Near where my auntie lives is a small tram depo. I went for a walk and ended up there and I noticed that the walls are covered with graffiti. A passer-by told me that it is fresh, just a few weeks old. Thus it was not yet defaced by other, less artistically inclined and more vandalous graffitiers. I will post pictures probably without much comment in the next few days. There is not much to talk about.
Those are actually pretty cool. I am not artistic AT ALL, so when someone can take a blank wall and take an image from their mind and produce it like that, I am impressed. I couldn’t even take a picture and reproduce it with my own hands. And it makes the wait for the tram more interesting I would guess.
Those are quite impressive for graffiti. Clearly getting the straight edges and the outlines and details of the meth panel took time and planning.
It’s much nicer than the tagging you see on various other bits of the building.