Update to add: Ex-Muslims of North America started this hashtage to highlight the often-neglected experiences of ex-muslims.
If you’re an ex-Muslim, contribute. If you’re not, read (and contribute: nons are tweeting their reactions, urging others to read, etc).
It’s powerful, some of it desperately sad, some of it joyous.
A few (without handles):
When the brothers of women you know from prayer tell you in the streets that you deserve to be sold into prostitution #AnApostatesExperience
Losing the friendship of every non-relative Muslim I knew & the love of some relatives #AnApostatesExperience
“Watching your mother accept she’s not allowed to visit her child’s grave, and not being able to say anything.” – #AnApostatesExperience
Crying at the end of Disney’s “Brave” b/c Merida resolved their differences and got her mom back…and I couldn’t.
Lying about your values and lifestyle to family so that they will still love you #AnApostatesExperience
Being told by your devout sister(real) that “you deserve to be killed for leaving islam as hadith clearly says” #AnApostatesExperience
Rob H-something says
So, how are we to receive these comments? Are these the reactions of everyday muslim believers to the muslim apostates living amongst them, or are they the reactions of a tiny group of muslim fanatics to apostasy in their communities?
Anthony K says
Rob H-something:
I think this tweet explains how to receive these:
It’s people talking about something someone like me has no experience with. Just read, I guess.