Makes me want to go out and get one for a pet, but of course I wouldn’t really do any such thing.
The stunning beauty of the natural world is ours to behold, and I thank PZ for bringing this little snapshot of it into our lives. Freckles and all.
If God doesn’t exist, who stole my jelly babies?
That really is the cutest little thing! My goodness! I’m often awed by the diverse beauty of marine life, but I think this is the first ‘pod I’ve ever just wanted to hug while simultaneously saying, “Isn’t you the cootest widdle sea cweeture in the whole wide world, yes you is!”
I shall call him “Squishy”, and he will be my squishie…
(Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)
Whyz that guy with the big chin eating a cannelloni?
DebbieS you beat me to it, lol…
Just more proof that cephalopods are the chosen ones of out lord and master Cthulhu. They look too damn good to be mortal.
I would have said “handsome” rather than “cute,” but then I have rather odd tastes. Thanks for this, PZ, especially with everything else going on right now.
Only 3 hours of sleep, PZ?
He’s probably getting breakfast ready for Dawkins.
Yeah, yeah, cute and freckled. But did it get into the movie?
Awww, it looks like ME! :) (very cute, btw)
Adorable. ^_^
Blogs run on computers.
Computers do things automatically.
This was posted at 06:00
I infer this was set up before PZ went to Minneapolis.
Not only does the chappie or gal have freckles, but it appears to be a redhead.
Like myself when I was at school.
Awwwwwwww! (But not as cute as the dicyemid mesozoan.)
I feel I should lower my voice so I don’t wake it. It looks like it’s sleeping. Do cephalopods sleep? I find it hard to imagine.
Well, this critter’s no sea cucumber or mollusk, but it’s okay I guess–for a Cephalopod…
I shall call it Opie.
Can I keep it? huh? Can I?
Aww, looks like a sleepy little fella.
awwww… he/she is so cutttte(l)
Have you been cheating on your wife you godless octopi fanatic?
Is this the same sweetie who’s on the cover of my new freshman biology textbook (Scott Freeman’s Biological Science)?
So, that’s the equivalent of an aquatic ginger kid?
Just goes to show you…
There’s a sucker born every minute.
Makes me want to go out and get one for a pet, but of course I wouldn’t really do any such thing.
The stunning beauty of the natural world is ours to behold, and I thank PZ for bringing this little snapshot of it into our lives. Freckles and all.
If God doesn’t exist, who stole my jelly babies?
That really is the cutest little thing! My goodness! I’m often awed by the diverse beauty of marine life, but I think this is the first ‘pod I’ve ever just wanted to hug while simultaneously saying, “Isn’t you the cootest widdle sea cweeture in the whole wide world, yes you is!”
That’s a pretty cool photo. Thanks for sharing it.
I think that a lot of it is that the photo is so close-up, but that guy looks like he’s got WAY too many arms for one octopus.
You got a problem with boobies?
I shall call him “Squishy”, and he will be my squishie…
(Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)
Whyz that guy with the big chin eating a cannelloni?
DebbieS you beat me to it, lol…
Just more proof that cephalopods are the chosen ones of out lord and master Cthulhu. They look too damn good to be mortal.
I would have said “handsome” rather than “cute,” but then I have rather odd tastes. Thanks for this, PZ, especially with everything else going on right now.