Welcome to my monthly link roundup, where I share and comment links to interesting articles I’ve found in the last month. Additionally, I will share links to my own writing that appeared elsewhere.
My writing
Carnival of Aces: Quarantine – This is a blogging carnival I hosted last month, which prompted ace writers to talk about their experiences during the pandemic. While this was an event for ace bloggers, not all the articles have to do with asexuality. There’s a pretty wide range of personal experiences here, if you’re interested.
græ tells painfully familiar stories– I did something unusual and wrote a lyrical analysis of Moses Sumney’s album græ.
Ace Day was Incompetently Organized – I engage in activist drama. Probably not of interest to most people.
Interesting articles
How South Korea’s Nightclub Outbreak Is Shining an Unwelcome Spotlight on the LGBTQ Community | Time – In South Korea there was an outbreak associated with a gay nightclub. This causes problems with their contact tracing strategy because people didn’t want to publicly out themselves. It sounds devastating. By the way, this story is from early May, but I haven’t really seen any updates in English news so I don’t know what happened.