Peter Noone (“Herman”) has been spotted recently touting for one of those “5000 crappy singles from the ’60s” collections.
Actually, those collections seem to have about 5 great songs along with 4995 crappy ones. Which makes the cost of the great ones pretty exorbitant.
I’ve been doing some YouTube crawls of old stuff lately. They often seem to either start at or flow back to the We Five version of “You Were On My Mind”. Originally by Ian and Sylvia, but turned into arguably the first great folk-rock hit (though slightly bowdlerized -- We Five left out the part about getting drunk and sick, whoa-oh).
Peter Noone (“Herman”) has been spotted recently touting for one of those “5000 crappy singles from the ’60s” collections.
Actually, those collections seem to have about 5 great songs along with 4995 crappy ones. Which makes the cost of the great ones pretty exorbitant.
I’ve been doing some YouTube crawls of old stuff lately. They often seem to either start at or flow back to the We Five version of “You Were On My Mind”. Originally by Ian and Sylvia, but turned into arguably the first great folk-rock hit (though slightly bowdlerized -- We Five left out the part about getting drunk and sick, whoa-oh).