There’s an article up at Christian Post which is surprisingly well balanced, with one sane scholar bringing the reality check, but we all know how little reality means to many christians. Some of them are all excited about…The Last Trump. You betcha.
Is Donald Trump specifically named in the New Testament prophecies about the end times? Some are speculating that the new U.S. president is “the last trump” that is mentioned in the Bible and that his geopolitical moves are heralding the end times.
Dr. Samuel Lamerson, professor of New Testament and president of Florida’s Knox Theological Seminary, told The Christian Post that such analysis is “ridiculous.”
“First of all, it only works in the English language. The New Testament was written in Greek. Second of all, it only works in the King James Version and some other older translations. Many other translations will have ‘trumpet’ instead of ‘trump,'” Lamerson explained.
Thank you, Dr. Lamerson! This isn’t stopping others from claiming Trump is biblical.
Historian David Montaigne, who has written End Times and 2019, Antichrist 2016-2019, and The Two Witnesses of Revelation, pointed to two Bible passages in an online post last year that refer to “trump:”
1 Thessalonians 4:16 reads: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.”
I Corinthians 15:52 states: “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
Montaigne noted that it is possible to look into such verses and explore what they might be saying about God’s plans concerning Trump.
“I am not suggesting that Donald Trump absolutely *IS* the last trump – but since the LAST TRUMP is one of the most clear and final signs in end times prophecy, can we overlook the possibility that a presidential candidate named Trump is being used as a sign by God?” he posed.
I’m not suggesting, no, not at all, I’m saying! Dr. Lamerson once again goes for the reality check:
“I think that often people forget that the book of Revelation was written 2,000 years ago,” he said. The notion that what the Scripture says applies to the shape of the political world today “is to totally misunderstand what exactly is going on there,” he added.
This never seems to stop christians at all, or even make them think. I have seen people on christian forums opine as to why America isn’t mentioned in the bible.
Other end times prophets have focused on the wider impact of Trump’s presidency so far, such as his criticism of the European Union, particularly when it comes to allowing millions of refugees to enter its territory.
Author and commentator Erika Grey, who analyzes Israel, the U.S., Russia, and other major players in geopolitics today and their role in biblical prophecy, has linked Trump’s opposition to the EU to factors that could bring about the end times.
“In end time Bible Prophecy we know that the EU is going to become the greatest most powerful world empire to have ever existed and it is going to be an economic powerhouse,” she wrote on her website.
“Despite BREXIT and Donald Trump in Bible Prophecy the EU is still going to move forward despite taking these bumps. With Donald Trump as president there is a new sheriff in town and the era of EU, US relations has come to an end, but with the new president will come a geopolitical shift and the EU will continue to move forward even to the surprise of some EU officials.”
One of the most disturbing things about christians is their ghoulish glee in their anticipation of total destruction, and people being tossed into a hell for all time. It’s truly disgusting, the complete lack of empathy, and the joy taken in judgment.
Full story at Christian Post.
One of the most disturbing things about christians is their ghoulish glee in their anticipation of total destruction, and people being tossed into a hell for all time. It’s truly disgusting, the complete lack of empathy, and the joy taken in judgment.
It is also unchristian isn’t it
Wasn’t GeorgeW anointed by God?
I think that’s a particularly American trait. I cannot remember ever having heard anything like this in Europe.
But I do remember a lot of doomsday prophets going on about how Obama was your last president. That could still be true, because Trump might make himself emperor forever or something…
Yabbut, we know the King James Version is the only one that counts, personally dictated by God to King James in His Own Language!
A star called wormwood falling to earth -- plausible. A third part of the waters turning to blood -- I’ll buy it. A beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, OK. But “the EU is going to become the greatest most powerful world empire to have ever existed and it is going to be an economic powerhouse” -- come off it!
I can be in the Bible, too. I just need a copy large enough, and -- easy-peasy! -- I just fold myself into the pages.
I guess that a lot of people will convince themselves that Nostradamus and Sybil of Delphi predicted The Orange One too.
Don’t know how many remember this, but a while back, John Oliver did a bit about an idea that “Trump”, the angry cheeto’s last name, may have been “Drumpf” originally. He put out a widget called the Drumpfinator. It turns every instance of “Trump” to “Drumpf”.
Anyway, if you have the widget ( which is free BTW, it’s the hat that’s for sale on that page, well, I’m just sayin’…. makes this post really funny. And I don’t know about you, but I am not finding much to laugh at these days, and so maybe this info could help cheer someone else up.
So Trump is the Antichrist? Whaddasurprise…