'If I only had a brain.' #TrumpDebateExcuses pic.twitter.com/qzTGANwCs6
— The Pixel Factor (@ThePixelFactor) August 1, 2016
"I'm just too busy, believe me. I'm a very important person very important. I have things to do that are more important" #TrumpDebateExcuses
— Sarah Burris (@SarahBurris) August 1, 2016
"I have to wash my hair. It's more complicated than you think." #TrumpDebateExcuses
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) August 1, 2016
#TrumpDebateExcuses Polishing his balls. pic.twitter.com/g05xqHiMDi
— Sharon Chabot (@nhdogmom) July 31, 2016
Via Raw Story.
I may even watch the debates. I think Clinton will walk all over The Orange One if the debate is fairly moderated. IOW, keep The Orange One from talking when he should be shutting up.
That’s assuming there will be debates. Donnie seems rather determined to avoid them.
I am sure. But since the times were set months ago, if he refuses, would it just be a free interview time for Clinton?
Clinton could debate an empty chair…
With an air horn attached to it to simulate The Orange One? Perfect! The remarks would be just as rational and just as obnoxious.
blf @6:
Of course! I overstated The Orange One’s rationality. The chairhorn would, on a relative scale, be much more rational and considered.
Fuck the debates. They’re bullshit anyway. Let’s have Trump’s tax returns.
Let’s have the tax returns, and the “debates”, and a concerted campaign to not elect any thug to any position: DO NOT VOTE THUG (no exceptions!).