I wrote two essays for The Asexual Agenda:
Labels must be allowed to die – It’s about those really obscure orientation labels, some of which are used by more people than you think, and some of which are effectively dead. I’m not against obscure labels, but I make the case against preserving dead labels.
Lisa Orlando, Author of The Asexual Manifesto (1972) – A historical account of an old essay written in the context of second wave feminism. We first heard about the essay last year, and we were all wondering what was inside it. We finally found the essay, and its author, and it’s so exciting.
The Cotton Ceiling: The best argument that TERFs aren’t feminists? – The “cotton ceiling” is about how people are unwilling to date trans women even when they like trans women. It’s a reference the feminist concept of the “glass ceiling”, but TERFs seem completely ignorant of that fact. Yeah, so I’ve argued that TERFs are feminists before, but their competency with feminism is pretty bad. Just the other day, I saw on twitter a leading TERF philosopher claimed that trans lesbians only had the “chutzpah” to self-define into existence in the last 10 years. She apparently wasn’t familiar with Janice Raymond, who dedicated a whole chapter to complaining about trans lesbians in The Transsexual Empire in 1979.