(that is, Bee Pee Sepielle)

By request by Daniel Midgley (wait, *that* Daniel Midgley? Apparently so), a verse about… well, about a rather remarkable photograph. (please do follow the link–I would love to embed the photo, but as a creator of original content, I am becoming a bit of a stickler for credit where it is due; the photographer, Mark Parrott, shouldn’t have his photo spread all over creation without recompense.) The photo shows… well… a bee. Peeing. in flight. It is a remarkable photo, and I really wish I had taken it. I’ve taken scores of pictures of bees, wasps, flies, and the like in my garden, but never an action shot like Parrott’s. [Read more…]

“Mr. Brexit”

Mr. Brexit, tweet me a tweet (bum bum bum bum)
With some strange hashtag, to make it complete (#bum #bum #bum #bum)
Say something special, to show us your thinking (bum bum bum bum)
And make us speculate if you’ve been drinking
Donald, I’m so amused (bum bum bum bum)
But now your latest has left me confused (bum bum bum bum)
Are you trying to get beat?
Mr. Brexit, tweet me a tweet! [Read more…]

A Chilling Omen (Re: Second Amendment Solutions)

Back in 2011, someone (I know the name, but will not write it) attempted a second amendment solution on a problem that was represented (to this unnamed person) by Gabby Giffords. The GOP’s font of word salad at the time was Sarah Palin, and the following was written as an observation that her militaristic jargon prior to the shooting had changed abruptly to an emphasis on individual responsibility, and now no one is to blame but the shooter. [Read more…]