ESPECIALLY with that rainbow we use for GLBT groups. I mean, what IS that rainbow? WE’VE MADE RAINBOWS THE MARK OF DEMONIC DEATH. KEEP YOUR KIDS AWAY FROM CRAYONS AND ‘THE WIZARD OF OZ!!!’
Seriously, though. It’s incredible that people can say that kind of stuff and still take themselves seriously.
Somebody needs to declare a sexual jihad against Pat. That guys needs to get some action.
I have his album of heavy metal covers, “In a Metal Mood: No More Mr Nice Guy”, and rather like it.
But I’m glad I bought it used.
one man, one woman, one man, one woman, one man, one woman It’s like talking to rain man with these people.
One would think that Boone realized that whining about gays was counterproductive. Boone helped get Steve Beshear elected as governor of Kentucky by claiming Beshear would support “every homosexual cause.” As part of the campaign, Boone asked, “Now do you want a governor who’d like Kentucky to be another San Francisco?” The backlash was quite helpful to Beshear.
Sexual jihadists? Wait, aren’t the jihadists religious extremists trying to impose their rigid social dogma on others?
This guy is so stupid on so many levels.
We should have a sexual jihadist pride parade with honorary car bombings, free gay porn pamphlets, and bombs that are filled with KY jelly… ^_^
Good ol’ Pat Loonie Boonie. He has had several weird epiphanies over the years, many never coming to public scrutiny.
“I’d never heard of this guy before, but what’s the deal with all the extremely conservative men named Pat?”
Sexual confusion. “Pat” is a normalized, yet unisex moniker. Sort of like naming a boy “Sue”, but more subtle; if you want your son to grow up as a tight-sphinctered bible-flogger, name him Pat.
And lo, he doth speak:
“You haven’t heard about the announced plans to boycott, demonstrate, intimidate and threaten each one”
Boycotting? Demonstrating? Not in America! No, when we’re unhappy with something, we just sublimate our disappointment and just continue doing nothing! Suck up that disenfranchisement, go back to work, maybe we’ll give you some therapy if you’re nice.
I think SC said something about the emphasis on “politeness” and “civil debate” (thick and heavy quotation marks here) being a tool to oppress the weak. This pretty much proves it.
“Have you not seen the angry distorted faces of the rioters, seen their derogatory and threatening placards and signs”
“but I’m referring to the anger, the vehemence, the total disregard for law and order and the supposed rights of their fellow citizens.”
You don’t know the meaning of the word “anger”. You don’t know the meaning of the word “rights”.
And you ain’t seen nothing yet, you ignorant homophobic shitstain.
Escuerd @ #7,
And someone linked the other day to some creepy screeds on Pat Sajak’s site. It’s a riddle.
Suddenly, hundreds of innocent, unsuspecting people are hostages, some of them being systematically murdered. Bombs are exploding, people are screaming, military are descending into the chaos, TV crews are coming from everywhere to broadcast the carnage worldwide.
And this is just like … people getting married?
I really would not hire Pat Boone as a wedding singer.
Are we talking about this guy? http://pabe.files.wordpress.com/2006/06/Patboone.jpg
What a dumn fuck. Why is it, apart from the obvious repression, that for so many Americans (religious ones) the issue of gay people is such a trigger for inanity? Where is the religious/sexual centre of their being that sees other peoples’ sexual habits as the nexus of all evil?
And why the fuck do they pay no attention to the real evil in the world, such as the Mumbai massacre?
Meanwhile elsewhere in the world, they’re murdering albinos through superstition:
Evil lies so far from what they think it is
More tripe:
“Poor Darwin’s false religion”
“Charles Darwin’s unfunny joke”
Sing along with Pat and his white bucks: “Muddled thinking, more deadly than the dullest knife. Muddled thinking, your muddy logic snuffed my lightbulb’s life!”
@Nathan Schroeder, #30
You have just made my day ^_^
“Have you not seen the angry distorted faces of the rioters, seen their derogatory and threatening placards and signs”
“but I’m referring to the anger, the vehemence, the total disregard for law and order and the supposed rights of their fellow citizens.”
Oh. Well, at least he’s on our side for the FFRF sign in Washington state.
Cooling down now…I suppose I should just be proud of being a “sexual jihadist”, even though I’m straight and very single. I hope to see T-shirts with that slogan at every demonstration though. “If you do not meet our demands, we will set off the sex bomb!”
“I saw him somewhere on TV dressed in some leather. He seemed to be enjoying it too much… like it was something he’d really been wanting to do.”
Now now, plenty of heteros are into leather too.
Yeah, you can be sure Pat would so totally have been a champion of those “true rights” at the time of those struggles.
wOOt, brother.
Sexual jihadists? Really?
Clearly this guy is not familiar with the fact that the crazy Islamic fundamentalists who perpetrated these acts are IN COMPLETE %&@$ING AGREEMENT with him with respect to gay rights.
…and he stinks as a singer too.
Can’t act, cant sing, can’t think clearly. Yep, Boone is an all around fucktard.
That’s really enough. I have read a lot of crazy things lately, but putting people who (in the vast majority of cases) peacefully and rightfully protest for equality next to murderous terrorists is so outrageous (and an unbelievable insult of the victims in India) that I can hardly express my anger. Too bad people like homophobic Mr Pat “Medieval” Boone are incapable of feeling ashamed about their own nefariousness.
Anyway, Boone should be a bit more careful not to cross the line to hate speech. That’s very thin ice, Pat…
how can he possibly compare what happened in mumbai with prop 8 in california? i haven’t seen protesters bombing hotels, train stations or chabad houses. i haven’t seen drive by shootings.
he must of inhaled during the sixties which has caused him to not remember the civil rights marches, protests, lynchings, and other unrest of the era.
he seems to neglect to remember that in the bible there are actually eight different forms of “marriage” accepted. not simply between “a man” and “a woman.”
methinks the man is becoming senile in his old age.
“Sexual jihadist” might be my new favorite phrase.
So PZ, I guess you won’t be attending the worldnutdaily cruise?
I’m sure it will be a hoot.
Funny. I’ve protested in Gay Rights events, and still have always seemed to miss the “sacrifice a virgin straight Christian” finaly. Am I just leaving too early? And wasn’t propostiton 8 a way of inciting mob rule to overturn judicial rule? Now, my wife and I definately feel the threat to our marriage from the gay community. Just the other day, I wanted to watch “Dawn of the Dead” and she wanted to watch “Lord of the Rings.” Thanks to the GLB community, we only have one TV, thus threatening the fabric of our relationship. But I think civil rights are an issue we should be past voting on at this point. Are we going to vote on legalizing beating children with wire coat hangers next? Good old family values? Jeebus Crackers!
Honestly, I find it hard to accept that this guy both understands and believes what he says.
If this was fifty years ago, he’d be telling black people to quiet down.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should not attempt to work under the influence of excessive amounts of hallucinogens.
Seems to be fairly typical of the thought pattern for religious right-wingnuts: lump everything I don’t like into the box marked “bad”; everything in that box can be equated, therefore, Muslins (sic), Obama, gays, “leftists”, atheists, libruls, and terrorists are interchangeable.
My thought process is marginally more subtle: I’ve just thrown Pat Boone into the box marked “douchenozzles”
Sexual jihadists?
“I want my 72 virgins, NOW!!!”
While the term “sexual jihadist” is new to me, I think it would well fit the Taliban forcing women to wear Burkas.
Them, and California’s Mormons campaigning for proposition 8. After all, they were doing God’s work too.
By the way “jihad” doesn’t strictly mean “holy war” in Arabic-in fact it describes any kind of persistent, hard effort, which is another reason I think it would be pretty descriptive for the Mormons.
And this is the guy who made a mint off of “Tutti Frutti”, written and originally performed by a gay black man… Little Richard.
Of course he butchered the song turning it into WASPy pop fizz.
To those who noticed the lack of a full-stop/period at the end of my #47, it wasn’t a punctuation error on my part, it’s just that I’m currently saving up black dots in order to engage in profligate ellipsis abuse in future.
It is legal to physically chastise your child in this state (MN) and most others, I think. There is some fine legal line around not leaving marks,IIRC.
sexual jihadists.
Mann.. I have to remember that to use in a sentence sometime, somewhere, that’s hilariously awesome.
he wants to warn Americans that it could happen here.
As for actually real Islamic fundamentalist bombings in American cities, the truth is it can happen here. I know that isn’t what he really meant, as he just wanted to tie Mumbai to Prop 8 and therefore call anti-prop 8 protesters “terrorists”, but for real, actual terrorism only a fool would say it can never happen here.
Well, duh. Obviously he had to divorce reality, because any marriage with reality would not have constituted a traditional union between a man and a woman.
Let’s not forget the Suffrage Movement. They had to crack some heads and make a royal pain in the ass of it for the powers-that-be. No one gives you any rights. You can only take them.
What. An. Ass.
All that bland lounge rock must have damaged his brain.
I told my wife I was going to declare sexual jihad on her and she laughed at me :~(
So you can beat small children in the guts with a bar of soap in a sock.</sarcasm>
My Opinion:
I think Pat Boone was too busy making his career by stealing lyrics and music without payment from black people (notably Little Richard) to remember the unrest of the civil rights movement. If anything, he profited handsomely by the inequity which allowed him to make unauthorized and unpaid “white friendly” covers of “black” music in an era where blacks like Little Richard had little realistic recourse against white thieves backed by the record industry.
Sorry, dear: raisins. (Seriously, was there anything to this? Anyone know the latest consensus?)
Phew. I knew there must be an explanation. I can see how you would have become envious of my extensive collection…
It’s times like these I wish Bill Hicks was still with us.
I can just picture him up on stage, in black, mic in one hand and cigarette in the other, saying. ‘Pat Boone is telling people what they should and shouldn’t do. Pat fucking Boone. Y’all remember him? Of all the wastes of sperm on this planet I struggle to think of a bigger, more embarrassing one than PAT FUCKING BOONE! Now there’s a man who didn’t use talent to get where he got. Not Pat Boone. He’s one of those guys who SUCKED SATAN’S COCK!’
Thus spake SC, OM:
Why are you in-sultana-n ordinary dried fruit? I, for one, won’t be recruited into this currant campaign against raisins!
Look, I’m plum tired of your jumping to conclusions. Follow me or not – I really don’t give a fig.
It’s an upcoming new program on Fox news:
Pat Boone and Paris Hilton
My grandmother used to say Pat Boone always reminded her of “a little pink penis”.
Which one?
Olbermann is on it.
Question: if these nitwits are so concerned with one man/one woman marriages, why aren’t they fighting as hard against divorce?
Sexual jihadists? Am I the only one who pictured strippers swinging TNT vests over their heads as they straddle a metal pole when I read that?
This man is a classic example of being full of shit because his head is shoved too far up is ass.
i’ll be checking very carefully for road-side ISDs (improvised sexual devices) on my way home today. am i the only one?
Thus spake SC, OM:
Nuts! At least, going by your performance to date.
On second thought, I think I just made a discovery. Jihad, just like reproduction, comes in two forms: sexual, and asexual.
That could actually mean the jihadis’ motivation: those who cite the virgins as their ultimate desire, as opposed to those who claim they have other reasons for their actions.
Must’ve been the weather-weary Holy Spirit…Pat’s toupee ran away from him in protest. If I were suddenly morphed into Pat’s toupee, I would react in like fashion. You can’t blame a runaway toupee….After all, Pat Boone is a time-warped ferret:
Advice for Pat: Just because something is traditional is no reason to do it, of course. Piracy, for example, is a tradition that has been carried on for hundreds of years but that does not mean we should all attack ships and steal their gold. Think about it.
The one with the saggy foreskin.
No, it burns…
I think I’ve got a couple of those upstairs.
Crap. I’m on a list now, aren’t I?
I thought this was just idiotic, until I came to the part about slavery ending without violence. After that, it was just surreal.
Hey, all my little “Sexual Jihadists” out there…remember to wear your protection. Love, Mom…
good point
Sigh. Every time I think we’ve ended our little game muesli-p back in for another round. Let me a scone question: Is it just sour grapes?
Among the many groups that gathered in Bombay last week the 1000s to protest against the government’s incompetence, were the traditional transgender and gay communities of Bombay. So this group condemns the Bombay massacre just as Pat Boone does? Doesn’t add up!
Pat Boone and George Bush, two has-beens desperate for a career.
Thus spake SC, OM:
Not on my part. I usually find that Americans trail Micks in such games.
For the people who died in Mumbai, this would be offensive and trivializing their grief- what an example of Christian love
Casualties for 17 Sept 1862 at Antietam:
Deaths: 3650
Wounded: 17,300
Missing & captured: 1,770
“These are the approximate numbers for September 17th, 1862. No one knows the actual number of men who would later die of their wounds or the number of missing who had been killed. If you take a conservative estimate of 20% of the wounded dying of their wounds and 30% of the missing killed, the approximate number of soldiers that died as a result of this battle are 7,640.”
There’s coverage on there about his comments, and “our” response!
I never knew that wearing a little rainbow flag on my backpack was such a … vigorous and very nearly violent thing to do. I saw it as a fairly low-key way of showing support for LGBT people. DAMN it feels good to be a jihadist(of sorts). Now I see why being a jihadist has been such a popular and enduring thing.
Could somebody please tell me how to add quotation html codes? I’ve got a rebuke against Boone readied up, but it’ll be awkward to read without indentations.
Methinks he doth protest too much, I always assumed assumed Pat Boone was gay.
Sexual Jihadists carry bombs between their legs.
Emmett Caulfield @51 “it’s just that I’m currently saving up black dots in order to engage in profligate ellipsis abuse in future.”
Saving them for what–an ellipsis jihad? That’s kind of corny, don’t you think?
Oh? And how do you think your dirty hide rates?
“He must of inhaled during the sixties which has caused him to not remember the civil rights marches, protests, lynchings, and other unrest of the era.”
No, see, the problem is that he DIDN’T inhale. He’s always been a closed-minded, intolerant, holier-than-thou butthead.
Inhaling might have made all the difference.
Not even wrong, Mister Boone.
What’s next, an appeal to wholesome popular sentiment rather than the rule of law?
The MadPanda, FCD
PS Thou gorbellied rude-growing puttock!
ugh. say it to my face, motherfucker.
The next wingut who holds up the civil rights movement and suffrage in order to vilify me will make me straight up vomit. This is real talk.
Try this:
Let me try that again…
Pat, if you’re so intent on protecting the sanctity of Holy Matrimony, then why not abolish divorce first? As far as I can tell, that’s a bigger threat to your notion of a “traditional” marriage.
Other guys against Prop 8 include Barack Obama, Google, Steve Jobs, Spielberg, and at least two US senators whose names escape me for the moment.
Yeah, you’re right, Mr. Boone – you hit the nail right on the head. The GOP and religious right have become a den of jihadist savagery and hedonistic, irresponsible, blindly selfish goals. Oh I’m sorry, were you talking about somebody else?
@Sir Craig
Thanks – I checked the source code for your previous post to get the format XD
I had no idea that Pat Boone was still alive, let alone spouting such reprehensible tripe.
It seems self-evident, having looked at several of his articles, that ol’ Pattie somewhat neglected his education. Hell, his biggest, strongest point against ToE is “no transitional fossils” – which shows that his head is either in the sand of firmly ensconced in the far end of his own digestive tract.
I want to find an uninhabited island somewhere, and populate it with people inoculated against the stupid.
Wikipedia is getting kind of creepy.
I tried to refresh my memory as to who he is…
If you go down to the “politics” section, our objections are already noted.
Earth π?
Also sprach SC, OM:
Gingerly, I’d say well.
Pat Boone is a talentless, reeking, puddle of day-old worm fuck. And, of course he’s chiseling out his insanity on World Net Daily. If ever there was anyone whose existence on this earth was to provide nothing more than giggle-fodder for those around him, it’s Pat freakin’ Boone.
Still… I think we may need to organize a PZ Myers/Pat Boone debate.
Twin-Skies: Not a problem – I live to enlighten.
Funny, I always equated the Mormon/Catholic campaign against marriage equality as more jihad-like than the efforts of offended and outraged citizens who oppose the outcome of that well- financed (well-oiled?) disinformation campaign that bamboozled 52% of CA citizens. Silly me.
“There came unto the High Chapperal one who had studied in the school of the Purple Sage and of the Hung Mung Tong and of the Illuminati and of the many other schools; and this one had found no peace yet.
Yea: of the Discordians and the teachers of Mummu and of the Nazarene and of the Buddha he had studied; and he had found no peace yet.
And he spake to the High Chapperal and said: Give me a sign, that I may believe.
And the High Chapperal said unto him: Leave my presence, and seek ye the horizon and the sign shall come unto you, and ye shall seek no more.
And the man turned and sought of the horizon; but the High Chapperal crept up behind him and raised his foot and did deliver a most puissant kick in the man’s arse, which smarted much and humiliated the seeker grievously.
He who has eyes to see, let him read and understand.
–“The Book of Grandmotherly Kindness”, from The Dishonest Book of Lies, by Mordecai Malignatus, K.N.S.
Heretic @88
WTF? How come every homophobic whackjob has to hit for my team? Its bad enough when someone like Ted Haggard gets outed because his meth-dealing prostitute felt morally uncomfortable with Haggard’s hypocrisy. Nooooo, every theocratic nut with a blog who spouts anti-gay rhetoric gets labeled a closeted homo.
Could we quit that already? Unless they get caught offering to fellate a cop in an airport bathroom or their meth dealer outs them, they are straight, OK?
NickG @ 107. I agree wholeheartedly.
I play for the same big team, and if by chance he does bat for our team I vote we give him back
Heh. Looks like the Rev., seeing we were back, cranberry far from this thread. (And who could blame him?)
Sorry – you know you’re the apple of my eye, but I do have to take a break. I’ll let you have the last word for now.
Personally I thought the creepy part of that article was this:
Now I’m the one who’s offended – what’d straights do to get stuck in the same cut of cloth as these nuts? Can’t we just leave their sexuality in the backburner and assume that they’re this way ’cause they haven’t gotten any in a very long time, regardless of which way they swing?
So Ted Haggard was straight until he got exposed? ;)
Geoff said,”Hell, his biggest, strongest point against ToE is “no transitional fossils”
Yeah Geoff, he need only to look in the mirror to discover he’s the missing link…but unfortunately he can’t pull his head out from his arse far enough to do even that.
I have to ask myself, does anyone really care what Pat Boone has to say…I’m mean really? Line him up with the Osmons and their aggregate IQ is (I’m guessing now Emmet :-) still a stanine or two south of normal.
Thus spake SC, OM:
Indeed, one can have too much of a good thing, or too much, too soon. Guava break, you deserve it.
P.S. Please don’t bran-d me a coward. I’m just a little sleepy.
Twinskies: you use
<blockquote>quoted text</blockquote>
and it will show up like this:
And to make the brackets appear in the text, I used < and > and the ampersand requires & – that’s the only way to get pointy brackets into the text of a comment it seems.
At least, that looks right on the preview. But previewing replaces stuff with the character it represents – < will show in the text entry block as < if you preview it, so copy your comment before you preview and paste it in again if you preview – not a problem for the blockquote tags though.
Let me see if I understand this. LGBT(especially T) people have to live in fear getting beaten up or killed by someone who could get off on the twinkie or gay panic defense and they are the violent ones? The only time that I know of that there was real violence done by the gay community was during the Stonewall Riots and I can’t blame them for finally having enough of being treated like criminals and second class citizens in what is supposed to be a free country. Pat is a conservative, which means that he wants to return to the “good” old days before gays “existed”. Bastard.
well they probably are getting some, just not in ways their co-parishiners would agree with.
I like the way “sexual jihadist” sounds. I want to add it to my business card.
Don’t you wish all jihadits were sexual jihadists? Sadly, all of them are religious fuckwits.
Ted Haggart is completely heterosexual.
OK. Somebody’s got to draw a lime somewhere: the pear of us need some rest.
So we have another braindead right-wing loon spouting nonsense…YAWN
Just that this one reckons he can sing.
And Emmet and SC,get a motel room already you two…:-)
Pat Boone?
He didn’t even matter when he was a pop star, singing black artists songs, because the radio stations wouldn’t play songs sung by black people. And that was 60 years ago.
What an old prick.
What can you expect from the idiot who sang the “Speedy Gonzales” song.
Well, this is, after all, the person who did THIS to Metallica’s “Enter Sandman.”
Cuttlefish is right; the man is simply evil!
It’s quite obvious that Pat is referring to the supporters of Prop. 8, so I wholeheartedly agree with him. No, wait… um… I get it… this kook is krazy! (Actually, I think the term “sexual jihadist” describes the supporters of Prop. 8 quite nicely.)
damn. Just looked that up. I had no idea.
@Feynmaniac, #110
Yes, that part of the article was very, VERY creepy. I think it says a lot about Pat Boone’s sanity and thought process.
Thus spake clinteas:
Never: we only do it so dirty voyeurs like you can watch ;o)
This is a stretch for anyone, even Pat not the brightest anything Boone. Please tell me even his fellow nut jobs are deriding him for being so overbearingly insensitive about the recent terrorists attacks just to build up some more anti-homosexual sentiments. I’m sure the gays are just like terrorists , and even Satan himself (kicked out of heaven for making a pass at Gabriel…or so I hear)! Really, the most threatening thing I’ve ever seen a gay person have is a pair of handcuffs, and they were at least fuzzy and padded to go easy on the wrists, a lot more humane then what are government has been using I’m sure.
There is only one appropriate term for posts like Mr. Boone’s:
Vicious Idiocy.
The terrorists at Mumbai massacred large numbers of people while, to the best of my knowledge, no one has been murdered for supporting Proposition 8 so one has to avoid simply lumping these two together. There is no moral equivalency. That being said in both cases we are seeing people operate on the assumption that they have the Truth and those who disagree with them are not just wrong but in some sense satanic. This is a cause for concern. It is the same concern I have about much of the rhetoric from the religious right. The moment that a person’s opponents are not just wrong but the enemies of truth, morality, liberty and whatever else you may choose to add than one becomes justified in overturning the democratic process and even turning toward violence. I support gay marriage simply on libertarian grounds. The debate on gay marriage, though, has turned into a question of not of whether or not there should be gay marriage but whether someone can oppose gay marriage without being foolish, wicked, bigoted or an enemy of liberty, freedom and equal rights. The moment that you believe that this is the case than lots of very illiberal things come into play as legitimate option. It becomes okay to try to get around the democratic process by going to the courts. It also becomes okay to threaten people who do not support gay marriage. In the end there is nothing stopping one from turning to violence and even murder in the name of the cause.
Rey Fox:
Polyester Pat couldn’t be talking about us, could he? A couple days ago we were branded as the Nerds Who Never Ever Get Any. Can’t they make up their feeble little minds?
I’m sure Plastic Pat knows all about piracy. It’s what costs him millions in lost record sales. Or at least it would if anybody on the planet wanted to listen to his music.
Please tell me even his fellow nut jobs are deriding him for being so overbearingly insensitive about the recent terrorists attacks just to build up some more anti-homosexual sentiments.
I suspect it is more likely that they would be sitting around discussing how the atheists and homosexuals on Pharyngula are suppressing Boone’s message of Love from Gawd with our hate-speach.
Conservatives in this country are such pansies now that America has been without any real revolutionary movement since the 1970s. They used to get freaked out by things like general strikes in San Francisco or armed students occupying administration buildings. These days you threaten them with a boycott and they act like you’ve declared the Red Terror.
Aww, c’mon NickG & Coopsmom – the point about labelling homophobic ranters as closet cases isn’t to insult us LGBTQ folks. It’s to make it hilariously difficult for homophobes to keep their credibility.
“Crazy homophobic ranting? Check that guy out: he must be gay! It’s scienterrifically proven, you know.” Then watch their heads explode.
I think clinteas is waiting for the cherry reference that’ll lead us back to the earlier theme. Gee, persimmon sympathy with his needs, but really. :)
Hey Cath @ #138 I get the point of calling folks like Pat Boone closet cases; I just don’t accept the whole idea that being gay is a bad thing that should make their (often) wee little heads explode. I’m proud of who and how I am and do not accept any part of it being an insult. IMHO it’s so fourth grade.
That’s just my feeling- anyone is free to see it differently and I mean no offense.
At what point do we get to call people like Pat what they are: Religious fascists.
I think we should maybe give Boone a little more credit. After all, he has seen the work of God first-hand.
From the Wikipedia site
“It is said that Pat Boone witnessed a prophecy given to then governor Ronald Reagan that he would be president of the United States[citation needed].”
And now the Wikipedia article can cite me as the proof of this event.
Wait, didn’t the religious right order a boycott of Ford and/or McDonalds related to support of gay rights? Does that make them sexual jihadists too?
you’re right. going to the courts is evil and should be illegal. wouldn’t want something like this to happen again: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v._Virginia
Pat Boone has always been a simpering idiot. I couldn’t stand him back in the 50’s when I was a young teenager. His music was beyond appalling and even then he was deeply into religious drivel. How can you expect anyone who believes God twaddle to have an ounce of logic?
Thus spake SC, OM:
Yeah, but really honeydew think we should? Probably better to squash his hopes than mention melons.
It worked really well with Eric Atkinson. After we called him a self-hating homophobe he got really angry and I haven’t seen him back since. Doing this frequently shuts the bigot up. I am worried however that this tactic can be seen as implicitly validating their bigotry.
I know. Even if someone were to hound desiccant keep it up forever. It has been di-vine, though. Really grape, but I don’t want to plant the seeds of wrath.
Pat Boone’s still alive?
I’m sure Plastic Pat knows all about piracy. It’s what made him millions…
(Ok, so I’m characterising “piracy” as including “plagiarism”, but the distinction really seems to me to be artificial).
“That’s how a free republic works. Our people consecrated our Constitution and determined to live within its provisions, voluntarily. It was determined that the will of the voting majority would rule, though it was subject to change if the majority will changed.
There never were any “rights” granted or designated to those who dissented with the will of the majority, other than the same rights all citizens have to work through the democratic process to accomplish their purposes.”
Civics FAIL.
Anthony K/#31:
Because the religious fascists need gays to fulfill Britt’s 3rd characteristic of a fascist agenda: Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause – The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. You might as well throw gays into that mix.
The foot soldiers already have a lot of ignorance and petty fears; their clergy prey on all that to stir them up with us v them paranoia. And the group gets a nasty form of cohesion and sense of purpose (never mind the clergyman also “reminding” them of their duty to be obedient to God’s servant–HIM). Now they’re ready for battle. Martyrdom awaits!
Same old bullshit.
Bad news. God agrees with him.
Actually, this makes me think about education and whatnot.
Does anyone know what Pat Boone’s educational history is? Did the fucker ever even graduate highschool?
He doesn’t sound like it.
Randy: Hahahaha! Too bad you weren’t a fundie, so I could say, “Who gives a fuck what the invisible sky boy thinks?”
Y’know, I’m an American. I have a professional degree and at present I am in school obtaining a second one. I’d like to think I’m part of “all thinking Americans.”
I’m also the “L” part of LGBT.
Rhetoric such as Mr Boone’s is deeply hurtful. Even though I know he’s ignorant and deluded he’s still hurtful. I’m not violent, I’m not a savage, and surely I’m not a jihadist.
My very existence, and my marriage to another “L,” is not a threat to him, his marriage, or anyone else’s marriage.
The fact that rhetoric such as his leads to . . . well, we all know about Matthew Shepard, Gwen Araujo, Lawrence King . . . unfortunately the list goes on.
I – I just – shit.
A sample of Pat’s talent
The strangest thing about this, to me, is that his arguments all seem to be self defeating. He states that rights movements for blacks and women didn’t use this level of violence, but even if this were true, which as you all keep pointing out, it isn’t, these movements have been successful. So what is Pat’s point? “Look dudes this is gonna happen, but can we fight if or a while til I am dead and don’t have to see it”. Ok Pat. He also argues that Marriage is not a governmental creation, which again seems to defeat what he intends it to be. I also assert that Marriage is not a governmental creation, so can the government pleas kindly get the fuck out of it? His argument is the same as mine; let the churches regulate who they want to marry. Hate is hate, he ends. And again he destroys his own argument, what is he, drunk? Did he just drop pill and liquor bottles randomly on the keyboard until they formed sentences?
One thing has become much more apparent to me since I started reading Pharyngula: religionuts can’t construct a worth-a-damn simile, metaphor, or analogy.
The washed up former neighbour of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne (that’s how I know of him) notes that teh gays! are selfish.
Well knock my down with a stolen Little Richard song! Here I was thinking that prop 8 was opposed by not only teh gays! but also by a large number of hetro people, with little to gain but a more just society and that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you know you’ve helped annoy a fundamentalist bigot ex “rocker”. Aparently not. Damn selfish teh gays!
But then again, I wasn’t aware that taking part in sancationed, non-violent protest action and boycotting certain buisnesses was the same, morally, as the murder of more than 200 innocent people (spurred on by a big helping of our good friend religion no less). Seems I’ve got a lot to learn.
Smart pundits? Isn’t that like saying, when referring to a dog, “He’s smart, for a dog”? In the case of pundits I suppose it would be more along the lines of “He’s smart, for a potted plant”, given the great intellect that is Fox News and especially Bill Kristol.
The last I heard, the whole raisin thing had been disapruned by voters. Virgins were simply so much more apeeling.
That’s probably because religious nuts are so blinded by their convictions that it prevents them from making sound rational judgement and critical thought.
Actually not just religious nuts – just about every obsessed fanboy and /b/tard I’ve ever met seems incapable of constructing a “worth-a-damn simile, metaphor, or analogy.”
Writing hate letters
In the sand…
Olbermann covered this tonight and had a vid of Pat on the backscreen.
He looked like he’d just oozed out of a George Romero flick
Ah yes. But you see, democracy != majority rule. It means “rule by the people” not “the biggest group gets to tell the smaller groups what for”. That’s why democracies have constitutions and bills of rights and Supreme Courts – to put a check on the natural tendency that we humans have of oppressing each other.
I don’t think there is a logically valid reason for opposing gay marriage. You are welcome to disagree, but I think the evidence supports me.
Countries in which gay marriage is legal:
South Africa
Ranking of these countries in the UN’s Human Development Index (respectively):
2, 4, 9, 13, 16, 121
OK, so South Africa isn’t doing so well…but that might have something to do with AIDS and the legacy of apartheid and all that, so it’s hardly a test case. My point is that the massive social collapse predicted by anti-gay marriage zealots doesn’t seem to have happened in any of these places. The sky has failed to fall.
Twin-Skies, if you go back through the archives – I’m assuming you’re new here ’cause I don’t recognise the name – and read through all the cracker-related threads you’ll find out just how right you are. The papists tried over and over to explain to us just how important their biscuity jesus is to them, and how awful it would be to desecrate it via hundreds of piss-poor analogies.
For the best examples of all you should familiarise yourself with the work of the oft-scorned (usually by myself, but also by others) Pete Rooke, who would be winning gold medals at the Olympics if bad analogies were considered a sport.
Go here for one of his gems – but be warned, it’s some seriously sick shit.
I noticed most news sites allow people to leave comments on stories. But not World Net Daily. I guess their position cannot hold up to conflicting opinions.
Pat Boone is correct about one thing, marriage is a religious tradition. Therefore Prop 8 is unconstitutional by the first amendment. It should be up to individual churches to decide whether to marry gay couples. I noticed some of the gay marriages that took place happened in churches with clergy officiating. Prop 8 interferes with the religious observances of those churches that support gay marriage. It is government interference with the religious creeds of the people in those churches.
Just had to share this: http://www.divine-interventions.com/index2.php
Pat Boone says: No “rights” were ever granted to citizens on the basis of their sexual habits or lifestyle. There simply are no such “rights.”
That’s funny Pat, because the Proposition 8 ballot was titled “Eliminates Rights of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.” Oh well, time for a do-over I guess. Pat sure wouldn’t have a problem with a a do-over, I’m sure!
“There simply are no such rights.” — Pat Boone, legal scholar, and biblical authority.
*genteel embarrassed cough*
Actually, Twin-Skies admitted to being, er, a papist.
However, I am reluctant to condemn without cause, and Twin-Skies has given no sign of being worthy of condemnation (unlike an atheist or two we both can think of), so: Innocent until proven otherwise.
Yes, I’m new here. And yes, I read through about the kid who tried to steal the unleavened bread during Communion. This is the link I believe:
As a Catholic myself – though by US standards I’d rate as extremely liberal – a good portion of my life was spent being indoctrinated into the sacredness of that cracker you mention. While I was initially appalled at Webster Cook’s actions, the reactions of the churchgoers was even worse.
In my part of the world, if anybody tried to pull off the same stunt as Cook did, I’d imagine the congregation would just sit quietly and let him be. He’d probably then get a stern warning and lecture from the priest on why he shouldn’t do that. He’d still be welcome to sit at the next mass, though there won’t be any more wafers for him.
But no – the community in Cook’s case just had to manhandle him, and the so-called religious leaders decided to turn what should have been a small and forgettable altercation into a scandal.
Was Cook wrong in doing that? I’d say yes, it was rude and uncalled for. One the other hand, I found it even more stupefying that the congregation would resort of physical threats an media grandstanding.
Like I said, as a Catholic, I fully understand that the bread and similar items in Mass are supposed to be treated with utmost respect, but to resort to violence just to enforce this point?
I’m not even sure my local priests would ever think of doing that – for Chrissake, they made us step on crosses and tear up bibles during religious retreats to reiterate that the grace of God does not reside in the symbolic vestiges of the faith (crosses, ankhs, etc.), but rather in our deeds and words. The cross is just a symbol – what matters far more is how you treat your fellow human being.
Sorry for the long post, but I figured I may as well be clear on where I’m coming from, and my understanding of my religion’s catechism. Just keep in mind I’m speaking as somebody who studied under Jesuits – they’re considered somewhat radical by even the Vatican.
(Awkward moment is awkward)
That’s really rather fascinating. Almost Zen Buddhist in its self-directed iconoclasm.
( Piltdown Man would probably post something sour about the evils of modernism; no doubt linking to some image relating to iconoclasm and/or Freemasonry )
RamblinDude @ #126 wrote:
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck…
That is the most mindbuggering mental torture ever devised. Who is this guy?
Don’t worry, I take no offense in the previous statements. “Papist” actually sounds pretty catchy – is that what Catholics are called in these parts?
That’s Jesuit theology for you. They have a penchant for studying and adapting concepts from other beliefs and philosophies that they feel augment the faith in ways that strictly bible-only studies will never do. Nietsczhe, Jean-Paul Sarte, and Heidegger were required readings for our philosophy and theology classes.
Nothing too in-depth – just a basic understanding of their writings, and how they could be applied within a Christian context.
The way they see it, the nurturing of our faith us supposed to open your eyes, not blind you with dogmatism.
On a similar topic, everyone’s favori–uh, best known lunatic Oklahoman, Sally Kern, is back in the news. Well, not her, exactly, but her husband. He seems to think it’s time to “re-educate” all those “homos.” Too bad for him someone caught it on tape.
More at Joe. My. God.
This is too fucking stupid for me to worry about. The only good thing that could come of this is a long list of people who fucking sue his dumb ass.
“I’m not even sure my local priests would ever think of doing that – for Chrissake, they made us step on crosses and tear up bibles during religious retreats to reiterate that the grace of God does not reside in the symbolic vestiges of the faith (crosses, ankhs, etc.), but rather in our deeds and words. The cross is just a symbol – what matters far more is how you treat your fellow human being.”
I could grow to like this guy.
Pat’s singin’ is awesome. Oh! Bernadine…
How come he’s so wrong about everything?
No, sorry. You sound perfectly reasonable, and I certainly don’t want to resurrect CrackerGate, but I can’t let that statement go unremarked upon, since, in fairness to Webster Cooke, it is a mischaracterisation of the events. His intention when he received the wafer was to bring it back to his pew to show to his non-Catholic friend who had come along with him to the mass out of curiosity. It was only after he was accosted by another student, with whom he had some history of disagreement, pursued back to his pew and accosted again, that he put the wafer in his pocket, to prevent it being wrested out of his hands, and subsequently fled the building. It was clearly not his intention at any time to “steal” the wafer. If anyone caused the disruption, it was the over-zealous “other student”. His subsequent behaviour in holding the wafer “hostage” in order to extract an apology from the offending student may have been a bit dumb, but it doesn’t change the fact that characterising Webster’s initial actions as “trying to steal” anything is both at odds with the facts and grossly unfair to Cooke.
Owlmirror wrote:
Oh, okay. I wasn’t paying enough attention in the thread where he posted his affiliation. Still, he didn’t disagree with what I was saying – that his co-religionists used abysmal analogies in their cracker-defence.
The person who tried to explain that it was worse than having their children run over by a car was the most distressing. Well, other than über-icky Pete Rooke, of course; he’s the bad analogy king.
Twin-Skies: I’m happy to agree that what Webster Cook did was stupid and unnecessary, and that what occurred as a result was definitely an overreaction probably atypical of church-goers – outside the southern USA that is. All the serious attention-whores-for-Jesus seem to find their way down there eventually.
I’m not sure whether papist is a regional term; I can’t honestly say that I know where I first heard (or more likely read) it. Mostly I use it when I’m specifically referring to catholics as opposed to other denominations.
He passed away early 2003. There were a lot of genuine tears during the memorial service.
You kinda misconstrued the article. It only makes you look bad when you do that.
No, usually the terms are more colourful here, and, FYI, “Papist” is not something you want to call mass-goers in Crossmaglen unless you like hospital food and eating through a straw.
I re-read the wiki entry on CrackerGate. My bad – looks like the kid didn’t mean any ill intent from the start. This just makes this particular congregation look all the more ridiculously PC.
I feel sorry for his friend though – what could have been an eye opener for him into a much-valued Catholic ritual turned ugly just because the locals got way too touchy.
I am reminded of when Gandhi cited he was once interested in being Christian, but was discouraged due to being kicked out of a church due to being Hindu.
In my years with the Lesbian Avengers and different GLBT organizations, no one ever let me in on the grand plan, THE RIOTS! I guess no one wanted to see me running around with a gun.
RIGHTS ARE NOT GIVEN. THEY ARE TAKEN. but then Pat Boone never had to fight for anything. He sold desexualized rock and roll to the unadventurous.
Actually, if there’s anybody in the US that looks like they’re getting ready for a bullet-riddled bloodbath, it’d have to be the Southerners. Gun sales in the region shot up shortly after Obama was declared the next prez.
Actually, if there’s anybody in the US that looks like they’re getting ready for a bullet-riddled bloodbath, it’d have to be the Southerners. Gun sales in the region shot up shortly after Obama was declared the next prez.
Why. The. Hell. Would I ever get an urge to stitch the skin of a deceased loved one on a book? If Brooke was serious with that analogy, he has issues.
Arrgh, could somebody please delete my extra post? Connection lagged.
And I believe I mispelled Boone’s name.
I’d never heard of this guy before, but what’s the deal with all the extremely conservative men named Pat?
At a guess I’d say fundamentalist catholicism of the Irish variety.
Twin-Skies, the Rookie Weasel is really proud of those analogies. When Crackergate was really raging, he posted them about a dozen times at this blog.
This is probably a little too late, but you guys may want to know this. In Catholic Catechism, the wafers aren’t actually considered “sacred” until after they’re blessed by the priest during the mass.
Before that, they’re about as sacred as sliced bread at the supermarket, though nowhere near as tasty.
We know. Crackergate was a rather educational experience.
Yeah, what Janine said. After something like 10,000 posts on the topic (in total, over about a dozen threads) there’s not much about the ceremony and related catholic teachings that we don’t know.
And Pete Rooke? Well, he’s one of a kind – we hope. To be fair, though, he’s stopped with the analogies in recent months and has managed to contribute somewhat to the discussions.
well I never got shot at, but I did get kicked and spat at on those GLF demos – but I still love my fellow men
Big CIty | December 8, 2008 7:38 PM
Honestly, I find it hard to accept that this guy both understands and believes what he says.
If this was fifty years ago, he’d be telling black people to quiet down.
not far wrong 50 years ago he made “hit” records of watered down white covers of black r&b records and did it with a good christian heart but racist just the same, you know accepting the contradiction as the way it should be
he is a strange one!
that picture kind of goes with his pullover sweaters and white ducks he started out with! (http://pabe.files.wordpress.com/2006/06/Patboone.jpg)
I can’t help feeling that the whole gay marriage issue could easily be resolved amicably by means of one simple measure: take control of marriage out of the hands of the state entirely. At the moment, the problem is that we use the word “marriage” for two completely separate concepts: a secular legal partnership which confers certain rights relating to property, inheritance and kinship, and a religious sacrament. This is where all the fuss comes from about “redefining marriage”.
So I’d scrap “civil marriage” entirely, for both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Replace it with a completely secular civil partnership, available to consenting adult couples of any gender, which will require no ceremony and will just involve signing a document. Religious people can then choose to get married according to the rites of their denomination, and, of course, will not have to recognise same-sex marriages if they don’t want to. Conversely, if a gay couple gets a civil partnership and then want to have a wedding ceremony (whether a secular one or in one of the churches that will perform such ceremonies, such as the MCC), they will have every right to do so. But the state will no longer be responsible for “defining marriage”.
They perform gay marriages at Lord’s??? That just isn’t cricket!
MCC = Metropolitan Community Church.
As it happens, I agree with you. I’ve been saying for quite a while that it would solve a lot of problems if the government simply got out of the marriage business entirely, as you suggest.
The usual counter-argument is that the concept of marriage is so deeply embedded in the law, explicitly and implicitly, that it would require a massive overhaul of current legislation to enact such a change.
I also see a danger that it would serve only as a temporary measure, since the religious might very well seek to lay exclusive claim to the new partnership structure too.
Please let there be a rock band called Sexual Jihad. It is too perfect.
Sexual Jihadis planning to blow up dolls!
In my years with the Lesbian Avengers and different GLBT organizations, no one ever let me in on the grand plan, THE RIOTS! I guess no one wanted to see me running around with a gun.
Especially THIS guy:
Posted by: Emmet Caulfield | December 8, 2008 8:27 PM
—My grandmother used to say Pat Boone always reminded her of “a little pink penis”.
–Which one?
-The one with the saggy foreskin.
But he was circumcised… and at the crucial moment the doctor sneezed.
Funny how Pat Boone does not have any link on his site for contact or open forum. He just has a hate filled blog with letter after letter of religious spouting, hatred and discrimination I am not sure which is worse, his hateful blog or having to listen to his music!
My mothers family is very (VERY) mormon and my fathers family was strict catholic. Somehow I managed to grow up to be a healthy, happy atheist who has been happily married to a wonderful man for almost 24 years. The one thing I still cannot understand is how Bob and Ted getting married threatens my marriage. My view is that marriage is a legal contract between two people. The signed marriage license, with or without a ceremony, is a legal document that bestows certain rights and responsibilities upon two individuals who have promised to support each other in many ways. My husband and I would still be together even if we hadn’t married but that special document gave us legal rights that the proposed “civil unions” will not give to same sex couples. I also believe that good marriages have a stabilizing force in our society. So, if there is a fundie out there reading this, please give me a reason (a LOGICAL reason) why my friends who have been together as long as my husband and I cannot be given the same rights.
Help help! My house has been broken into by militant gays who have redecorated it in Art Deco!
Oh, the savagery!…, it’s a Colonial for God’s Sake!!
Holyshit, that sucks. No wonder Pat Bonehead decided to give up singing and enter politics. He sucks equally hard in both areas though.
“sexual jihadists”
I literally spit out my juice when I read this. This twerp owes me a new keyboard.
Then again, a sexual jihad might be kinda fun, no?
“And why? Well, if current theories and intel are correct, this slaughter was planned and executed by one of many Islamic groups. . . To them, there is only one acceptable worldview – a theology they intend to enforce on all humankind – and anyone who might disagree or obstruct their goals should be removed, violently if need be.” – Pat Boone
Islamic theology and Christian theology, both forcing their agenda on all humankind and decrying those who disagree.
I’m kind of lost here, what is the distinction between their theological terrorists and ours?
“there is a real, unbroken line between the jihadist savagery in Mumbai and the hedonistic, irresponsible, blindly selfish goals and tactics of our homegrown sexual jihadists.”
That just made me snort! LOL
I spluttered tea everywhere when I read that. Duh!!! Is there not common ground between the Muslim jihadists and the Christian right in that they are both anti-gay (to say the least) and both very conservative about sexual issues? If so there is not an unbroken line between struggles for sexual liberation and jihadist savagery in Mumbai at all as they are on opposite sides of the issue.
Now the question becomes, is there an unbroken line between Ronald Regan’s support from jihadists in the 1980s and jihadist savagery in Mumbai?
Standing Pat?
I’d rather nat!
This is perfect example of the complete inability of a religious person to use basic logic. People ask “What’s the harm of religion? Why can’t we just live and let live?” Well, part of the harm is the fact that religion teaches muddy thinking. In every single one of these religiouis nut job stories and in every single case of ANY creationist/ID/Teach the controversy story we ar presented with text book cases of logical fallacies. I have yet to read or hear a single argument from a religious person that doesn’t include numerous logic flaws. And yet, they are completly unaware of how faulty and wrong their logic is.
When you add to that the revisionist history aspect it’s just horrendous.
I agree with Robert Heinlein : “Religion should be treated like masterbation. Practiced in private and not discussed among polite company.”
Aquaria@ #155:
Phrew! people often wish He were invisible when He’s had one too many in the hotel bar.
Damn Pat Boone to his imaginary hell for what he did to Enter Sandman as well as The Wind Cries Mary. I started cursing him here at work and older co-workers asked why. I told them about the covers Pat Boone did and their reply was, “Oh, I thought he was dead.”
Ah yes… the old conservative MLK-was-a-big-huggy-teddy-bear version of the civil rights struggle.
Every time a rightie bloviates, Taylor Branch sheds a tear.
Oh, the savagery!… it’s a Colonial for God’s Sake!!
ROFLMAO!!! Thanks Lago! Hilarious!
Walton @ 197:
Yes, taking the state out of the “marriage” definition business would be a good way the resolve the problem.
Or it could go the other way: take the church of it. That’s not a new idea (or a workable one), but Plymouth colony (the Pilgrims) prohibited church marriages for much of the 1600s.
And OT, but while it’s that time of year, the Puritans banned the public celebration of Christmas on the grounds that it was a pagan holiday without Biblical support.
I’m truly confused by the various legal status rights/privileges granted to wedded/married couples. And since I should be working now I don’t have time to look up the details. I have heard there are legal differences between “civil unions” and “traditional” marriages; with the unioned couple having far fewer rights.
Shouldn’t a marriage be the legal thing between the couple and overseen by the state and a wedding be the religious thing between the couple and overseen by their church? One is not the other. A couple shouldn’t be wedded without being married. However, a couple can be married without a wedding.
Marriage gets you all the civil rights parts. A wedding gets you…well, whatever your favorite book and mystic authority say it does.
Maybe I’m preaching to the choir (lecturing to the professors?) and the above was all a massive DUH comment but I am honestly curious and a more than a wee bit ignorant.
I do know this, though: Pat Boone sucked way back when so why does anyone care what he thinks now?
He sold desexualized rock and roll to the unadventurous.
Janine — kudos. Your description should be Pat Boone’s entire Wikipedia entry, default news photo caption, and eventual epitaph.
Pat Boone: The Taco Bell of rock and roll.
#220 Julie You totally rock!!
I absolutely love “Pat Boone: The Taco Bell of rock and roll”
Add that to the wikipedia entry and it’s perfect!
Yep. In fact, new rule: Islamists are to be referred to as “religious conservatives”, “supporters of traditional values” and “members of the religious right” at every opportunity.
Benzion Chinn @ 133:
Concern troll! Concern troll!
“One has to avoid simply lumping together” the Mumbai bombings and opposition to Prop. 8 together, but both causes “operate on the assumption that they have the Truth and that those who disagree with them are … in some sense satanic”, so “in the end there is nothing stopping” supporters of gay marriage from “turning to violence and even murder in the name of the cause.”
Big Difference #1 between the Mumbai terrorists and supporters of gay marriage in California: the terrorists didn’t just think that had the Truth, but that they also had a pipeline to God who told them to go ahead and murder innocent people.
You see something wrong with regarding certain people as “not just wrong but the enemies of truth, morality, liberty and whatever else you may choose.”
People who think JK Rowling is a wonderful writer are wrong; people who think gun control won’t save lives are wrong; people who think the founding fathers were all Christian are wrong.
Homophobic bigots, on the other hand, ARE immoral. They also wilfully ignore facts, not infrequently lie, and they want to restrict other people’s liberty. If the shoe fits . . .
What restrains me from murdering innocent people in order to advance the right of gays to marry is not a little doubt in the back of my mind that maybe I’m wrong in thinking that gays deserve equality and respect and the bigots have it right after all. What restrains me is my sense of morality (which doesn’t come from religion, btw).
The comments here from the GL* folks seem a good deal more hateful and kneejerk than Boone’s. There seems to be a universal lack of perspective..nobody is persecuting the GL*s, we just aren’t changing the definition of marriage to accommodate their every whim.
Pat Boone’s still alive? I thought he was dead.
I think we should start labeling those people that seem overly preoccupied with other people’s sex lives Narcisexual. They are obviously in love with themselves.
Day saved. :-D :-D :-D
Good observation.
No, no. You misunderstand. It’s not that being gay is a bad thing. It’s that being hypocritical is a bad thing. And that’s what people like Ted Haggard and quite likely Pat Boone are.
What the fuck is going on here? I am a college drop-out and probably one of the stupidest people (that actually understands evolution to be occuring) to ever comment here. Yet even I understand that if you are going to try to argue an inately rediculous premise i.e. religious fundementalist fanatics and sexual hedonist activists are idealogical doppelgangers you have to supply some scrap of evidence of this at some point. This isn’t even directed against Boone, he’s a singing, dancing clown and I expect nothing from him. But where is the editor of this shit?Wingnutdaily must have one. Surely they learned, in some english class at some time, that an arguement containing nothing but bald assertions with no supporting evidence isn’t really an arguement at all. I would love to have this debate with Boone (as I’m sure I would throttle him) but really there is nothing to debate in all this screed. Just Boone screeching from his porch “LOOK OUT, THE MOOSLIMS WANT TO KILL US AND SO DO TEH GHEYS”
“Marriage is not a governmental creation; it is a time honored and biblically ordained institution that is subject not to the government but to the will of the people.”
Best line from Boone’s “article” because, as we all know, god’s infallable word has always been subject to the will of the people (as long as they’re the right people.)
Cpl. Cam,
The commenters here tend to be very bright. It’s very easy to feel dumb after reading their comments. Many here say things better than I ever could and think of things I never would. Maybe one day you and I will be at their level. In the mean time, I contribute mostly by trying to add humour to the conversation. It has had mixed results (at best).
As for being a college drop out, I know a lot of people with degrees who are still quite dumb. High level of education doesn’t always mean intelligence.
cpl cam: “I am … probably one of the stupidest people … to ever comment here.”
Thus spake mayhempix @203:
Marcus Aurelius @224-
“The comments here from the GL* folks seem a good deal more hateful and kneejerk than Boone’s. There seems to be a universal lack of perspective..nobody is persecuting the GL*s, we just aren’t changing the definition of marriage to accommodate their every whim.”
Quoted for breathtaking inanity.
Dear Milk Peddling Mormon Fucktard Boone,
Wow, we really have your magical underwear in a twist, don’t we?
BTW, we are sexual jihadi not jihadists, and our glorious leader is Sodom Whosayin’-I-Can’t-Get-Married.
Did anyone else notice the “right shirts done right” ad on this page?
“I’d Rather Be Water Boarding”.
Ha ha ha. Wow, that’s funny.
F these people. They want us to continue to believe that waterboarding is something only real commie whiners complain about. Well, it’s not. Bastards.
“The comments here from the GL* folks seem a good deal more hateful and kneejerk than Boone’s. There seems to be a universal lack of perspective..nobody is persecuting the GL*s, we just aren’t changing the definition of marriage to accommodate their every whim.”
I’m sorry, WHAT? Have you ever even MET an openly gay individual, outside of hate-spewing religious groups? You don’t have to be gay to see that hate crimes and discrimination against homosexuals is still quite rampant and ONE HELL OF A LOT MORE HARMFUL THAN ANY COMMENT ON THIS BLOG.
I am amazed that you can post something like this in a response to such a hateful article. The opinions expressed by individuals like Pat Boone are not some sort of noble defense of God and traditional marriage, but rather the exact lack of perspective that you condemned in your post. To people like this, it’s as though their entire vocabulary consists of “one man, one woman.” For some reason, their brains never developed the ability to make their own opinions of situations through experience, or the ability to change their old opinions as a recognition that they are outdated.
As a response to your reference of gays wanting to change the law to “accommodate their every whim,” your wording demeans the serious nature of marriage more than changing the law ever could. Gays are not stupid and KNOW that marriage is a huge decision to be made by two people who are deeply in love. I recommend that you try to fix the heterosexual couple’s divorce rate before you condemn gay marriage, as THAT is what is making marriage a whimsical and meaningless practice.
I can’t help but think that the true problem is that people like Pat Boone think gays are incapable of true love, that we live and breathe only to engage in erotic acts without any concept of consequence, safety, and emotion. I can assure you that, LIKE EVERY OTHER HUMAN BEING, we can feel love and have a life outside of hot bed sheets. And, last time I checked, love is what marriage is all about, or it’s at least what keeps a good couple happy together.
Sorry for the long post. Just got a little fired up…
EPIC DESTRUCTION of Mike Huckabee by Jon Stewart on Gay Marriage. Jaw dropping.
If you missed it, make sure to catch it tomorrow on the web
Is it WorldNutDaily or WingnutDaily?
Do they have any idea how unhinged Boone sounds? I’m guessing not.
SC,OM and Emmet – You pear need to get a room! Squashing rumors on your online buttering up is becoming udderly tough to do.
Egging you on to leek details of your cherry flirtations plows down to whole hog or none.
Cabbage love while ye may, Astor’s, Astor’s, all fall down.
Good night sweethearts!
I didn’t know he was a morg.
I thought he was dead.
Posted by: Marcus Aurelius | December 9, 2008
The comments here from the GL* folks seem a good deal more hateful and kneejerk than Boone’s. There seems to be a universal lack of perspective..nobody is persecuting the GL*s, we just aren’t changing the definition of marriage to accommodate their every whim.
You are either a liar or are extremely ignorant. No one is persecuting GLBT people? What fucking world do you live in. Recently, The Vatican opposed an UN resolution that call for the elimination of anti homosexual laws. This leads to two questions. First, is not criminalizing homosexuality persecution? Second, why does the Catholic Church want homosexuality criminalized?
Also, you dishonest schmuck, the real Marcus Aurelius was not christian, he was stoic. You are no where near as wise as him.
Patricia #239,
Despite you plaintain seeds of discord, SC,OM and I will continue our currant passion–fruit puns– kumquat may.
Posted by: Emmet Caulfield | December 9, 2008 6:47 PM
“Thus spake mayhempix @203:
But he [Pat Boone] was circumcised… and at the end, the doctor discarded the wrong bit.”
Thanks for the tip.
Posted by: Emmet Caulfield | December 10, 2008 2:12 AM
“Patricia #239,
Despite you plaintain seeds of discord, SC,OM and I will continue our currant passion–fruit puns– kumquat may.”
Orange you glad this ugli thread is almost over? I am longan for a reprieve. It’s plantain see this fruity puntification is the pits. We need a new applecation that gets to the core problem and stems this decaying smelly ackee rot. May I suggest we lime up the pois doux and squeeze the pulp fiction out of them before they cross pollinate and SC,OM with her ripe acerolas and juicy lablab grinds EC’s cacao pod blowing his lycheeng seed all over the next thread.
mayhempix – I don’t believe there’s any way to peel this back now.
Last one out of the room, hand Hitler the pineapple!
*hands Hitler a pineapple*
What the fuck is up with this pineapple?
Oh come on Hitler, surely you KNOW where the fuck is up with the pineapple. Stop it with playing coy.
You silly ruffly panty wearing knigit.
Pat Boone. Two toolboxes short of a toolbox. Didn’t he used to be famous for wearing white shoes?
I suppose a well oil campaign could be lubricated with K_Y Jelly