While demographic trends have shown that people of color are increasingly opposed to the predominantly white party and are growing in number, Coulter pins the GOP’s downfall not on Donald Trump but on Clinton’s “illegal” voters.
“If Hillary wins … she has said, Tim Kaine has said, amnesty for all illegal immigrants,” Coulter continued. “We know that’s 30, 40 million. She’s going to throw open the southern border. She’s going to more than quadruple the number of Muslim refugees we bring in.”
The ultimate result will be: “There will be no hope for any Republican ever winning another election,” she concluded. “There’s no point to what I do, what talk radio hosts do, what Fox News does,” she said. “Nobody goes to the game when you can’t win.”
Oooh, now that’s what I call a result! Of course it won’t happen, but we sure as hell can hope. The world would be so much better with such absences. Back to reality, there will never be a lack of things for the alt right to be hysterical over, because frothing and freaking out is the only thing they know to do. Well, that and whine about being persecuted.
Coulter seemed to be giving up on her crusade against the mainstream media. “I’ve been recommending that since the Mexico debate in his speech to get fair coverage. But I’m not sure it’s worth it,” Coulter said. “Because look, if he loses, Hillary has edge.”
That doesn’t mean Coulter wouldn’t take a job if Trump offered her a show on TrumpTV. “I would love to go into business with him,” she said.
She also noted that some have said that Trump has softened his immigration approach but they’re wrong. “If there’s one thing we’re going to get out of a Trump presidency, it’s a wall,” she said.
TrumpTV. Right, well that’s Fox 2.0 on steroids, ennit? Oh, that fucking wall. Why on earth are idiots everywhere enamored with this monumentally stupid idea? Absurdly, this whole wall thing, from the beginning, has brought that awful movie Pacific Rim to mind. Now, that flick was fun in the popcorn sense, but I about lost it when it spent all this time on people building this monumentally stupid wall, against massive, super-powerful critters, who of course, wiped out years of time and money wasted in no time at all. As soon as they showed people building that wall, I yelled “what the fuck are doing that for?” Anyone with sense could have said “that won’t work”. Well, this monumentally stupid wall won’t work either.
Full story here.
Length of Great Wall of China: 5500 miles
To build: 200 yr, ~$360b
It delayed the Manchus: 0s
Length of US border with Mexico: 2000 miles …
If the US built a wall, DHS would guard it. Cue thigh-slapping and giggling.
Whenever I see something by Coulter, I have to go review Henry Rollins’ “letter to Anne Coulter” (which is really not very good, but neither is Coulter)
There was an awful Pacific Rim movie? Damn. I’m glad I saw the good one…
Rick shares your opinion, and that’s all good. I thought it was silly as all hells. Fun, but silly.
Speaking of, there’s gonna be an awful sequel in ‘018.
Has Coulter breached the surface yet in China, or is she still melting “down” to there?
(Yes, yes, I know China isn’t the probable antipode…)
More seriously, Donald Trump, a ‘Rigged’ Election and the Politics of Race (the title in today’s dead-tree edition of the International New York Times was perhaps better, something like “Trump’s ‘Rigged’ Election Claims Worries Both Parties About Long-term Damage”):
I assume teh
trum-pratRepublicans’s “election watchers” will be wearing jackboots and brownshirts.I’m with “awful.”
The script was monstrous -- every junky monster movie trope badly shoehorned together, and wrapped up with an ending that screamed “FUND MY SEQUEL” louder than any of the sound effects in the show. Add to that some basic nationalistic bullshit (because: Russians are all dour an’ shit, and Chinese people are cloney teamy people and Japanese people all are born knowing martial arts) and some stupid predictable flashback bullshit and it’s not even a movie about good special effects. I had my palm over my face a lot of the show, but I didn’t miss anything worthwhile.
You and me both.
Related delusions, Trump manager says ‘undercover voters’ will deliver win in US election:
As the article goes on to point out, she’s basically burbling about a Brady effect, albeit(I think, I’ve haven’t checked the actual numbers) the “swing” — that is, the number who are lying and really intend to vote for teh trum-prat — would have to be considerably greater than that which sank Tom Brady’s election. Which, in this case, would probably, mostly, be an anti-female-President vote, rather than, as in Brady’s case, an anti-black-Governor vote.
Plus, of course, self-selection (online polls, if the quoted claims are to be believed) and what seems to be another round of the
the thugs so earnestly believed in last time.And after discussion some of the teh trum-prat’s very recent utterly stooopid claims (those made since Ms Conway was appointed), some snark from The Grauniad:
‘undercover voters’ will deliver win in US election:
Is that fascist code for voter fraud?