Wishing you all the best, some good sleep and even better results afterwards.
Ice Swimmersays
All the best for you! May everything go quickly and to the plan.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trollssays
Dang, just went through that, so I know what is happening. Staying up all night was worse than the laxatives. At least I won’t have to worry that stuff for another five years.
Thoughts and, uh, more thoughts!
Yes, thoughts.
:D Thanks. Send all the good vibes my way.
Hope everything goes smoothly.
:D You’re good.
All together now!:!!!!
It’s the most wonderful tiiiime of the year!
Hahahahahaha, oh my. I’ll try to keep that in mind.
You will be fine, I’ve heard the process is a gas.
Though good vibes were what Marcus and his stone needed? All the best.
Wishing you all the best, some good sleep and even better results afterwards.
All the best for you! May everything go quickly and to the plan.
Dang, just went through that, so I know what is happening. Staying up all night was worse than the laxatives. At least I won’t have to worry that stuff for another five years.
Took me an hour and a half to choke down half the solution. Fuck, tastes like semen water. Blecch. And it makes me really nauseous.
The best of results to you!!
Yeah, I remember that stuff. Can hardly wait for my next one.
Oh ooh oooh the joys of the prep!!