Transcript below the fold…
Hello readers.
Umm… sorry for the video. I… don’t know how to do… how to type words right now.
This is just to let you know…
In the blog post there’s a couple links, one to Shaun King’s Twitter feed, the other to a Raw Story article. Content… no… trigger warning for racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia… just all the bigotry.
This is Trump’s America, and he’s not even… President Obama is still in office.
I feel like I don’t even have the right to be upset, but I am.
Umm… umm… yeah…
Just… uh…
I’m still processing. I’m still… trying to figure things out and…
There’s some well-meaning people who are trying to make me feel better about it. Uh but it’s… I can’t.
But I know we have to fight. I know that I have to fight. I can’t run away like I had intended to do initially. ‘Cause that would make me a coward. And… umm… that makes sense, I can be a coward.
Plus I have the privilege to fight. I’m not the one who’s in any great danger.
Still… beyond angry, though…
And even though on the books and the papers I am a citizen of the United States, I don’t consider myself one right now. But I am going to stay to work for the United States that I want to be a citizen of.
I’ll reiterate my trigger warning for all of the bigotry and violence in the two links posted below. Umm…
And uh… that’s it.
And of course, I’m working… I’m gonna write a transcript of this, so there’s gonna be words anyways.
I’m not gonna schedule any more Great Guitar Solos or Astronomy Pictures for a little bit. I’m not enjoying much right now, so…
Just for a little bit. Hopefully it won’t last long and I can get back into the swing of things and we can all get back into the swing of things and start focusing on fighting this…
You know, I knew when I started voting that there would be elections that my candidate would lose. I accepted Hillary Clinton as my candidate. I wasn’t the biggest fan…
I don’t think losing in the future will hit me… will hit any of us… as hard as this one has. This was a life or death election and *the country* chose… this was a life and death election for a lot of people, anyways, and *the country* chose death for them.
I might as well reiterate the trigger warning a third time at this point. But…
That’s Trump… Trump’s America.
I’m sure that everyone who voted for Trump is really happy. I’m sure they’re so happy and so proud of themselves.
Make America Great Again… as if it was ever great before and now we’re just going backwards.
I’m done. With the video…
*I should’ve said “we white people”, because that’s really who did this.*
Note: that Raw Story link was giving me major issues in pretty much all my browsers. There are so many videos that I guess are trying to autoplay that it was messing up Chrome, Edge, and Firefox for me. Hopefully your computer will handle it better…
What irks me the most is that for every report there’s a battallion of Trump supporters barging in under cries of “hoax!”, “fake!”, etc. It shouldn’t surprise me though, considering that an utter denial of reality is one of the most common traits of the average Trumpling.
Thing is “Trump’s America” didn’t even vote for him. According to this online article :
So – rounding up in his favour – 19% of the USA voted for Trump meaning 81% of the USA did NOT vote for him.
Also from this source :
I’ve also seen – but, alas, can’t now find – a graphic on facebook showing the vastly disproportionate impact Wyoming, a state with a very small population had compared to, I think, another much population~wise larger state.
Then there’s what Dana Hunter’s friend reported here :
Seems Trump was right about one thing -the election was likely rigged -- in his favour. Like Bush the Lesser’s selection in the 2000 one was but worse. With potentially, hell, durn well likely, far worse and even more globally catastrophic results.
This Aussie really thinks its overdue the United States has some pretty major reforms of its political system and hopes that happens. I’d suggest abolition of the Electoral College, a preferential or run-off voting instead of the current zero-sum “first past the post” system and ending fixed terms, term limits, campaign finance and anti-gerrymandering & anti-vote suppression reforms for starters for whatever little that may be worth.
^ Not that the above statistical political reality excuses the fools and haters who did vote for Trump -- and that raw story article /list of hate crimes and horrors, Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.