I mentioned this before, and it bears repeating. These birds have a wicked sense of humor.
This time, two of them have shown up, and when I came out with the camera, one of them started to drift closer and closer and lower and lower, until it was circling right above me. But at the time it was right above me, it was so close, that its angular speed was too high for me to be able to keep track of it. So I only have a few blurry pictures from afar. As usual.
The pictures look pretty good to me!
What a beauty!
Goot shots, Charly :)
Geez, those are damn good shots for a moving target. What beautiful birds.
I think the third shot in particular is amazing and far from blurry
Nicely done, this is no easy skill -- birds are tricksy. And these are good enough to see some of the feather patterning, so I call that a win!