Culture clash » « Systematically cited less than their male peers 5 stages of “community leader” Another item from Maajid on Twitter: Maajid Nawaz @MaajidNawaz · 13 hours ago Adam Lowisz on my Facebook page applied Kübler-Ross ‘5 stages of grief’ onto outdated Muslim “community leader” types Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditGoogleMoreEmailPrint Culture clash » « Systematically cited less than their male peers
Crimson Clupeidae says January 21, 2015 at 7:02 pm but they’ve mostly been in stage two for 600 years now.
RJW says January 22, 2015 at 2:54 pm @1 Crimson Clupeidae, “they’ve mostly been in stage two for 600 years now.” Yes, indeed, is there any significant evidence for stages 3-5? We can always hope I suppose, although the historical record isn’t encouraging.
but they’ve mostly been in stage two for 600 years now.
@1 Crimson Clupeidae,
“they’ve mostly been in stage two for 600 years now.”
Yes, indeed, is there any significant evidence for stages 3-5? We can always hope I suppose, although the historical record isn’t encouraging.