A longtime Iowa Department of Public Safety criminalist who publicly posted her personal fears about black people on social media earlier this month is no longer employed by the state, the agency confirmed Wednesday. […] Pollpeter was a criminalist assigned to DPS’ Division of Criminal Investigation.
What no one from the “blacklivesmatter” seems to remember is that the cold-blooded killer of 5 cops was ONE OF THEM! The movement has not come out and denounced what he did (some have even condoned/supported it). If you are supporting “Black Lives Matter” – You are supporting, even applauding a cop-killer. These men put their lives on the line for your safety EVERY SINGLE DAY! They are rarely respected and even more rarely thanked. The cops in Dallas had never shot a black man, they had nothing to do with the other incidents – we don’t even know what their feelings about blacks were. But yet, the black lives matter movement seems to think it is OK to remain silent about what one of their people did – he shot cops in cold blood. It’s interesting – until a few years ago, I never really saw the color of a person’s skin. They were all just people to me. But BECAUSE OF BLACKS – I do now notice the color of skin – and frankly, I no longer feel safe around them. Yes, not every black person is going to shoot me because I look at them wrong, or because I happen to be attending a training so I’m wearing a DCI shirt that day – but I know that there is a stronger chance that they will today than they would have 5 years ago. BLACKS have effectively created a MORE RACIST environment rather than working to be equal (and let’s face it, I’ve never seen a political statement from blacks that actually wants equality – they want special treatment, special rights, and to be above the law – they want superiority). So yes, if I’m on a sidewalk and you are black, I will now move to the other side of the street and will be watching for whether you have a gun. No, I won’t shoot you, but I won’t trust you either. This is not from some long held belief or teaching that whites are better than blacks, it is purely because there aren’t a bunch of white people running around (instead of working) rioting, looting stores, and shooting cops. The hatred that blacks are experiencing – they have brought on themselves by their actions. I’m sorry that some blacks will suffer for the actions of others – but then again, I’ve seen no apologies from blacks for the suffering that the cops families are going through because of the action of someone else who happened to be in the same profession. #COPSLIVESMATTER.
And this woman was a criminologist, someone who handled evidence. I hope to fuck you remain unemployable for your whole life, Ms. Pollpeter. “I am not a bigot! I’m not! Oh, those people made me one!” Fuck, that was pure bigot bingo. You can tell she was wanting to write nigger rather than black, as she just couldn’t bring herself to attach ‘people’ or ‘person’ to Black. Darn those uppity Black people, if they’d just stay in their proper place and work some shit job, everything would be okely dokely, you bet.
“The Iowa Department of Public Safety has a strong commitment to integrity, impartiality and professionalism in every aspect of our work,” said Commissioner Roxann Ryan. “We have adopted these policies in order to ensure that the public has trust in all that we do, and our policies reflect the high standards that we maintain,”
Gary Licht, a DPS supervisor who oversaw some of Pollpeter’s work, denounced the posts during a Register interview Wednesday.
“What we’re talking about was made public on Facebook. They’re offensive and they do not reflect my thoughts or actions,” Licht said.
Licht said one employee’s comments on social media are not reflective of the department.
“It doesn’t tarnish the rest of us,” Licht said about Pollpeter’s posts. “It’s one person speaking.”
Pollpeter had worked as a DPS criminalist for about 10 years.
Full story is here.
I believe that she is incorrect about BLM not condemning the actions of the shooter. IIRC, a spokesman said that both the shooting of black people by police as well as the shooting of police officers was wrong. Of course, she did not want to hear that, so therefore it wasn’t said. No bigot here, nope.
Of course she’s wrong. Given her bigotry, I don’t exactly see her following #BLM or other sources which actually report such things. She sees what she wants to see, and hears what she wants to hear. Damn scary traits for someone who works in forensics.
I clicked over to her website, too, and she’s also god-soaked.
That is not a flattering photo.
She looks a bit mad scientist.
I guess when she let god into her heart there was no room left for humanity.
:Snort: Yeah, I guess she did.
The machine is heavy and she’s been holding the pose for half an hour. #whitepeopleproblems
I do wonder why she feels black people would target her randomly on the street, though. She also never mentions the fervent apologies from police officers and police departments to the families of black people who have been killed by police officers, which I thought would be natural, considering she’s expecting apologies from the black community. Funny, that.
Umm, actually… I’m glad the Department of Public Safety is speaking out against Pollpeter, but the fact that she could work there for so long and still make such disgusting publicly-visible statements makes me suspicious of everyone.
On her website, she mentions she was raped, and thinks god called her to work with other victims especially, which is nice, but speaking as a fellow survivor, you have to really watch your own bias when you work with victims. She’s working in forensics, DNA matching in particular, and that makes me seriously uncomfortable given how prone to bias she is. I hope someone takes a look at her past cases.
Unlikely. :(
I disagree with your #6, Caine, to this extent:
Obviously only the thinking god called her is included in your “which is nice” statement -- I mention just in case someone snarky and/or someone misunderstanding thinks I’m calling it out because I think you were commenting on the whole thing.
Again, obviously not.
So here’s the disagreement: if “god” is calling her, then she’s wanting people to follow that god’s rules.
If she’s called by her own empathy -- whether or not she was raped -- then her actions must result in solutions that would feel just to her if she were on the receiving end. In that case she would never be able to write that post in the first place.
That’s true, and I agree with everything you said. Thanks for clarifying.