Science fiction stories are nothing new. It’s a pretty sure thing modern geeks have traveled to and from the stars many times within the pages of a comic book, novel, or in their favorite TV show or movie. At this point, space is no longer the final frontier; it’s as familiar to comic books readers as a superhero’s cape and tights.
So it’s truly rare and exciting to discover a story that can add a new element to the sci-fi genre. Thankfully, four-issue limited series Kim & Kim is just such a story. Published by Black Mask Studios, written and created by our trans writer Magdalene Visaggio, with art by the straight/queer team Eva Cabrera and Claudia Aquirre, Kim & Kim mixes space-faring action, with salty language, humor, and a female buddy adventure with a trans lead character.
In short, this outer space comic book series with a decidedly queer- and female-centric tale is what our modern culture needs. The Advocate was happy to chat with writer/creator Magdalene Visaggio to discuss Kim & Kim, the importance of featuring an authentic trans character, her upcoming work, and what to look forward two in the final two issues of the series.
The Advocate has an in-depth interview with Magdalene Visaggio, good reading, and if you’re new to Kim & Kim, now’s a good time to catch up!
Oh! Nice!
I wonder if the choice of the name Kim (on one level) has to do with the name being a bit gender-ambiguous in English (although the best known person with the first name Kim is hyper-feminine). In Nordic Countries most Kims are men (Kim being short for Joakim, in that case). Overanalyzing? Maybe.
In the sample pages the weaponized bass guitar caught my eye.
I’ll have to see if the comics are available here.
When I was young, most Kims were men. When I got into my teens, Kimberly went wildly popular as a girl’s name. I’m still more used to it being a man’s name, though. As an all purpose, gender neutral name, I think it’s a good one.
I don’t know much at all about the genderness of the name Kim when it comes to various Asian cultures though.