Brenda Goodman, “Impending” (2018), oil on wood, 80 x 72 in (courtesy of the artist). © Brenda Goodman.
Fifteen months ago, Trump was just beginning to embrace his new position of power but now he’s well into the dismantling of our democracy. My emotions are whipped around all day long. Mothers are torn away from their babies at the border. Families living good, productive lives here are sent back to “where they came from” — a place some of them hardly know. The reversal of all that Obama put in place to protect our environment. The destruction of an educational system that was once the best in the world. The attack on our press, which is treated like an enemy. Taking away our rights as he edges closer and closer to a dictatorship. And the lies. The constant lies. So that we can hardly find truth anymore. So many gut-wrenching changes.
I have nothing to add here. You can read more at Hyperallergic.
It’s something about how my brain is wired, but I never see anything in this sort of image; it’s just colors.
The black blob (think of it as uncontrolled oil) is Trump, about to slither over and suffocate all that is warm and light and good.
Back in the ’90’s Gingrich called for a one party America. Now for practical matters we have a one man & his party is his cult.
And I was interpreting it as a 1960’s woman on a beach picture. Nice scarf she’s wearing.