Raghad Saddam Hussein, daughter of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. (photo credit:REUTERS).
Raghad, who blames the US for the chaos that unraveled in her country, hopes that President-elect Donald Trump will be different from his predecessors.“This man has just arrived to the leadership … But from what is apparent, this man has a high level of political sensibility, that is vastly different than the one who preceded him,” she told CNN. “He exposed the mistakes of the others, specifically in terms of Iraq, which means he is very aware of the mistakes made in Iraq and what happened to my father.”During his presidential campaign, Trump said he opposed the war on Iraq, however he was publicly supportive of the invasion in interviews before and after the war. And while saying that Saddam Hussein “was a bad guy,” Trump has praised the former Iraqi leader’s efficient killing of “terrorists”.
Most people should at least be marginally aware, by now, that one of the very few things which actually gain Trump’s attention is flattery of any kind. I imagine it won’t be long before we’re hearing about Trump and Hussein being the very best of buddies and bedfellows.
Via CNN. (Warning: autoplay video.)
Praising Trump is the new way of saying “Death to America!”
Haha! Boy, is she in for a surprise.
My enemy’s enemy is my what was that again?
Why is she in front of the mens?
Hussein’s dictatorship was a pretty secular (and tribal) one. Women enjoyed quite some relief from religious dictatorship there. Also, the rules are never meant for the powerful (or wannabe powerful in this case).
I just cannot keep it straight…
are the prince’s guts strangling the priest or the other way around?